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Miguel Vargas

Period 4, APUSH

September 10, 2017

AP Identifications

Native American life pre-contact:

Various tribes lived in different parts of the region. Many of them shared common
cultural ideas as well contained their differences. As population grew small agriculture began to
develop. Small villages were formed and the use of the bow and arrow was very common for
hunting. The y had a close relationship with nature and made use of their natural surroundings.
There were three different language speaking families Algonquian, Siouan, and Iroquoian. The
native Americans lived in communities where they had homes, storehouses etc. The women and
men worked together to raise their families and community. The bond they had with the land was
the way they can stay stable before contact.

Columbian Exchange and impact on different parts of the world:

This was a widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, ideas. Technology and
diseases transformed Europeans and Native Americans way of life. Specific items could not be
obtainable within their region and trading was the only option available. The trade link allowed
communications between the new world and old. This was the beginning of an era of global
trade. The Columbian Exchange impacted much of the Native Americans in the Cherokee
region. Contact with the Europeans affected the Natives with smallpox, measles, influenza, and
yellow fever. Small pox decimated half of the Cherokee population. It also impacted China with
the introduction of silver which became their most important currency. For the Old World new
crops were brought in and became the essentials in the diets of Europeans.

Spanish Colonization

Beginning with Columbus finding the New World in 1492 hoping to find an ocean trade
route to Asia. Spain conquered and settled most of South America, the Caribbean, and the
American South West. Spanish conquistadors who were poor nobles were able to conquer huge
empires with high military technology. After lands had been conquered they put them into
encomiendas. This was a system that granted land to colonist and gave the right to have forced
labor from Indians. Due to diseases, the population of Native Americans began to decline. Then
came the introduction of slaves to work in sugar plantations. The introduction of African
traditions brought a mixed of cultures to the Spanish colony also known as mestizo. Bringing the
Catholic religion to the new world, they used it for its own political uses.
Pueblo Revolt

People known as Pueblos rebelled against their Spanish overlords who took their land,
and souls. They killed Spanish settlers and destroyed every Catholic Church in the area. The
revolt began when Pope and the other leaders sent two runners out to participating pueblos. Not
all pueblos were in alliance some went to warn Gov. Antonio. Otermin had all prisoners
executed and that same night the Puebloans burned everything the Spanish had. It took a few
years for the Spanish to regain control of their colonies.

Encomienda System

The encomienda system was created by the Spanish to control and regulate Indian labor
and behavior. This was a cruel form of slavery that did not treat the Indians right. Conquistadors
and other leaders were granted number of Indians to work for them with no pay at all. This
system was meant to protect and Christianize the Indians but it was mainly used to enslave them
and take their lands.

Juan de Sepulveda & Bartolome de las Casas

Juan de Sepulveda was a Spanish Renaissance humanist, philosopher, theologian, and

proponent of slavery. He was an important figure in the court of Charles V. He claimed that the
Indians had no ruler, and no laws, so any one can take them. He considered the Indians to be pre-
social men with no rights or property. The debate continued but a man named de las Casas who
was the protector of the Indians. He was often able to effect positive change and help the Indians.
He gave away his encomienda to succeed for the right of the Indians. He advocated that they
were fully human and subjecting them was cruel. He spent 50 years actively fighting slavery and
colonial abuse. Although he did not succeed, attitudes started to change towards the Native
Americans and wanted to change how they were treating them.


Mercantilism was the primary economic system of trade. Understanding the nations
wealth best served by increasing exports and collecting imports. To grow Englands wealth, they
introduced the Sugar Act and the Navigation Acts to move colonists away from foreign products
and create another motive to buy British goods. The Sugar Act introduced high customs of sugar
and molasses imported outside of England. The Navigation Act was to ensure foreign vessels
would not be able to engage in trade along the coast and ensured exports first pass through
British control. Mercantilism was the stable feature of wealth. It brought a new era of trade that
benefited everyone with some kind of wealth.
Types of Colonies: Proprietorship, Royal, Joint-Stock Company

There were three types of colonial governments within the 13 colonies. The British
Colonies consisted of Royal, proprietary, and Charter governments. A colony that was charter
was Virginia. They consisted stockholders who participated in profits and losses of the colonies.
This was also known as self-governing. Another form was proprietorship which impacted
Maryland. This was a form where the government granted lands for the colonists. This gave the
government financial and political favors. Another form was a Royal colony such as Georgia.
These colonies were owned by the king and no one else.

Chesapeake Colonies

The Chesapeake region consisted of Maryland and Virginia. Many motives played in the
Chesapeake region such as Commercial and Cultivation reasons. The region was known for big
plantations of Tobacco which was a staple item. This meant more land for the colonists to live in.
Due to high tobacco plantations economy was very high. As tobacco was planted it exhausted the
land. People who lived in these colonies had a shorter life span due to diseases. Half of the
people did not live until 20. As Indentured servants became less reliable slaves were brought in
to replace them because they were cheaper.

