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Within the collection of talks Samael, those related to the Gnostic Anthropology is seven and are the result of a sin-
gular work, as part of a sequence that made it possible to shape a unitary work in its thematic whole, integrated se-
ven chapters, which is why they are presented in the same format. By uniting all topics covered will discover that in
addition to being a unique work, they have not become obsolete, despite the time elapsed.
S ECTION 1 1977


Geological Ages, the era of giants, theories about the ancestors of man, the Dhyan-Chohan, the contradictions of the ge-
nealogies of Haeckel, The Omeyocan, Mulaprakriti and Iliaster, Yoalli- Ehecatl, the "four rounds" of manifestation the
Descent of man, germs for man Real, different auto embodiments, the emergence of "primordial man".

We have been talking about Gnostic Anthropology, and today, as always, continue with the lessons of Gnostic Anthropology. Please
therefore, to all our brothers visitors, put the maximum attention ...

First, it is good to know that anthropologists tell us of three important periods: first, the Paleozoic Period; the second, the Meso-
zoic Period; and the third the Cenozoic Period.

They say, emphatically, that existed during the Paleozoic Era over the waters of life, the first unicellular, microorganisms; They say
it also existed mollusks, fish and reptiles first. This materialistic anthropologists say what an incredible security, as if they had
been present in archaic times, as if he really could have see, smell, feel and even hear everything that happened in those ages.
However, as I have said in past lectures, and now I repeat, always assert anthropologists materialism that "only believe what they
see, they never accept anything they have not seen with their eyes or touched with their hands" . If I have to repeat many times, I
must say that this statement is completely false, liar.

So, my dear brothers, they are believing in what they have never seen, what they have never touched; they are asserting in incredi-
ble shape false assumptions.

When they saw that Primary Era? When they were present in the Paleozoic Era? Or did they lived in the Mesozoic Era? They did
existed in the Cenozoic Era? They are asserting simple assumptions not aware of, saying that they have never seen, and yet believe
themselves eminently practical. They have never seen the Paleozoic Era. What do you know of that period of life forms that existed
in that first archaic age of our world?

also they speak of the Mesozoic Era, that of the great antediluvian reptiles. We do not deny -in accurately or exactly, that has ever
been in the reptile world. It is clear that the era of the reptiles existed, was a fact. Our Earth was populated by huge reptiles and
this is undeniable. Recall the Brontosaurus or plesiosaur, the Pterodactyl, etc.

All these dinosaurs were really gigantic, enormous; monsters that had up to one and two blocks in size. There were, but what has
them lords Materialistic anthropology have seen all the reptiles of the Mesozoic Era? How they reproduced as living? Were wit-
nesses that?

That comes after the period known as the Cenozoic Era. It is said that "many reptiles evolved into mammals status". It is asserted
emphatically that "came primate hominid" predecessors "intellectual animal" mistakenly called man.

"No doubt, they say that of primates hominids originated born man and additionally, that branch of the great gorillas, chimpan-
zees, etc". As he spoke, practically they fit well with Mr. Darwin. We know that Darwin does not say in any way that man descends
from monkey, only clarifies that "man and ape have a common ancestor."

Materialism anthropologists say that "this common ancestor are primates, and in turn, the primates were born early hominids and
great apes from ancient times", the period often called "Cenozoic". This is how they arrange their theories to somehow match the
theories of Darwin.

But there was perhaps, or perhaps existed these primates? Do anthropologists of Materialism, ever saw the first hominids? Does it
has, could perhaps swear that these hominids were born, first the giant ape and the other men? Or better correcting it said: Could
they say, emphatically, that of primates hominids were born, who are the ancestors of man, according to them? Would they dare
say that these primates were born also all species of gorillas and chimpanzees that inhabit huge and populated the face of the Earth
in archaic times? What do they know that the Lords of Materialism?

Moreover, HAECKEL, as always, with their theories, assigned to the current humanoid about 17 or 18 genealogies; they seek to ex-
plain the origin of marsupials and mammals. And speaking Haeckel as surely as if he had seen. They are saying what they have not
seen and believe they are believing in phantasmagoric utopianism of mind, they do not have any proof.

The mammals and marsupials such, and all those genealogies of Haeckel, are quite phantasmagoric. Of course, they do not rule out
including anthropologists of Materialism to the famous lemurs with placenta. Where is the placenta of lemurs?

Well you that, at the present time is also clearly states know that "we come from the lemurs"; and there is no lack certain pseudo
sapientes of our times, who are now claiming that "our predecessor is the mouse" so that, according to them, the mouse is also the
ancestor of us.

As you can see, they are pure fantasies what these gentlemen say Anthropological Materialism, truly who have dedicated themsel-
ves to bray cheerfully ...

Is shameful that vaunted materialistic culture of the twentieth century. As soon we descended from an ancestor like another, and
even have the luxury to say, with great confidence, that "we were little ones, little ones, because we were children of the mouse".
These assertions are ridiculous Anthropological Materialism.

