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Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55





Matrix-Q Defense: from


cyber-security to culture Scientic research and

technology innovation

and organizational magazine, hosted by the LDMF

defense Yearly Issues & Seasonal
! 2017-11-16 " lifestyletraveler # 9+ Stages of Development, Editor: Luis Daniel Maldonado
Articial Intelligence, CGE - Culture Generation Engine, CXO Fonken
Program, Fall 2017, Family, Human Genome, Human Potential, Year 01. 2017
Matrix 9+ Game Generator, Matrix 9+ Quantication of the Human
Value, Matrix-Q Defense, Matrix-Q Test of Intelligence, Primordial
Algorithms, Primordial Culture, SDG 2030, Self-Management,
Foundation, Stichting Luis
Strategic Management Theta, Sustainable Development, Systemic
Perception of the Natural, Human and Articial phenomena, The
Daniel Maldonado Fonken, The
LDMF Foundation $0 Netherlands. All rights




Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-

security to culture and Page 1 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

organizational defense


and Human Factor Holistic
Strategic Management: The
Algorithms and Principles of an
Ancient Martial System
unveiled by the Foundation

FREE Online Courses for Single

Parents [ Emotions, Time
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and Management, Decision Making,
organizational defense Burnout Prevention, Matrix-Q
IntelligenceSelf-Coaching ]
By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken 2017-11-08

How the idea of defense from the perspective of PT Know How The Foundation Aliates
and Matrix-Q Intelligence applies to: Program

National security, safety, secrecy.

The Symbiotic Human-A.I.
Cyber-security Engine [Nonary Computing &
Private and personal security services The Evolution of Human
Family (clan) and community Sustainability Species] The 9+ Foundations of
PT.A.I. Knowledge
Culture defense (Sustainability of a culture: national or
corporate culture)
Corporate defense, risk management and holistic strategic PSL (Primordial Symbolic
management Language), Matrix-Q Strategic
Thinking & Game Theory
Sustainable Development
SDG 11 : Holistic Strategic
Management Applied to
Sustainable Development of
Self-Management Cities & Communities
Human Potential, Human Factor, Human Stages of 2017-10-24

PT Primordial Mathematics
Eectiveness The Quick Sylver Collection
PURPOSE OF DEFENSE New Matrix-Q Games Page 2 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

In previous articles, presentations, courses and publications i 2017-10-21

have described how a CGE (Culture generation engine) operates,

the language it utilizes, the qualities of its engine for co-
processing (collaborative processing thanks to the interaction November 2017
with human individual and collective units), and how the CGE
evolves, decays, conquer, reproduce itself or is assimilated by
other CGEs. 1 2 3 4

For the 9 types of organizations, according to the 9 Spheres of 6 7 8 9 10 11

Holistic Strategic Management and the 9+ Levels of Risk 13 14 15 16 17 18
Management suggested by PT-Theta Know How, defense,
security, safety, privacy and secrecy are extremely important to 20 21 22 23 24 25
review. 27 28 29 30

The participation of the human factor for these matters, Oct

according to the 9 Primordial Principles of health, happiness and
joy would make a dierence in the eld of defense, only if the 9
Spheres of Holistic Strategic Management are self-aware (human MULTIDISCIPLINARY
variable of the 9 spheres) of the challenge that need to be faced. EXPEDITIONS

If the human capital collaborates with the process, and through

its interaction with the technology, methods, know how provided,
achieve results, eectiveness, is as well a question regarding the
CGE of the organization or nation, if is stable enough to hold its INNOVATION
human component stable and with capabilities of eectiveness.

The PT Tools for assessment, will help leadership identify a CGE

approaching. As a radar that helps a control defense unit identify
a weapon, for example, a missile or aircraft approaching and
predict target, and strategic damage, there for plan and
implement on time a counter defensive and oensive strategy. PRESENTATIONS &
Or in the case of cyber security, the identication of an operating
induced or resident A.I. Engine dedicated to create gateways or
hack the security codes of those that already exist; there for, the
design and implementation of a counter part A.I. Engine or
method necessary to control the cyber attack series of events, to
manage the risk and implications of the situation.
The strategies necessary for protecting a clan, community,
nation, city, culture or government are as well given by the Blog
current CGE, and could be enhanced, if PT know how is used, Page 3 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

consciously, for the upgrade, evolution of the current CGE if CATEGORIES

necessary (actually, the review of own CGE and its potential
development, is the ideal process, for a preventive intervention in 9+ Stages of Development
the eld of defense, security, secrecy, safety and privacy).
Cyber-security tools, methods would prot from the Matrix-Q
Defense know how, as well private and personal security,
military, police and organizational operational guidelines and Article
knowledge for secrecy, safety, privacy, security and defense.
Articial Intelligence

