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English V / Class 7 a.m.

(The glut of paper and plastic products)

Ortega Bryan
Zumrraga Francisco
The glut of paper:
The production and use of paper has a number of adverse effects on the
environment which are known collectively as paper pollution.

People need paper products and we need sustainable, environmentally safe

production. The paper is the third largest industrial polluter to air, water, and land in
Canada and sixth largest in the United States.

Worldwide, the paper industry is the fifth largest consumer of energy, accounting for
four percent of all the world's energy use. The paper industry uses more water to
produce a ton of product than any other industry.

Recycling as an alternative to the use of landfills and recycled paper is one of the
less complicated procedures in the recycling industry. When we recycle, used
materials are converted into new products, reducing the need to consume natural

Advantages of Recycling.

Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and combustion facilities.

Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals.
Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials.
Saves energy.
Helps sustain the environment for future generations.

Glut of plastic products

The plastic has flooded our daily lives in just a few decades has become ever present
in all kinds of objects and materials for its features and low price. we can find it in
packaging product, in own ingredients of cosmetics, in the textile clothing, in building
materials and on many tools and object and, as well as its production, the increase
waste plastic has increased dramatically.
As a consequence of poor waste management or abandonment, some 8 million tons
of plastics end up in the seas and oceans annually, forming 60-80% of marine litter,
mostly in the form of microplastics (lower fragments) to 5 mm). The exact amount of
plastics in the seas is unknown, but it is estimated that there are about 5-50 billion
fragments of plastic, not including the pieces that are on the seabed or on the
beaches. It is a global problem that is increasing alarmingly.

The global production of plastics has skyrocketed in the last 50 years, and especially
in recent decades. It is estimated that in 2020 900% more plastic will be used than
in 1980. Part of this plastic ends up in the waterways and in the oceans.

Because the plastic is very persistent and disperses easily, we can find plastics in
all the oceans of the world, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. This plastic causes havoc
in marine life: entanglement, suffocation, strangulation or malnutrition (after being
ingested and blocking the stomach or intestine of the animal). Recently, a special
focus has been placed on the particular problem of microplastics, fragments smaller
than 5 mm from the breakage of larger pieces or manufactured directly in that size.
These microplastics are ingested by marine fauna, and become part of the trophic
chain, which can reach the human being.

What solutions are there?

The reduction in the consumption of plastic is the responsibility of everyone, both

those who manufacture the product, those who consume it and the administrations
that manage the waste. Several countries such as the Netherlands, Germany,
Croatia or Canada have implemented a return system for packaging that allows their
recovery. Other countries such as France, Morocco or China have implemented
bans on the use of certain plastic bags. On the other hand, the United States or
Australia already have laws that prohibit the use of plastic microspheres.


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