We well know by ancient traditions, that the human race was composed of giants: giants of Atlantis, Lemuria giants, giants Hyper-
borean Epoch, Epoch Polar giants.

Of course, to make statements like that that "mouse also come", there must be excessive
ignorance, and who well written, terribly abused the intelligence of readers. Who heard
such nonsense, really they are victims of ignorance, because neither the mouse himself
was so small in Atlantis as it is now. We know that the mouse in the Tertiary was a
giant, he could be the size of a cow. So he said that "the human being was tiny and has
grown" which was tiny son because he was descended mouse "is in frightfully ridiculous

You see how those cynics of Materialism move. As soon as they are saying "we come
from primates", those already mentioned and of whom were born early hominids, as so-
on as they are saying something else: "That our predecessor is the mouse". When they
get tired with the "brother" mouse, because then appeal to the mandrel, because the po-
or animal has red buttocks.

You see how ignorant are those anthropologists of Materialism! Those are the ones that
are degenerating mankind, those who are taking humanity eternal principles, the eter-
nal values of the spirit. Those are the ones that have precipitated humanity on the path
of involution and degeneration. We know that when humanity is stripped of eternal va-
lues, spiritual values, degenerating frightfully.

Those are the ones who send their minions, the rascals of Materialism, to teach the
people in the fields all these nonsense. Those are the ones who have become instructors
of poor people living in villages, in small towns. Those are, indeed, those who are haste-
ning the degeneration, because you are taking away humanity eternal values.

We could consider them as child molesters, because poor people corrupts simple fields
with their gibberish, damaging the minds of the poor people. Those are the ones that are educational plans, within which excludes

everything that savors of spirituality. But they do not have serious grounds to speak out against the spiritual teachings of huma-

Simultaneously assert that come from the mandrel as a mouse, or the first primates of the Cenozoic Era is quite ridiculous.

Both North and South, and in different parts of the world, these materialistic gentlemen laugh father of Manu, which became enti-
re human race; and they laugh at the Dhyan Chohan, as seems a utopian figure. And yet, they have no difficulty in believing in the
"SOZUROS" Mr. Haeckel, up to a kind of Neo stupid Pithecus, back with hablativa capacity, more utopian than the assertion that
Manu that come or Dhyan-Chohan.

Mankind still believes in the Dhyan-Chohan, although these gentlemen of Materialism annoy them. Still accept the father of MA-
NU million people; in Asia they believe in him, in man-spirit in Man Prototype, placed on a much higher level of Being.

If we retrospectives investigations very different from those of carbon-14 procedures, or the potassium-argon discover that, in
truth, the prototypes of this humanity arise from the higher dimensions of nature and the cosmos. But to accept something, by the
lords of Materialistic anthropology, it is more than impossible, because they feel so uncomfortable as the Chinese when they hear a
concert of Western music.

So it's time to analyze judiciously what that materialistic culture that is serving as a basis for peoples, nations. We need to find the
source of so much corruption and wickedness. It is not possible that we continue allowing humanity is a victim of ignorance, that is
absurd one hundred percent: These genealogies of Mr HAECKEL and his henchmen are good as for Moliere and his caricatures.

To say that those lemurs, small animals very bright eyes, they had placenta and "they could count among our ancestors," is absurd,
because we know that lemurs placenta had not ever. That is an unforgivable mistake zoo.

Haeckel really has done great harm to humanity, so once we said, "May their memory forget and never put your name on the
streets," JOB parodying the Prophet.

In addition, at the time of Haeckel embryogenesis still not known. How Haeckel dares to speak of "lemurs with placenta"? Absurd
one hundred percent.

When you analyze these things, you can not help but feel repulsed by the School of Materialism that is corrupting humanity, taking
their values Eternals, precipitating the path of involution.

What it is actually really the ancestor of man Cenozoic Era? And what are their descendants? What the ancestors of the Palaeo-
lithic man and what are their descendants? What the ancestors of the neolithic man and what are their descendants? Did he ever
knew Mr. Darwin? He did met Mr. Haeckel or Huxley? What the Materialistic anthropology is based to speak with such authority
about Homo Sapiens ?. What time belonged to the homo-sapiens, the primordial man?

Mr. Huxley in vain attempt to find among the groundwater of the Quaternary Period fossil remains of primordial man. Indeed it
will not ever find it. And the man is older than they suppose pigs Materialism. The man of the Cenozoic Era existed, as the man of
the Mesozoic and as the man of the Paleozoic Era. But this did not never accept, never Materialism. They want the man comes stric-
tly from the Quaternary Period, by no means accept that existed during the Cenozoic Era.

So the time has come for the great reflections of the great analysis. What do they know about how life was processed during the
Ages Primary, Secondary and Tertiary?

If you are granted humans of his Monad, to each, and you will see that all the little theater of Haeckel, Mr. Darwin, Huxley, Marx
and his followers will fall, indeed, knackered, because Materialistic anthropology is a wall without foundations: just a slight push to
make simple sediment.

