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Propoziia completiv direct (The Direct Object Clause)

25.4.1. Propoziia completiv direct ndeplinete rolul de complement

direct al predicatului din propoziia regent: Remember that we have to
leave by 11:00 a.m. S nu uii c trebuie s plecm n jurul orei 11.

25.4.2. Propoziiile enuniative i interogative trecute la vorbirea indirect

sunt de asemenea completive direecte: We asked him whether he had
understood the instructions. L-am ntrebat dac a neles intruciunile. He
told us he had understood everything. Ne-a spus c a neles tot.

pag: 241

25.4.3. Conjuncia that este deseori omis n engleza familiar dup verbe
ca: think, believe, imagine, suppose; see, hear, know, remember, understand
I think he will come in time. Cred c o s vin la timp.
I suppose he will come in time. Cred c o s vin la timp.
Conjuncia that trebuie pstrat cnd propoziiile sunt lungi i au multe
complemente circumstaniale: I dont suppose that he indends to return until
tomorrow. Nu cred c intenioneaz s se ntoarc pn mine.

Atenie! Nu folosete conjuncia that dup: I wish, Id rather, Id sooner: I

wish you could find out the truth. A dori s poi afla adevrul.

25.4.4. Corespondena timpurilor

Folosirea timpurilor verbale n propoziia completiv direct este mai strict

n limba englez dect n limba romn.
Raportul logic stabilit ntre timpul predicatului din propoziia
principal/regent i timpul predicatului din propoziia subordonat este
exprimat pe plan sintactic printr-o anumit concordan sau coresponden a
timpurilor verbale folosite n cele dou propoziii, numit n limba englez
Sequence of Tenses (Corespondena Timpurilor).
Exist cteva reguli generale de coresponden a timpurilor care se aplic n
principal la propoziia completiv direct:
Regula I. Dac verbul propoziiei principale este la un timp prezent (present,
Present Perfect), n propoziia completiv se poate folosi orice timp cerut de
logica enunului:
I know she has sent the letter.
I know they came yesterday.
I know he will conduct the concert tonight.
tiu c ea a expediat scrisoarea.
tiu c ei au venit ieri.
tiu c el va dirija concertul de disear.
Regula II. Dac verbul propoziiei principale este la viitor, n propoziia
completiv se poate folosi orice timp afar de viitor: I shall inform him that i
need his report tomorrow. l voi informa c am nevoie de raportul lui mine.

Regula III. Cnd verbul din propoziia principal este la prezent, sau Present
Perfect, n propoziia completiv se poate folosi viitorul (spre deosebire de
celelalte propoziii subordonate): I know that he will come tomorrow. tiu c
va veni mine.

Regula IV. Dac verbul propoziiei principale este la un timp trecut, verbul
propoziiei subordonate trebuie de asemenea s fie la un timp trecut:

We knew (that) she had sent the letter.

We knew (that) they were away.
We knew (that) she would help us.
He had menioned (that) she had sent the letter.
He had menioned (that) they were away.
He had menioned (that) she would help us.
Noi tiam / El menionase c ea a trimis / trimisese scrisoarea.
Noi tiam / El menionase c ei sunt / erau plecai din ora.
Noi tiam / El menionase c ea ne va ajuta.

pag: 242

Atenie! la traducerea n limba romn!

Past Perfect (pentru exprimarea anterioritii) se poate traduce prin mai-
mult-ca-perfectul, perfectul compus este mia frecvent: tiam c ea a trimis
scrisoarea, iar Past Pense (aciuni simultane) se traduce de obicei prin
prezent: tiam c ei sunt plecai din ora.

