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Fang Ruida's Classic Philosophy - On the New Natural Rational Structuralism and the New S

ocial Rational Structuralism (Global Multilingual Online Edition)

Fang Ruida's Classic Philosophy - On the New Natural Rational Structuralism and the New Social Rational Struct
uralism (Global Multilingual Online Edition)/kerstzs

Fang Ruida's Classic Philosophy - On the New Natural Rational Structuralism and the New Social Rational Struct
uralism (Global Multilingual Online Edition)

the New Natural Rationalism and the New Social Rationalism ---- The New Compound Agglomeration and Purifi
cation of the New Natural Structuralism

Fang Ruida's Classic Philosophy - On the New Natural Rational Structuralism and the New Social Rational Struct
uralism (Global Multilingual Online Edition)
"The essence of the classic theory of Fang Ruida doctrine and the new natural compound poly-purification structu
ralism classical doctrine outline"
Fang Ruida's Classic Philosophy - On the New Natural Rational Structuralism and the New Social Rational Struct
uralism (Global Multilingual Online Edition)
A. All natural history of the universe must be the history of nature. The history of nature, the history of the univers
e, never ends. The universe, nature, itself means that it is not only real, but must be past, and in particular means a
future historical process. The cosmos is destroyed, and even if it is made empty, the universe and nature will still e
xist, not the reality of human consciousness, but the inevitable natural existence, the permanence of nature and the
existence of stars, celestial bodies, dust and so on. Destruction is not contradictory, can only be interpreted as mate
rial existence or transformation, even if the universe collapsed, the natural "- material" will not be absolutely dead
or extinct. This is the natural science, physics, chemistry, one of the most important research topics. Everything is
empty, always empty, or something else, which inevitably bring some theoretical flaws. It is impossible to grasp a
nd understand the mysteries and essence of the universe and the nature-matter by means of finite research or exper
imentation, which is only a few hundred years and a few thousand years. Still need to continue research and explo
ration. The theory that the study of mankind today has been perfect, too optimistic or limited. The history, process
es, and processes of nature, universe, matter, and many of the tens of thousands of billions of light years are unkno
wn and complex functions. Human society and intellectual consciousness is only a whole series of complex chang
es in the universe of infinite series of particles or special species one of the two.
B. And the natural universe is different from human society, high-level wisdom of the survival of life society, no
matter how the evolution of the evolution of home, still submits to the great nature. Nature does not die, and huma
n society, the wisdom of animals is just one of the important species and not all, his time and the natural universe
of the universe is completely different. Of course, if human society dies, everything is going to become meaningle
ss. Today, any controversy and doctrine theory will be meaningless. Gt;
C. New natural rationalism: everything is natural and inevitable, the universe is always the natural history of all th
e inevitable process. It is not associated with the human consciousness of human society. All history, including all
history of the universe, should be reasonably and accurately understood as a natural, material historical process an
d a long natural process, not the other way around.
D. New social rationalism: the history of all human beings, although the history of society and the natural history
of the universe closely linked to the process, but in a certain extent, he is very independent and exist. Above the co
rnerstone of the natural universe, it is energetic and exhibits a considerable amount of biological energy and intelle
ctual energy. For example, a nuclear explosion is one example. The wisdom of mankind energizes matter energy.
Human landing on the moon, landing Mars, etc., far beyond the general biological species of wisdom and strength.
But these do not absolutely mean that human power and wisdom is invincible unlimited.
E. New natural rationalism The natural structure of the cornerstone lies in the natural material existence. Science,
philosophy, natural philosophy, and others all need its natural reason, rational nature, not simply return, but the nat
ure of the natural universe and inevitability infinite continuation. Naturally, the universe is the concept of eternal e
xistence, not the imagination of nature and the universe as there are life and death. Planets perish, the universe is e
mpty, everything goes to zero. . . . . . . . After tens of billions of trillion years, the destruction of the Earth, the destr
uction of the moon, the destruction of the solar system, the destruction of the Milky Way, the destruction of the tot
al star cluster, the universe Wanlai silence, empty. For thousands of years, man has tried various threats and destru
ction of the prophecy is not without reason. However, the universe, behind the natural destruction of what is hidde
n, humans are not known. Not ignorance and dull, but limited vision of cognition. You do not know what the Moo
n naturally on the moon, you do not on Mars, naturally there is no way to understand and confirm the Martian mat
erial. Twenty billion light - years beyond the universe, black holes, dark matter, gravitational fields. . . . . . . How t
o look like, is still unknown. After all, only the naked eye and the detector is limited, besides flying out of the total
galaxy is quite difficult, only simulation or detection analysis. Natural rationalism lies in his nature, materiality an
d reality, and his paradox is anti-natural rationalism. Without nature, there is no universe, everything is zero, every
thing to zero. In fact, this kind of paradox that the elaboration of zero, not absolutely equal to nature, the univers
