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School : Walisongo Junior High School
Class / Semester : VII / 1
Subject : English
Lesson : Simple present tense
Skill : Grammar and writing
Time Allocation : 20 minutes
A. Core Competencies
1. Living and practice the teachings of their religion.
2. Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive and displayed as part of the
solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment
and in placing itself as a reflection of the nation in the association world.
3. Understanding, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based on
curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and humanities with an insight into humanity,
nationality and civilization-related phenomena and events, as well as apply the knowledge
procedural in specific fields of study according to their talents and asked him to solve the
4. Rework, in the realm of reason and cover concrete and abstract domains associated with the
development of the independently learned in school, and was able to use the method according
to the rules of science

B. Basic Competence
3.1 Analyzing social function, text structure, and language features from the introducing text
based on the usage context.
4.2 Arranging simple spoken and written text, explaining, questioning, and responding about
introducing ourselves, being paid attention with social function, text structure, and language
features correctly and appropriate with context.

C. Competency Achievement Indicators

3.1.1 Describe the verbal structure and form of simple present tense
3.1.2 Describe the nominal structure and form of simple present tense
4.2.1 Arrange a sentence with the simple present tense
D.Learning Aims
1. During and after the learning process, students can appreciate the grace of God for the
existence of English and use it in accordance with the rules and context to unite the nation.
2. During and after the learning process, the students have and demonstrate an attitude of
responsibility, caring, responsive, and courteous in using English to make explanation and
hortatory about social issues, the environment, and public policy.
3. After learning simple present tense and discussed them, with honest behavior, discipline,
responsibility, caring (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and
proactive, students can understand the structure and rules of simple present tense through
4. After discussion and practice, with honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual
assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive, students can
produce a sentence as written text with simple present tense.
E. Learning Materials
1. Social Function
a. Describing
b. Arranging
2. Text Structure
I see you smile. You give me a gift. She goes to school. She runs there with him. Im a good
boy. You are beautiful.
3. Language feature
a. Simple present tense in verbal form as S+V1(s/es)+C
b. Simple present tense in nominal form as S+To Be (is, am are)+C
c. Usage s/es in plural pronoun
4. Learning Method
Discovery Learning
5. Media and sources
1. Media
a. Worksheet
b. Power point
c. Jack card
2. Source
- Dwi Wahyu Priyanto, English on Sky1 for Junior High School Students Year VII,
Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2006.
- Lida Baker, Focus on Grammar, an Integrated Skills Approach, USA: Pearson Education,
Inc, 2006.
- Marjorie Fuchs, Focus on Grammar 3th Ed, USA: Pearson Education, Inc, 2012.
6. Learning Activities
Opening 3
Greetings TYPE
Teacher Students
1. Teacher greeting 1. Students answer the
the students teacher
2. Students are listening
2. Teacher checking while the teacher
the students checking students
attendance attendance
3. Teacher ask 3. Students are answer
students about the the question about the
material last week material last week CLASSICAL
4. Students are listening
4. Teacher explaining what the teachers
the aim of learning explaining
5. Students are listening
5. Teacher explaining what the teachers
the new material explaining
Main Activities 15
Observing 2
Teacher Students
1. Teacher give a 1. Students read and
picture about daily think about what they do
activities everyday
2. Teacher shows
more about what 2. Students pay attention
activities usually of teachers picture in
occur power point CLASSICAL
Questioning 3
Teacher Students
1. Teacher ask
students about what 1. Students answer by
activities in the giving such activities
picture based on the picture
2. Teacher ask
students what 2. Students guess and
supposed to be the predicts whats probably
materials today the materials today CLASSICAL
Exploring 3
Teacher Students
1. Teacher shows the1. Students try to
table structure and understand about the
form of simple present structure of simple
tense present tense
2. Teacher gives some
examples about2. Students pay attention
simple present tense. what teacher showed CLASSICAL
Associating 4
Teacher Students
1. Teacher ask students1. Students discuss about
to identify with their the form and structure of PEER
friends simple present tense

2. Teacher gives jack2. Students make the

card to students which sentences according to
have been divided into the sample of jack card
two groups available. INDIVIDUAL
Communicating 3
Teacher Students
1. Teacher call a
representative from1. Students come forward
each group and write in white board
2. Teacher correct the2. Student pay attention to
sentence mentioned the teachers explanation CLASSICAL
Closing 2
Teacher Students
1. Teacher doing a 1. Students
reflection and following/doing a
concluding the reflection and listen the
material teachers conclusion
2. Teacher give 2. Students pay attention
information about of information about
learning activities for learning activities for
next meeting next meeting
3. Teacher greetings 3. Students answer the
the students greeting CLASSICAL


Lesson = .............................................................................
Class/ Semester = .............................................................................
Year = .............................................................................
Time&Date = .............................................................................
Add () check in available column based on the observation!
Grammar Punctuation Handwriting
No Students Name 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 = Poor
2 = Average
3 = Good
4 = Excellent
Semarang, 08 May 2015

Validated by Micro Teaching Lecturer Teacher Trainee

Lulut Widyaningrum, M.Pd Muhammad Luthfiyanto

Dra.Nuna Mustikawati Dewi, M.Pd

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