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ie -F-2012 ENGINEERING Geto Weplcations °F seclogy tn the Feel af uit engineers is engineering geatogy Rhotegrametg = veeertt advancement in the Paneer qeolegy which cleale study of aread photographs . Remote Sentra) Da .Acat oe ei of information sith putt oa Physical contact by using Sensors . Gus © Geographical Tnformation Science) \- TE ‘cleats with the aguacation of information ba ob capturing, datageee sing , data storage and data a eval of geographical information . : Ss 0 (eee ee hardware and software Concrete * cement , cand eqgregate? and wo: cement 4) C5) tap eilneetien ‘> concrete. Engineering Geolegy | ini eel ies = TR dleck’ swith the material Habe sculle of origi availability 7 properties eta ¢ eval cance : : j Ff : bt weight SEE een intimate mixture of aggregate ) , crushed stones ( coarse ee = SF CCCC CCC CCC SCOTT CE water knowledge We surface Por construction — of ete mechonie (Geo teak ae projects and es ee oe » The relationship of “dhe rajnevod vin 9 week ¢ SS of texture ave b called as texture: Tee YP Q coarte grain texture > > medium > fine « : > Tantures based on Shope oF grain axe elouitied as © vhytral “well ae en © Lsiydrad Cunshap ® Sab hydra Cpartiolly "aged dnter locking texture © TP te grins ove clorely packed it jc cabled o interlocki tenture on Ue — basis of competi too igneous yocks ore a2 easily rea @ Ulta baie jlancaus okt, © Sine n 8:0.) hd, (cas to atroos © Basic voeks Le nss Teh G05) k Tntermediate vock* (ss-65 fof S02) & Betdic voces | ( >be bAbee Oe) “eg iw oO the toate colour snaghie miner aut cotsured Fefeic “ - light coloured f200 © Wi Magma is at a temperadbure ae . The subitomes ‘sbbotrad’ 'atter * d stog es are re Olivine —> Pyronere —> Dmphi on - Suoaty, (vesictant wth weather ”4 Cycle of nee Bowe" UVUL UU CEES T see eOHY | PMgioclasre felspar, Nugite ore enentia! minerals in Augite gabbro "o. Tt ts mesoevatic basald - fine grained dolerite ~ medtudy grained fe hove sare Gabbro composition, = Coarse grained Deltevite - plagioclase, augite, iron This 4 terro rrognosium rock . TT Gsbbro vavaities are® anarthosite | labrodovite Beis «nbn «6 golany gran'te Euevite + Bentonite Comence - intrusive Li. Ms ret wold Foy important bufldings dua fo cox Ciera We we a rood) ea ov 4 Conevete aggregatt "gneous rocks two types of textures ove pacsent Phaneric (Gain sie is visible) &x> Granite Dphinitic C+ » 1 notvicible) haneric are again of 2 types © Phaneric coarse Batsalt - Silicon & Mognesiur @ Phanerie mestium Groni te. Glicon & Dluminium fon ~ sili © Phoneric fine General characterictics of tgneour yocks > * Taneous rocks are all crystalline Concept few) % Compact, use, hard vouks “K No fos are pacsent in igneous youks a cs : = ii s PSSSSISISSSALAAA aR g A ee paw ts om ald a re of human in ancient time % They are unfosstly fervour * They have an Interlocking tenture | honing minerals present in igneous rocks are } ® Dine Proratne ete * “These are Trreqular in Shope & These. ore massive rocks * Teocture may be perforating, qxaphic, glacy. ete | x Hla in felepar * Chilled — borders Sediorentary. Rocke '- There ave called as sedomontary rocks or secondarg vooks «They ave lowmecl from the pre~enishing. rocks dua to the deposi Hon of sediments ( sediment is derived from wsenthering ) » Dualng weathering the vock Lovie: it colo, Sbrenale eto. kB oa, ool looting. vocles. Dislod gin or Aislocation of Loose particles feoro it original place by weathering agents Uke wind, slope, vain fs called as transportation oy — exosion, + Sedimentary rocks ore malnty Formed dus to consolifat fon. A Expulsion er vemove) of wodlit vbrom, the, pcb volus APAcssura 4p load or overburden 3.” cabled ar compaction x Bilwhen combined — usith water lime ; hoy , Tron oxide ack ac binding. materio) -This ig called cementation ay — Firmly packing by rroturel materials tke lime, Clas, Tron oniah, silica, ie called cementation, en c Sedimentary rocks ave formod undas normal = Te and) temperature conditione $0. “that “they mon. hour -foce? (x R Sovtins <7 —" <7 is Separation of particles BS colour» doust by aceoreli to , shape , weight . Sor bing is present in sedimentary vocks, Iron Teen « By? Cyr Imm - ' “3 rinacemus rvorks ( ¢ Sigg GA 2mm) 1M-a2mm Ruda Cows ’ » : Pia [loco ous yours ( Clay fa pe particles) Lene o1 — popmm » ee oot eceurence: of cedimon tary vouks = > nae eect in the = form of louers or bed, vic Evan co: ‘ Poo layer greater than tem is caableol aa £ byoda, 60 bed 7 O layer ley Yon lem pe called as Goming 2 > 260m Brute tm ~ fine grained saud s 40 - 250nm- pebbles pie tnmm =~ = 40 = 2bm-Ckabuls) tie Wenkuorts e 2onm -C sand Ol~oo) ~ SF Classification) = © compesed with di Heut chapedl particles — ad concretion ne, ; ere on owe oc as Oe binding material it is cotled as fer ug tnasmuy Colcoreows ~ lime. Si Vietou rook ~ Sl cg ‘ bert vi pple marks awe Found) in thalloo ,eprone « ey hove beat fead att » af Maree grained + tondatonaP Conquer rock tmgrant) curvatures, « avkose ~ cand) shye particles and te a product v7 granite Important ® Sand Stone a UUme ctone x Shole a laterrte Sedimentary rocks. RP RRRAAAAAADS Klmectones. 74 m be ergonfcall or chensieall ir 1 Pr tet d X Dull lett © Coleareous sedimentary rock on flows. ol tteront colours cbompend ing on the Inpuai ties present vigeurrty eget with acide, x) pure Umestone should net contain et other Pissed. Macos is oho pauent in vatiablke amowd Catog + Mag Coz — > Delamite - Teta ~ fine. qrafned Sruckue - marine tn nabore come times eomcetons Struchire Vosaietigy —Prgillaceous limo store Etifeat ack ae binding moterio) Kankay used as rood material dy conitruchoy of roads ou brad)ing moterta) ps IAAP ADAAPAPAPPPHPPPH PP APSHA rr>esHRDFEDVDVDOVVVVVVV~TYZ Vw ww ~~ Sheth time stone we can suspect of! deposits Usi ny and nebrel gos Uses. Mawar Packustng of. coment : 4 guich (me a “ tron « : tooth paate “ ‘« voaol mobals Saud stone . Machorica by formed atnecesres vock Depending “upon aang material Hey ose present in dif colours « Fete par, Mina » qamet axe presend Tentur © Sound grain , Cool — 2mm) mabevedl » Or lace cu Gleariow, Fermuginous ag ane eee 4 sigs In th form of 8 some Het os Ocer 2 Sut Occmenee » thin or thick bes) Usye Ornamental — purpsse. Raj | 00 ry Bollart « Concrete Dagreqete Shobe = CCtay stono) # Dpgita sions clastic sedimentary rock . whan added with wober becomu slippery paste: Ty dey state it te very hardl.. Mica, cag tmain! Ffne grained rocks vipple marks, organtc structure Siliciog, ferruginous, Cabeareny shale etc Occurs aree thin or thick beds Shee fs a soft vock Tt «iet be wed ou a utding material « Qed in holding poor in yoilding Deaclado ) CA EESIES Trtead of brick tt co be wed, Frstty it ic soft often dying (+ becomes hard. no Fixed chanical Courpesi tor for lateute St is a soteate oP aluminr, get, Manganese ete lumina rich, laterite are called ac bauxite Porous « In Tadio wed 03 building moterted « meonenpe (cle t cy are the prodlucks of metamorphisns “The 3s that — occur tr compassion , tenfure or beth , tn ighapus oy sedimautoay, vecks forms metamorphic rocks + Te « . no chong \ t The pik of metamorphism are oa “ prenure & temperofure * cheraically active Plutde es occur in cole tlate oly LLASSAAAAAASAMY PEPE » > Stas [Fle Cent dinenstorel nfncrels) F ES krantte Presence of ther mitnerely ac Wcact Tale i metarorphitm Cercsi te . ys to Fdeuki 4 Caaute ~ Geanite Gnetes : metamorphic voeks» ‘ noel GN ee i ce Micas, hornblede aso elogated or tty aia ase called a schist minerels. There ace formed dur to prersane ty shope) © TF minerals eat cin: (wunifer, Mane ft tp due bo tudtform prewsere aud viceucrsa Te changer ethat ore mainly formed dus, fo thi Dauge prersurce in metawor qi rocks ic ake called as tu naniic__ maotamor phen Su olale fis clove, ree Hy fem peratur te Called! as thermal Umihomorphics tes Ret masrble| TH beth tenp ond premure v chan they it is lek ow dynamo thumed metanorp lem, nr Loanite Gnofes Cancial Choractertstics of “Metamorphic woks a th Ue aol : Terese! Conenpreerd) or comport Honal chonger. | ith rte, to icite ,binit Mincrols U ba Se oeare Pine eepaulike § | Pee: | bln colour) light greench eof ur) & Meta Cuyttole ae also passent in metamorphic rocks. 7 : y . Compareal with sedimentaup G nactanorphic tances 7 foe construction, ert TR Chaff metamorpliic Rocks » Comite Guaiss Lhowclolt le Lhinite & Mir schied Suerdyth Maul (g Slot rout te Gusiss SS Coare te ra lin grained woot ligkt celsured) 1 Quastoc, Eelapar ¢ Mica & homnbl Cae present Tt is wore dower thou wraus Fe» *cLles Ger be recystalfsed, lar to granite buf dffferad artanyurent of iorots. “Teg mop brane grasuclne, & tructre Mode of Occurs Ucy s_ large Size mowive rocks obtalnde ied. Slate L Th is o o1agi Ua ceans rectaworphic “rock Shy Heavage Courists of fre rain minerals tthe Cee bee, : felipe, Cussada & tron onthe, Core. ay “Th Vastties = Black slate , eh bts OF aban cts ob inca chose thin chert HO? mies SOS 1 bor Hing) Eltehus platforms, decorative pupae Because of — bio crud’ otr ast ured as a cortruch'on materiale + Shale te port chucky ste lote PPLLPPLPLAAAAAAAAAAS arseeeeiiices 6 Gyre 8 8 8 Oe Ouartgite : Biliciow metamorphic rock. Larouudurs Stouckurk oO Llauvy t% rverononce Mm appearence, Bodiict od sand ctone id Soon Hhaes grauste CS Xe More. compact compared to Repetalon of “te bud > 37 Dy open fold the reversal of dip Is an ind) cabin! of Folding, a TP Uickun of fot udm Enrouyl wad feldiig it is called — open fold). AA Tf icknos is not unt-brm oe out the do(ding oe ke clred fold ge Vises magma whor cub i ubjected to tng’) P md oh q pjecte tome, t for leo vis cours ma tohan subjected bo fold ; 8 guca bye ing it vom Fault, Gack in a veel t, L ~ Chere bas beon aolative dus ba conont| of the fated blocks along “the ait pom © Fate plin ‘ Flat > ki. © Tost wall hanging @ Hanging wall os ae, ® taole 7 Throw o- hee verticol dis placeuset © Heave ; of Ault =o — throw ® Slip: Horigastal acplacamenk — yeane Det) r origina) distance of the woll s ol; Tote) sliplesaiat ic nek flip it Classitication of faults = TP hanging “wall — mover dowauard th f called as normal toutt Tt is due to grabvitabondpea\ fovea. This cabled! ac govily foul ~ | bari? houging woll moves upwards he ae. called a yeveuse Poult or haut Fouts = ious » reverse fault f cabled x thrust fault » 6 <8) : Some faults axe active and come a dead f Dering eth qrokes Beod Flauts ep reopen a Lt houging wall move areund He fault pen the fouls ore tallest 03 retakona) font - Rfoletcicle - dantral fault lattside ~ Cis tro) Poukt eee 7 ¢ habowhis wtth — stvike and li i c k Dip toudty * Strike Puls ¥ Oboltene autre “ Disection of the ? Le it fg called) a Strike pail W culoug the bed) It Ue dive hou ¢ “ae “ eo ay : iNLenahon) Hive ete, : : ei) fotip G then SUC Cables! L dip basi type of Foulte ovo TL atte §— divectt, 54 feutt 14 ebligue tren t and chike | Ua “suck type of foul are an oblique fasts for) dicgouch foul « OPP PPPPPPPLPIEPPPPBRPPRIRIRIRARARARA ( Step faut ~ T£ throw arrangement jc in wedge hope - as Ryaben .toult » LE contral thyno neous upwoordy Th te known as hoped TE foul ase arron in a vadiah manner Ft is bums a, radial fault ie Forces respi le Br the formablon al \ vouk are the mechantsm of fault. Suhclen chonge Tn tle geological formaltoy fs exdled as forte, “ind oben ot a auld, Faulk are dite ted) in Strabifed formations Regionals evidences Foult serap Cade de wn latght Diigued 8 cpri ; ‘ (| G Gke Strof coastal Une. Cocal evioleucey + Coutat of | dicataflar bed Mugs ond Ololer beds aloe 9 Ung Suddlon my qerbogter| formation Dee in estdlth and) padkern of cul etabl crop Pabfen %& orthth of out crrtt crop vepetabion tt Simin toute» OA Cvack in a rock aud no diplawsucnt of ta vock ang rie crack plaine. CO) Geuetleal — Charificabionn WN Geometatcad Claas f Oe iS joint © Teint developed! duc to tencinal rc, & Shear bo jar Eat Coloumnor jotoks , columner Struclars @® Master (Tefnbs I. ag jot Ut sts Called oy waster Jent Hesse) Tints ee the yas are in & dimension in the dorm of. o cube they. ok called os Mourad jonk, Original contact bho te jainte OEE called Jors® Spacing q Daoserip tior tien Scoping Extremely wide Som } yoy usicle Cocm ~2m wick 20CM ~gocuy - ely ule 6M —goem Narvow Crim - or narrow Gem <4 mM Leer et eebiea pt sett LTA ARSARAAE es beak of joint morphology, fae welled cy the mafn jelnt faces We uMase narkings -t Juin are dusianad ed Pere vough , wavy & very high tr eogth: The pauente of plouose morkings inclfcotes brittle ole for molten achecived by a niprd, noo, im tanton- } the, rock in UA enplarive 08, Srlappins apart of way a i fe ie encoumtere of Should be a cb qeveh due. importonce tn vok mow characterisation, RSR- Rock ctructure rain ' REO - Rock Guality Designation . ‘ e. ftw Croutting . 0) technique of $f injecting cuftedble sabe for FPUM ot slunay, commento coment — waler ‘5 me i open vgs i oe Ee WEATHERING oF Rocks wn MRE ROCKS Disintgration oy cloformation of rocles by the influence of weather component Ube runni ater, slopes, hi (bs oli weecthering, eee Us process of weathering sofl materials aud some whneraty aro alepoiP ted, Uden subjected fo wealhertn : te rock (gates ite Cofsur, cobesivenoss, Plast strength oud Fra becomes in small pieces. Unweathered youl: olrurt allmo Un wali aul viceucua , Corse weathers d Called. 