e's total demise, on the contrary, after zero is bound to produce and appear new natural, new universe, new materia
l. Is not a simple universe double cycle or single cycle, single level or double level. This is not absolutely associat
ed with human society, the natural material always exists, its generation, transformation, polarization and demise,
change is a very delicate and very complex and unbelievable nature of the inevitable process. Sometimes, the phys
ical hypothesis of purely physical experiments and physical theorems is difficult to completely and completely ex
plain all the profound points of natural law.
F. New Social Rationalism The process of human society and of human history as a whole is long and complex. S
ocial rationalism, including natural philosophy, philosophy, philosophy of religion, social and human doctrine, etc.,
a variety of theoretical doctrine, a variety of schools of various schools of controversy. In fact, it includes all the h
istory of human society, economic, political, religious, cultural, military, ideological thinking, ideas, science and te
chnology, language, logic, and so on. Social rationalism and natural rationalism are interrelated, but there are very
different. Social rationalism inheritance, blend, compatibility, hybridization, and its critical omnipresent. Criticism
is based, first of all, on its naturalness, and accordingly, rationally criticizes all kinds of anti-natural ideas and falla
cies. Any radicalism, extremism, radicalism and absurdism, ignorance and fanaticism, feralism and so on are withi
n its criticism. Human rationalism and social rationalism is the soul of the survival and development of human soc
iety. Is not simply confined to the past, people talked about the trend of rational or rationalism, it actually covers t
he entire history of human history and social development and changes in all historical processes and natural histo
rical process and all the necessary procedures. The greatness and wisdom of mankind lies in its social rationalism,
otherwise, human society will degenerate or return to the pure animal age. Extreme, extreme, absurd, fanatic, igno
rant and wild are within the criticism. Social rationalism, covering many areas, based on human society and the w
hole history of the world's fundamentals, now, past and future, regardless of geographical, regardless of civilizatio
n, regardless of country, regardless of race, regardless of national, language, not Divide the skin color, has the extr
emely widespread extremely extremely universal extremely permanent theoretical significance and the practical si
gnificance. This is the essence of social rationalism. Universal, permanent, changeable, comprehensive, integrated,
and critical.
G. anti-rational, anti-natural bound to extreme or extreme, to fanaticism or ignorance. Throughout the history of m
ankind and the world as a whole, it is inevitable that there will be a variety of strange, paranoid, biased or extreme,
radical. This is the enemy of human reason and natural enemies.
H. World history is complex and varied, and human history is very long and difficult. From the point of view, natu
ral rationalism first regards the whole human history and human society as a material higher intelligent species of
nature, and secondly, from this point on, deeply dissect and study its entire core and heart. Social rationalism is on
ly on the basis of the former to further face all the historical reality of human society and the future existence of re
search, analysis and criticism. Without rational criticism, society will not move forward.
I. For the study of various doctrines, whether economists, sociologists, politicians, military strategists, thinkers, rel
igious, philosophers, anthropologists, etc. are full of passion and even excitement. Such a complex dispute of the r
eal world, it is inevitable that all kinds of noise and noise, people have become accustomed to, and not surprising.
For example, for the capitalism, socialism, research and doctrinal controversy is quite eye-catching, full of newspa
pers and magazines in a variety of network media and various forum lectures. Another example, the concept of the
West, the East, and so is also very active debate. We need to seriously study, think again, choose the good from.
J. New social rationalism, in fact, its compatibility, integration, inclusiveness, blend, as well as the composite of p
urification is self-evident. And not limited to one of the words, therefore, world and permanent no doubt. This is th
e essence of the new social rationalism. Chaotic world, rational world, are in this. Human society is not a new soci
al rationalism, will chaos, disputes or war-prone, and ultimately to human society to collapse or perish. Human so
ciety, various structures, including rigid structure, flexible structure, open structure, semi-open structure, closed str
ucture will exist for a long time, and gradually develop to change the variation. Natural revolution, genetic revolut
ion, social change, cosmic revolution, and gradual change. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter is still in operati
on, human society is bound to a new leap forward. After a few years or hundreds of thousands of years later, as lo
ng as the earth is not destroyed, the universe still exists, the solar system does not collapse. Planetary social model
will become a new basic mode of human society, the basic mode. It is entirely possible to determine the basic stru
cture of the planetary society, including the forms of political democracy, economic model, social management m
ode, cultural form, ideology, religion, language, technology, national form, ethnic mode, life model, military mode
l, Education mode, property mode, production mode, marriage and family patterns and patterns, and so have great
changes and changes. If we are now in accordance with the thinking and management of mankind, it is simply unb
elievable Arabian Nights. Of course, the future development and changes in the world there are quite such into, w
e are optimistic about their points.
K. New natural rationalism and new social rationalism, constitute the world and the future of the theory and realit
