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Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Womens 9/18/17

Concept: 1) Energized articulation


Keeping a consistent energy through singing

o Using articulation and dynamics

Learning Objectives:

Students will sing with energy

o Articulations will line up perfectly
o Entrances and cutoffs will fall on correct beats
Students will learn measures 54 - END

Content Specific Vocabulary:

Tuck: This refers to the small contraction of intercostal, oblique, and other abdominal muscles
made when preparing to phonate.
Tuck & Groan: This is an exercise that I do with the girls as an in-between step from breath
exercises to singing exercises. Students will groan and lean into the groan using the appropriate
Uncontrolled Release: a simple release of air (similar to a sigh of relief)
Controlled release: tuck is engaged while students hiss out (typically on 16 counts)

Materials: Music

Sing Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Domain 2&3 Classroom Environment and Instruction


Singer Stance (reiterate when needed)
Breathe in uncontrolled release
Silently show me your tuck
Breathe in on 4 controlled release on 16
Breathe in on 4 controlled release on 8
Pulse controlled release
Tuck and groan wave
G G G G GLORIA (begin consonant work immediately first syllables are not phonated)
SU(do) AH(high do) NA(down to sol)
o Move up scale
o Remind mouth shape adjustments in higher register
DO, DO RE DO, DO RE MI RE DO, etc in a round
o Express need for energized consonants

Group Learning/Activity:

Build chords from GLORIA on DOO

o Dont add top F# until very last (one soprano)?
o Separate parts
o Hands up when you hear the chord lock

Informal Assessment:

**See group learning activity above**


refrain from using words such as perfect or awesome after song work. Be specific with
feedback and need for growth
Formal Assessment:

Sing all the way through Sing Gloria in Excelsis Deo

o Listening for consistent energy in articulation, entrances and cut offs
o Memorized?
Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities

Self-Reflection after lesson:

1) In general, how successful was the lesson? Did the students learn what you intended for them
to learn? How do you know?

2) Reflect on your classroom procedures, student conduct, and your use of physical space. To what
extent did these contribute to student learning or take away from student learning?

3) Did you depart from you plan? If so, how and why? What were the results from changing your

4) Reflect on different aspects of your instructional delivery (activities, grouping of students,

materials, resources). To what extent were they effective or ineffective?

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