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7, SEPTEMBER 2013 2919

Optimizing Electric Vehicle Charging:

A Customers Perspective
Chenrui Jin, Student Member, IEEE, Jian Tang, Member, IEEE, and Prasanta Ghosh, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractElectric vehicles (EVs) are considered to be a promis- to charge EVs to further reduce costs. However, integrating EVs
ing solution for current gas shortage and emission problems. into the power grid is very challenging. Unregulated charging of
To maximize the benefits of using EVs, regulated and optimized EVs with fast charging speeds can result in a heavy load burden
charging control needs to be provided by load aggregators for
connected vehicles. An EV charging network is a typical cyber- on the power grid system and may even cause the system to
physical system, which includes a power grid and a large num- break down [33]. The high cost of initial investment on EV
ber of EVs and aggregators that collect information and control purchase is also a concern for consumers, although this can
the charging procedure. In this paper, we studied EV charging be compensated by government incentive funds and relatively
scheduling problems from a customers perspective by jointly con- lower power costs. To maximize the benefits of using EVs, we
sidering the aggregators revenue and customers demands and
costs. We considered two charging scenarios: static and dynamic. need regulated and optimized charging control strategies. Indi-
In the static charging scenario, customers charging demands are vidual customers are usually not able to perform the charging
provided to the aggregator in advance; however, in the dynamic regulation to their own cars in the most efficient way, although
charging scenario, an EV may come and leave at any time, which they have the motivation to save on charging costs. They can
is not known to the aggregator in advance. We present linear provide their needs for charging to load aggregators, which act
programming (LP)-based optimal schemes for the static problems
and effective heuristic algorithms for the dynamic problems. The as a control interface between consumers and the grid operator
dynamic scenario is more realistic; however, the solutions to the to provide regulated charging for connected vehicles with joint
static problems can be used to show potential revenue gains and consideration for benefits of both consumers and the grid.
cost savings that can be brought by regulated charging and, thus, An EV charging network is a typical cyber-physical system,
can serve as a benchmark for performance evaluation. It has been which includes a power grid and a large number of EVs and
shown by extensive simulation results based on real electricity
price and load data that significant revenue gains and cost savings aggregators that collect information and control the charging
can be achieved by optimal charging scheduling compared with procedure. The development of modern sensing and commu-
an unregulated baseline approach, and moreover, the proposed nication technologies enables the energy management system
dynamic charging scheduling schemes provide close-to-optimal to obtain information from the power grid system and energy
solutions. consumers efficiently. New algorithms and automatic operation
Index TermsCharging regulation, electric vehicle (EV), opti- strategies are needed for more precise and efficient control
mization, smart grid. to enable intelligent load aggregation, reduce electricity costs,
prevent the system from overloading, and satisfy customers
I. I NTRODUCTION demands. An aggregator can perform centralized integration
and control for EV charging. Usually, EVs can be charged at
A S THE shortage of petroleum storage and the increase
in CO2 , SO2 , and NOx emissions receive increasing
attention, policy makers, engineers, and business leaders are
various charging rates. The aggregator automatically controls
both the charging rate and the regulation capacity for the
searching for alternative energy sources, which are both eco- connected EVs through power electronics.
nomically and environmentally friendly [23]. Using electric The revenue of aggregators consists of two parts: the mark
vehicles (EVs) instead of traditional internal combustion engine over price for energy sold to customers and the regulation ser-
vehicles is considered as a promising solution. Compared with vice provided to the power grid. EV charging optimization has
traditional vehicles, EVs can offer many benefits such as lower been studied by a few recent works [18], [34], most of which,
operational costs, lower gas emissions, and so on [6]. Renew- however, focused on maximizing the revenue of an aggregator
able energy, such as solar and wind power, can be also utilized without carefully addressing customers needs. Specifically, the
existing methods [18], [34] may not necessarily lead to the
maximum benefit for consumers, i.e., the minimum charging
Manuscript received February 6, 2012; revised July 13, 2012 and October 16, cost. Moreover, at the end of charging, some EVs may not be
2012; accepted January 29, 2013. Date of publication March 7, 2013; date of
current version September 11, 2013. This work was supported in part by the fully charged or charged to desired states of charge (SOCs).
Department of Energy under Grant DE-OE0000495 and in part by the National In this paper, we consider EV charging from a customers
Science Foundation under Grant CNS-1113398. The review of this paper was perspective and present optimal schemes to maximize the rev-
coordinated by Prof. J. Wang.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer enue of aggregators and minimize the total charging cost of
Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 USA (e-mail: cjin01@ customers, which allow customers to specify their charging;; demands (starting time, finishing time, desired SOC, etc.).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at Meanwhile, we also take into account the requirements of the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2013.2251023 grid system (such as the power delivery capacity requirement)