Corespondena ntre timpurile din propoziia principal i din completiva

direct (Sequence of Tenses):

Raportul aciunii din Timpul predicatului Timpul predicatului

propoziia din principal din subordonat
subordonat fa de
aciunea din
1. anterioritate Present/Present Present Perfect
Perfect/ Future
Past Tense/Past Past Perfect
2. simultaneitate Present/Present Present Tense
Past Tense/Past Past Tense
3. posterioritate Present/Present Future
Future Present
Past Tense/Past Future-in-the-Past

Se poate observa paralelismul ntre timpurile prezente ale indicativului

(Present, Present Perfect) utilizate pentru exprimarea unor aciuni prezente i
timpurile trecute (Past Tense, Past Perfect) ntrebuinate pentru redarea unor
aciuni trecute. Un paralelism similar exist ntre viitor i viitor - n - trecut:
1. I think I have met her before.
Cred c am ntlnit-o.
I thought I had met her before.
Am crezut c o mai ntlnisem.
2. I think he is right.
Cred c are dreptate.
I thought he was right.
Am crezut c are dreptate.
3. I think they will come later.
Cred c vor veni mai trziu.
I thought they would come later.
Am crezut c vor veni mai trziu.

Excepii la regula IV:

Fac excepie de la corespondena timpurilor trecute completivele directe care
a) fapte cu valabilitate general, adevruri (considerate) absolute: We were
told that Shakespeare is the greatest English writer. Ni s-a spus c
Shakespeare este cel mai mare scriitor englez.

pag: 243

b) completivele directe dup verbe ca know, realize, believe, think, hope,

regret care presupun adevrul complementului direct, acesta fiind adevrat
i n momentul vorbirii:
I realized he is a South American. Mi-am dat seama c este din America de

Regula V. Folosirea subjonctivului n propoziia completiv direct:

a) Dup verbe ca ask, demand, require, order, urge, suggest, propose.
arrange, verbul din subordonata completiv se pune la subjonctivul prezent
analitic should + infintiv:
The captain orders that the crew should abandon ship.
Cpitanul ordon / a ordonat ca echipajul s prseasc vasul.
b) Subjonctivul prezent sintetic este folosit n varianta american a limbii
engleze i uneori n limba englez scris: The captain ordered that the crew
abandon ship.
Regula VI. Folosirea timpurilor dup verbul wish:
Verbul wish este urmat de:
a) Past Tense, pentru a exprima regretul fa de o aciune nerealizat n
prezent: I wish(ed) she were/was here with us. A dori/A fi dorit/ca ea s fie
aici cu noi.
sau fa de o situaie de mai lung durat: He wishes/wished he lived in the
country. Ar dori/Ar fi dorit s locuiasc la ar.
b) Past Perfect, pentru a exprima regretul fa de o aciune nerealizat n
trecut: We wish(ed) she had joined us. Am fi dorit ca ea s fi venit cu noi.
c) Would + infinitiv pentru a exprima o dorin pentru o aciune viitoare (care
nu are anse de a se realiza): I wish he would come in time (but I dont think
he will). A dori ca el s vin la timp dar nu cred c o va face.
sau o rugminte politicoas: I wish you would speak louder. A dori/v-a ruga
s vorbii mai tare.

Atenie! Verbul wish este urmat de verbe la indicativ (prezent, viitor) cnd
are sensul de a spera: I wish he will come in time = I hope he will come in
time. Sper c va veni la timp.

Regula VI se aplic i la Id rather, Id sooner:

Id rather he worked harder.
Id rather he had made more efforts to improve.
Id rather he would come tomorrow.
Id sooner he worked harder.
Id sooner he had made more efforts to improve.
Id sooner he would come tomorrow.
A prefera ca el s munceasc mai mult.
A prefera ca el s fi fcut mai multe eforturi pentru a se perfeciona.
A prefera ca el s vin mine.