In my last lecture I spoke here about the Navel of the Universe. That itself should study the famous materialistic anthropologists.
That our Earth has a "navel", why not? If we when we are born, when we come into the world, we also have our navel, and "as is
the macrocosm also the Microcosm; As above, so below. "

We talked then, in our last conference-on Omeyocan; something we said yes. What is Omeyocan? The Navel of the Universe, yes ...

One day the Earth-Moon existed, had seas, had mountains full of life, vegetation, also had its Eras Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic.
But the worlds, as all that is, has been and will be born, grow old and die.

The purely physical matter of the Moon died. Today is a corpse, as has been demonstrated by astronauts who have descended in
the lunar soil. But life itself, the "substance" of Matter alive, not dead, continuous processed in a Fourth Coordinate, in a Fourth
Vertical, along with seeds of all existence.

That "Substance-Matter" process later in a fifth coordinate, and then a sixth, a seventh subsequently. And when it fell in the Se-
venth, immersed within the bosom of the Abstract Absolute Space.

That substance Homogeneous, that Mulaprakriti of the eastern, or Primordial Primordial Earth that continues to exist. It was a
seed that could not be lost, and was now deposited in deep space; in that seed life went dormant. That seed (I said and I repeat to-
day), is the ILIASTER of the Sages.

He slept that seed Seven Eternities between Chaos, that is, between the Deep Space, to be clearer. But much later, the Whirlwind
Electric, Electrical Hurricane, "darkness and wind," as the people of Anahuac says, that stirred primal, original world, the land ca-
lled "Iliaster"; and that was when "the Two" worked with its positive-negative, male-female opposites. Thus, the Iliaster Chaos aro-
se; therefore it is said that "in the Omeyocan, Hurricane, Tempests, Darkness prevail". It speaks clearly there "YOALLI EHE-

EHECATL is the Nahuatl God of Wind, Hurricanes, Electric Movement. The Macrocosmos dump in the Microcosmos, all in cease-
less activity. Thus, the Chaos, in truth, existed in the Omeyocan.

It was the same Omeyocan; Earth virginal, pure, ineffable, would never accept Materialistic anthropology. There were all possibili-
ties until the universal fire that made fruitful Chaos. And when he did fruitful, she appeared the "LIMBUS". That extraordinary
Limbus gave rise to all that is, has been and will be.

Since then, from the Navel of the Universe, there were successive splits across multiple dimensions and man merely germinal step
by successive transformations, it was the Age of protoplasm. And the evolving and involuting life through various dimensions, he
came to crystallize finally in the protoplasmic Earth.

There was a first manifestation in the world of the mind, in the region of the Cosmic Mind or Universal Intelligence; A second ma-
nifestation of all that is, has been and will be, in a second term. And then, as a result, there appeared a third demonstration in a
subsequent dimension.

Thus, life unfolded, evolved and involuted in Three Dimensions extraordinary before it appeared in this physical world. Life exis-
ted first in the mineral state, but a class of minerals that today would not accept the materialistic anthropologists and geologists;
much later he unfolded in a vegetative state and later in ani-
mal state. But those states (mineral, vegetable and animal)
are currently unknown; They constitute something like the
archetype of these kingdoms, mineral, vegetable and existing

Obviously it had before life appeared on our World Protoplas-

mic, emerged from among existing animal species such a
creature to mammals or apes, but actually really very diffe-
rent from the apes.

When the original or primitive man managed to crystallize as

dense, he went through a transformation of their morpho-
logy, and thus appeared on the northern polar cap, which on-
ce was situated in the equatorial zone.

In my next talk I will discuss the movement of continents.

And then we will tell the world what really is the Pangea. Today only limit ourselves to say that life developed in other dimensions
before crystallize in the physical world. Today I want to say also emphasize that, before it actually existed "intellectual animal" mis-
takenly called man, there was the Real Man in the First, Second and Third Race.

The "intellectual animal", that emerged in the Quaternary Period, that is not the man but the "intellectual animal", I repeat. On the
last occasion I said that "real men lived splendidly in Lemuria, but that some, at the end of that time degenerated and mixed with
beasts, and that mixture came to be present humanity, the" intellectual animal " .

So, the time has come to understand these sensitive issues. Man predates the Quaternary Period, as the Tertiary and Secondary
and Primary Era. Proof of this is that, despite all living species disappeared archaic times, there continues that "intellectual ani-
mal" called man.

If he is able to survive despite so many storms, despite the revolution of the axis of the Earth, despite the events of the Pangaea;
and if animals, reptiles and other kinds of animals of the Mesozoic Era, were not able to survive, this is showing us that man is abo-
ve all these marked and indicated by the materialistic anthropologists periods.