0018-9545 2013 IEEE


to ensure that it operates normally. We consider two charging the aggregators profit. Pedrasa et al. [28] improved the ba-
scenarios: static and dynamic. In the static charging scenario, sic formulation of cooperative particle swarm optimization by
customers charging demands are provided to the aggregator introducing stochastic repulsion among particles to investigate
in advance; however, in the dynamic charging scenario, an the potential consumer value added by coordinated distributed
EV may come and leave at any time, which is not known energy resource scheduling. Jang et al. [21] proposed a method
to the aggregator in advance. The dynamic scenario is more for analytic estimation of the probability distribution of the pro-
realistic; however, the solutions to the static problems can be cured power capacity to obtain an optimal contract size regard-
used to show potential revenue gains and cost savings that can ing the frequency of regulation. Deilami et al. [12] proposed a
be brought by regulated charging. Moreover, they can serve as real-time smart load management control strategy to minimize
a benchmark for performance evaluation. To the best of our the total cost of energy generation and associated grid energy
knowledge, we are the first to conduct a comprehensive study losses, which utilizes the maximum sensitivities selection op-
for EV charging from a customers perspective with emphases timization technique. In a recent work [11], Dallinger et al.
on different individual demands and a tradeoff between the presented a new approach to analyze the economic impacts of
aggregators revenue and charging costs. We summarize our vehicle-to-grid (V2G) regulation and performed a case study
contributions as follows. for Germany using average daily data.
1) We present optimal schemes for the static charging In [27], Ma et al. developed a decentralized method to
scheduling problems and heuristic algorithms for the coordinate the charging of autonomous plug-in EVs using
dynamic problems with considerations for both the ag- concepts from noncooperative games, for the case where central
gregators revenue and customers demands and cost. computing resources or communications infrastructure are not
2) We present extensive simulation results based on real available or adequate. In [7] and [20], conceptual frameworks
electricity price and load data to show the potential for actively involving highly distributed loads in system control
revenue gains and cost savings that can be brought by actions are presented, and the communications infrastructure
optimal charging scheduling and the performance of the required to support such a load control scheme is discussed.
proposed dynamic charging scheduling algorithms. In [8], Callaway developed new methods to model and control
the aggregated power demand from a population of thermostat-
ically controlled loads, with the goal of delivering services such
as regulation and load following. In [22], Kempton and Tomic
examined the systems and processes needed to tap energy in ve-
EV charging has attracted substantial research attention hicles and implement V2G. In [29], an optimization algorithm
due to its potential impact on the grid system. Experimental was presented to manage a virtual power plant composed of
results from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory [17] and the a large number of customers with thermostatically controlled
National Renewable Energy Laboratory [13] showed that in appliances.
most regions, additional generation capacities are needed to The differences between our work and these related works
meet demands of EVs if they are charged with an uncontrolled are summarized as follows: 1) Unlike papers addressing only
charging strategy. Researchers from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, the aggregators benefit [11], [18], [21], [34], we consider the
VA, USA, pointed out in [31] that as EVs take a greater share in charging problems from a customers perspective and aim at
the fleet market, they may bring potential challenges to electric satisfying customers demands and reducing their costs. 2) We
utilities, particularly at the distribution level. Their simulation conduct a comprehensive study for the EV charging problems
results showed that at the EV penetration level of interest, by considering both the static and dynamic cases. The methods
new load peaks will be created, which, in some cases, may proposed for the dynamic problems can be used in a real-
exceed the distribution transformers capacities. EV stagger time manner. However, algorithms in [9], [13], [15], [31], and
charge and household load control were exploited to solve this [35] are not real-time algorithms. 3) Our schemes determine
problem [31]. In [15], Green et al. concluded that the impact the charging rate for each individual EV, whereas in [31] and
of EV charging on distribution networks can be determined by [35], the EV charging pool was treated as a whole operation
the following factors: driving patterns, charging characteristics, unit, and the charging rate is assigned to the unit based on
charging timing, and vehicle penetration. A dynamic program- its statistical behavior. 4) Closely related works [11][13],
ming model for assessing the impact of EVs on the distribution [17], [28] presented heuristic algorithms that cannot provide
grid of Belgium was developed by Clement et al. [9]. any performance guarantees. However, we present schemes to
The optimal operation of an aggregator for controlled EV produce optimal solutions for the static charging problems.
charging has been studied by a few recent works. In [18], 5) Regulation services provided by EV charging control have
Han et al. designed an aggregator that makes efficient use not been considered in [27]. In [20] and [22], the authors
of the distributed power of EVs to produce the desired grid- presented conceptual frameworks without presenting specific
scale power. Both the cost arising from battery charging and optimization algorithms, whereas in our work, we presented
the revenue obtained by providing the regulation service were algorithms to optimize EV charging scheduling with consid-
considered. A dynamic programming algorithm was presented eration for customer demands. Both [8] and [29] studied ther-
to compute the optimal charging control for each vehicle. mostatically controlled loads instead of EV charging loads;
Sortomme and El-Sharkawi [34] presented algorithms to find thus, the problems in their works are mathematically different
the optimal charging rates with the objective of maximizing from ours.

