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458 PART 2 Acquiring, Training, and Developing Human Resources SAP tested its recruitment of workers with autism in Germany and India; based on the pilot program's succes it rolled out the effort to Ireland, Canada, and the United States. A Danish training and consulting firm called Specialisterne screens candidates. Those who pass the creening are referred to SAP, After SAP selects employ- ces, it provides adaptation vaining to help them adjust to working on teams, and it assigns them to a mentor. In exchange for this extra effort, the company sees a competi- tive advantage. Luisa Delgado, a member of SAP's exec tutive board, put it this way: “Only by employing people ‘who think differently and spark innovation will SAP be prepared to handle the challenges of the 2st century. EV caSs Boeing's High-Flying Approach to HR Planning and Recruitment {As the world’s biggest aerospace company, Boeing is well ‘acquainted \vith the industry's major human resource chal- lenge: identifying, attracting, and keeping enough skilled workers. Across manufacturing, the demand for engineers ig intense, but it is especially so in aerospace. Engineers flocked to aerospace companies during the space race, but recently Internet companies have become the main attraction. Consequently, the average age for acronauti- cal engineers is 47, compared with 42 for U.S. workers overall. In other words, many are approaching retirement. ‘Compounding the problem, Boeing is in the defense busi- ness, so it faces legal limits on the number of non-U.S, citi- zens it may hire, To meet the challenge, Boeing has dedicated years to establishing a systematic approzch to talent management linked to strategy. The system begins with the establish- ment of priorities. HR executives talk to business leaders about anticipated workforce needs. They divide the work- force into segments and identify which are most critical to success and where the current skills of the workforce do not meet those critical needs. They use predictive models to forecast business trends and workforce demographics They analyze all this information to identify the changes needed to fill in the gaps in Boeing's workforce. Then, to apply the results of this analysis, Bocing’s HR team plans how to make the necessary changes through a combination of three tactics: promotions within the company, transfers of employees into positions where they can be developed to meet future needs, and recruitment of employees outside Boeing. ‘A key aspect of recruitment is reaching out to entry-level engineers on college and university campuses. Boeing has intensified these efforts and is matching other companies’ practice of making job offers earlier during students’ senior years. During recruitment, students interview with several Questions 1. What recruiting methods described here support SAp¥ need for talented workers who help the company innovate? 2. Suggest a few other recruiting methods that would hy SAP remain a strong, innovative company. Sources: Company website, “About Us,” htpffw ww,aosesse ‘Aptil 6.2016; Sharon Florentine, “How SAP Is Hiving Autistic Adult for Te Joos!" C10 December 9, 2015, Shirley S. Wang, "How, ‘Autism Can Help You Land Job," Wall Street Jura, March 27,2014, huge saline ws com; Rob Preston, “SAP CEO Eavisions Younger, Greens, Cloudy Company” InformationWeek, Noverbe 25,2013, mnt infortaionnea sco Katie Mosse, “Tech Giant Sees “Competitive Advantage" in Antic Workforce" ABC News, May 22, 2013, different managers and tour company facilities. so 1 understand the company and its culture and opportunities, ‘Then, to ensure that the reality of working for Boeing li up to the image portrayed during recruitment, Boeing ‘a workforce development program that plans career grox opportunities as carefully as the company plans hiring Recruiting efforts alone cannot meet Boeing's nk unless schools are preparing individuals for technology: related jobs. Therefore, Boeing also enters into partnershi with schools. As analysis of workforce needs unco important emerging skills, Boeing helps school lead: cers plan how to teach those skills. Supporting universit research projects bolsters the company’s innovative im: ‘on campus. Boeing has also set up a Higher Educati Integration Board, which identifies needs for continui education, evaluates the quality of employees hired from specific schools, and sets strategy for future recruiting and research efforts. 1 Questions 1. To meet labor shortages within the company. Boeing starts with promotions and transfers. What advantages: might it experience from filling positions with current employees? 2. Besides the external recruitment sources described) here, what other sources would you recommend for Boeing? Why? 3 ‘Boeing CTO: “Here's Whot | Look for When Hiring Recent Gra,” Gees Wie, une 16,2015, hup/wwrwgeckwive ce: Cie Zillman, "Ameren Defense indstry J Going Gray.” Foraae, Nevensber (4h 3013, hpe/mangement; Price waer house Coopers, “ThE Feigh Sut.” Key July 2013, p/wwpueom: Kathleen Kose ‘Talent Management: Establishing & Plight Plan" Eaplovee Benet News [Apal 1 2013, Business sighs: Global, hips glexeoup.comn; "Bocine Sears over Ponta Talent Gyp ith is Workforce Training Suategiow Bloomberg BNA,February 13,2013, itp:/www/

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