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Staffing; personnel management

- Goal: right person, right time, right place to execute planned activities.
- Quality of staffing determines orginizational performance
- Formal job analysis
- Internal selection for important positions (knowledge about company)
- Validated selection instruments

Stakeholders with selection procedures

- Line management
- Co-workers
- Applicants
- Personnel department
- Recruitment & selection agency
- Society
- Applicant's family

Evaluation of selection procedures:

- Criterion validity; predictive validity based on test scores
- Utility; benefits - costs (of the test)
- Fairness

Forecasting errors;
- False positives; accepted but performed poorly
- False negatives; rejected but would have performed succesfully
- True positives; accepted and performed succesfully
- True negatives; rejected and would have performed poorly

3 factors depending forcasting errors:

- Validity of selection instrument
- Base ratio; number of suitable candidates for the job
- Selection ratio; number of vacancies divided by the number of applicants (the
lower the better)

Determining cut-off score

- Criterion-referenced: absolute (desired level of performance)
- Performance of current employees
- Supervisor and/or expert judgements of desired performance
- Norm-referenced: Relative (e.g. based on average)
- Order
- Percentiles
- Standardized scores

Predictive validities of selection methods

- Low validity r<10 (years of education)
- Medium validity r 10-40 (achieved grades)
- High validity r>40 ('g' / integrity test)

Clinical method; subjective

Statistical method; based on data
Compensatory - Total scores of test
Non compensatory
- Hurdle system - Cut out weakest link
- Multiple hurdle system - Cut out weakest links

A definition of work performance

- Discussion; behaviour vs result
- Problem; results are often influenced by environment
- Landy & Conte; "Performance is behavior"

"Actions or behaviors relevant to the organization's goals; measured in terms of

each individual's proficiency"

Effectiveness - evaluation of output

Proficiency (efficiency) - output vis--vis input

Determinants of work performance

- Knowledge
- Know how (procedural knowledge and skills)
- Motivation

Campbell - needed for knowledge or knowhow e.g. education, training, experience

8 components of work performance
- Common to all jobs;
- Job specific task proficiency
- Maintaining personal discipline
- Demonstrating effort
- Not common to all jobs
- Facilitating peer and team performance
- Non-job-specific task proficiency
- Communication task proficiency
- Supervision/leadership
- Management/administration

Relation components and determinants:

- Multiplicative model
- Indirect effect of; personality, training, experience etc.

Measuring work performance

- Criterion; work performance
- Multidimensional
- Ultimate vs actual criterion
- Deficiency; measurement is incomplete
- Contamination; measurement includes unrelated/irrelevant information

A different view on work performance:

- Task performance; behavior related to formal job description
- Contextual performance; "going beyond what is expected"
- Regarding others
- Regarding organization as a whole
- Not a part of the job description

Aspects of contextual performance

- Personal support
- Helping and motivating others
- Cooperating with others
- Organizational support
- Defending and promoting the organizations
- Acting according to organizational rules and procedures, endorsing the
mission and goals of the organization
- Conscientious initiative
- Persisting with effor despite difficult circumstances
- Taking the initiative in performing tasks that are not officially part of
one's job description
- Seizing opportunities to develop
Research results conocerning OCB
- Intelligence better predictor of task performance, personality better predictor
of OCB (conscientiousness)
- Both task performance and OCB contribute to the total judgement of performance
- OCB influenced by organizational factors
- OCB can be harmful

OCB = Orginizational Citizenship Behaviour, type of contextual performance

Counterproducting work behavior (CWB) =>

'Voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and threatens
the well-being of the organization, its members or both'

Possible causes:
- Personality traits (lack of self control)
- Unfair treatment
- Dissatisfaction with work

Suggestions for solutions

- Prompt and fair application of punishments
- Exposing to colleagues that do not engage in counterproductive behavior
- Training in social and communicative skills
- Improving mood with humor, empathy

Expert performance
- Performance delivered by people that have a tleast 10 years of training, at least
4 hours a day.
- 'Deliberate practice': specific individual training by qualified teacher.
- Largest effects for music, sports and routine tasks

Adaptive performance
- Adaption to different circumstances
- 8 dimensions
- Handling emergencies or crisis situations
- Handling work stress
- Solving problems creatively
- Dealingn with uncertain and unpredictable work situations
- Learning work tasks, technologies, and procedures
- Demonstrating interpersonal adaptability
- Demonstrating cultural adaptability
- Demonstrating physically oriented adaptability

2 approaches to job analysis

- Task-oriented
- Focus on the actual tasks that need to be performed
- Worker-oriented
- Focus on worker attributes that are required to accomplish a task
- Suitable for feedback, work evaluation, training
- More robust in changing context
- Possibly more sensitive to bias
- Both cases; determining KSAO's
- Knowledge
- Skills (a practiced act, or the capacity to perform a specific task or job
- Ability (the stable capacity to engage in a specific behavior)
- Other characteristics (personality, interests, training, experience)

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