Fig. 1. EV charging network.


Here, we introduce the system model and necessary
Fig. 2. Daily electricity wholesale prices in Central New York.
An EV charging network consists of a substation, transform-
ers connected by transmission lines, EVs connected to the leaf-
node transformers, and an aggregator, which is shown in Fig. 1. a time, i.e., hour:minute. For example, suppose that an EV i is
In such a network, the aggregator serves as a central control connected to the grid at 6:15 P. M . with an initial SOC of 0.6.
node that collects information from both the power grid and It is scheduled to leave at 7:30 A . M . on the next day, with the
connected EVs and instructs the grid to charge each EV with battery fully charged. Then, the corresponding charging task
a charging rate given by the charging scheduling algorithm in can be presented as (i, 6.25, 19.5, 0.6, 1).
each hour. The efficient and safe delivery of power from the An aggregator is able to charge each EV at any charging rate,
substation to EVs requires that, at any time, the power flow ranging from a minimum value to a maximum value, depending
through each transformer or each branch does not exceed its on the type and the condition of the EVs battery [22], [36].
delivery capacity. Usually, if the power flow through each leaf- When EVs are connected to the grid, the aggregator controls
node transformer does not exceed its delivery capacity, all the charging rates and makes sure that the total charging rate of EVs
other devices and transmission lines will not be overloaded. associated with each transformer does not exceed its delivery
This implies that the power delivery through one leaf-node capacity. This is referred to as the power delivery capacity
transformer is independent from that through another leaf- constraint.
node transformer. Therefore, we can divide EVs into multiple In addition, the aggregator will also try to maximize its
groups such that each group includes EVs associated with a revenue. The aggregator buys electricity from the grid at a
leaf-node transformer and solve a charging scheduling problem wholesale price, which usually varies on an hour-to-hour basis,
independently for each group. This way, we can significantly as shown in Fig. 2. We plotted this figure based on real prices
reduce the computational complexity of the problem. In the in Central New York during July 1420, 2011, obtained from
following, we will focus on solving the charging scheduling the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), which
problems for EVs in one group. In addition, in each transformer, is a regional transmission organization in North America [25].
in addition to power consumed by EVs, there are basic daily In this figure, we can see that the daily wholesale electricity
power loads contributed by all other electronic appliances (e.g., price follows a quite similar hourly change pattern on different
refrigerators, coffee makers, washing machines, etc.), which days, i.e., higher values at peak hours (such as 3 P. M .6 P. M .)
can be estimated from historical data and should be counted and lower values at off-peak hours (such as 3 A . M .5 A . M .).
toward the total power load. This is referred to as base load in At a particular hour, the day-to-day price difference is not
the following. significant compared with the hourly difference. The aggre-
An EV can be connected to or disconnected from the charg- gator will add a markup price to the wholesale price and sell
ing network at any time according to the customers needs. A electricity to customers for charging their vehicles. Note that
customer will input his desired finishing time and final SOC of we consider a widely used pricing model in which the power
the battery for his car when it is connected to the network. Each grid operator specifies electricity prices on an hourly basis,
charging task can be characterized by a 5-tuple (i, si , fi , ei , ei ), which do not change with vehicle charging and discharging
where i is the vehicle ID, si is the starting time, fi is the policies.
desired finishing time, ei is the initial SOC of the battery, The power grid operator prefers relatively even load distribu-
and ei is the desired SOC after charging. Since most charging tion and stable frequency for the purpose of system stability
tasks will be undertaken at night, we consider a charging and reliability. The aggregator can adjust charging rates of
scheduling period starting from 12:00 P. M . (noon) and ending at connected EVs to produce relatively even load distribution, i.e.,
12:00 P. M . (noon) on the next day. Moreover, for simplicity, charge EVs with higher rates when the base load is low, and
we use a single decimal number between 0 and 24 to present vice versa. Moreover, when the grid calls for extra load or