I want you to reflect deeply on all these issues. If you are endows the poor "intellectual animal" corresponding Monad (which will
try to remove), and all the "little theater" that Mr. Darwin, and Haeckel and Huxley, is reduced to dust.

when really unmask Materialistic anthropology has come. Now is the time to give back to humanity eternal values ...

So far my talk tonight .... If any brother has something to ask, before proceeding with our work tonight, you can do so with the
most complete freedom.

Dinosaur footprints and men of more than 100 million years old ...

Samael Aun Weor: Undoubtedly germs of all life, come the
very navel of the universe, from the Omeyocan. This Earth has
S ECTION 2 its "navel" and in the "navel of the Earth's lifetime.

QUESTIONS Of course, anthropologists materialism are enemies of the

Gnostic Anthropology and authentic traditions of Mexico;
they will not accept, without any reason, the Omeyocan ...

Let's see, any other questions? Brother speaks ...

Q: Venerable Master, we would like to clarify the fo-

llowing: That the Lemurian race that degenerated,
who joined with the beasts and there is born race.
What we locate the Atlanteans site, which as you have
taught us, were before us?

Samael Aun Weor. Well Atlantis was accepted even by Mr.

Darwin, and well we know, with complete clarity, that Lemu-
ria was also accepted by the. However, I have to say the fo-
llowing: the Lemurian race was splendid, tremendous, won-
derful; today I have not stopped to speak clearly about the
great happenings of Lemuria, because not reach us in time,
but in future professorships speak clearly over the entire his-
tory of Lemuria.

QUESTION: In the Whirlwind Electric, germs of life,

and each brought their defined species? At the end of the Lemurian Race, in their times of decline, it
happened that some individuals degenerated and sexually mi-
xed with beasts. From there they were some very strange apes.
I said in my last lecture that some other blue faces and red fa- Samael Aun Weor: Well, we could not fully ensure a
ces; who were either on feet and hands, which could levantan- common origin, because there are many beasts were many
tarse vertically, and they had the right and the power to speak. men mingled with beasts; many of these mixtures, eventually,
and through successive cataclysms perished, however the re-
New mixes allowed that kind of apes, in turn (ape-men), pro-
sult of other mixtures with beasts survived.
duce the current race, the race of intellectual humanoid. So
the humanoid, that the materialists are emerging from the
Quaternary Period, is not the real man, is merely the result of
the mixture of human beasts with men. So our race, we all, are
the result of the mixing of men who existed in Lemuria and
mixed with certain beasts; hence we come from.

We are children of beasts and men, we are therefore "intellec-

tual animals". However, as we have also Men, carry germs for
Man. If we take advantage, these germs will develop in us and
we will become men.

If anything we can become Men, despite being "intellectual

animals", it is because we carry the germs of Man. We are chil-
dren of mixed with men beasts, we do not deny, but carry the
germs of Man, and if we become men took advantage. And
that's the harsh reality of the facts; it is understood?

Are there any other questions? Thus, the Atlanteans were already people who survived, pro-
duct mix of men and beasts; and turn this race that currently
Q: Master, if the ape emerged from the mix of men populates the face of the earth, is descended from Atlanteans.
and beasts degenerate humanity today also, then,
means that in that sense one could speak of a So, if we say that the "intellectual animal" is now Man, we're
common origin? lying. It is not man, is "intellectual animal". There are many
people who do not accept, for example, A.Z.F. Arcano, who do
not want the Science of Transmutation. There are very serious Are there any other questions?
problems: men who marry women who do not want Transmu-
To see your ...
tation, and women who marry some men who do not want al-
so not Transmutation. Q: Venerable Master, if in Mexican culture, Tezcatli-
poca representing the Moon, Night, the Iliaster, is ai-
In Lemuria, the Real Men were reproduced by Kriyasakti, ie,
med, say, Ometecuhtli one Mexica allusion to Omeyo-
not spilling the Cup of Hermes; any mature spermatozoon
can, and the Principles of Fire Principles of Tlaloc
was enough to make a matrix fruitful. But that was men who
and principles , say, relative to the matter ...
had not degenerated, real men.
Samael Aun Weor: Well, we know very well that TEZCATLI-
But require for the poor "intellectual animals" to be played by
POCA has its feminine aspect, Lunar, and that - (the feminine
Kriyashakti, ie by Transmutation is much to require. Then, if
nature of the Moon) -is duly verified in the Eastern Wisdom.
they simply have the right not to accept, as they are beasts and
When speaking with complete clarity of the Mother swells, shi-
beasts have the right to reproduce like animals. So we want to
ning and finally gives birth to the "son": the Universe; extraor-
say that the animals reproduce with the system of Men, with
dinary universe that means or is chaired by Quetzalcoatl.
the gift of Kriyashakti, is much demand.
That question is answered in my last lecture. Any other ques-
It is also true that we intend to create Men, and for that we are
tion. Let's see.
spreading these Gnostic teachings. Those who do accept, rea-
lly, the reproduction system by Kriyashakti, ie by Transmuta-
tion of Sexual Libido, become men, because they adopt the se- Q: Master, the Atlanteans were already "intellectual
xual system of Men. animals"?
When you missionaries, you see someone who does not want
to accept the reproduction system Kriyashakti not surprised, Samael Aun Weor: It is obvious that the degenerates of Le-
nor be surprised or hurt them because the animals have their muria were mixed with the beasts, and there born an enor-
reproductive system. And it's very funny that some of these mous amount of "intellectual animals" who continued to live
beasts accept the system of Men; That's very rare, too strange in Atlantis; in turn, we come Atlantean us.

