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Seizures in the Preterm Neonate

Lekha M. Rao, MD,* Charles J. Marcuccilli, PhD, MD

*Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neurology, University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

Department of Pediatrics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

1. Recognize the types of seizures most commonly seen in the neonatal

2. Be familiar with the most common etiologies underlying seizures in the
premature population.
3. Understand the importance and challenges of diagnostic testing in
evaluation of the neonate with seizures.
4. Develop recommendations for management and follow-up for a neonate
diagnosed with seizures.

Preterm infants are at high risk for central nervous system injury, with seizures
occurring in 6% to 48% of this population. Seizures are more likely to
contribute to adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants.
Preterm infants are also more likely to have subclinical seizures;
therefore, electrographic detection is essential for their diagnosis. Once
identied, seizures are traditionally treated with phenobarbital, but newer-
generation antiepileptic medications have growing evidence for safety and
efcacy. The treatment of seizures may also affect neurodevelopmental AUTHOR DISCLOSURE Drs Rao and
Marcuccilli have disclosed no nancial
outcome. relationships relevant to this article. This
commentary does not contain a discussion of
an unapproved/investigative use of a
commercial product/device.
Preterm infants are at high risk for neurologic morbidity and central nervous aiEEG amplitude-integrated
system (CNS) injury, with seizures occurring in up to 6% to 48% of this electroencephalography
CNS central nervous system
population. (1)(2) Seizures in preterm neonates are more likely to be associated
EEG electroencephalography
with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. (3) Specically, seizures are asso- HIE hypoxic-ischemic
ciated with increased risk for mortality and postnatal morbidities, such as encephalopathy
neurodevelopmental impairment and epilepsy. (4)(5)(6)(7) Extremely low birth- HUS head ultrasonography
weight infants and those with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) appear to IVH intraventricular hemorrhage
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
be at greatest risk. (1)(8) There are multiple challenges in detecting seizures in
PVL periventricular leukomalacia
preterm infants. For example, many movements in the preterm neonate can vEEG video electroencephalography
appear abnormal and concerning for seizure activity. Therefore, electroenceph- VLBW very low birthweight
alography (EEG) is essential for diagnosis in this population. WHO World Health Organization

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TYPES OF SEIZURES agents in the neonatal population. In rodent models of the
immature brain, activation of g-aminobutyric acid receptors
The most frequent types of seizures seen in the preterm
results in depolarization rather than hyperpolarization. This is
neonate are clonic, tonic, and myoclonic (Table 1). Myeli-
due to relative underexpression of the chloride exporter KCC2,
nation in neonates is incomplete, therefore, generalized
resulting in reversal of the chloride current. In addition, the a4
tonic-clonic seizures do not occur (9); most seizures involv-
subunit of the GABA receptor is relatively overexpressed,
ing multiple extremities more likely represent multifocal
making it less sensitive to benzodiazepines. Glutamate recep-
clonic seizures. Whole body extensor posturing has been
tors are also transiently overexpressed in the developing brain,
characteristically associated with silent seizures or clin-
leading to a tendency toward neuronal excitation. (12)
ical only seizures, a term that is now being largely aban-
Structural lesions are also common causes of seizures in
doned because these motor movements are usually seen in
the preterm neonate, (1)(4)(8)(13) with intraventricular hem-
extremely encephalopathic infants and portend a poor prog-
orrhage (IVH) being the most common cause. Scher et al (4)
nosis. (10) Clonic activity is usually characterized by focal
followed a cohort of 90 infants over 4 years, 62 of whom were
rhythmic jerking of 1 or more extremities, which is not
preterm. Ninety percent of the preterm infants with seizures
suppressible. Exquisitely unilateral clonic activity may be
exhibited brain lesions, 45% secondary to intraventricular
suggestive of an underlying focal structural lesion such as
hemorrhage, and 39%, cerebral infarction. (4) There is also a
acute ischemic stroke or focal cortical malformation. Tonic
potential twofold increased risk of seizures in very low birth-
seizures involve sustained extension of an extremity, which
weight (VLBW) infants with periventricular leukomalacia
cannot be overcome by an examiner. Myoclonic seizures
(PVL). (14) Kohelet et al found that in these infants with
characteristically involve a rapid jerk of an extremity. Finally,
VLBW and PVL, decreasing gestational age, IVH, posthem-
subtle clinical seizures can be associated with movements
orrhagic hydrocephalus, sepsis, and necrotizing enterocolitis
such as nystagmus, tongue thrusting, and bicycling. Seizures
were additional independent risk factors for seizures. (13) In
accompanied solely by autonomic changes (such as change in
all these studies, however, there were still a few patients with
heart rate, oxygenation, and respiration) are rare, but are more
no abnormalities on imaging who demonstrated electro-
common in preterm than term neonates. (1)(11) Seizures in
graphic seizures. Shah et al found that in their cohort of 8
this population are also frequently subclinical, and therefore
patients with IVH, 5 had seizures, 4 of which preceded
electrographic monitoring is essential to their detection.
imaging ndings. (1) Hence, seizures in this group of patients
may reect an underlying systemic process, potentially one in
an early stage before reliable detection with neuroimaging.
Other potential causes for seizures in the premature
Seizures occur more readily in the neonatal brain because of neonatal population include HIE, electrolyte abnormalities,
differences in ion channel gradients, as compared to the adult CNS infections, and genetic causes including cortical mal-
brain. Understanding these differences is also helpful in under- formations. Although HIE is the most common cause of
standing management strategies and preferred therapeutic seizures in the term neonate, it is difcult to determine its