and is given by the difference between the lower charging rate

limit and the scheduled charging rate of the EV (as shown in
Fig. 3). The regulation capacity is the sum of the regulation-up
capacity and the regulation-down capacity. The aggregator will
be paid by the power grid operator based on the regulation
capacities. We use a model similar to that in [34] to calculate
the aggregators revenue. On one hand, an aggregator makes
money from customers via the price difference between retail
and wholesale. On the other hand, its revenue comes from the
grid operator for its regulation service. Equation (2) is used to
calculate the aggregators revenue obtained from an EV in a
timeslot, i.e.,

mi,t = at ri,t + M pi,t hi,t (2)

Fig. 3. Regulation capacities provided by a single EV.
where mi,t is the aggregators revenue from EV i in timeslot
t, at is the regulation price in timeslot t, ri,t is the regulation
additional power supply in case of emergency, the aggregator capacity from EV i in timeslot t, M is the markup price, pi,t
can respond with temporally increased or temporally decreased is the charging rate for EV i in timeslot t, and hi,t specifies for
charging rates. This is referred to as regulation service in how long EV i is connected to the grid during timeslot t. Note
the electricity market. The amount of charging rate that an that the aggregator makes money from the grid operator only
aggregator can increase or decrease as requested by the grid is for EV charging but not for base loads.
referred to as regulation capacity. The aggregator determines From a customers perspective, the cost of charging an EV in
the regulation capacity offered to the grid while performing a timeslot is given as follows:
charging services. The calculation of regulation capacity that
one EV can provide to the grid is shown in Fig. 3. In the ci,t = (M + gt )pi,t hi,t (3)
figure, the potential regulation capacity that can be provided
by each EV is limited by the operational range of charging
rates. The difference between the upper charging rate limit where ci,t is the charging cost for charging EV i in timeslot t,
or the maximum charging rate limit (whichever is smaller) and and gt is the wholesale electricity price in timeslot t. Note that
the scheduled charging rate is the regulation-down capacity. if an EV is connected to the charging network in the middle of
The upper charging rate limit is given by the battery of the a timeslot, it does not pay for the period during which it is not
EV, which is the largest rate at which the battery can draw connected during that timeslot.
power. The maximum charging rate limit is the power needed
to charge the EV to its desired SOC in one timeslot, which can IV. P ROBLEM D EFINITION
be calculated using the following equation:
The electricity market operates on an hourly basis; there-
(ei xi,t ) Ci fore, we can naturally divide the time domain into timeslots
Pi,t = i, t (1) with a duration of 1 h each and consider T = 24 h as a
charging period, starting at 12:00 P. M . (noon). We define a
where ei is the desired SOC of EV i, xi,t is the current charging schedule for a given charging task i as a vector i =
SOC of EV i at the beginning of timeslot t, Ci is the battery [pi,1 , . . . , pi,t , . . . , pi,T ] in which each entry specifies the charg-
capacity, and Ei is the battery charging efficiency of EV ing rate at hour t. We say that a charging schedule is feasible
i (the ratio between the effectively stored energy and input if both customers demands (specified by charging tasks) and
energy). Obviously, the charging rate of each EV cannot exceed the system loading requirement are satisfied. In addition, we
this value in every timeslot. In addition, when charging a consider two objectives: maximizing the aggregators revenue