THE MATRIX-Q DEFENSE PROJECT OF THE Foundation Biohacking Theta Technology

The Matrix-Q Defense tools and training program being
developed by the Foundation have the aim to increase the
stability of organizations and governments, facing the risks of Book Review
cyber attacks, as well as of cultural attacks (or social media
CGE Culture Generation
combined with social movements and networks strategic
collaboration designed for the purpose of enforced change of
social, government, culture or market practices, policies, laws or Conference Presentation
governance operational principles and decision making
CXO Program
DNA Studies
The modern global age, is about to face in the elds of defense, a
new series of species, able to damage or destroy the culture,
organizational or community CGE, and change from within Economy
structures, that otherwise were essential pillars necessary for the
Emotional Intelligence &
stability of the government. This idea applies for corporations,
networks, cities, communities, but as well for clans and families.
Fall 2017
The relevance of the study of CGEs in the eld defense, safety,
security is high. As its methods, tools, can be combined with the
human capital, and through collaborative processing and Fellowship
enhancement of the eectiveness of the collaboration
From the Matrix 9+
between technology and human, betters results may be
achieved. Fundraising

With the Matrix-Q Defense Project, The Foundation, is Global Culture Development &
expecting to develop a new series of tools for cyber security Global Civilization
within the following 9 years, but as well methods and tools for Advancement
strategic management, leadership, governance, community, city Human Genome
management, and training programs for the human variable of
the equation : Matrix-Q Defense. Human Potential Page 4 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

At the moment, training programs that focus on eectiveness, I Ching Theta

provided by the Foundation, have integrated already the
Life Span
essential principles of Matrix-Q Defense know how in their
human factor training. For example, those ones related to the Matrix 9+ Game Generator
PT Martial Arts System: Prime Do and its applications for risk
Matrix 9+ Quantication of the
management and holistic strategic management, burnout
Human Value
prevention, and self-management, Articial Intelligence
trainings, Matrix-Q Coaching, Matrix-Q Intelligence Tests, Matrix-Q Defense
SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, Algorithms Design,
Matrix-Q Magazine Articles
Education, Preventive Health, Family Sustainability, Peace,
Economy, Leadership, Gamication, CXO Training Programs, Matrix-Q Test of Intelligence
Human Potential, for example.
Multidisciplinary Archaeology
Primordial Algorithms
For example, when you think about family leadership, and
consider all sort of threats a family may face, one of the most Primordial Culture

dangerous threats, for example, is that of ideas, perceptions, Primordial Mathematics

practices, that would shift completely the family members
Project Review
against each other or isolate them, generate conict for them
within the family nucleus and take them away of the family. For PTT Engines
example when a family faces the threat of a sect or a sect
PTT Standard
representatives with other sets of beliefs and a CGE capable to
create damage in the defense shield of the family culture or Quotes from Luis Daniel
family CGE. Maldonado Fonken

A similar case apply for a community or network, city, Research Projects

corporation, organization or nation. Scholarship

For example, the idea of progress, developed by the western SDG 2030
world CGE, would arrive to southern countries and monetize all
Season 2017 Spring
natural and human resources in exchange for wealth and the
promise of progress. As a result, not only a non sustainable Season 2017 Summer
progress got to be implemented into the modern southern
hemisphere culture, a type of progress that is dependent of the
northern hemisphere economy and technology, policies and the Self-Management
global development process; but as well a transformation of their
Social Responsibility
local and regional cultures, national culture took place.
Preventive Intervention

Several cases of tribes, farmers locations, which have been left by Strategic Management Theta
their community new generation of adults that learned to
Sustainable Development
perceive in cities and progress an alternative for increasing their Page 5 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

wealth and status, quality of living, there for will leave their tribes, Systemic Perception of the
farmers life and locations, to enter business or start academic Natural, Human and Articial
studies and get jobs. In some cases they will sell their land and phenomena
risk all they had, as legacy of their elders, for the opportunity
generated through money, to try out the risk of entering the The LDMF Foundation

competitive eld of progress, as employees or entrepreneurs.