y of the most important peak of wisdom. Before and after is the same strain of things, both inseparable, and can no
t be confused. The major theoretical achievements and innovations of human society require many people to comp
lete and practice. Since the birth of human society, a variety of ideas and schools, each has its advantages. In toda
y's world, various political systems, economic systems, economic models, property models, political models, cultu
res, religions, political parties, social trends, philosophical ideas, consciousness, spirit, abound. They can only cha
nge and change in the development. Mutual comparison, intertwined, integration, requires a long historical develo
pment stage. Even to the planet social model, race, ethnic groups will still have a variety of similarities and differe
nces, gene fusion requires a long historical process and natural process. Such as democracy, freedom, equality, equ
ality of political rights, equality of economic rights, equality of culture and education, and others. However, the hu
man world is not an absolute abstraction, human nature and social attributes are bound to be filled in the social life.
There are monkeys in the monkey king, there must be sheep in the sheep, all absolute, is very naive ridiculous, ev
en very absurd. Only a very long into the evolution and variation, including the natural social consciousness and s
o on.
Many natural philosophers, philosophers, and thinkers, scientists, theorists have made great achievements, which i
s extremely valuable wealth of all mankind. Aristotle, Bacon, Plato, Kant, Hegel and so on, Plato "Utopia"
Aristotle "Politics", Moore "Wu
Tawbon, Hayek "The Principle of Free Order"
Huntington's "Political Order in a Changing Society." These need to be repeated research, analysis, choice. In fact,
the practice of human society is very complicated and complex, any social structure model can not be perfect, nee
d to be based on actual development to innovation, innovation and change, transformation. From the development
of human society practice analysis, need to constantly appropriate analysis, development, innovation or change. Al
l kinds of social models and theories require such research and analysis, that their social model has been perfect, it
is a naive or reckless. How the development pattern of human society, how the world order and the rules of the ga
me, how the world's future development trend, need to study and explore. Social rationalism is the only choice, th
e human will inevitably fall into disorder chaos, battles or war. Fundamentally, the human society and the world of
mankind to the decline or destruction. In fact, it is absolutely impossible for mankind to return to primitive animal
sexual competition and fighting, otherwise, to extinction.
L. East and West thinkers have a lot of theorists. Various theoretical achievements have their characteristics, need t
o constantly research, continuous analysis, can not be neglected, there must be compatibility, complementarity, in
order to benefit mankind. The essence of natural rationalism and social rationalism lies in its wide-area, universali
ty, permanence and practicality, because its focus is first on the natural universe history of several trillions of years,
the natural universe of several trillion light-years Human society, human nature, there is no doubt, but also inevita
bly involves the forefront of human society and the follow-up development of human society, human beings, hum
an society, human society, human society, human history, The survival mode of the world, the future survival, dev
elopment, evolution and evolution of mankind. So, this is the theory of its theory and the most powerful charm lie
M. New social rationalism is in fact new human rationalism, far different from the general rational and rationalist
concepts and categories. Social rationalism, broad and profound, refers to many, must not be narrowly understood
and explained. The so-called new natural rationalism and new social rationalism, and the traditional theory of the
past is completely different from the rational has a new connotation, rationalism has a very profound ideological c
ontext and a vast space, Wangshengyi is very shallow, need to think again, understanding. It is not a fashionable p
ast academic label, but a profound theoretical soul.
N. new natural rationalism, precision lies in the field of natural science, including natural philosophy, natural philo
sophy, the key lies in physics, theoretical physics, astrophysics, cosmic physics, and biology, zoology, chemistry, g
eography , Mathematics, mathematical logic, engineering, anthropology, gene cytology and so on. Nor is the narro
w purely natural philosophy or philosophy, need to enlarge the field of vision, deep understanding and interpretati
O. The history of human society is very long, social structure, political structure, economic structure, cultural struc
ture, religion, education, legal system, science and technology will continue to change with the development of so
cial change. Therefore, the remodeling and construction of social structure is very important. Social rationalism ha
s always been throughout the entire history of human history and the history of all social development. Human ev
olution from the original animal to the modern, realistic, cosmopolitan, diversified, competitive, integration, and s
o on. International politics, world economy, world science and technology, world religion, world culture, world ci
vilization. . . . . Are in this reason, self-evident.
P. New natural rationalism and new social rationalism, research objects and topics: thousands of trillion years of n
atural universe history, thousands of light-years of the natural world, tens of thousands of years for thousands of y
ears of human society and the human world (If it involves life, species, ape-man society that is millions of years of
history, where the main study of human society in real terms, only about 10,000 years, only limited to the Earth
---- the history of human development of the Earth).