group of EVs, the total regulation-down capacity should be and minimizing the total electricity cost of customers. More-
further restricted by the delivery capacity of the transformer. over, we take account of customers costs when maximizing
Specifically, the aggregator determines charging rate pi,t for the aggregators revenue, i.e., for the revenue maximization
each connected EV to make sure that in each timeslot t, the problems; we also make sure that the cost of a charging task
total charging rate plus the regulation-down
 capacity is within does not exceed a given upper bound. This way, we can achieve
its upper operational limit, i.e., i pi,t + i di,t R, where a tradeoff between the aggregators revenue and the customers
di,t is the regulation-down capacity, and R is the transformer costs. Accordingly, a charging schedule can be defined for a
delivery capacity. This way, the aggregator can help keep the set of given tasks: = {i : i {1, . . . , N }}, where N is the
system frequency stable, which is why the power grid operator number of charging tasks.
is willing to pay for the regulation service. The regulation- We study two charging scenarios: static and dynamic. In the
up capacity, on the contrary, is the ability that the EV can static version, we assume that the aggregator knows all the
decrease its charging rate to help boost the system frequency scheduling tasks (starting time, finishing time, initial SOC, and

expected SOC) in a coming scheduling period beforehand. The TABLE I

aggregator calculates a charging schedule using an algorithm,
and each vehicle will follow it for charging after its arrival.
In reality, information on some charging tasks may not be
available ahead of time. Therefore, we consider a more realistic
dynamic scenario in which the aggregator is not assumed to
know the charging tasks before EVs actually arrive. A charging
scheduling algorithm will be used by the aggregator to calculate
the charging schedule for each vehicle right after it is connected
to the grid.
First, we define the static scheduling problems. Given a set
of charging tasks Q = {(1, s1 , f1 , e1 ), . . . , (i, si , fi , ei ), . . . ,
(N, sN , fN , eN )}; base loads l = [l1 , . . . , lt , . . . , lT ]; elec-
tricity prices g = [g1 , . . . , gt , . . . , gT ]; regulation prices a =
[a1 , . . . , at , . . . , aT ]; transformer delivery capacity R; EV bat-
tery capacities C = [C1 , . . . , Ci , . . . , CN ]; EV battery charging
efficiency E = [E1 , . . . , Ei , . . . , EN ], which is the ratio be-
tween the effectively stored energy and input energy; and upper
and lower charging rate limits P = [P1 , . . . , Pi , . . . , PT ] and
P = [P1 , . . . , Pi , . . . , PT ], we define the following optimiza-
tion problems.
Definition 1: The Maximum Revenue Static Charging
Scheduling Problem (R-SCSP) seeks a feasible charging
schedule for the set of given chargingtasks Q such that
the corresponding aggregators revenue t=1 i=1 mi,t is
maximum among all feasible charging schedules.
In addition, we also aimed at minimizing the total charging
cost from a customers perspective.
Definition 2: The Minimum Cost Static Charging
Scheduling Problem (C-SCSP) seeks a feasible charging
schedule for the set of given chargingtasks  Q such that
t=T i=N
the corresponding total electricity cost t=1 t=1 ci,t is
minimum among all feasible charging schedules.
The dynamic charging scheduling problems are the same as
their static counterparts except that the charging task sequence
is not assumed to be known in advance. Correspondingly, we
call the two problems as the Maximum Revenue Dynamic subject to
Charging Scheduling Problem (R-DCSP) and the Minimum
Cost Dynamic Charging Scheduling Problem (C-DCSP).
ei i, t = si 
For easy reference, we summarize all major notations in 
xi,t = ei i, t = fi (5)
Table I. Ei hi,t1 pi,t1
xi,t1 + Ci , otherwise