Without land, there is no shelter, no food, no health, no family.
By leaving their property, their land, they did place in risk not
November 2017
only their own future, life sustainability family, but that one of
their children and future generations to come. October 2017

September 2017
The western modern culture, from other side, faces nowadays
one of the most powerful CGEs that intent to reach a global August 2017
inuence, and shift local cultures to its operational guidelines,
July 2017
values, perceptions and wealth control/generation parameters.
The new age culture, its CGE, has inuenced along the last 27 May 2017
years cultures and generations of all around the world, it is
expected that young entrepreneurs, educators, investors,
politicians will make decisions inuenced by the New Age CGE
which in its current form had as birth location the USA Culture, its
CGE. Being the new age CGE a child CGE of USA Culture, any case,
for purpose of analysis, it is still for many not directly obvious,
the levels and elds of conict that the New Age CGE has with
their national or corporate cultures, even themselves may agree
to disagree with several cultural practices, perceptions and
values, wealth generation and control parameters of USA Culture
(CGE); they still may not be able to notice these operational
guidelines active within the New Age CGE and how they actually
do transform and change the traditional Eurasia Cultures (CGE)
from within. (REF: Evolution of corporate models, Mission
statement and emotional intelligence, Religion and military)

As i have suggested before a CGE, may transform a culture it

intents to assimilated along 3 to 5 generations, means 30 to 50
years. The normal procedure would be the inltration of CGE
signal carriers, individuals or clusters, organizations, wealth
generation units, thinking and perception change inducers,
political policies, media, movements, networks and others, until a
critical local mass have been reached, which will recreated the
induced CGE through local DNA (local individuals, that associated,
practice the perceptions and values of the induced CGE and Page 6 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

choose it, instead of their local traditional family and culture



The emerging digital global culture and its inuence on the CGE
being build, of the emerging global culture and civilization, needs
to be studied carefully, in terms of its power of impact, in the
process of transformation (vulnerability, damage, destruction) of
the local CGE.

The identication of a threatening CGE would be possible only

when the management and leadership of a culture realizes the
importance of the local CGE for heritage, legacy, wealth
generation, stability, resilience, independency. In this sense,
cultural defense, becomes long or medium term an issue for
national defense.


Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

It is clear for any government that education is the most

important tool for national defense.

This idea apply for family, community, network, religion, city,

corporation, culture.

The reasons for the need of corporate culture are so clear as the
reasons for the need of a community and national culture
(customs, language, location, history).

In all of these questions, the legacy generated by the natural

heritage process, is the one that leaders perceive and realize,
needs to be protected, developed and supported through
national, cultural values.

The evolution or development of the family, community, network,

city, culture, government culture CGEs should be placed as
priority of the state (leadership) for purpose of national defense
(family sustainability, corporate defense, local culture
sustainability and defense)

The human factor, is here again, clearly, the essential component

able to change the destiny of a nation, and the one responsible
of caring of the legacy, heritage, of its elders, to pass it on to the
next generations, and protect it from external CGE threats.


CGEs may between each other develop several sets of

relationships, which may fall into cocreative categories, as those
known by corporate, families, clans or nations.

Legacy Generation (CGE Child Generation)
Strategic Collaboration
(Collective or binomial Parenting) Page 8 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

and others.

For any individual, family, community, city, government and

culture, the type of experience they may be having at this precise
moment with more than one threatening or interacting with
them CGE may vary from any or other forms of interaction, as
for example those listed above.

In the same way a virus may enter a biological system or a

hacked digital information system, it does into a cultural system.
Yet the human modern culture ability to control these events,
management, identify the damage, assess it and prevent it, is
mostly unknown or limited to national defense units/oces of
the government.

This information, either case, is essential, for any one seeking for
peace and harmony, and the natural development of own CGE,
starting from a family, an organization (corporation, NGO), or


Participation in the process of taking responsibility for national

defense starts by knowing which are the values, wealth, that
needs to be protected, and how is possible to do so.

When a CGE threatens the local CGE and culture, it threatens as

well its future and the future of its legacy.

Personal and private security starts in prevention. A security

breach is identied when the stability of the defense system is
failing or a damage has been caused, otherwise after the local
CGE has been transformed, controlled or destroyed.