We are therefore children of beasts and men. We have the Samael Aun Weor: They simply had no desire to remain
seed of men and so we can become men, but we are razonati- beasts also. They left ... as saying, "Go well!". That is all.
vas beasts.
They left living here, on the face of the Earth, the "intellectual
We are talking here in a free form; and we have to keep tal- animals" and we are here, they left. Some, yes, sacrificed and
king frankly to unmask the traitors and disconcert materia- were living here with people suffering and I live in this class of
lists before the solemn verdict of the public consciousness. organisms, product mixtures Men and beasts.

To see talks and to see what you're talking ... Let's see.

Q: Venerable Master, what plane it is to be Neander-

thals and Cro-Magnon, in relation to the output of
the Lemur Paradise Race? Do you have any rela-
tionship with them certain ...

Samael Aun Weor: Well, the Cro-Magnon men and Nean-

derthals, and all that matter, we know that they are but descen-
dants of Atlantis; as beasts like us, and that's all. Any other

Q: Master, what time were the beasts?

QUESTION: We have said that the men did the first Samael Aun Weor: Well I have already said that beast is he-
part of the Lemurian Race and said not all mixed re, on this Earth, from the dawn of life. Please note that at the
with beasts. So my question is: What do men not time, we could call us "Lunar", when Earth was Etheric, and
beasts were mixed with? Why were not they who con- there were all kinds of animals. That is clear.
tinued to dwell on the face of planet Earth? And that we'll get through the didactic process. Now I'm ans-
wering these questions, but what I am answering will not be

included in the next edition written mimeographed, because
we have to keep order. the conference will include only no-

But we must speak clearly to each of the previous rounds, but

what we are doing building a didactic and dialectical method.
Any other question?

Q: Master, could we expand a bit on the germs that

we took of Men, because when you say "germs", I im-
mediately refer Sexual Germs only; and making a dee-
per reflection, I see that there is something more
than "man" in us, which is the essence ... Perhaps if
you could expand a little more, what the "germs of
Man" who we are, if only sex or it is Essence ....?

for Mental Body, are the seeds for the Causal Body. If one
transmutes incessantly and disintegrates the ego, these germs
Samael Aun Weor: For the essence is the Essence. The "in-
develop, and finally born an Astral body in man, and finally
tellectual animals" are Elementals of Nature bottled between
crystallized a mental body in man, and finally crystallized a
the ego. If any of you disintegrate the Ego, is pure Elemental;
causal, and then the psychic principles are received and born
immersed within the bosom of the Great Reality; Elemental
Man, Man appears ...
like any other, as the Elemental plants, such as mineral Ele-
mentals; They are elementary animals, those are not men!... a moment, ends the question ...

QUESTION: If in fact our Essence is an elemental, an

animal Elemental, experience that at any given time
Neither the essence that you carry is of Man; Elementals are
one takes here and that increases the Essence, becau-
the Animal Kingdom. So far itself is correct. As germs for
se at some point, you might say, there is a moment of
Man, germs are, for example, the Astral Body, are the germs

consciousness through Experience and is the Elemen- Let's see, here is a sister who wants to ask, what questions
tal who receives it .... you?

