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A solution describes a system in which one or more substances (SOLUTE) are homogeneously

dissolved in another substance (SOLVENT). The proportion of the solute and the solvent in the
solution varies, with the solvent usually in greater quantity. Physical properties are divided into two
categories extensive properties, such as mass and volume, depend on the size of the sample and
intensive properties, such as density and concentration, are characteristic properties of the
substance that do not depend on the size of the sample. There is a third category of properties
which is a subset of the intensive properties of a system. This third category, termed colligative
properties, is applicable only to solutions. When a solute is dissolved in a solvent, it lowers the
freezing point of the solvent and it will elevate the boiling point of the solvent. The degree to which
the freezing point is lowered or boiling point is elevated depends on the concentration of the solute
particle. Properties that depends on the concentration, but not the identity of the solute in solution
are called colligative properties Examples of colligative properties are: vapor pressure lowering of a
solution boiling point elevation freezing point depression osmotic pressure The antifreeze in a car
radiator is a typical example of the application of the colligative property. In the advertisements it's
called summer protection against boil-over. Essentially what they have done is raised the boiling
point of the liquid by making it a solution. In this experiment we will be investigating the boiling
point elevation constant of ethanol. We can relate the boiling point elevation of a pure solvent ( Tb)
to the molality of the solution (m) as shown in the equation below Tb = T(solution) T(solvent) = Kb
*m where Kb = boiling point elevation constant, which is a function of the solvent and not the
solute. Expressing the number of mole in terms of its mass and its molar mass, we can rewrite the
equation in the following manner: m = molality, (mol/Kg) = mass of solute,(g) 1 mol of solute molar
mass of solute, (g) Mass of solvent, (Kg) We can then use the boiling point elevation measurement to
determine the molar mass of an unknown solute.

1. Prepare first a 90 C water bath by heating 400 mL of water in a 600 ml beaker.

2. Determine the mass of urea necessary to make 30 mL of 1.0 molal solution and measure out three
samples of the calculated mass. Show your calculation to the lab instructor before continuing.

3. Clean and dry an 8 x 1-in test tube. Then using a volumetric pipet measure 30.00 mL of ethanol
into the clean test tube. Place a small capillary tube (about 3-4 in long) in the ethanol, open end
down. The test tube is then fitted with a two holed rubber stopper with thermometer (or
temperature sensor) inserted so that the tip of the thermometer is about an inch below the surface
of ethanol, and an 8 inch length of glass tubing. The test tube is then clamped and immersed in the
water bath then gently heated.

4. Use this set up to determine the boiling point of pure ethanol and the elevated boiling point when
the different portions of urea are added. Construct and record your data in a table form.

5. Construct a graph of T (y-axis) vs. m (x-axis). Show the equation of the line and calculate the
slope. Make sure you properly label the axes and title the graph.

6. Get the unknown from your laboratory instructor, and with a new batch of 30.0 mL ethanol, use
the above procedure in step 1-4 to measure the boiling point elevation of the ethanol solution and
from your data calculate the molar mass of the unknown.

7. Given the density of ethanol (0.785 g/cm3 ), the mass of ethanol used may be found and hence
the mass of unknown in 1 kg of solvent. From these data and the molality, the molecular weight may
be determined.

Caution: Ethanol is flammable, keep away from open flames. Use stirring hot plates to heat the water

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