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Despite of, everydays busy life, we choose a life with the mere presence of God in our hearts and

senses, as we continue cultivating our intellects, we choose to reflect that what is happening now, is
merely what God really wants us to be situated, no matter how is easy or difficult your disposition is.
The feeling of giving hope by a simple smile is something that you might not know, that you
might have just made someones day. The tapping of ones shoulder of an elder one regardless of how
they looked and what clothes they wore, someone you dont know personally, asking them if they need
assistance to cross the street, giving them one or two sticks of banana-que, quickly says, thank you with a
smile, makes my heart so grateful for all the blessings that God has given to me and my family. By simple
way of asking how do you do to tricycle driver you happen to take on a ride going to school, is something
of showing a concern to other people, thus, spreading a favorable attitude on how we socially deal with
people only by chance we possibly meet each day.
While walking to the Terminal right after my class, I voluntarily give alms to sidewalk beggars
especially those who are disabled, although its not really part of my daily routine giving them alms but
certainly, being able to share to them just a few coins of my spare money and food, gives my heart- a dose
of happiness. Reminding me much, on how I grew up so close with my Grandfather, I remember him at
his late 50, that almost everyday when I was in grade school, I really intend to sleep early so I can go up
early as well, to be able to go with him to the fish market as early as 4:30 in the morning, I and my male
cousin accompanies him. I remember him saying, that even its just a peso in your pocket or just a
pandesal, you dont forget other people especially the less fortunate,share what you have, in this way, you
learn to value them as if it is you on their same footing, always be thankful for what you have. Well, he
actually cooks well Satti Sauce although its not served with chicken, he substituted it with a bucket of
fried fish tamban as a side dish, and one big size of cooked rice, I helped him bringing it to the homeless,
young, street dwellers in Serantes Street near to the market area in Jolo.For that I can never forget that
kind act that he had shown to me, something of which I had brought wherever I am, it became a part of
When I reached my tertiary education, I and my group-mates, primarily engaged in feeding
programs in the community where we handled most of our nursing delivery cases, every month we do
Blood pressure and Blood glucose check-up, and quarterly, engaging in the outreach program of my
department includes medical and dental services, this were some of the activities, where I believed we
become selfless, by giving free services to people without expecting and demanding anything in return.
I remember when I was still working in an Emergency room, every time I go to hospital I make
sure that I bear a heart and a face with cheerfulness so whenever I face my colleagues and patients, they
get contagious of it. The act of nursing other people, for me is being a man for others, because for sure
they need someone to take care of their health needs.
Just recently, I had read a phrase that have captured my attention which says, You know, the
meaning of life is easywe are created to praise, glorify and serve God, and by this means to achieve our
eternal destiny! Knowing our real purpose in life as to how we can bring good impact to others, as to
how we struggle in holding on to our faith to God, glorifying him by selflessly giving ourselves into
others is serving God, eventually allowing Gods presence, love and deeply be part of our daily lives, is
also part of our faith in God.
Apart from being a Law Student, we simply cannot just let the day passed without examining our
daily practice of our faith, we need to abide by the rules set regardless of any religion you belong and
more importantly is to show respect on people with different faith and perspective. I believed that
bringing all what I have learned all those years and over the course of this subject, I am being reminded
over and over again that its not enough that we feed only our brains and leave our souls empty, within us,
we are whispered with the words that: Life is a matter of choice and a manner of choosing; Choosing
that which no one else will do, aiming to attain more or greater efficiency, is magis, and reminds us to
live our lives for the greater glory of God by placing ourselves and accumulated resources at the service
of others and especially those who need most help.
As a future lawyer, I have realized ,that we should strive more and more in giving to others not
only for our selves , a kind of spirit that we should all have and integrate it all as much as we can in our
private and professional lives. To add more importantly is that, we should never discriminate nor prefer
one class of people because of their status in life, instead what we should do, is to think on how we can
actually help those people and be part of their lives. I know I have a lot of flaws as a human being, lots to
improve but I hope that in the future, I may not be a perfect lawyer, at least , I know for myself that I have
a heart to give to the needy and underprivileged, bringing more development to our society especially
with more focus as to helping the youth building up their future with love, justice, equality,freedom and
Apart from the things I have mentioned above, I pray that in the forgoing days that I shall remain
strong physically, mentally and emotionally as I continue struggling with my endeavor, so I am able to
fulfill my obligation not only upon myself, family and other beings, but forsake of our Creator,for the
Greater Glory Of Him.Amen.

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