Samael Aun Weor: As the experience with the "intellectual QUESTION: self-realization, one can say that is
animal" is any animal which has: the one with the horse, synonymous with the "intellectual animal" to become
which has the eagle, the one with the donkey; they also have Man?
experiences. Or are we to discard the experiences of all ani-
Samael Aun Weor: So is! And there are several self realiza-
tions: One, you can with a self-realization become Man, with
the other can become a Christified, or an angel; are distinct
Auto-Accomplishments there ...
Q: Master, an animal can not raise awareness, bring
to a fourth state, in the case of eachother, it is assu- See speech.
med; for that we are working here. Regarding the
Q: Master, I do not know if the question to go to come to the
transcendental mystical experience, what does an ele-
case. In a magazine of those trashy, and not give credit to the
mental animal with her?
magazine, I just think that there's a question, it is said "that
Samael Aun Weor: Well, I clarify one thing: we must distin- Samael existed in Lemuria and it was a fallen Angel" and who
guish between the intellectual animal who has never worked taught at that time sexuality, that race of men who had. That
on himself and who is already working on himself .. So the was there when there was "the union of the gods with the
question is badly done. It is clear that you are working on daughters of men", that is, where I guess there was a decline,
itself, obviously is becoming Man. It is a kind of transient sta- based on the fornicacincmo could we understand that?
te between animal and man. That's different.
Samael Aun Weor: At the time of Lemuria, not only the one
who is here talking to you, "he went face down", but also fell
almost all the "Lunar Pitris", "Agnishvattas", "Thrones", "Che-
But speaking as I am talking, I mean the majority, the millions
rubim ... I .all the host of heaven went down .... when people
of "intellectual animals" that populate the world. But those
began to enter into animal generation, then, I also "followed
who are already working on themselves, are in a state of transi-
tion between animal and man; that's obvious. Are there any
other questions? See brother.
Samael Aun Weor: For simply "as above, so below", as it is
here it is in the Omeyocan, and is in the "Half Day", ie, in the
Q: Venerable Master,
aeons that communicate to Earth this, physically, with the
kindly beg an explana-
Omeyocan. You have to know a little reflection on this ques-
tion of the following: If
tion ...
Hurricane in the Navel
of the World, in the
Omeyocan issued the
In the beginning was the mineral life that became active;
germ for Man while
Thus, during the first round, the mineral life acted intensively.
germs for the beasts,
But if one examines "the Eye of Dagma" stage of the Universe
how can we reconcile
in the first round, he discovers a completely Mental World.
the fact that our Essen-
Then the rocks were not very different from plant or animal;
ce, come here to evolve
Kingdoms of Nature intermingled with each other. However,
and go through the ani-
prevailed he prevailed Mental State Mineral Life....
mal part to reach the hu-
manoid? It is necessary that the extraordinary Faculty of the Eye of
Dangma is very well developed, so that the researcher is com-
Samael Aun Weor: Well, we give the answer. Clearly that is
petent and can make a full differentiation between the Elemen-
a little misconceived, because parts of the principle that since
tals themselves the Kingdom Mineral and existing rocks or mi-
men were upon the earth ...

Normally, the researcher sees the Elemental Kingdom Mine-

Q: Surely not, sir. Because if we talk about our Real ral and confused with men, and that's a mistake. Only the re-
Being, the man made in the image and likeness of searcher will have highly developed intuition Praja- Parami-
God, purely spiritual, how can we reconcile our ta, will avoid any confusion and may make a distinction bet-
Essence have to go through the traffic before the ween themselves Elementals minerals and minerals.
lower realms?

During this first round we also exist to real men, dealing with dial Man" with the possibilities of man. That crystallizes, ie,
all work related to the different departments of the Kingdom. takes physical form in the First Race of our world; and to take
physical form, it is clear that undergoes a change in morpho-
It is obvious that a second round later in the astral world ari-
logy. And so the first man, appears on the Sacred Island in the
ses; and in the second round of the Kingdom Mineral Elemen-
North polar cap, which then was not really, at the North Pole,
tals go one step further and become elementary vegetables.
but in the equatorial zone appears.
Plants that have nothing physical, intermingled with mineral
and even the animal, because the Kingdoms of Nature were Later they continue and devolving all evolutionary processes,
not yet at that time, defined. we will be developing through embryogenesis, etc., etc., etc.

Can very easily confused researcher and not be able to see the Real Men of ancient Earth-Moon, lived in the First, the Se-
plant, but strictly at the Elementals the plant kingdom. But cond and the Third Round, next to the Elementals, and also
those Elementals Plant Kingdom were the same Elementals took shape in the first three races that existed. So, in the first
Mineral Kingdom; They are the same who acted in the first three races they emerged new and authentic Men Men, who
round, but now have risen to the State vegetable. lived happily in paradisiacal state.

In the third round, ie, in the strictly ethereal era of our world, As for, themselves, germs of all life, came from the Omeyocan,
in the period we might call "LUNAR" those Vegetable Elemen- passed through successive transformations to crystallize in
tals have risen to the level of elementary animals; they have a the physical form, in the actual forms that are in the Omeyo-
more advanced step. Then to reach the state of animals conti- can and the three Superior Dimensions of Nature: the Etheric
nue their evolving and devolving processes because in each , Astral and Mental.
round there are evolutions and involutions.

In the third round there were evolutions and involutions; and

All this will have to go methodically developing it, didactic
the most advanced animals became a kind of very manlike
and dialectic. Today only I limit myself strictly to sketch it, be-
creature. Had some resemblance, were, to any mammal, but it
was not a mammal, it was something different: the "Primor-

when they began to evolve from the ore, then as a ve-
getable, and later in animal, and finally human being,
more however, when speaking of the seven races we
with the protoplasmic, namely the First Polar Race,
was a protoplasmic material type, right?.

I can not find the relationship that at first might have

that process ...

Samael Aun Weor: I told you that Man, the first attempt of
man, was certain creature very similar to mammals, he suffe-
red a morphological transformation when crystallized in this
three-dimensional world of Euclid, in the Polar Epoch.

