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Hanna Tiara Andarlia
Mathematics 2015



Part Of Speech
1. Noun
The subjects and Objects of verbs are nouns (or pronouns).
Example: person, place, thing, John, Asia, pen, information, appearance, failure, etc.
2. Verb
Intransitive verbs: verbs that are not followed by an object.
Example: agree, arrive, come, cry, exist, go, happen, live, occur, rain, rise, sleep,
stay, walk, etc.
Transitive verbs: verbs that are followed by an object.
Example: build, cut, find, like, make, need, send, use, etc.
Either intransitive or transitive
Example: study
Intransitive: A student studies
Transitive: A student studies books.
Verbs as to be (is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being)
o S + tobe + noun/adjective/prepositional phrase
o As an auxiliary verb in progressive verb tenses and in the passive
Example: She is writing,
I was teaching,
It have been created by us.
3. Adjective
Adjectives describe nouns and it is neither singular nor plural.
Example: lazy, good, young, rich, beautiful, modern, Indonesian, French, etc.
4. Adverb
Adverbs describe verbs.
Example: He walks quickly.
Adverbs describe adjectives.
Example: I am extremely happy.
Adverbs describe adverb (express time or frequency)
Example: tomorrow, yesterday, soon, never, usually, always, ever, yet, often,
frequently, generally, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, hardly,
already, finally, just, probably, etc.
Changing Part Of Speech with Prefixes and Suffixes
No Verb Adjective Noun Verb Adjective Noun & Adjective
Noun Noun Adjective Adjective Adverb Verb
1 allow(-ance) brave(-ry) person(-al) agree(-able) clear(-ly) liquid(-ate)
allowance bravery personal agreeable clearly liquidate
2 assist(-ant) deficient(-cy) wood(-en) excel(-ent) specific(-ally)
assistant deficiency wooden excellent specifically
3 differe(-ence) just(-ice) hero(-ic) abuse(-ive) solid(-ify)
difference justice heroic abusive solidify
4 found(-er) communal(-ism) fool(-ish) modern(-ize)
founder communalism foolish modernize
5 profess(-or) active(-ity) beauty(-ful) commercial(-ise)
professor activity beautiful commercialise
6 infect(-ion) good(-ness) mind(-less)
infection goodness mindless

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7 metamorphose(-is) (a-)moral
metamorphosis amoral
8 commit(-ment) (anti-)mainstream
commitment antimainstream
9 (bi-)lingual
10 biology(-cal)
11 joy(-ous)
12 water(-proof)

Tenses Active Passive Formula Questions
Past Simple S+V2 O+(was/were)+V3 What did you do yesterday?
Continous S+(was/were)+ O+(was/were)+being What were you doing at this
Ving +V3 time yesterday?
Perfect S+had+V3 O+had+been+V3 What had you done before
you want to bed last night?
Perfect S+had+been+ O+had+been+being+ How long had you been doing
Continous V3 V3 that?
Present Simple S+V1 O+(is/am/are)+V3 What do you do today?
Continous S+(is/am+are) O+(is/am/are)+being What are you doing right
+Ving +V3 now?
Perfect S+(has/have)+ O+(has/have)+been+ What have you done since
V3 V3 you left this morning?
Perfect S+(has/have)+ O+(has/have)+been+ How long have you been
Continous been+V3 being+V3 doing that?
Future Simple S+will+V1 O+will be+V3 What will you do tomorrow?
Continous S+will be O+will be+being+V3 What will you be doing at
+Ving this time?
Perfect S+will have O+will have+been What will you have done
+V3 +V3 before you go to bed tonight?
Perfect S+will have O+will have+been How long have you been
Continous +been+V3 +being+V3 doing that?

Perfect: ada interval waktu
Present Perfect: hal yang terjadi di masa lalu yang mempengaruhi sampai sekarang
Past Perfect: hal yang terjadi di masa lalu yang mempengaruhi sampai suatu waktu di masa
Perfect: emphasizing result (menekankan verb)
Perfect Continous: emphasizing duration (menekankan time interval)

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Future will and Going to
Future Will (unexpected expression)
Example: I will study hard
Going to (have the plan)
Example: Im going to dinner tonight

1. Clauses
Independent clause, is formed with subject + verb (+complement) and can stand
alone as a sentence by itself.
Dependent clause, is formed with subordinator (if, when, that, who, etc) + subject
+ verb (+complement) and cannot stand alone as a sentence by itself.

2. Kinds of Sentences
Simple Sentence, is one independent clause (minimal S + V)
Compound Sentence, combines two or more independent clauses that separates by:
Coordinator: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Conjunctive adverb:
1) Besides, futhermore, moreover, also: same function with and.
2) However, nevertheless, nonetheless: same function with but, yet.
3) Otherwise: same function with or.
4) Accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore, thus: same function with so.
Semicolon (;)
Complex sentence, contains one independent clause and one (or more) dependent
Adverb Clause
1) Time: using while, since, as soon as, before, after, until, when, anytime.
2) Place: using wherever, anywhere, where, everywhere.
3) Reason: using because, since, as, so that.
4) Condition: using if, when, unless, even if, even though.
5) Contrast: using though, although, despite, in spite of, whereas.
Noun Clause
1) Answer 5W + 1H questions: using what, where, when, who, why, how.
2) Answer yes/no questions: using whether, if.
3) Answer expression statement of idea or fact: using that.
Adjective Clause
1) Using subject pronoun: who, which, that.
2) Using object pronoun: who(m), which, that.
3) Using whose (to show possession).
4) Using where (to modify a place)
5) Using when (to modify a time)

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