TABLE 1. Neonatal Seizure Types


Clonic Focal rhythmic jerking of an extremity Yes

Tonic Focal sustained extension or exion of an extremity Yes
Not able to overcome with external manipulation
Sustained extension of the whole body Not usually
Myoclonic Single jerk or multiple nonrhythmic jerks of an extremity Usually
Spasms Focal or generalized Yes
Flexor, extensor, or mixed exor/extensor

Adapted from Rao LM, Matsumoto JH, Lerner JT, and Nuwer MR. EEG Monitoring in Neonatal Epilepsies. In: Galloway G, ed. Clinical Neurophysiology in
Pediatrics. New York, NY: Demos Medical Publishing; 2015: 6.

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incidence in the preterm population, because the examina- ndings, which vary depending on gestational age (Table 2).
tion and antepartum events are not reliable indicators of its Knowing the conceptional age at the time of acquisition,
diagnosis. (15) In a recent set of guidelines published by the therefore, is important to the interpreting encephalogra-
World Health Organization (WHO), apparent differences in pher. Seizures are dened as rhythmic discharges with a
the prevalence of HIE between term and preterm neonates minimum duration of 10 seconds, and evolving in fre-
could not be determined. (16) In this population, it is also quency, morphology, and amplitude. (17) Although video-
extremely important to rule out electrolyte abnormalities EEG (vEEG) monitoring is considered in the neurology
and infectious etiologies, especially meningitis, because community to be the gold standard in diagnosis of sei-
these critically ill infants are often at risk for sepsis and zures, especially given that the majority of electrographic
their blood-brain barrier is immature. Bacterial and viral seizures are subclinical, (18) this technology is not yet
meningitis, as well as congenital toxoplasmosis, other (syph- available in all centers, and interpretation is limited to a
ilis, varicella-zoster, parvovirus B19), rubella, cytomegalovi- trained encephalographer. Amplitude-integrated EEG (aiEEG),
rus, and herpes (TORCH) infections are also possible in this therefore, has become more frequently used at the
population. Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnese- bedside in the NICU. (19)
mia, and hypo/hypernatremia are readily identiable and aiEEG has been used to detect electrographic seizures,
treatable causes of neonatal seizures. Inborn errors of and has the added benet of being interpretable by the
metabolism can also present with seizures and acid-base bedside clinician. Single-channel recordings, as historically
disturbances in the neonatal period. Finally, cortical mal- used in cerebral function monitors, involve biparietal elec-
formations such as cortical dysplasia, hemimegalencephaly, trodes (P3-P4), and were originally chosen to avoid muscle
and schizencephaly are rare but potential causes of focal and movement artifact; these channels lie over the vertex,
seizures in neonates, though some may present later in which is a watershed zone for the neonatal cortex. The use of
infancy and childhood. 2-channel recording over central and parietal regions (C3-P3
and C4-P4) has now been advocated, because it allows for
better comparison of interhemispheric asymmetries and
possibly increases sensitivity. (19) Interpretation is largely
visual, with evaluation of amplitude and frequency. Seizures
Critically ill neonates are at high risk for seizures, the are detected by a sustained spike in amplitude (Fig 1).
majority of which are subclinical. (1)(4)(8)(12) Therefore, Concern has been raised, however, at the inability of
it is important to have a low threshold for obtaining an EEG aiEEG to detect short seizures, given that 12-hour-long
in an infant with suspected seizures or at high risk for epochs of recording are compressed into 1 page and neo-
seizures. The neonatal EEG is rst evaluated for background natal seizures are typically short in duration, ranging on