It is clear that this germ, that creature of the Lunar Era, which
came to become the body of man or something like Man in the
Polar Epoch, because had to go through evolutions through
cause if we now dwell on this issue, frankly would not reach us the Second and third Round. So there is nothing weird or
or all night, not many years; this is very long talk. strange.

Now, those creatures of those races the Polar Epoch, the Hi-
perbrea and Lemuria, have ceased to exist, does not mean
QUESTION: ... When we speak of evolution and invo-
they have not existed; They existed!
lution is said that at the dawn of a Cosmic Day, that
is, a Mahamvantara, were detached from the Absolu- Now, the current race is different, it is the result, as I said, the
te million Essences with the sole aim to evolve. But crossing of animals ...
that initially, in the first manifestation of life, or


COLECTION In this part of the compilation of Samael
Aun Weors conferences we included tho-
EIKASIA: Lectures to the general se ones which were given to advanced stu-
public. dents (DIANOIA).
Since the spread of the Gnostic
PISTIS: Talks given to students
knowledge is an altruistic and nonprofit
Second Chamber.
work, the open reproduction of written
content is allowed, provided it is done un-
DIANOIA: Lectures imparted to der the same conditions of altruism and
students of third chamber. non-profit benefits. If the complete work

is used, you must cite the source.

NOUS: Congressional conferences,
The images that accompany these texts
special recordings and informal talks.
were obtained from many sources; there-
fore, if someone holds the copy rights of
them and wants us to stop using them,

please let us know to take them out of and interpretations should be clarified at
this work. the original in Spanish, at this same inter-
net page.
The definitions contained in the "GLOS-
SARY" were taken from different unres-
tricted Internet pages and then summari-
The themes of this collection will be pu-
zed only for the purpose of using them as
blished in several languages, so if you are
general reference.
interested in helping to translate these
The terms "death", "revolution", "elimina- texts into the language of your choice,
tion and others are part of the context of please contact us through this email:
personal psychological development allu-
ding to Gnostic knowledge and have no-
thing to do with politics.
The translations were made by several
people, so any doubt about the contents


Kriya-Shakti: The power of thought and will. The creative power or powers (siddhis) of

The book "Stays of Dzyan", says. "The Third Race it became the vehicle of the Lords of
Wisdom It created Sons of Will and Yoga, Kriya-Sakti by I think ..."

In the "Secret Doctrine" of H.P.Blavatski it is said: "It is that mysterious power of

thought which, by virtue of its own inherent energy, enables it to produce external, per-
ceptible phenomenal results." "The ancients held that any idea will manifest outwardly
if attention (and will) one is deeply focused on her." "Similarly, an intense volition will
be followed by the desired result. Through this power and the power of will it is like the
yogi usually work its wonders. "

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It is a term to refer to Gnostic Maithuna. The Maithuna is a Sanskrit term used to des-
cribe the Hindu tantra sexual union in a ritual context. Sahaja is a similar term used in
Yoga. In both cases it refers to the transmutation of sexual energy through specific te-
chniques done.

Although there are multiple interpretations of how to do this, different translations of

the word maithuna clearly shows that refers to couples man and woman and their
union in the physical-sexual sense, and is synonymous with kriya nishpatti (mature
cleaning). As the spirit without matter is not effective by itself, both elements work to-
gether to achieve harmony; only when the Union is recognized when it is considered
that maithuna reaches its fullness. The couple is then divine: it is he is Lord Shiva and

Tantric literature usually makes numerous references to the need to control ejaculation
to achieve maithuna or perform sacred sex.

The Maithuna is because the sexual union of man and woman, without loss of sexual
energy for spiritual purposes.

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The Cenozoic or Tertiary was going from 65 million years ago to the present.

For the amount of information available is divided into two periods: the Tertiary and
Quaternary. In turn, the Tertiary Period is divided into several epochs: Paleocene, Eoce-
ne, Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene.

While the Quaternary Period is divided into the times of the Pleistocene and Holocene.

In the Geological nomenclature is essential to keep the names of ERA, (there are only
four) of PERIODS (subdivisions of geological ages) and times (subdivisions of periods)
as to be used interchangeably as is usual in Spanish in colloquial language, it leads to
confusion between the two subdivision.

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It is the seventh chakra, the crown or top of the head, which once opened confers spiri-
tual vision. It is the "thousand-petalled lotus" ....

In this regard, "the Secret Doctrine" of H. P. Blavatsky reads: "In India it is called the"
Eye of Shiva ", but beyond the Great Range is known in esoteric phraseology as" The
Open Eye Dangma ". Dangma means a purified soul, someone who has become Shivan-
mukta, the Adept senior, or Mahatma. His "Open Eye" is the inner spiritual eye of the
seer; It is the faculty which manifests through it, and is not clairvoyance in the
commonly used sense, that is, the power to see from a distance. Instead, it is the facul-
ty of spiritual intuition, which is obtainable by direct and definitive knowledge. "

Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, vol. 1 p. 118

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Ehcatl (Nahuatl Ehcatl, 'the wind' ') in the Nahua mythology, was the god of the
wind. It is known as one of the manifestations of Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, ta-
king the name of Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl, appearing in the breath of living beings.