Pi pi,t Pi i, t (6)

Here, we present optimal schemes for the problems defined 

in the last section. We find that the static problems can be (M + gt ) pi,t hi,t B (7)
t=1 i=1
formulated as linear programming (LP) problems, which are
known to be solvable in polynomial time [4]. For the dynamic ri,t = ui,t + di,t i, t (8)
problems, we present polynomial-time heuristic algorithms.

pi,t Pi i, t s.t. hi,t = 1
ui,t = (9)
0, otherwise
A. Static Charging Scheduling

First, we present the LP formulation for the R-SCSP.LP- min{Pi,t , Pi } pi,t i, t s.t. hi,t = 1
di,t = (10)
R-SCSP: 0, otherwise
T  T  N 
max at ri,t + M pi,t hi,t (4) pi,t + lt + di,t R t. (11)
xi,t ,pi,t ,ri,t
t=1 i=1 t=1 i=1 i i

In this formulation, (5) assigns a value for the SOC of that previously presented since it is used for a single EV i.
each connected EV in each hour properly. This way, each EV ThusLP-R-DCSP (i)
is guaranteed to be charged to the desired SOC when it is
disconnected from the charging network. Note that in these 
max at ri,t + M pi,t hi,t (14)
equations, hi,t gives the actual connection time of each EV xi,t ,pi,t ,ri,t
t=1 t=1
during each timeslot. An EV may not always arrive at the
beginning of a timeslot and leave at the end of a timeslot. subject to
Therefore, in a timeslot, the connection time of an EV may be
less than 1 h, and this would affect the calculation of regulation ei t = si 

capacities, charging energy, and cost. Note that hi,t is NOT a x t = ei t = fi (15)
Ei hi,t1 pi,t1
decision variable, and its value can be precalculated using the xi,t1 + Ci , otherwise
following equation once a charging task is given: Pi pi,t Pi t (16)

1, si  < t < fi  (M + gt )pi,t hi,t B (17)

1, t = si , si = si  t=1
hi,t = si si , t = si , si
= si  (12) ri,t = ui,t + di,t t (18)

fi fi ,
t = fi , fi
= fi  
pi,t Pi t s.t. hi,t = 1
0, otherwise. ui,t = (19)
0, otherwise

Constraint (6) ensures that in each timeslot, the charging min{Pi,t , Pi } pt t s.t. hi,t = 1
di,t = (20)
rate of each EV is no smaller than its lower limit but no 0, otherwise
larger than its upper limit. In addition, the total charging cost  i  i

of an EV should not exceed cost upper bound B, which is pj,t + lt + di,t R t. (21)
j=1 j=1
guaranteed by constraint (7). B is the maximum total cost that
customers are willing to pay for charging their EVs, which is In this formulation, the objective function and constraints are
specified by customers based on their needs. We make these similar to those in the R-SCSP. However, we only calculate
constraints general enough such that the cost upper bound can the charging scheduling for the newly arriving EV i. Note that
be set to any reasonable value based on various factors such constraints (17) and (21) are different from (7) and (11) because
as emergency level, the cost without regulation, the minimum we only consider this new EV i and all those EVs that were
possible total cost, etc. Constraints (8)(11) use the model de- connected before EV i. Similarly, for the C-DCSP, we solve the
scribed in Section IV to calculate the regulation capacities and following LP:LP-C-DCSP(i):
make sure that there is no violation on the transformer delivery
capacity. Note that since the regulation service is provided on 

an hourly basis, the regulation capacity should be consistent min (M + gt )pi,t hi,t (22)
xi,t ,pi,t ,ri,t
during the whole timeslot. In the hours when the EV arrives or t=1