TABLE 2. Electroencephalography (EEG) Background in Prematurity


2425 60 No sleep organization or reactivity

2730 35 Discontinuous in both wake and sleep, some reactivity
3133 20 Differentiation between active and quiet sleep patterns
Wake and active sleep: Mixed frequency continuous (activit
Quiet sleep: Interburst intervals amplitude nearly isoelectric,
<25 mV (trace discontinue pattern)
3436 10 Wake and active sleep: Mixed frequency continuous (activit
Quiet sleep: Interburst intervals increase in amplitude,
eventually exceeding 25 mV (trace alternant pattern)
3740 6 Wake and active sleep: Mixed frequency continuous (activit
Quiet sleep: Interburst intervals continue to increase in
amplitude, increasing continuity (trace alternant
transitioning to continuous slow wave sleep pattern)

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Figure 1. Representative amplitude-integrated electroencephalographic (aiEEG) recording. aiEEG here has been derived from a conventional neonatal set of
electrodes using central and occipital channels in each hemisphere. Seizures in the right hemisphere are seen here as slight overall increases in amplitude.

average from 10 to 90 seconds, and may be shorter in the be trained in reading aiEEG, it becomes a more accurate tool
preterm neonate. (11)(17) In addition, because the number of in the hands of experienced readers. (23)
recording channels is limited, seizures may occur spatially Shellhaas et al (24) analyzed 851 neonatal seizures from
in areas that cannot be detected by electrode placement. 125 conventional EEGs in patients 34 to 50 weeks of gesta-
Finally, subtle electrographic seizures, such as rhythmic tional age. aiEEGs derived from these recordings using the
alpha waves often associated with apneic seizures in neo- C3-C4 channel were then interpreted by neonatologists. The
nates, may not be detected with aiEEG (Fig 2). (20)(21) These neonatologists identied seizures in 22% to 57% of the 125
limitations are important to consider, because a negative records with neonatal seizures, but were only able to detect
aiEEG may not rule out the presence of seizures. 12% to 38% of the 851 individual seizures. Seizures that were
In addition, aiEEG is extremely operator-dependent. In a repetitive in nature were more readily detectable by visual
study by Rennie et al, (22) 40 recordings were analyzed by inspection, but seizures that were brief, infrequent, or low
nonexpert users. The sensitivity for detecting seizures on a amplitude were difcult to detect with aiEEG. (24) Shah et al
tracing was 26% to 52%, with a specicity of 71% to 100% (19) compared simultaneous aiEEG and continuous EEG
depending on the speed of aiEEG, but inter-rater agreement recordings as assessed by experienced reviewers with access
was low. (22) A similar study by Frenkel et al (23) compared to raw EEG, and the sensitivity of detecting seizures in-
readings by a medical student, neonatology fellow, and creased from 25% to 56% to 76%.
senior neonatologist. Agreement between the student and Conventional EEG is frequently used in the NICU, either
fellow was poor, and specicity increased with increas- as 60-minute recordings, or continuous vEEG (Fig 2). Elec-
ing experience at interpreting aiEEG. The student was also trodes are placed by a modied 10 to 20 placement as per
more likely to overdiagnose seizures. This study shows that minimum standards provided by the American Clinical
although inexperienced clinicians or bedside nurses could Neurophysiology Society. (25) EEG has been used on a