Atenie! Wish urmat de o completiv direct se traduce n limba romn

prin condiional + subjonctiv: I wish she were here = A dori ca ea s fie aici.
I wished she had been with us = A fi dorit ca ea s fi fost cu noi.
La fel: Id rather he worked harder = A prefera ca el s munceasc mai
mult. etc.

pag: 244

25.4.5. Reducerea propoziiei completive directe

Propoziia completiv direct poate fi nlocuit de o construcie infinitival
cnd subiectul ei identic cu subiectul din propoziia regent: I want to talk to
him. Vreau s vorbesc cu el.
sau cu complementul direct, n care caz se folosete construcia Acuzativ +
infinitiv: I want her to talk to the child. Vreau ca ea s vorbeasc cu copilul.
Dup unele verbe se poate folosi o construcie gerundial n locul celei
infinitivale, pentru a sublinia legtura dintre cele dou aciuni (i nu dintre
subiecte): I dont like his ringing us up so often. (accentul cade pe aciunea
de telefoane). Nu-mi place c ne telefoneaz aa de des. Dar: I dont like him
to ring us to often. (accentul este pe subiectul completive). Nu-mi place ca el
s ne telefoneze aa de des.

25.5. Propoziia completiv prepoziional

25.5.1. Aceast propoziie este introdus de elemente wh- nsoite sau nu

de prepoziii:
Look at what she has bought. Privete la ce-a cumprat.
Look at who has come. Privete la cine a venit.
Look where he is going. Privete unde se duce.

25.5.2. n propoziia completiv prepoziional, prepoziia se omite:

a) cnd prepoziia completiv este introdus prin that:
At the last moment, she reminded me that she couldnt go.
At the last moment, she persuaded me that she couldnt go.
At the last moment, she was delighted that she couldnt go.
n ultimul moment, ea mi-a amintit c nu putea s mearg.
n ultimul moment, ea m-a convins c nu putea s mearg.
n ultimul moment, ea a fost ncntat c nu putea s mearg.

b) dup anumite verbe i adjective:

I wonder which of these ties he wants to buy.
She hasnt decided which of these ties he wants to buy.
Im not sure which of these ties he wants to buy.
M ntreb care cravat vrea s-o cumpere.
Nu s-a hotrt care cravat vrea s-o cumpere.
Nu sunt sigur care cravat vrea s-o cumpere.

25.5.3. Dup anumite verbe, prepoziia completiv prepoziional poate fi

anticipat de pronumele it, care ndeplinete rolul de complement
prepoziional formal n propoziia regent: You may rely upon it that he will
keep his promise. Poi s fii sigur c i va ine promisiunea.

pag: 245

25.5.4. n propoziiile completive prepoziionale se aplic corespondena

We agreed upon it that it had been a misunderstanding.
We agreed upon it that he was right.
We agreed upon it that she would apologize.

Am czut de acord c a fost o nenelegere.

Am czut de acord c el are dreptate.
Am czut de acord c ea i va cere scuze.

Dup construciile la un timp prezent exprimnd sentimente: be sorry, be

surprised / astonished / amazed, be disappointed, verbele din propoziia
completiv pot fi puse:
a) la prezentul indicativ sau subjonctivul should + infintiv pentru exprimarea
unor aciuni simultane:
Im amazed that they bring the children here for the summer.
Im amazed that they should bring the children here for the summer.
Sunt uimit c-i aduc aici copiii vara.
b) la Present Perfect / Past Tense sau should + infinitiv perfect pentru
exprimarea unei aciuni anterioare celei din principal:
Im surprised that he has accepted their offer.
Im surprised that he should have accepted their offer.
M surprinde faptul c a acceptat ofetta lor.
Dac verbul din principal este la un timp trecut, se aplic corespondena
timpurilor trecute: a) simultaneitatea: Past Tense sau should + infinitiv:
I was disappointed they were so late.
I was disappoited they should be so late.
Am fost dezamgit c au venit aa de trziu.
b) anterioritate: Past Perfect sau should + infinitiv perfect:
I was sorry they had sold their car.
I was sorry they should have sold their car.
Mi-a prut ru c i-a vndut maina.
n toate cazurile folosirea subjonctivului accentueaz ideea: Mi-a prut ru c
i-au putut vinde maina. Pe cnd infinitivul scoate n relief aciunea care a
avut loc : Mi-a prut ru c i-a vndut maina.

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