(This is Fang Ruida doctrine classic theory of classical theory outline, the literature listed are Fang Ruida manuscr
ipt translation. Title is edited by the translator. The manuscript content is Professor Fang Ruida manuscript, the ori
ginal. Hereby description. Jelne Berlin)

kest/Fangruida newyear message/Fangruida speech

2000 New Year's Message (Geneva, 31 December 1999) ------------- Fang Ruida: New Year's Message
2000 New Year's Message (Geneva, 31 December 1999) ------------- Fang Ruida: New Year's Message

Gentlemen, friends:

We are about to bid farewell to the past century, usher in a new century. At this moment, people all over the world
are happily celebrating, to greet the new century.
The sun rises every day, the sun is new every day, every day is a brand new day. Some people may say, sunrise an
d sunset, the world will be the same every day. Yes, the world is the same every day and every day, but not the sa
me every day and every day. Time and space will not stand still, the sun, the moon and our planet in motion all the
time, including the solar system, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, including the Milky Way, they are constan
tly Ground movement. Therefore, the sun is rising every day is new, the earth is also new, because they are consta
ntly in accordance with their respective operating trajectory in the rotation.
The 21st century, mankind will usher in a greater and more brilliant challenges, opportunities and progress. From
ancient ape to modern mankind has been hundreds of thousands of years for millions of years, accurately, the birth
of modern humans only tens of thousands of years or even less than tens of thousands of years, written history of
human history is probably only a few thousand years. Although there are various versions of the world history and
description, but basically so, there is no ambiguity. From the Ru Mao blood, slash and burn to modern society, the
world has undergone enormous changes. Modern society, modern agriculture, genetic engineering, bioengineering,
information engineering, aerospace engineering and so on, showing an unprecedented century of prosperity. Mod
ern society, automobile, aircraft, train, computer, aerospace, skyscrapers, wheel, submarine tunnels. Human leap f
or hundreds of years more than the past few thousand years or even tens of thousands of years of development of t
he integrated. For example, aerospace engineering, space technology by leaps and bounds, mankind across the mo
on, began further to the distant Mars. From the ancients looked up to the moon until today, mankind has landed on
the moon, full of great human wisdom, courage and strength. Although human history has also been a lot of hards
hips, including the First World War II, but finally came the human, human reason, the wisdom of the power is alw
ays invincible. Of course, the world is not showing flowers everywhere, dazzling, but the rebirth of weeds, thorns,
such as poverty, disease, plague, war, terrorism, population, resources, environment, human rights, economy, trade,
religious conflict, Territorial conflicts, politics, culture, education, etc., have all kinds of problems and confusion
and even crisis. For example, nuclear war, nuclear terror, economic crisis, energy crisis, resource crisis, environme
ntal crisis, civilized conflict, interest competition, natural crisis. . . . . And so on, are threatening and haunting hum
anity. Without regard for these, we humans will suffer greater suffering and suffering. Without facing these challen
ges, we will be more at risk. Nevertheless, we are full of confidence, serious face.
Ladies and gentlemen, friends:

We have always believed that human wisdom, courage, and strength, reason will bring us infinite light and victory.

We have always believed that in the 21st century, the great man will not be a coward and fool, destroying the ratio
nal, destruction of conscience, the destruction of self.
We have always firmly believe that mankind will never stagnate his own pace, even if the collapse of the collapse,
only the attack only hope.
We always firmly believe that the ideal, wisdom, hard work, freedom, happiness, glory.
We have always believed that the sun is new every day, the earth is new every day, new every day, the moon is ne
w every day, Mars is new every day, the world every day is new.


Gentlemen and friends: The bells of the new century have been sounded, the great 21st century has come slowly t
o us. In this great moment of universal celebration, we should be full of pride, swagger, to the glorious victory of t
he new century forward.
Gentlemen, friends: The history of mankind is very long, the history of the natural universe is far away. Wherever
there is reality, there must be reality. There is no real existence and no reality of reality, as absurd. Nature, reality a
nd existence also assimilate alienation, mutual contradiction or mutual transformation. These are famous, full of p
hilosophy and romance.
Gentlemen, friends:
In this beautiful moment of welcome, let us rejoice, open heart, to greet the new century sun.

Finally once again wish you a happy life, happy life.

(Geneva, 31 December 1999)

{Fang Ruida December 31, 1999 New Year message, the manuscript is written about the media should be the New
Year speech, initially published in the international media website, is based on the original translation, and multili
ngual translation translated for global users and readers to read -----editor)

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