24 eacotit ps ice blecks are called) lociere , Dagens of — weatheri a particle, of cath 'c yp deyex ic temperature , pressure, humidi 4, grove ete. Basted on state of rocks agents of wearing Ctassified into z p weothert - Seintegration . Chast col wena fy < © Biological woeathering fp Hethaesl chenge in ma phgsicad Tn tml minchare of various qowees 5 atmosphere vy CH20, NO», £0, fc) Rockt ase bad) conductor of heat (ADA PAPABDAAAPAPPPP POP PPP PPPS AAAAAAAAY Rocks are bad eee of hoot ( emperabuve _ Due to chonge in temperature ; detachment ef rock layere like enton layerc is calllacf sphericlial or enfoliabon, Eo Dolerite edie qrovtte ete - Raee : acid Brains alo causes wock wealberi erogenous geological port . origin above Ue eatth surface . *k vivers are most Progen pureed » ) J » > > > > > > > > atk below tha earth surface i, endbpencus isnt Prystcalty break down of exposed rocks dee, t . hitting sc called abrasion. > Lohon ugtoet ty of flo of viver oo ae ik Mor p cbrasion ‘c more D When ott rock ic exposed — > abrasion more : * phgctcally break down of rock due to mutual collf a ion is tabled atlsession- @ «River water hit frat the exposed rocks ale tt © thet impact rocks Freak dat i called river 4 hydrouli'e « ation. P Chemical weatbart, eer coupler Cue cousicting no. o f — veactous wht doe not end. Berlei! wion of omy gon f wlroral or roe 46 ® caled w ontdabion . ? Te ig 4 common aocers Fn Ferromagaestiim rocks o Wee gobo basalt ete ololerite eke. ss Combining of wolky & 0 etural ‘or rock i¢ called as hurt Hon CaCO, +H +B. —y Coto), + bo 40, Chaicol anton oe corb to a mineral or rock it walled 26 carbonation. ile Weathering » mae | in Bio P hyctead weakening >Bio Chssuteot weathertn Weathered) Focks are wut fr efvil ongnensig purposes PPP PEP LLREARABABA Degree of gcc Deserip Hon “Team Rss) AL ho dliccolowation Farshvock — S0~100%/: b \ even in jor atecontinuity Wy Slight checoburtie, Sth : abd 4 Bi aad OTe seccaty. W, | cong he Pgs | sted ‘ee Moderated £-To/- | So0% of cobur wealth de | ie ; a | | | D807 of dice, weathered, SO-*TY. lourahon | i n xq. begll | Wy a 4 Perea weathered! 3S~ 20./, & ‘ ob lee chouge S60} mycl’o coOF Re W¢ rele a (pradered) oo. Io ~ 150//, 0 EEESS’”~~ Gold Rich’e sevies — Queatey CMost stable) Feldlpar Mices im phi boloe Pyrenean oliving 6 Gout stable) ¥ More oltvine content vock tc dunite «Th ic more suseptible tp weatherin a Mest stable youks contains high concentration of quorty § FeldspaY Tease are mest eauily weathered! y*Sloke Durability Tart 4 uve (len Preseare “Test Ws the te wed fo measuie the degree of “ > Be Sea ' . pe can Y clagse mireal om the buris of weathestng t Ditered minval . Me, sha, a 7 p Unalterd ++ C4. « Ho D Dissolved « .% (leached minerals) dD kacline 5 LAA Oe q ay . | a ei § mutabarline i @ Sloke durabili test » ys e Fo, soft yorks - lite shale» Bits nt ' 9 x contains » &. muh (Al. coaited)) jiedeumn eben” e Drum volate: at eorpm . . We he i "Wind it be wotate » ex Yoke shale Soup le and. ables | } N in ‘dyum fox te min and Un put in oven dor whye at Et aaa —| 4 inthal wt- w 2 dino ust = wo, « Durabi ity ve pal «lod « Te duvability ig move than so the chee ic « not adhicable ie Swelling Pressure Tab), “ Take core sample of ghole by Batts & Measme intial length a, “Ll: . Deiat! jected wotley for 12 hee. Tabe Ue in d se sitive di q teats by using. sencitive dial guage! : Chea in Laugth Ye AL « Swelling Pressure to) = DL 7 =—— x1ovo @ iUntte » kaolinite, montyo Mor olanite an ey minerals © « Ceo tly chat) Sespentens ~ HALg Sig Og C t is notactable mineral «Tt ouchesgo oeathoring, © lkered mineral ) ¢ « 3) Feldepar eke are unaltered mineral eich © in ay wetidre Ceol). x Weathered eatth crust jc cabled as regolith - xSeil ds a mest vital natural resource. It tea hol Senewable yvesourse, Ft te a bate for all leven erat lith wut soil there x no be om “the earth, Tt is a life GG system, RAAANDMAD a8oi( is a namie ee ecosystem +$Geo thechnical engineers are Called ac earth doctore , ae. = a wl Alhy we call Tt as sofl mechonfes ! C900 Bete nag > From the geological pnb of view éofl can be de Pred as the top most layer of the earth erutt which. ts. the . enol product in the wee ther proccise i . From the vock mechanics pofnt of, view so? | ae be defined as a rotur peer e substance motte pS owi compacesive strength more chan !MPAU ( Hega Paseal Unt te? Evo eologicad point vf view sol tag phose system. ajRoct debris Usetid),. minerals ashich ave unaltered ve : 2 b) four Pphoses fled with alr OSma times may be Hed wth salty abo tsotl mofchue _couken =). Classification, oF soils aa 3 Z ~S 2» =) =) > => 3D —~) = = => => = =. + @ Dutuviol depesits og aang i shape Cotlivial “ “sub angular * Sea sond 1 round “In ee (les bonclage ) River canol. vis mlay*" tn alee tyre curt asun f0.— WR a Coustructon matutlal ) Residual Sotle | Restclual acfls are ta sorls formed by the ale posi an of. sesiduos « Resides are a ae , the weathering of yocks - Residual. sotle care trnferdtle vsotle| Compored! of qorty ond feldspar. On th. basic of grain Se Sori ave c banified) to & Coane Groin Soflr (D4 Fem ) 4 Fine Gain boflt (Z 0096 mm) : mn the baie of colour cofls and elanified Info Rook --esile A Black cotton coils Red stlry Delve from > the grant. voles “Blot _cetlon sofla formed from the Debora) “baralt ete! B ppepan wiehgckcaies On the bards of texture. soflb are elowsi fect. in 60 : Sandy sorts (4amm fe, ot — 2mm) Cé Got mm is 4 Leamy ae, (Cc Asandy co 7: clay) og? SLE —B.00 {mm x ey Sol. C2001 mr? Sand coils a B tly soils Mashy u : Organic : oo pa Ce eae on gc techn Saal u col basic gil ue . Gravehb Chay cokly ane. “expensive tad) paoblomate coil Saye Minerals Fine qrred ale contain them, “they axe exentially hydrous ohuména “eflicakes Ox Kaolinite + PACS Ow) OWg Dt isa cher »> intneval. >Menoclinic , flaky lat , her sgl» plates, rovwial Yee Uke is ae big hy: bond Plo Og ee 88Op:Sheel Ene todter ‘otsice! & in experisible »” « Clay minorals, ave. baclinite, mica; montromorelinend © Hallogsiie 6 bpei.0.) (0 Hl, Hydrous aluming siesta vaca has Unite ‘bub tc an: aurnepho us Smineral . 2b contaths. -waber, @® Twter, oo aN SCALE), by 248'Dy 12th Tt ts hydro Mico, Comstt buoy Clay § ols & occu in mfeaste particle (AT Miran) re be Oy beta Soin Ses en ute? y Montmorillonite - lysig Op,C0t), Nn H20 ‘ Flaky ov scale UP he mafnernh Ver loosed a, SO, aud -D A ¢ d = Oy 2, ; Takes wale 3 bs a expensive. ox tre = & Bentonite % a well brown form of montmo WiUlonite — formed) by alterahion of volcanic <] arhe. “J Reol soil, «] 2le rh of Tndia 's coveted” with the red) 2G, Real oi ( *s ; comporeo) ot quorty , feldspar, Dron orviles, karni ete. e acidic in nature. AAARA are tulth. ferve nesta : minevalle qr"! ° baate fn nature . ent al sy ot sy J OS a: weatherine of Perrpmaguerisun ‘socks at : 1m Bil420 - tao mer no of Q Cu-S per day ) were ~commis'o ned vr @eeovesvvesvvuavugauguegedeoeooooooocoooeooo ® Nava ax jan Sogar was conttructed across nandi konda hills farts of Q dam . \ Me AZ eet To (upstream) © (Dasnstream) en place plus Un water is stored) or stagnated. » DP small opening providled fa “Ua dau chu chure for check poxpote. “lp porflon of the dom (veadioay,) ts Collet a4 erat. On efther side of tle struchwe low protective walls are provided) ustfel 2 known as parapet wool. Sides of yy, OAL bnown a abetmat u DSLrLevel of permanent stoyage below chic walox wf art be uithdyown, (Deol str Ceuel) Free border ~The Space lotig the highest toned a of weder in veserveiy and the top of the alom is cobted os free borelar - Spill voy ga cpening — paovidled im a lau Aor veleasing ence weiler » Chate) Nagar un SoG -~ O36 qates Sluts Codes aw mainly. b vemove We silt , O the basis of cowtruchon material dows ave clanified in to Earth Dams Concrete Dame k Couportte Dams Doms 1 mus ove constructed ah local materials Ibe Mes: §. Courel : evils rapt ape ai local Lowa, eight 271m wud trapegot ded in shape - crete: Doms ~ Dams ose constructed — wth me nerete : 7. vee recessed ent eee Partly