James Town, John Smith, Starving Time, tobacco, John Rolfe

James Town was the first permanent colony in Virginia which was named after King
James I. This was a colony where the Virginia Company belonged and funded the settlement.
This was a colony not inhabited by the Native population. The Starving Time began in the
winter where food supplies were low and settlers had nothing to eat. The English were worried
that the Powhattan tribe would kill them though the Chief would send food gifts to help the
settlers. John Smith a captain was responsible for the survival of Jamestown. His bold leadership,
military experience, and determination contributed to his success. His negotiations with the
Indians prevented starvation. He was captured by the Powhattan tribe but was saved by
Pocahontas. John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Jamestown which benefited the Virginia company
to make money. It helped turn the settlement to a profitable settlement.

Indentured Servants, Headright system, transition to slavery

Indentured servants were the labor force for plantation owners in the English colonies
before the introduction of Slaves. Indentured servants were agreed to work for a specific number
of years to receive their freedom and their own land. The headright system was originally created
in James Town, Virginia. This gave land which was 50 acres to settlers in the colonies. This
brought a growth in the population. It was used to get peoples attention to the region and
address the labor shortage. The transition of slaver happened because of Bacons Rebellion.
Indentured servants were less reliable and owners were worried something like this would
happen again. So, with slaves they felt that they were calmer and would not go against the

Bacons Rebellion

Bacons Rebellion was created from indentured servants who were frustrated by the way
they were being treated. This event was led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor
William Berkley. Berkley made peace with tribes which did not go well for the indentured
servants. Bacon marched to Jamestown to find Berkley and kill him. Berkley gathered his
soldiers to defend Jamestown. Instead of fighting Bacon torched the village. Soon Bacon died by
dysentery and the rebellion collapsed. Berkley regained power and hunted the others.

Colonization of Maryland, Lord Baltimore, Act of Toleration

Maryland was named after in honor of Henrietta Maria. The colony was founded by lord
Baltimore. This colony would be a place where Catholics can live without fear of persecution.
Cultivation of tobacco was very common which was the primary cash crop along with wheat and
corn. As population grew The Act of Toleration was passed by Governor William Stone. This act
was to protect those who believed in Jesus Christ.

Colonization of South Carolina, Rice, Slavery

South Carolina was founded by English Nobles with a Royal Charter from King Charles
II. Farming and plantations were important for the colony. Settlers focused on agriculture and the
production of tobacco. Slaves worked in plantations which increased the population. It was a
separate colony which was run as a Royal government. Rice plantations were the second cash
crop where slaves worked. It was the key item that people can trade with.

Colonization of Georgia, James Olgethorpe, buffer colony

The colony of Georgia was founded by James Olgethorpe and other colonists. Majority of
the population were Puritans, Lutherans, and Quakers. Georgia did not welcome Catholics into
their colony. Georgia created a buffer between English settlers in the Carolinas and the Spanish
in Florida. Georgia was a buffer colony where it was distant from other colonies. Georgia was
founded to protect South Carolina against an attack by the Spanish.

Colonization of Plymouth, pilgrims, William Bradford

Plymouth was the first settlement in New England. It was found by pilgrims who were
like the puritans. The reason for the colonization of Plymouth was that they were worried that
their children were adopting to Dutch customs which they did not want. Pilgrims moved out of
Holland to find a place where they can worship their values. They took the Mayflower and half
survived during the trip. Arriving in Plymouth they had no issues with the Native people. The
colony was built on clear area that had once belonged to a tribe. As the Pilgrims settled they
established a government electing William Bradford as governor. He helped shape and stabilize
political institutions who successfully made it the first permanent colony in New England.

Mayflower Compact

This was the first ever agreement for a self-government to be made and enforced in
America. It was first signed in the Plymouth colony written by pilgrims who were aboard the
Mayflower ship. This paper would be the start of governing in many other colonies. The reason
the Mayflower compact was made as because the pilgrims felt since they found Plymouth it
should be ran by their own liberty.

Puritans, Massachusetts Bay colony, John Winthrop

Puritans were people who started to fade away in the Church of England and worked
towards religious, moral and social reforms. They believed that the Bible was Gods law and that
it provided a living. They also believed in Calvinism in which once you were born you were
already predestined to go to heaven or hell. John Winthrop was a puritan Lawyer who founded
Massachusetts Bay colony. He was the leader of the colony in which he believed he can establish
a pure church. He was famously known for his sermon City upon a Hill where he explains how
good the bay colony is. The Massachusetts Bay colony established its own company trading with
others from various colonies.

