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Asynchronous motor models are divided into two groups as physical

models and behavioral models. In physical models, electromagnetism laws
are used to describe the motor. These models vary in complexity and
precision according to the method of modeling used. Behavioral models are
modified version of physical models i.e., by introducing additional
parameters. These models allow the detection and localization of the defects
observed. These behavioral models can be directly used for the diagnosis
purpose. Based on the above considerations, dynamic modeling of induction
motor is used for analysis.


The classical techniques used to establish the voltage and torque

equations of symmetrical induction motor are in terms of motor variables.
Induction motor inductances are function of the rotor speed. The voltage
equation (differential equation) which describe the behavior of the motor are
time varying except when rotor is stalled.

Change of variables is often used to reduce the complexity of these

differential equations. Change of variables is used in the analysis of AC
motors to eliminate the time varying inductances. Finally all change of
variables used to transform real variables are contained in one. This general

transformation refers motor variables to a frame of reference, which rotates at

an arbitrary angular velocity.

Change of variable offers the following advantages:

i) There is no magnetic coupling between phases

ii) The mutual inductance can be made independent from rotor

position by expressing both rotor and stator in the same
reference frame, e.g. in the stationary reference frame.

The following assumptions have been made during the

transformation process:

i) The machine air gap is uniform

ii) Eddy current, friction and windage losses and saturation are

iii) Motor stator and rotor windings are sinusoidally distributed

iv) Windings are identical within each three phase set

v) Neutral of both the stator winding sets are separate. Thus,

there is no fault propagation

vi) Skin-effect and temperature effect are neglected

vii) Harmonic content of the mmf wave is neglected

viii) The stator voltages are balanced.

The steady state voltage equations for an induction motor are

obtained from the voltage equations in the arbitrary reference frame. Finally
computer simulation tools are used to illustrate the dynamic performance of
typical induction motor and depict the variables in various reference frames
during acceleration. It is important to note that the choice of a reference frame

will affect the waveforms of all d-q variables and also the simulation speed as
well as the accuracy of the results. However, the following guidelines as
suggested are in order:

i) Use the stationary reference frame if the stator voltages are

either unbalanced or discontinuous and the rotor voltages are
balanced (or zero).

ii) Apply the rotor reference frame if the rotor voltages are either
unbalanced or discontinuous and the stator voltages are

iii) Apply either the synchronous or stationary reference frames if

all voltages are balanced and continuous.

In this thesis, the stationary reference frame is used to model the

induction motor.


The induction motor d-q or dynamic equivalent circuit is developed

using arbitrary reference frame theory as shown in Figure 4.1. According to
arbitrary reference theory, the stator variable is transferred to frame of
reference fixed in the rotor. This theory ensures the elimination of all time
varying inductances from the voltage equations of induction motor.

Figure 4.1 Equivalent circuits of a three phase, symmetrical Induction

motor with rotating d-q axis at speed of

Voltage and flux linkage equations of induction motor in arbitrary

reference variables are as follows:

Vabcs ri
s abcs p abcs (4.1)

Vabcr rr i abcr p abcr (4.2)

abcs (Ls ) i abcs (Lsr ) i abcs (4.3)

abcr (Lsr )T i abcr (L r ) i abcr (4.4)

Vabcs K s Vqd0s , i abcs K s iqd0s (4.5)

Vabcr K r Vqd0r , iabcr K r iqd0s (4.6)


Hence both stator and rotor resistances are diagonal matrices each
with equal nonzero elements. Using the above transformation equations, we
can transform the voltage equations to an arbitrary reference frame rotating at
speed of .

Vqd0s rsi qd0s qds p qd0s (4.7)

Vqd 0r rsi qd0r ( r ) qdr p qd0r (4.8)

Flux linkage equations in abc reference frame can be transformed to

d-q axes using Ks and Kr transformation matrices,

qd0s K s Ls (K s ) 1 K s L sr (K r ) 1 i qd0s
qd0r K r Lsr (K s ) 1 K r L r (K r ) 1 i qd0r

L ls 0 0
1 3
where K s Ls (K s ) 0 L ls 0 , M L ms
0 0 Lls M

L lr M 0 0
1 3
K r L r (K r ) 0 Ll r M 0 , M L ms
0 0 Ll r M

M 0 0
1 1
K s Lsr (K r ) K r Lsr (K s ) 0 M 0
0 0 M

Voltage Equations are,

Vqs = rsiqs + ds +p qs

Vds = rsids qs +p ds

V0s = rsi0s + p 0s (4.10)


V qr = r ri qr + ( r) dr +p qr

V dr = r ri dr - ( r) qr +p dr

V 0r = r ri 0r + p 0r (4.11)

Flux linkage equations are,

qs = Lls iqs + M (iqs + i qr)

ds = Lls ids + M (ids + i dr)

0s = Lls i0s (4.12)

qr = L lr i qr + M (iqs + i qr)

dr = L lr i dr + M (ids + i dr)

0r = L lr i 0r (4.13)

Since machine and power system parameters are always given in terms
of ohms or percent or per unit of base impedance, it is convenient to express
the voltage and flux linkage equations in terms of reactance rather than

Let, b (4.14)

Then, Vqs rs i qs ds p qs

Vds rsi ds qs ds
b b

V0s rs i 0s 0s (4.15)

( r ) p
Vqr rr i qr dr qr
b b

( r ) p
Vdr rr i dr qr dr
b b

V0r rr i 0r 0r (4.16)

And flux linkages become flux linkages per second with the units of

qs X ls i qs X m (i qs i qs )

ds X ls i ds X m (i ds i ds )

0s Xls i 0s (4.17)

qr X lr i qr X m (i qr i qr )

dr X lr i dr X m (i dr idr )

0s Xlr i 0r (4.18)

Electromagnetic torque in terms of arbitrary reference frame

variables may be obtained by substituting the equations of transformation in

Te (i abcs )T (Lsr ) i abcr
2 r

[(K s ) 1 i qd0s ]T (Lsr ) (K r ) 1 iqd0r
2 r

3 P
Te M (i qsi dr i dsi qr ) (4.19)
2 2

3 P
Te ( i
ds qs i )
qs ds (4.20)
2 2

where, Te is electromagnetic torque.


This chapter describes the equations governing the induction motor

model using arbitrary reference frame theory. All time varying inductances
from the voltage equations of the machine is eliminated using the above
theory. The d-q model is developed based on the above equations and
implemented in the MATLAB / Simulink environment for fault analysis.

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