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Figure 2. Conventional continuous video-electroencephalographic monitoring in a premature neonate who sustained perinatal depression,
demonstrating rhythmic alpha (812 Hz) activity over the left centrotemporal head region (upper 4 lines in black).

periodic basis to evaluate for encephalopathy, follow the continuing monitoring until 24 hours of freedom from sei-
evolution of background abnormalities, and detect seizures. zures. (25) Preterm infants may also be at risk for seizures later
(10) Routine EEG has been used after the observation of than term infants, with a median onset greater than 48 hours,
clinical seizures, and can be useful in evaluating the interictal as opposed to 24 hours in the term population, (4)(7) so
background to help guide prognosis, but because of the short extended monitoring may be more useful in this population,
duration, may not capture electrographic seizure activity. though further studies are needed to establish this.
Wietstock et al (18) prospectively followed 595 neonates,
400 of whom received clinically indicated vEEG. A total of
26% of neonates in their cohort had electrographic seizures,
of which 24% were entirely subclinical and were not associ- Head ultrasonography (HUS) has historically been the most
ated with any clinical events before monitoring that were common imaging modality used in the NICU, because of its
suspicious for seizures. (18) Murray et al (26) studied 51 ready availability and ease of bedside use. HUS is most
infants, 9 of whom had electrographic seizures, but only one- commonly used to evaluate for periventricular lesions such
third of whom had clinical manifestations. In addition, as IVH and PVL, but has limitations in its ability to detect
bedside staff were not accurate at detecting clinical seizure subcortical white matter injury and posterior fossa lesions.
activityof the documented suspected seizures, only 27% Leijser et al (27) evaluated 110 preterm infants (<32 weeks)
had corresponding electrographic evidence, and only 9% with serial HUS during their hospital course and again
of electrographic seizures with clinical manifestations were around term equivalent with magnetic resonance imaging
recognized by staff. (26) Continuous vEEG monitoring is (MRI). HUS was able to detect severely abnormal white
therefore considered the gold standard in detecting neonatal matter injury but had a lower positive predictive value for
seizures. Recent guidelines suggest a minimum duration of normal, mildly abnormal, and moderately abnormal scans
24 hours in high-risk infants to screen for seizures, and compared with MRI. Therefore HUS may be negative in