wth concrete and partly with eartt, moterial ig Compare Sn Nagar jua Sagar I LPRLLLP SILAS ASAAAAAAARAARAR Et y » » » » » > > > D> > > > > > D > > D > > > > > > > > > > > > 2 > On the basic of aletign lama are clase feo! in to © Gravity Hye load) ts trawsmtttect Unerg strg oO Butterde one. egpires shee ae d 4 Qam- Modi? avi ded Ay bod ied og ant daph y Decks are prev © Dred Dam Arh shape , fres very the abetmauts - on a mea aml Ge ‘t HYDROLOGY “ov of valntall goe as wunott wy overflow. Inflow - Outflow: Storage | wotry b et equstion. (er) ydrological equation, Preet pifatir EVaporation. Euapotransperation arunott + feepage ~ Storage Hicto voter shed - seo hectves. Macro woter shod » too hechres Mit water che - l-coo hectoes. tater badge! equation is very eccenhal fn surdac and gree water moole Le, and alo useful Ry Us avemont of surface a und water. ond br the, water shod Maneremsn study « Broadly eotogical formation sixty ground wader % Consol ara ed (iso cal lated 9, Uncensolidated — -fosmacions Carauels,q ranites vocather ed peblis fret Fem baled px These. ove poten tial -souree of round) uote. ear “C tevglonorate sond thre, weathered yorks efe) On the besls of ground water aspect 9 Chonificatin is dbvieled in © Aquifer hood amount of holdh geting “ig 9 by uicludes ‘f° 8 Ayifeges Pura Poracity On) t Eupatsced) in terme of percentages. ry = No of- voids Ne W an ino s There ave two pes of poxadl ty acy gee took origin during the Forma- ton of rock jE ts called a primary poracily Ss racy Foracity + CO Orac! lich % dlveleped clue to qeolog foad hon is cae ‘as secondary poracity. Onweathered Fee - expoied granites poracity te ln than I. Helly cpatty ped 06 he permet ( water alba Care permmeai ity) PIPPPELPILPS SSS ISI TS ee Ye re ee © © © 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6: H geolegical formobion lich hase both poracity perma Gey ic cabled os an aquifer 4) colegi cal formation which has, | good amounts of hotling”” and poor in gding te 4 abled ay an agticlucle Sut ghale. A) geologfead formation —whfcs has ole not have both hoteling and geting proper Hes is cabled Os oN wef ie ~ Ex¥ bed rouks, unweathered granite, Dapiters ase of boo types { © Confined aguifers ® perched aquifers ® Vneondined aquifers Dquifers bounded) by — buo impermeable layerr i confines! aquifers . CBrtician Aquifer) hydvostatic pressure > atmospheric pressure Dauifers open to atmosphere ave calle! as uncontirfed aquifers Copen aquifer) voater preaure < atmospheric pasture - 4) localfced aquifer temporary source. of water ic called os perched! aguifers relay, ehalec) 7 Zone of Saburation - genet —_—~ own _ ¢| te ta Gy permanont eure tees | of water Upper most layer ~§ \ of thic gone is known as Copillarg IT ground water table. trround vweoder tabl. is a fluchating table Tt ends on recharge and) obfechar a Grourdl voter talole surdace intercedt! Oe ‘suing out of ground wader la a a ee rough epentngs Ul) colle) a | ye Sprin , He [Nees Matural dtectiarne, Cround water conten map is sel Wlenever Ue to detect the ground water levele. of gromal water es Coreunol Decording of to temperalure. , “priegs are Chauthed in iy » het Springs (thermal Springs) » Normal mings Hot spri nas are common in vi » inelened potonves loleanoes lemp is move than ae erie temp . Pretend tn \grtcus gout, ingneous Intvesives! thrust yous) thst Bulls. “Thye’ are) wed for povoer generation, Purposes. Ent Yellow park «fn Usa ‘ Ceo thermal proer sa non conventional poroer cour rording to ‘ie the. epring axe. Classified nant ae Ppp Sond stone Spr lime stone pri record? to qestogtea) ctruchure emt . clawitt in to, : Contact spring. Freee eee Crravitational Spring ° Ut Spring i¢ prevent in Slopes Gt Fault oo rie Spzing fs preset in foul pons. peda. i" cham’ cad competition spring £ are Chari Fie li pee « Chall? bite, opr « Biter spring. + Compesed wt ky « Calleoreout sphng pes 104 eaten of groune) water: te Lovo ; from bfghrer elevations to lower elevabtons es Deny Soncluded thet movement of good twoley — movement ‘though port Wee ta ne Shad rectly propor Hora to the hover fg ine proportional - to Ue logt of te sl ope Qe Bthche) : oy kk te aq conctort . Qe bo thehs) os @- Bal fe whore sedh, dl Cound water * a the reqnotds number (t-toD. Ry Pd Ab ” ‘ ‘Cround water exploration + LE stark with remote centre. survey . O-Dreal survey '- 2) ne “Thad os eo Sab ‘ub Savface studies ': . lomPnar flow vatiele follovs Bergh Savew > dertal awey < “The: Fra : oc geographical vodlex pones vekith are s ee en ee : eemettion . Deguifer thickness of wtich — vesdp their geogenne ical @ loce 4 = is bce than I ny «q wei of walley» &y'- Penna Poin ee Th qe ec aud north eastern park ocgtt iter thick. «< new ic local vivers in boo more Kiarbace vet pouriace ules ene nastedd en dies : ‘ypes of fold. etructuve | type of features jj ts dP decked P ete are Shale ie am aguichiicle Sand Stne -~ wWeter pai See xv Ww wed of anaes “Gee tn and around the Intertrg] wae ~No watey Area ee we can dra the ground woter contpu: ta Ground water contour enable us to uxdere tang the dfrecton of flow © g round water b Flownet anal Ft onabl 4p Shady ths, dtreckeon of Aloo of goud coater . SUFI T OT ITTTITT ISLS LZ REE rene Pe rr Omer rm eT Te eee eee eee eee ee eee eee d, ¢, Geomorphologfcal Studies '- Stud of morphological ov external fealures of 4 a area, vabictk may be Valley» plane , vide Reo hy steal atudies - Gl hk @ Separate branch of qeoloay easth scienco —Dpplaication of phustes fn gootoay ig cabled) qephysical shidies i Te ig divided in to ® ~Opplied Caophysies t -B tnwo branch vf gee pluysics which solver hidden problems and gives more infomation ~ about the interfor of ‘the earth: Phos ot a core fuer aboud _Mogretion, grality , conductivities clonsthie: ete. On thesubasls Act this we con explore. bral minorode. ‘ 3 Geophysical explorebicn techufques ns otues Tne foundations and) bigdden Flaws Colefocts) , ‘ 2 Leoctrical Mothod bb Sekemic — Method) J netic Method 4, Gravity Method, | Electrol method» . « Tt ig a mest al; « wet reliably i chanp ans) repeatable @ tt is based on ehectr foal conductivity & dlechiale veste tity, G tn this froluced potorisation ,telurie axe allo (parsent Regtebaneyt le vit . G Rosts igides “Sore ob b untt tube of axm formation ane rt % currenE je passed) ¢ ie qi hven by. sohms law > Resictity po ey fe eRe .. a = ph a of be medium , Re vertctance Unit Ps ? eee method & @ ohm -n9 In this method the cuoremt k pode pasced) through, br Ok” eectrodee fi Yo the res "ens potential fs level ped : ae een there electrodes oe austher mi of elaebigels ced si ro potential ctroolese ualtrZed hove. porous } ' faz bY lL ale od) Ty Electrical — reatettit wi trere ase 2 mothook. © Profil technlguo ' ® Sounding temdbnine DADAAAAAAANPNHANRHHAOAARHAR ry) Profiling to find cul variations in lateral dtvechone Scunding ' LVES) verttegt electrical Sounding To ftnd out the vertial Inhomogent Fes Pros Ling Ves ourees Soaking ts ured to Finol out the depth of bed Fork and thicknece of the over burden. es oe ‘pe ee astenlng mineral Based on arrangement ef elocbypdler and ‘preading Sounding % of