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Who can legally enter into the Surrogacy Arrangement?

Intended Parents:

1) Any intended parent who is female must be eligible, in the sense that, she is unable to
conceive, or is unlikely to be able to safely carry a healthy child to term.
2) The couple have struggled with infertility
3) If the intended parent is a man or eligible woman, there must be a medical or social need
for the Surrogacy Arrangement.
4) They must be at least 25 years of age when the Surrogacy arrangement is entered into.
5) They must be natural-born Filipino citizens residing in the Philippines
6) Intended parents need not be genetically related to the child
7) They must be married, civil partners or living together in an enduring family relationship.

Parties who are not eligible to enter into the Surrogacy Arrangement:

Same-sex couples
Single people
People who have been in a de facto relationship for less than 2 years

Surrogate mother

1) As the risks of illness and complication are much higher in the first pregnancy, it is strongly
recommended that surrogates have given birth to at least one child previously, and preferably
have completed her own family (on account of responsible motherhood)
2) Given the risks of pregnancy increase with age, applications are usually only accepted from
surrogates aged 24 to 28.
3) She must have abstained from smoking and drug use.
4) She must have no felony convictions
5) She must be able to travel to and from appointments

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