leaves in the middle, regulation service is not considered to be

subject to constraints (15)(21).
provided by the aggregator. Hence, (9) and (10) ensure that the
Although this approach can find a charging schedule with
regulation capacity will NOT be accounted for in those hours.
either the maximum incremental revenue (LP-R-DCSP) or the
minimum incremental cost (LP-C-DCSP) every time an EV is
  connected to the network, it cannot guarantee that the solution

is optimal for either the R-DCSP or C-DCSP. To improve its
min (M + gt ) pi,t hi,t (13)
xi,t ,pi,t ,ri,t performance further, we come up with another scheme, namely,
t=1 i=1
dynamic charging scheduling with updating, which adjusts the
charging schedules for the connected EVs every time k more
subject to constraints (5)(6) and (8)(11).
EVs arrive. This can be done by solving an LP problem that
is the same as the LP-R-SCSP or LP-C-SCSP, except that
B. Dynamic Charging Scheduling the input only includes EVs that are currently connected to
the network (instead of all EVs). The smaller the value of k,
Either the R-DCSP or the C-DCSP cannot be solved by usually, the better the performance, but the higher the overhead.
solving a single LP problem because the charging tasks are
not known in advance. We propose two schemes to solve the
dynamic scheduling problems. In the first scheme, we solve an
LP problem to find charging schedule i every time charging We evaluated the performance of the proposed schemes
task i arrives (i.e., an EV is connected to the charging net- using real electricity prices and real base load and battery
work). Once the charging schedule for an EV is calculated, it data. Specifically, the hourly electricity prices and regulation
will not be changed during the whole charging period. The prices in each day in Central New York were obtained from the
LP problem is presented in the following, which has a much NYISO [25]. Average electricity prices and regulation prices
smaller size (the number of constraints and variables) than over 30 days (July 130, 2011) were used for simulation.


The aggregator charges a markup price (M ) of $0.05 per

kilowatthour from customers. We set EV-battery-related param-
eters, including the charging rate limit and battery capacity Fig. 4. Revenue gains given by optimal charging scheduling.
based on the specifications of the Chevy Volt Li-ion battery
[3]. A typical summer base load profile for a 100-household
residential community was generated using the demand profile
generators from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
U.K. [26].
In the simulation, N charging tasks were generated for a
scheduling period from 12 P. M . (noon) to 12 P. M . on the next
day to simulate the overnight EV charging. According to the
survey data in [14], we used Gaussian distributions to model
vehicles travel pattern and generate EV arrival (starting) and
departure (finishing) times. Specifically, the starting times si
follow a normal distribution with a mean of = 6 P. M . and a
standard deviation of = 2 h; the desired finishing times fi
follow a normal distribution with = 7 A . M . and = 2 h; and
the daily travel distances follow a lognormal distribution with Fig. 5. Cost savings given by optimal charging scheduling.
= 3.22 mi and = 0.66 mi. The initial SOCs ei were set to
total charging cost (given by the C-SCSP scheme) with the
be distributed in the range [0.3, 0.9], and the desired SOC ei
baseline solutions. In the simulation, we fixed the EV battery
was set to 0.9 for each EV. A total of ten seeds (from one
upper charging rate limit Pi at 4.4 kW and the charging cost
to ten) were used to generate ten sets of random input data,
upper bound at the total cost of unregulated charging. More-
and the average values over ten runs were presented as results
over, we perform simulation runs on networks with sizes of
in the following figures. The common simulation settings are
N = {10, 20, 50, 100, 200}, respectively.
summarized in Table II.
In Figs. 4 and 5, we can see that significant revenue gains
In the simulation, an unregulated charging scheme was used
and cost savings can be brought by optimal charging schedul-
as a baseline solution for comparison, in which the aggregator
ing. Specifically, on average, the aggregators revenue can be
serves EVs on a first-come first-serve basis and charge EVs with
improved by 132%, and the total charging cost can be reduced
the maximal allowable charging rate. We used the aggregators
by 17.4%, compared with unregulated charging.
revenue, the total charging cost as the performance metrics. The
following parameters may have a significant impact on system
performance: the number of EVs (N ), the total charging cost B. Performance of Dynamic Charging Scheduling Schemes
upper bound (B), and the upper charging rate limit (Pi ). We
As previously mentioned, the dynamic charging scheduling
first try to find out how they can affect the system performance
schemes are more likely to be used in reality. To evaluate their
using the optimal static charging scheduling schemes by setting
performance, we used the maximum possible aggregator rev-
them to different values. As previously mentioned, the optimal
enues given by the R-SCSP scheme, the minimum possible total
solutions given by the static charging scheduling schemes can
charging costs given by the C-SCSP scheme, and the revenues
be used to show the potential benefit that can be brought by
and costs given by the baseline approach as benchmarks. The
regulated charging and serve as a benchmark for performance
simulation settings in the scenario were the same as those in
evaluation. We used the CPLEX [10] to solve all the LP
the first scenario previously described, except that the charging
cost upper bound was set as the minimum possible total cost.
The simulation results are presented in Figs. 6 and 7.
A. Potential Benefits Given by Optimal Charging Scheduling
In Figs. 6 and 7, we can see that the dynamic charg-
To show the potential benefits that can be brought by optimal ing scheduling schemes with updating (R-DCSP-updating and
charging scheduling, we compare the maximum aggregators C-DCSP-updating) consistently perform better than the dy-
revenue (given by the R-SCSP scheme) and the minimum namic scheduling schemes without updating (R-DCSP and