boo types © werner + DU the elechoder are collinear aud a oo ool spaced) pceldiater =? onae oe | © Schlumberger -Qryangement me oak. (oo usbere a = te distance between the elochodes. In this method the current tlachnds. pact ig move. ta, © Una *F potential elockrodle. spacing DU the electyocler are collinear, _ mx he \ (MR Be. Curgent elloctr! farky Ke TRS) OE rote 7 Mc Potential elochs Eis con tiaurabion factor dligtanes - Vertical electrteal sgunding 'r keaping the ploce of ‘observalfon eorstant; a set of appearent’ reste Ht valuss are sbtafrod cuecestvely Sr dytterent cloctrode spacing. Ce value of appearent restelivdly ew « nebo: > jf Et la & function of electrode Spacl ma | Fechntguer oe. sept et auypiter, extent of “tprontrrobely polity Fa growd : = ~~ b / = t Py E ; : paper en 4 tog graph Shot. f, | apply! partia) uve fs bY af a motebs acguifer and emorks reqs i | o genvated ina ground ut explosi- bittt 70 wstth hommer - Thi? shocks prop ate through, different subsurface ert anol an the ce Tere by ust eophone, - Te @ detects shocks or vibrations ) uf § & chromagne tte Insbrumend + “os e f PPPPPPIPLITILSSALSSSSANSSSSSPLS pap ?p Ons or Geophone transforms the signals of shocks in b elec- trica) stgnals and sends troav them bo recorder » Reco rder record: the travel time Distance is measureo! bg ws a scale or a tape é qroph ts plotted betto- een travelled time ond alfstance + This graph is. noun as odog vaph. a bake of physiography. entnsulay India - Tt ic a sheild aren. Gaythquake recteta nt gone. Te ia te alluvial plains Tt is olepositid by Das, i Ganges; Brahmaputra rivers. Highly fertnla| oe], : Extra Rentocular Tnolia~ Younger Sormattions : he ee On the boris of Gio India rs dividid in to 8 gone & pre —cambrian- erygtelline rocks » Cles water % pre ~ cambrian sealimentiary rocks & Gondwana sedimentary rocks * Deccan traps * — Cenpzote sedimentary rocks % cenogofe fault basins ere Be Oye Brahmaputra alluvial plains & Hfmotoyan high lone Given be Katlex Precambrian ci talline vo cls + : 1 Pxceambrian ‘crystalline rocks qo water below sm per hour which indt cates ground witler manag ment techniquer ave needed, ithe arlifcial vecharg6 hydro fracturing _ onal conjunctive, wie of ground woadey and surkace” water. ( oe aa . an planning, alestgntng and — execution of major “Uhese ave available fn bapdapa basin .Cereson bic uf Tt was studied by william king behoeen (7 & (eth Centuries Pedy _Gesan bie shape - half moon shape. Strabgvoply - dole deals — ustty earth layer ¢ Recambrian sediment Tt onttcte yf uorkzite, Umestone, 63 He, pale, es quardg Cat ranch tog Wocter yet es tapaci ly is Seapine per hour They have bedding plains, joint plaine. ° Gondioana sedlfmentary. Rooks s+ Stagarent comer under there rocks. Coal formation was found tur? Condusouva « peried, at say atter. a tribe Goud Vet ld Ts L0- om? Ler ting. ts more than Comper hour RUG Brbuaputra alfuviel plans + “Peg wifey thickness es more “than so~tom + Good) source of round — woate’r, : ‘ei lding fs more than ls me per hour. ‘Growl woler. knowledge fe very much ess enrttad Rooks + KARKAKARARS SRARAR, eo biour PPPPPPPPPIPIPIPILISLS civil engineering projects Uke eonttyuction of 2 ~ Yecervoirt, dame, bridges, tunnel ond nuctear power stot ona. , Learinty , &: Rock “Mecnontcs op op k Rock behaviour sadn different loads = BO val method: of site invertigation er methode — Couydace methode) a Stress + a Stree fe olefned! a: free per unit area = Tt it denoted by o = Strain Fp 7 hlhen a b fc subjected to ao set of bree S (or) styecces ft wucleraoes the displacements ov) changes 09 clofmattons. & Rock ie a heterogeneous anisotropi¢ material. + The response of material con be exprenied b ing terms of atyesses ond strafe -for an elaitic & material the - bochy yeturnt to fits trail state © B afte; t - leaching and wulpading - On a There ts no foleat elastte Lepl d) material. z Dn elastic material inaeneral can be one (tne-& a cal special cate fe hat of linear elastte © behaviour - The near elastic behaviour ft repreg sented y hook's low. | iy o-= Es o&- Stress Tiina aon E- strain e ° « ° e vy, Slopeis & ee at E= ‘ouugs Modubuc. To” Beer anol MBF Uar — conolucted experimouds on oltftarent rocks ‘ard Studfeh the curves and clauited the you: wn bm 6 types . hey ave OElaclic = Tt fe noticed | fy, baialt, Zo” a ete ete a es ig) atte stone en, tutte . ee Ves © Plastic - Llastfe is: neted | / -| f Ww. TA a etae ey stone fen ble 8 Sandstone | J seliists ae diabase . ® Plastic. Elaatte - Plastic cart fev vowied! ta mat aera. or | Orlte bite ale th Tp £ sist, Wena high comapresst bility - ‘ — . ‘potash ore and evaporitles © Elastic - ~ Plastic- creep * Tt ts watiéed tn “Bock salt. a oleuti ‘4 VJ = Gxoin Mase KN pq? “ Volume of Sample Udater Content (wo) = Maw of? waber (M0) - Volume: of ovotds © Wy BLM g , Velume of > ‘solfal ce Ve vd . Set ; G oh vold ratio = Ve. Eoroct ty = Vv xtoo Vv Bulk danstty ¥o> Ma ( t+) EW lan? Saburated danat ty eMC a) bN (me ee too-n Rocks ave Can weak fp sensile ay “clrong ne compaesston: Pig steel (ne. Gieevera RAD (Rock Quallty Desgnation) ‘In 14968 Deere & Dee @ conolucted experiments and’ clausifted) vecks ou the @ basts of RAD* q RAD is always expactced in terme of the perceolge® aone Length of the cove sample th Leganth 6 entdlghive ‘ yok = Ye of ROD q Tore are two tests ‘ 1) Feld tert — % laboratory test (ne SM Laboratory forty A) conesate block of regular shape fe tahkou inorder to, mmwe the area), Hy a= 2 Hpplied toad) Bo Behoioir of rock fe conve mined com S psttion, state of water compost Hon, orientahy BY leno, point ee cleen individual lengths of cove sample, (vahtoh a a a aq than. toem or & inches) and total & Lhe e ts more bugth of the core comple * ay oe pl «i ir Ll TH ROO is tn belweem .D~ 2x /vocks neato Pepretic it py» atauaball oe Ses one b LETTERS eee TE ® The engineer! behaviour of york macces fe corto Ued by more than one factor Class’ fication of | Intatt vooks Cunseaned rocks )linsfilve rocks) was olovre by Tere aghi fn layed, Term Deceriptfon fe Rocks contain nefthey jotnts nor Intalte Rocles bali’ oretiagnaee | Roos consfets ot individual Strattfted Rooks ety ata) uso i lfttle er ne recict-| ance ee. separation ale: the nolaytec » between the strates Moderatel Rocks contain jeinted and hair cracks but block: between jotats are lo colle are ether meee fat mately in a o La donot iat ve lateral support Blocky & Sem Rocks contain chemi nunoees . thered veck Frogments vobieb, ave entfret separated from each other and impertectly trterlocked. Zn sun vocks vert al voolte ead wet regpilred - Crushed rocks Chanai cally unweatheredl york has | the character of erusher rw riod a jefnted Rotks Sqponging Rook, Swell Ro cles Rocks odvances in to the ‘t tunnel — cheitly on account of expansion cacued by min erals . with a "gh fella fl ratacenl clauifeabion of vor fs based AA porastty., permeabili be bulk done? byrdede Move poracity ~ ess compact ness and tsiy viceversa. Shale bears ‘a Lead wore than so tonnes PY ed sqore feet * Laborator tests ave not h to determine the properties: of rocks + fuged scat axe esséntial. : » Orgaute limestone.’ — aecuraulotion of hard pats of Feutly -ferrow coatenals (more — porortt ) suiiusiia lime. stone) R “hiou lows strength: ry more thon r/ of porost ty it is pot Gdvésable “for — constructlon purpose. the pores? om a vok (& the valle of be Volume of Volde to “the overall volume of rock. fin is exprecsed) In tenn: of 7. yh N= No ef volds x loo eee Owe PSSST CEC EEE ES Ne Wy-We Vv Ds per TS code tay fn the laboratory Woder absorbtion ce spect fe qrauity (ou olic be determined : a Speet fie Gout = wt of | te od in aly wt of rock b1 aafl in water e : xloo be 3 lV porasity can , dotermfne. G = _W Wyo We cee woelght of sample ‘a oly state Wy - wsetght of sample Th water Ws > Saturation , weight The normal rong of specffic qrouily of the sot ie 2.66 — 2,68 TP G 22sec then f+ ndcotes -the soflic rich fp organic content: Tt ic not suftable for conttruction gan! purposes TR G>26r-then ft frdfeater sofl fe rfeh with heossiy mineral, Uke Rircon, uranfum, thorium ete oe vook, cornell sage of G 2 Or he UP gee te Yok ik oa heavy yock Medium Roch havi Medium G are preferable fy eonstyu ction works Ty rocks time dolerite, Quartgite ele 28. at ic vee DF tebe te work with these vocks 5 Se Mee ave not advisable fos high rafeed) buildings tab construction of Structures. SRS SBC: Safe Searing Copaetty > See ef Rock ustth eta) without any Ascburba thot load ic callecf Sade arly load. Th £B¢ caleulatfons peat specific groulty a wooter — absorbtfon, are ako in to contideratt z 8 sp g PLL LS TS SSS SSS for cteof & other metal sec ic taken as compyecsve trength bub it ts net taken in ease of rocks. Tt foctoy of safely iy to 7 then the rock has a eee poract : om pressiul strength of He gear i 200-2500 Determination of apparent’ Sh, wafer absorption ad ee AE —— cf as per ary Te coole no UG ~ (9a FIFO rel foke —erurhad — tones which paw throuph dome welt d rnd, “lorem gelve sige Now cheay thon uth tet Ued water andl lig them tr with twels ov cloth: Now beep than in on oven br 26 hours Now ‘tute: Stag of GED Accom! jar are tobe auether — rront jae and, AU the wetter to tovom! And meawure te quantify of coaler adel j 2 SVGCKBDHHKRKOKLELFEEDC KD EECEDE? Spect fic Grwi oe - two ~C Jeon ~65¢ Ae wot of oven ded sample c © b3ecter absorption ~ quanti ty of waler added. water absorption = ap Po = 4A = 1-409 E50 SOO—4F3 = 0-0] yam a = hay : Gas | } (R43 GF A- wt of oven dried sample J a” qe — oeter — aclolno! — e canned £28 ol Gee ttot al wt © De Peraet ly Dp, en = BO Rl > Dppeorent poract hy. —_ pio 2, ne Le (6009) ao ~ TntHal wt of stone fomP q Buonttty of water added { 60 mi) A - uae qs Cut of over Gabel camp le Tntobe rocks are clauthed on the basic of modluly of deformation Class Medilu: of deformation Oeserfption \ Zs MPA very high z sac bigh 4 Use <0 Modlevate low 4 30-60 s > 60 veuy lnd. MPA > Pascal Uni! IMPA~ EEN AHassi eat ‘ . le, a Sheng ee boasts of unt-axtaf comprcsstecee Cé Cass e& Conpressive “Lrength § in MPH Bescripton &« 4 Se © : vew big strength © . U2~ 224 cf oS Hi s c id) So & So-Ur Medium ctren s a 2 Low strengh s t 228 Ve 4 (ow oben low Strength weks aye ret adufcable for + - "9 e uchovu < Streugth recht ave odvicabl. for importasd ent € ction — Uke bridges, clams, tunnels eke. RPS, ie also Le Crome of Ruta mechanics schentict ) (or) PMR Clock: eile: at voas ceveloped) Pron analyst ae cite onc - Tt incorporates following, porameters © RAD (Rock Ouuabity designatton) © ote of tocathering © Und. axtal compacstive strength. © Spoctay of joints. @ Site ool Sp of Yo jinte © Openors of an 7) Coabinulty of jotnk ® Groud” water tnflow, a Sewer - collection ‘ot otndosmabon ome efvél engineering projects start wfth survey ng: | Remote seugstr worles on Sencors + Remote sensing platforms ave too types ODevia) remote sensing ® Space wr Satelite remote seule Dertal remote Sensing © Devigh photograp he Photo graphs taten trom afr rith knob thetyit. aud speed of Flight Study of aly photos — pester ae by te bal Sh eee anion sdvanaed) technique in qe qT TE main helps tn mapping wet: Q pi ef setence avd ovt+ Derial photos ave oP pes ’ tfoeal length) * Nerticos air photos ~ afr camera makes! ao wht, a qroud) ; , Ke ne a photos s alr camera ighfoh loch vst Dtogonal afr photos mole 90" with » gro ra) Verteal alr photos are weal for mappi Oblique | air phetos are of 0 4ye% a Camera iy oly comer anil ~ 207! hale ee air camera ree > Co" Chig tn te rai ; — “These fi rey tag ED te ong anol cic yr plots Studly led upen Stale . Scale factor fs alig precletermined. fr photo average Seale ¢ =f tee fe Read luath of yl ¢, & he hefoht of Use fle ‘it a Dir photo analyste rovile Oe q | i P coneideyable. tndorme oy ) baste qe data for feastbilt ees oi the projects Uke mull! purpoce river basin development 1 location of olamsiter , reservot, canal notoork , bridles 1 pipe Unes, roads, sree ; communication lines, houing y recreation sites exploration of sources construction been water Remote senesf Jechoolony ta besk fro! tp “ob ain the — fntormation earth , = te eoscope -Tosee th afr photos ' fentation ef ° afr photos mut be held ers ortens fn cuch a way that the shadows of dbjects in then face wards ‘the observer Btherwhe it gives intverted ov psuadoe copte view. Diy photo Interpretation ' Tdontificalton, measuremut , aralyiic ond dadutfon of significant ‘objeck cotather if fs Q mannwole val or artificial which are registered in air photos - © Jaa ete ent ae epee Rpepeppes Selec bei leas ave of Q bypes ey are dedacHon , selection Riv photo elements + lead forms on ¥ Drlabnag e patler x Tone «Nlegetatton 5) Land use Leusk forms; 30 mappable — tesrainx UUs, vallews, slopes efe ave lond forms which are enisth feabures of the earth. ‘Unew “ore Choupted tn tS by pes eee ® Constructional — land forms formed due to depesftfons ® Destructfonal lard For — formed) due to dos tructionad ® Compound! aud forms Coustructonad — launch forme are in classified ou the boasts of agen of trou peit pmode of deposi tion. Diluviel - river sit Cotluviol ~ Growf ote lacestrian - ake epost ts « Destructonad loud forms ore formed due fo erosion al actly?lies Whe weather'ng, eretion or trangportali (deport fon of veatdhies) Compound) loud forms are. formed by ‘ couabruc Hava avd dhastructforal — acttuittes lou st: pdepest in aud other sich exocfon) Natura) outlet of rivers andceas ts called dnlnag Meondlering ~ agg flow of réver lhen a river weackit He in to possible ways Phir Colled as disbibutergies ory deudrothte clrioinage pattern. BD Tt trdteotes the wntform oe capaci ty of under yt vocks. agai inet erotion uplich meant le yvocks are hard vooky “ be faneous, lei any or muatomorphie . Farollo! drainage: VV Rrclteates the eee wy of hove! ond Soft rocks. Rectonguloy deabuage patlern ever or stream merging Mm — reetangular — pattlerm. o_ Trditodes the river Floos fn Fracture plonu, ~ A joint plowor: om Thue are of ¢ bipes « SM! | axts in viver'. Galle (small out lots) Nee r 4 Tributary tet Ne utey * p Noster stveam 4 vr Dendyof He chatrage patlern Four stages of ey = ® Rectangular “ " Tnttad ~ tee ig more] ® Trvellits Ce ee cS Prevent © Radial Make ~Fatl load od ret ® Ornular “ ce ce oe + ee ee eee ea a oe ee eS Tvellies Orainas e Patlern © et ly re Floto fn faulted) blocbs, joint planes ) tracture planos fc indfeateal Rediial Drainage _ Fallern ie Trdfeates the dome on vicbge i Onnuotay Dred Fablern Sinths, +6 a lhainage pattern “Tene » Brfghtness value of air photo fs called as fone varies from black & whit er black t rey. Snooth surface object usfthoed motture coutent look 7d in cofour. Treg ular surface of waln indicates black celpur cee mooly ee rahcal or magonoge. af are | of 2 Hype tne feabuves Non [te Fea bures Masnmade — gocfab , ogriculhera| forests ete Trrigatton Fells Appear in a. Yegulay trectangular, bom ef), “4 lend Gee pattern They nowy increase or reolce the wit of the projects. Proper eotogfcal tater pretalion helps in knowtng Oe © life Span » Stability terrine couditfons of the struc-& tures. at helps in planning cud ac major ‘ Coal tay #s a usarte product from * of | industry « > Tope yap aud rologteal coud?Hows play ax tnporbau > aa es hata F d . ; Rocles a he pereouk ot shl@ca utnorals p OL ly ~ wotable dor — wtth’ Star} P oor othar bihuuwu. Wert webs lane hiok, coder > cuotorbHton ability but no bthunren alocor phen . DB Rocks hfgk in ferro um ncfncraly axe vey : weak un attint for bt tumen and are termed) pow k drophobie. B En! Basabts oro y exceellerct aggregeles « to 2 be ued in et © Recs at face work . S Cenral chavacterteHtes of deeorvattre stones ate © plooront appearence. (good looking ) ® bard, compact , dewre aud vesictart t thermal © etek, weathers actfons 2 oH Should be mode of cod! polish Re Tt shouted be. eptorannlar oF treyugranular = Cporphy rite [ orbicelas = Eye struchere. @® Rocks should be vik of felefe minerals Clg ht ® tetouredt ( tewotratic ) , Dams Dawu wired -for molds purperss are Called ao, multf purp ote claw » Strate purpose laws are not paved Tn and?a we have. oul cue arch dow fee, Tobdlickt Jam tn kerala stots Marrow Fier v fe veuy much suftable for quant dams, butlru dame » avchdoms Ye shape - Oech, Gravity lame |e RAAARABAAAARB wide? - arth dom, qany domes, aia clowns ,rewl vaalce Plant ple dam, ia 7K ds & Peldovoqu is a trtbubory of \/ 7 a kevighng - “Topography plus a bey rol im olertgning a Rebluns of 9 dam < € Eounclatfon problem » « Bad site seloctfon Ug noring geological cond? Hons) Tor rout aud buttras lam aly foundation s d “¢ e * Letll “af preblom éspeU nothing lout shia mpening wel to la ences water) Dbetmont prob lan» « a arch dou throng abetments ave vequtred c f comes vegervotr ' ‘ qpake © Bleaching) rRemeclies for foundatfon problem fe vouking C4#Us . i p Coad at 7 openings) by watng slurry che) Me pill wou probleus can be overcomed & vovidll solid ay i i proms, cushions etc. t Reservolr mut be water Hightenod. The rocks werd Shety be wtthout Frachires » joint ete -b Oot abebuourt proteloma - rea chong foflures ore became of seepage, preacha piping action and earth quakes « Forces aching en aq dam ae Self weight —w evertical) tal) toater thrust — T Chorizon site selection ertteria (or) gentogical inves ga Hon of stone, mosonag dons, voblems, Potlures and Axom the ef 7 clown P hazards fun be conclucled that a dom «tte Should be salts 4 the following regu rremontt ® Roch shoulol be stable whey the reservotr is full Thee reguiremont is aluo applied Ar abetmonts @ Rock i be sound and rertstaut fo expected static and aynamie fnebuding earth gpalos. ® Dom fourclation should be Sote from altcling expecta in cose of gravity dam, of * founcdatton should be approximately ® The rocks of our geological clawt fication. Othe founclobon anol reservorr wall: should be water ' , 1 Haletenod , ae rook at ste should be reiitaxt exoston, = as oletermenntal etteck of ee (es . e * Reservety dhatnad in = ‘ rotls aud overs. Molen shout) “ye eens, tl eresfon z Zn cose of arch teahires of Youks Yob lo + & t Gevtogicad anol tpegraphical condiHant should ~ fumit a, Spe v9 aud dliverston tuned be < 4) Power” house and “ag ce The man founclaton oft ar jun Sagar alam fe ss axe) sgrisai (om Kale mies te and Shale , war by the granite nw ew: of avthoan age Colder rocks above gee i ~\ Sted investigations for dam after: Broadly divioledd 2, in. bi 3 categoriet 4 vari etven iC reconouits survery) be. utth — the help of areal photogs ke , Bait alata, A 7 satellite Imageries votdch — treluole Materialogtead dota lke vaintalll, temperature, ustrd Veloetty, sun chine ete - 1 Fetld stud Tt inchudes geological thiddies anol geolog teat investtgat font ty clone tlic dh wor tle hiddan Pow: FE Woldin Pour an see properly treated a the may cause problewy (ko Coabage, pratt od fray man lead to daklure fo the dom ¢ __& 7 cloms, fopography and struchras% nthe abetmords should be doing ae rocky) PPPPPPPPPPPPNn, ” Total as platéorme . vyeab on Rot of the lath&yms ave wrderlain bp srfcailam P ¢ Shole wtih are underlain by granite gnekeces - Th Nowga jun Sagar dom natural oly ke ack as cut off wall me Pots Gr fen euinelioni fTavaurable for canals 1 spec woo works frigakfon Favourable for power generation Ro Oveilabi lity of conityuction matertols > Depth of bed vek shoule! be known. Cort of the dom ts clependad on We Aepth of bed » rock. LS platforms auol (6-64 platforms of Nagarjun cagar clam reat on the vant te gneiies 3 Conuechvity Guotgtead Fives gations » Depth of bed rocks xpredene of fault 4 Obehuont problems Bi lutbenien Mee problem rocks fn founclatton Uke soft shales , soluble weeks lthe dolerite, Mime stone mutich ture leakage, Sledding: aud other prob lone * LPoht jotated aud permoobl rocks cased up ltt pressure load ti to sltdhin of the dam. * Dam alfonment in bedded vorks. x Vescular aud ange dololal Structures are not favow able Dam construction — on up sts cam fc fovewrable ard vleo Vers Q Kw \ of \ Ke i x + - = “A aoe ES : auip eye oo — “I gina ‘ Xe I - Upstreace Reservor'y te lalate, Storage aren or an arbifreit lake which axe creates “due t couttructten of oloms acron Hy riven Geology of reservoty constructton of a PPPS SS SAAS Pas PRAILRL FILLLLL albro los a vominout rol, plous P (2, Protoloms pf — veservotrs Deposition of aedtmends or ofl TE th codchment arog toll aul s0#t rock ont then stltabfon — problem —arfter. Tt reduces tHe storage capacity ad Ufo of the yeservotr . Teng abodra dom & a joint venture of barnatate ard Budhxa Praolah — Loroted fn BoMor? constructed 1H lie: lost bole 4h. fe Abrage copact ly clue t siltation, a Sit removal or dhestltatfen proce fr q coatly atlatre Sluts qetes should) be provioled for removal of stl) Crutrucion of check olanu on upetream ctole fs onather: verted low stltatfou, cat (catchment area treakmout) WMP ( Wotey Shah : yourcnt praogrouns) Courtructien of check came Tt ts© dona to reduce See velloctty and sttt Brmation Obetmont problem + Revervoty? must be water tightened. Cow angle trast fault F% Base with 194 Peat it fn Nagar tun Baten gan jun i = v Top ustdty to ear 1 & fat P width ~22feet| Bae Foiled ax tH voor cous tr rade, delert te. weted over the ¢ 7 7 Fe yw. — Pls & (ONNELS OND Geocoatcar HAZARDS BOF wernt, ' rte Tntvoduco the type of tunneds, ole natin * Roe of gegy fn faneting : x Create