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infants with mild injury. (27) Glass et al (8) evaluated 236 agent with either a benzodiazepine or phenytoin as second-
infants of less than 34 weeks gestation, 9 of whom had line treatment. (16) Commonly, an initial loading dose of 10 to
clinical suspicion for seizures, all of whom had abnormal 20 mg/kg phenobarbital is used on initial detection of clinical
MRI ndings. Infants with seizures were more likely to have and/or electrographic seizures, and continued at a mainte-
white matter injury, and most commonly had periventric- nance dose of 2.5 to 10 mg/kg per day. Goal therapeutic levels
ular hemorrhagic infarcts. HUS was unable to detect the may range from 20 to 40 g/mL, though higher levels have
extent of injury in 8 (89%) of the 9 infants with seizures. (8) been used in infants receiving mechanical ventilation to
Therefore MRI may be better for evaluating for structural achieve freedom from seizures. Given the tendency toward
abnormalities in preterm infants with seizures. Another use electroclinical dissociation, wherein seizures appear to cease
for MRI brain studies may be in predicting neurodevelop- clinically after the administration of phenobarbital but con-
mental outcomes. A recent study by vant Hooft and col- tinue to be present electrographically, (32)(33) EEG monitor-
leagues (28) sought to determine the prognostic accuracy of ing is essential in acute refractory seizures.
an MRI performed at term equivalent in very preterm (32 Recent studies have suggested that levetiracetam may
weeks) or low birthweight (1,500 g) infants on neurodevel- exhibit modest efcacy in the treatment of neonatal seizures
opmental outcomes. The study demonstrates that moderate (34)(35)(36) without evidence for apoptosis in animals. (37)
to severe white matter abnormalities seen on brain MRI per- (38) These studies, however, were observational with con-
formed at term equivalent are predictive of motor function current use of other antiseizure medications. The optimal
and cerebral palsy. However, brain MRI was poor at prognos- loading dose has also not been studied or standardized, but
ticating visual/hearing decits or neurocognitive/behavioral doses of 20 to 30 mg/kg are usually considered acceptable,
problems. (28) with a maintenance dose of 20 to 60 mg/kg per day.
Therefore, further randomized controlled trials are needed
to establish safety, dosing, and efcacy in this population.
Studies have also shown that treatment and control of
Hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypo- seizures in the neonatal period do not necessarily preclude
or hypernatremia are all easily identiable and treatable development of epilepsy later in life. Seizures are also
causes of neonatal seizures. Evaluation for electrolyte and commonly acute reactions to brain injury, and the temporal
serum glucose derangements should be routine for new- evolution peaks around 3 days after birth in the preterm
onset seizures. Preterm infants are also at higher risk for neonate then naturally abates. No standard guideline exists
CNS infections, and evaluation with lumbar puncture regarding treatment, however, it is commonly accepted that
should be considered. Genetic syndromes, such as pyridox- EEG monitoring, if initiated, should be continued until 24
ine-dependent seizures, benign neonatal convulsions, and hours of freedom from seizures is achieved. Maintenance
early myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, should also be consid- antiseizure medications are usually continued at least until
ered in highly refractory cases. (12) term equivalent age or on discharge from the NICU, and
should be titrated slowly to prevent withdrawal seizures.

The treatment of neonatal seizures has also been contro-
versial, and methods are not standardized across institu- The impact of neonatal seizures on outcome has been his-
tions. Phenobarbital has been associated with less than 50% torically widely debated, but more recent studies suggest
efcacy in the treatment of neonatal seizures, (29) yet a that seizures can be associated with worse outcomes, includ-
survey of neurologists and neonatologists by Glass et al ing neurodevelopmental impairment. (39) Some studies
showed that phenobarbital is still the most commonly used suggest that the seizures themselves cause or worsen under-
rst-line agent in preterm infants. (30) Other seizure med- lying brain injury, (40)(41) whereas others suggest that the
ications such as phenytoin and benzodiazepines are equally underlying cause of seizures leads to worse outcome. (42)
inefcacious, yet little evidence exists to support the use of newer- Others have proposed that the treatment of seizures, in
generation antiseizure medications. Although phenobarbital particular phenobarbital, due to concern for neuronal apo-
is commonly used in the neonatal population, animal studies ptosis, (31) may also contribute to worse outcomes, but this
have raised concern about its effects on the developing brain. theory has been largely discounted (43); phenobarbital may
(31) Nevertheless, with lack of a better alternative, the WHO even be neuroprotective, especially with therapeutic hypo-
has recommended that phenobarbital be used as a rst-line thermia, (44) but larger studies are still needed.

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Vol. 18 No. 1 JANUARY 2017 e59

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Seizures in the Preterm Neonate
Lekha M. Rao and Charles J. Marcuccilli
NeoReviews 2017;18;e52
DOI: 10.1542/neo.18-1-e52

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Seizures in the Preterm Neonate
Lekha M. Rao and Charles J. Marcuccilli
NeoReviews 2017;18;e52
DOI: 10.1542/neo.18-1-e52

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