Fig. 8. Maximum aggregators revenue versus the upper charging rate limit.
Fig. 6. Performance of dynamic charging scheduling schemes in terms of

Fig. 9. Minimum total charging cost versus the upper charging rate limit.

Fig. 7. Performance of dynamic charging scheduling schemes in terms of

cost. We make the following observations from the simulation
results: The upgrade of the upper charging rate limit does not
C-DCSP). Hence, the updating procedure can actually improve benefit the customers much (i.e., does not significantly reduce
system performance. Moreover, on average, the aggregators the charging costs). However, the upper charging rate limit
revenue given by the R-DCSP-updating scheme is only 7% has a positive impact on the aggregators revenue, i.e., the
away from the optimal values, and the total charging cost aggregators revenue increases with the upper charging rate
given by the C-DCSP-updating scheme is almost the same as limit. This is because the upgrade of this limit improves the
the optimal values. Therefore, similar to the optimal charging regulation capacity, which determines the revenue. However,
scheduling scheme, the R-DCSP-updating scheme improves this increase can only be achieved by upgrading the charging
the aggregators revenue by 113% and reduces the total charg- station hardware. In addition, when the upper limit becomes
ing cost by 17.4% on average, compared with the baseline relatively large, the increase in revenue slows down, because
approach. Therefore, we conclude that the R-DCSP-updating there exists a fixed transformer delivery capacity R.
scheme provides close-to-optimal solutions and achieves a
good tradeoff between revenue and cost.
In this paper, we have studied EV charging scheduling prob-
C. Impact of the Upper Charging Rate Limit on
lems from a customers perspective by jointly considering the
System Performance
aggregators revenue and customers demands and costs. We
The impact of the upper charging rate limit on the maximum presented LP-based optimal schemes for the static charging
aggregators revenue and the minimum total charging cost is scheduling problems and effective heuristic algorithms for the
shown in Figs. 8 and 9. We performed simulation runs on a dynamic problems. It has been shown by extensive simulation
network with N = 200 EVs by changing the upper charging results based on real electricity price and load data that, com-
rate limit from 3.3 to 8.8 kW with a step size of 1.1 kW. The cost pared with an unregulated baseline approach, the aggregators
upper bound was set to the total cost of unregulated charging. revenue can be improved by 113%, and the total charging cost
The maximum aggregators revenues were computed by the can be reduced by 17.4% on average. Moreover, the proposed
R-SCSP scheme, and the minimum total charging costs were dynamic charging scheduling schemes provide solutions that
calculated by the C-SCSP scheme. are very close to optimal.

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