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EKG Lab: Human

By Erika Zamora, Jasmine Henry, and
Fernanda Morales

The heart is made up of four chambers that are developed as you grow
from an embryo into a baby. The top 2 chambers are atriums and the
bottom 2 are ventricles. The heart contracts about 70 to 80 times a minute,
getting blood circulating through the body. Our heart is the most important
muscle in our body, it is our center. However, even though it is super
important, heart disease accounts for 29% of annual deaths.

How do I measure the electrical activity of the human heart (EKG) and what
do the from waves mean?

1) Understand how the contraction and the relaxation of the heart is

related to the pqrst waves in a EKG
2) Use Logger Pro software and the Vernier probes to perform an EKG
with your lab partners
3) Analyze the results of the EKG and explain what this means about
your heart is working in a lab write-up

1) Gather all necessary equipment

a) EKG Sensor
b) Vernier Box
c) Red, Green, Black heart sensor cables
d) Heart Sensor Stickers
2) Make sure the Vernier box is connected to your computer, and open Logger Pro
3) Connect the black cable to a sensor sticker and apply to antecubital (middle inner
arm) and the carpal (inner wrist)
4) Then have the person relax
5) Press the spacebar and watch it happen (scale if needed)
6) Screenshot the image (command+shift+3)

EKG Sensor
Vernier Box
Red, Green, Black heart sensor cables
Heart Sensor Stickers

These are videos of us putting on the electrodes and then looking at our p, qrs, and t waves.
EKG of Erika

Relaxed Clenched Fists

Time mV Time mV

p wave .08 .10

qrs wave .10 .06

t wave .20 .15

EKG of Erika (cont)

One Arm Jaw

Time mV Time mV

p wave 0.10 0.07

qrs wave 0.8 0.06

t wave 0.25 0.25

EKG of Jasmine

Relaxed Clenched Fists

Time mV Time mV

p wave .15 .13

qrs wave .05 .09

t wave .26 .24

EKG of Jasmine (cont)

One Arm Jaw

Time mV Time mV

p wave 0.09 0.10

qrs wave 0.08 0.07

t wave 0.25 0.28

EKG of Fernanda

Relaxed Clenched Fist

Time mV Time mV

p wave

qrs wave

t wave
EKG of Fernanda (cont)

One Arm Jaw

Time mV Time mV

p wave

qrs wave

t wave

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