Pequot War, King Phillips War

The Pequot war was a conflict between the Pequot tribe and the colonists. As settlements
began to expand westward land was being taken away from Natives, especially the Pequot tribe.
Alcohol was a big factor and unfair trading. The land of the Pequots began to get destroyed by
the colonists which did not make the natives happy. As it became frequent the tribe started
capturing colonists and killing them. Due to this action, the first clash erupted. The Pequot loss
the battle but allied with the colonists to defeat the Narragansett. King Phillips war was fought
by many tribes and the colonists. The leader of the natives was metacom who fought alongside.
Colonists were able to take control over the war while metacom ran and tried to hide. The
colonists hunted him down and killed him.

Roger Williams, Anne Hutchingson, Rhode Island

Roger Williams was a radical idealist who was against his clergymen to make a clean and
complete break with the Church of England. He denied that the government could and should
govern religious behavior. Due to this he was banished by the Puritans which led him to find
Rhode Island. Rhode Island was known as a place where people came because they were
unwanted everywhere else. It was a place of free religious beliefs. Similar to Ann Hutchingson,
who believed that a holy life was not a sign that you can be determined to go to hell or heaven.
She was also banished and went to Rhode Island who died later by an attack of Indians.
Halfway Covenant

This was a way that allowed unconverted church members to be baptized and become
official members with political rights. Although you become baptized and a member many are
not allowed to vote or hold office. This was a puritan document which distinguished the elect
members and the regular church members.

Stono Rebellion

The Stono Rebellion was a slave rebellion in South Carolina. The rebellion was led by
Africans who were catholic. Many slaves were freed and escaped to travel with the militia. Many
slaves and whites were killed during the rebellion. This led to the Negro act which prohibited
slaves education and movement.

Colonization of Pennsylvania, William Penn, Quakers

William Penn an Englishman embraced the Quaker faith. He was able to secure an
immense of land from the king. He called it Pennsylvania in honor of Penn. Thousands of
squatters lived in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania welcomed a variety of races, class, and religion.
The Quakers were offensive towards religious and civil rule. They were devoted and democratic
people against violence.

New Amsterdam and New Netherland, Takeover by British, New York Colony

New Amsterdam was a company town run by and for the Dutch company. New
Amsterdam attracted all races and was known as a cosmopolitan population. New Amsterdam
was later called New York by the Duke of York. British Soldiers landed and defeated the Ducth
kicking them out. A man named Henry Hudson explored into Delaware and New York Bay and
claimed the area for the Netherlands. They revolted against Spain with the help of Britain. The
New York Colony kept their autocratic spirit. They kept many of the Dutchs architecture but
renamed Dutch cites.

Atlantic Slave Trade, Slavery in the colonies, middle passage, Triangular Trade

The Atlantic Slave Trade involved the transportation of slaves from Africa to the
Americas. Conditions were rough overseas with diseases and lack of food which killed many
slaves. The middle passage was known for this action in which journeys by slave ships from
Africa to the West Indies. It was also known as the Triangular trade because it was three sided. It
involved Europe to Africa, Africa to the Americas, and then back to Europe. Slavery was a huge
benefit for plantation owners because they were cheaper and did not have to pay them for their
labor. As slaves entered the colonies cultures mixed forming their own small societies and
forming a new culture.
Navigation Acts, Mercantilism

The Navigation Acts were passed by Parliament to restrict English ships to carry
items to trade to and from the colonies. This enabled England to get more wealth than the other
colonies. This led to the introduction of mercantilism. Mercantilism dominated the major
European trading nations. This meant wealth and power were best served by exporting goods and
receiving better items.

Dominion of New England

This was meant to combine all British colonies together. It merged Connecticut,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Due to this the New England Confederation
was introduced. Before the Dominion of New England each colony was an individual running
on its own government.

The Great Awakening, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, New lights vs Old lights

The great awakening was known for religious revival. Johnathan Edwards was a
preacher with methods that emotionally moved many of his listeners. He would talk about
eternal damnation. Gorge Whitefield was much better than Edwards. He persuaded Ben Franklin
about his mind to share his money with the church. With the Great Awakening, it brought new
light such as Princeton, Rutgers, and Dartmouth.

Samuel de Champlain, New France

Samuel de Champlain was a soldier and explorer. He was known as Father of France.
He made peace relations with the Huron Indians and helped them defeat the Iroquois. New
France was valuable for its resource of the beaver. Beaver hunters would do anything for fur. Fur
trade was best for the economy because fur was very valuable. French Voyagers also recruited
Indians to hunt with them but many disagreed with what they were doing. They also tried to
convert some to Catholics. Although France helped a lot it participated in the French and Indian
War against the British. It lasted for nine years causing the French to be defeated.

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