the — awarenou of qrolegical hagarols like , earthquakes strunami's , loud -clédes ele. Earth quoke ts a umuweleom Gust whlch creates ponte: Ty screate, loss of peperty and Phe “Terned Tt fe an anderrourd Spouoge «7 fs more oF les, bortgontal «Tt te open at both te ends. oF there ave vegutred for trate purpose (tock fre — Stand) up Hime 4 %5 Ue «the time of = vock with out tune) upp ine CO sett reeks? cfreuloy turn! purpose of CaS through hava) rocks) Horse shoe tuuels/ comfctreuday tntrents tn to tunnel mi i ennele ic porta) fumes s Over break, The tunnel bore boundary oa payline « Tp tecnelng Unough . hard eee requires bloathg Puring boosts removal of ae of Weck Bean ths, Supporecl area proposed aren ae (olled) as so r Beg oe Removal of vock cam ple eyord the le (tne A He Stivfa ce Blast as colled as a 2 ‘te Std yp Hoe © Tha) ccveept of stand up Hine as Ue UE action period for under rourol excav/alton) a introduced ba Loutter in liek: ta ssn Le ala aia digi smtt camemee burden ee —wtth out ander gating excessive om ; tle abrence ot eae Up We. ¥ > abouat a dow Behoeon & min clout Af min Zero D feo hou fb a Feo olay ¢ 6 j ground qroe iguttaatton + ; saturated sedlimente looce streugth to. violet ground shale and ah Pocock pow water ad olu@ elops cond “bofle- fe, Woter’ catusated sedfmet: forall tle ground Surdaco along tragtemee ou}! ave g ¢ t called liguifa & Crete »- ah Problems £ Rocks ye) coononnonnaonea ® ® eonditfons fa the ground lle shale X TE tunnel ts compulsory fn a fault gone te teu!” Av rougeuncut should be perpendfuctar bo the Fault zone * Tulle through the folded rocks Uke auttelfne & Myre ns, ts faverralole Some slay) ) coin © TP a hen passee smh qrousd voafer problem arfeee. » TE aq tunnel) pacer thaough the jofnted foro! rocks ft tc favourable became fF ts caty for quarry tng But — encers of Joints cowede protlan: Ble, rulng of .. water. Tis yequires voper lint Presence vi cue of ja liods * makes” “tha | eons truction expeutve « Geolegtcal Hagarels (Nowra! Hagards) | e DP sutualien or ceoudfitton, which causes paule to te eoctety fn the form of loss of Ufe and prpaty te called as Measters. Thre Msasters ave of ghbrs tyes @ Mou made disasters © Alehwal dtc tasters (Natural Hagavels) Nokia) Mcatkeyre aro earthapaltes, loud sides, teunami’s eke © Earth Quabe Te is a. natural hagaxef , T+ ts a. sudden vibratfon ov moult of earths Comes of egithquakes ore of 2 types. We Waturot! camres "® Mow maole caures Natural Causes Soi eae x Movensut of Plates uhfok fs bee (plate techs plates Ste away from each other Fvcapent pate; overlapping 4 ~ Submerged plades bwards z - commergen t pales moving « + Trdian plate Imoving towards Ne frection ~ cule neged plat NAR peopl recognised ‘the plats moustadh gu Indian plates by 22mm (Yeav troards bet phate 2d vata ae system Clo bal positioning System) SS on the bats of satellite . TE works on navometer, micrometer lauele, 1th ta ll PS ne cai toaadl staat oa lt, oF base Map, uotk ot areas rin fuera fog “a land stedes Gr) mats movemouls @r) slp @ faflures + FY poet eae Movewont of — eavth materiale alo the slop TE occurs tn “higher allt hedler ar ¢ 23 land slides, thoy Suet hagi raindall, Causes g vibrations fn ground (locah cartippinbes) | Exruptton | qyuouttty of Veleonsc material ejected from tu i {hough fhe’ emduct throng vat bth cause Uibvabfons. Th te & « rertitcted 4 voleahte areas@ 23

» F balan povist ble during earth quakec 4 they propagate in x&y olirections The strecces oleuoloped = du cavthyuoke ate dynamic j ton ground = g i wchere. “The "espouse I ependle Kone. TH commer formation of hill, mountaine & rides vibr all dPrections vaudlently from o. b rot | Baal far ates due to 8 hpa 0 OP( woves O Pwaves OS waves. tHe over 3M leec * Legis f ty} Stipulate that n rt eathered St i we: a of classtfe Q- system was — proposed by Barton etal (1494) bosfe of rock mass Chavacteristfes « ock macs chavacterfeticc are jaste in an equation to oleciqnated as See De signaction (rab) Number d (Tag number (Sid : on number dai) " © x recluctfon factor (ho) 6 redueHon tactoy’ Girt? Q= RAD sgl) SRE Thus the rock macs qualfty (4) te concidlered ax o tune tton of three parameter only. polite ave crtcle measure oF g a) Block Sze. ROD. i Tn b) Tnter block shear strength » on Ja ) Detive Stress + Jw RE ft destruction: cawmes damages ond) dloaths inloxd regions ave ottitbuted +40 the img 2 Constructton of tsunami proof structures that resist y water surges safely, ) 3: Tnstallation of tsunami or selemfe sea wave wamin: Systems (sews) (tke pactffe tsunami wari system (Pras) as along weet coat of USA, central pacific islandle , Japan and Russian neboork ef Earth Cuoke Proof Struchuret > Defination ~ Buildings avd) Structures dlestongeo! aval constructed to restet - earth sunk ec ard continued ty ole so. Duo called anti- earth quake 61 selemfc structures: John Milne (rato) was one of the earliest to design Eavth quake proof builaling and advice on sate and unsafe construction | evens for build | a tlie or pate prone con countries Ufke Japan, Th Newg elancl and UP have. legtelatfon olemanting bufllers db construct structures that restet fetuve qokes especial after the great Kanto Quake (422 as many state capftale and major eftes wlth relatively high populatton build up. Effect. on Sbructures. “The olestvuctfvenece of an eovth quake clependie mainly on ® Setsmo eologic (Foundatron cond? Hane) © Builoli veiponse - © Setemogeological factors ne ound “ail tn an eaithquake normally “by shaking lau slides” subsicleuce, Faulting ©r) soll, Uquatt Uguttaction afte ting the stability of ‘structed found on f+ The fntenstiy of shaking depends on local getegit of bedrock ,sot! or cut! bed rock -complen , and levef of und weer table »-D Ko shallows Magnttucte generate foes ele her intensity ancl are poten Move “clavgerous «Water table close 4 surface fnte ke eT f ie ‘ qyake eHecte - la destructive vsaves Sapam ground ron q Soft Nulnevabiledy a develop fn a) ate ane oyramic in nada eo . " t the nature of Shakfng | i ate 1 clamping chavacterfetfer and veriout matn shock. ) qyrolke the grou moves roan in cautse the “gro to vibrate % 20 Hert, » Builolings vibrate as a a alomage taker place of the waves l Lwaues three types 7S waver, P waver) cause tous horizontal vibration« - These ave vespontible for all tural domagec + Earthguake protection there fore normally reyved Tor eigental conporonts fs prtentally toss =. . ve ‘ally as Srey rhcyhtp be pelos, cwwedd _ voabls , line MEAT Fiction . oe ge type of curop volfeh takes dP Pp 7 of et cold olfmate volennim a considerable depth got! croopt hase a ‘ 1g fol. Hina” ttre in Seep mountafins saat @ lose earth, moder soates te sueppliea | % agviealtare A Feld , planta hell powes houses, block yviver OE oe a cloms and veserviors In courtes «Won breached clectrory He valuable vailiasps, proper ty dnd tife in Ife in down areas by tloodins ; a ie wp Ph cted te characteristic Berni’ g I Pecyei Ditlerenttad “tub of bigs th rota prtiorn §= tt ground aud paronouds %) Cracks fn phstes bricks and =D =D => = > = <> @ 2

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