In the case of private personal security, when the safety patterns,

protocols have been pushed to the limits and the target of
aggression, the customer of private security services, have
experienced that threatening events have taken place and that
intrusive and destructive actions or individuals have entered the
security controlled area of their life or business and established a
threatening or damaging interaction or inuence already. Page 9 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

Training programs provided by the Foundation with focus on

eectiveness, and mostly those that integrate self-defense
practices, are ideal for leadership and holistic strategic


As more competitive becomes the world, at a global scale, more

complex the strategies utilized by individuals and organizations,
for purpose of wealth generation, culture sustainability (beliefs,
values, costumes, language, geographical limited property,
governance practices, operational values and guidelines).

As military studies have become popular since the 2WW in

corporate, have as well entered the eld of management and
leadership, education; they will as well enter the eld of
sustainable development and SDG.

Peace must be achieved, at a n emerging global culture and

civilization, through a global agreement on the need of
achievement of global sustainable development, advanced
quality of living and wealth generation capacity enhancement,
legacy; without damaging or harming the natural development of
the CGEs of local cultures and organizations.

But instead of that conscious and globally responsible scenario,

we have realized that cultural expressions, beliefs and teachings
travel overseas as counter-defense strategies, trying to diminish
the damage caused by threatening cultures, at their home

For example, native americans visiting Eurasia, promoting their

culture, capturing interest of people that appreciate them, and
creating a cause, for protection of their own cultures, in a land
that do not belong to them any more, in USA, for example. But by
setting the origin of USA culture as Eurasia itself, the native
americans representative induce in Europe and Asia, their own
CGEs and create a counter inuence, conict or a possibility for
cocreation of a new possible future (CGE Merging).

A similar situation does apply with tibet and Buddhism; and

several other religious or cultural practices. Yet in china, the Page 10 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

teachings of tibetan monks or cultural representatives were

forbidden at a certain time period, the obvious reason would
have been to avoid a revival of their culture or a counter-impact
as a strategy of defense, the Chinese government did avoid their
citizens to be exposed to tibetan cultural practices and beliefs.

The inuence the collective has on the perception of the

government defense practices is essential for collaboration and
interaction government-citizen.

In the future, will be necessary that informed citizens take

responsibility in the eld of protection, development of own local
CGE and take part of exploration and research on other
alternatives with counter part or friend CGEs (damage, defense,
cocreation, parenting of CGEs) when natural CGE evolution
seems to be impossible, if wished as free from third party CGE

In that sense, national defense, becomes a matter of individual

action, individual choices, individual engagement in the
protection of own culture, and in the process of assessment and
decision making in terms of : what is the destiny, destination,
future i do choose, which CGE i will stand for ?

In our modern times, this question will be used the same for
revolutionaries, governments, military, families and religions,
each of them will utilize their own CGE in order to hold human
capital on their side as value and mean of their
entrepreneurship. (Religions and corporate models of

Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

A conscious choice, study, of the ideal design of a CGE for a

global culture and civilization, would be the most ideal choice, for
purpose of peace.

In this case, the unavoidable merging and cocreating, conicted

process of encounter, clashing between CGEs from all around the
world, and their respective histories, backgrounds, could be
taken into a research study, by a global government that
perceives the need of a global CGE capable to assimilate and
integrate all currently existent CGEs.

Is this a dream, a potential or a hypothesis ?

Currently several CGEs are trying to take over global strategic

management and are advanced in the process of assimilation of
CGEs of several locations, a process that have been naturally
taking place since the beginning of human family, clans, tribes,
nations and governments.

The study of CGEs for peace, is essential for the future of

humanity, as, if well predicted, the knowledge on the emerging
global CGEs and their conict with local or global CGEs, could
become an instrument for peace and global sustainable
development, global education and protection of a human global
culture. Page 12 of 14
Matrix-Q Defense: from cyber-security to culture and organizational defense The Matrix-Q Magazine 16/11/17 13:55

A CGE designed for global peace, would become, within the eld
of SDG, sustainable development goals, a task to take over.

Defense in that sense, in terms of a global culture and civilization

emerging, would need to focus on peace and sustainable
development, advancement of quality of living, protection of
heritage, legacy generation, wealth generation and leadership.

The future of
and Human Factor
Holistic Strategic
Management: The
Algorithms and
Principles of an
Ancient Martial
System unveiled
by the



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Stichting Luis Daniel www.luisdanielmaldona welcome@luisdanielmal
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