It is one of the main gods of creation, his breath initiates the movement of the sun,
according to the myth of creation Nahuatl, after which originated the fifth sun, it was
fixed on a point in the sky, like the moon, until Ehcatl breathed on them and set them
in motion.

Brings life to what is inert.

According to the Gnostic esoteric tradition he attended Jesus at the time of the resu-

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The Eocene is the period of the Cenozoic era spanning from the end of the Paleocene
(55 million years ago) to the early Oligocene (38 million years ago). Its name comes
from the Greek words EOS (start, dawn) and kainos (new, modern), referring to the
emergence of modern mammals that mark the beginning of this period. Its end is signa-
led by a major extinction event.

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Geological Eras are a definition of the stages that have been identified based on geological and fossil record of
the evolution of the planet and the life it has had over time.
The current science defines only four geological eras:

the Archean (4500-590), also called Pre-Cambrian

the Paleozoic Era (590-245)
the Mesozoic Era (245 to 65)
and Cenozoic Era (65-0)

Brief overview of the geological eras:



or Primary Cambrian 590 marine
Era invertebrates and
( 85 Mililons 505 rst jawless sh
(apogee of
and Ordovician 505 apogee of
emergence ( 67 Mililons 438 jawless sh third glaciation
of years)
the repSles)
Silurian 438 rst sh
( 30 Mililons 408 bones and shelled
years) animals

Devonian 408 apogee of sh and
( 58 Mililons 360 exSncSon of many
years) amphibians

Carboniferous 360 disappearance of
( 70 Mililons 290 jawless and fourth glaciation
years) appearance of

Permian 290 apogee of
amphibians and
( 45 Mililons 245 appearance of
years) repSles

MESOZOIC Triassic 245 DiversicaSon
or ( 37 Mililons 208 of repSles
Secondary years)

(repSles Era, Jurassic 208 Apogee
emergence ( 70 Mililons 138 the repSles
of years)
birds) cretaceous 138 exSncSon of
( 73 Mililons 65 large repSles

terSary Era terSary 65 Paleocene ( 10 65 - 55 Birds and mammals
Mililons years) predominant
( 63 Mililons Eocene (17 Mililons 55 - 38 arise primates
years) years)
(exSncSon Oligocene ( 13 38 - 25 arise herbivores
of Mililons years)
Dinosaurs, Miocene(20 25 - 5 arise anthropoids
expansion Mililons years)
mammals 2 Pliocene ( 3 Mililons 5 - 2 arise hominids
and years)
appearance Paleolithic or Stone
of man) Age
quaternary 2 Pleistocene ( 1.9 2 - 100 Homo sapiens
Mililons years) thousand emerges
( 2 Mililons 0.1 Holocene ( 100 000 100 to to emergence of
years ) years) present civilizaSon

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Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel (1834-1919) was a German naturalist and philo-
sopher who popularized Charles Darwin's work in Germany, creating new terms like
"phylum" and "ecology".

Ernst Haeckel was a fervent evolutionist. His ideas about were collected in 1866 in his
Generelle Morphologie der Organismen (general morphology of organisms), whose se-
cond volume devoted to Darwin, Goethe and Lamarck. However, although Haeckel
was a big proponent of the idea of natural selection, in fact ignored the role of chance
in the Darwinian theory. Its evolution accepted many of the ideas of Lamarck. Radica-
lly progressive, Haeckel argued that evolution was directed toward a progressive move
increasingly complex living things and would have man as ultimate goal. Haeckel was
also radically monistic and materialistic evolution and considered as one of the best evi-
dence of this philosophy.

Haeckel was much more than Darwin, the great responsible for the integration of ana-
tomy and embryology in evolutionary theory.

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Haeckel produced a string composed in its full version, twenty two family links, ran-
ging from the simplest prior to organic life, unicellular organisms, including ancestors
invertebrates, up to the parents vertebrates man and man himself.

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Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 -1895) was a British biologist, known as "Darwin's Bull-
dog" for his defense of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin.

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The name given by Paracelsus to the substance or raw material that is the basis of
everything that exists.

The hidden power of nature, by which all things grow and multiply; by extension is the
primary material, raw material or Akasa.

It is the "raw material" of all things, the "great mystery" (Mysterium magnum), un-
knowable and shapeless, prodigious possibilities reserve forces and all beings commu-
nicate their infinitely diverse properties.

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In Hinduism and Jainism, one Jiva is the immortal essence or soul of a living organism
(human, animal, fish or vegetable, etc.), which survives physical death. It has a very si-
milar to ATMA use, but as atma refers to "the cosmic being" Jiva is used to denote a "li-
ving entity" individual or living thing in particular.

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Haeckel made many statements that were eventually disproved and even ridiculed by
those who were his opponents. With the passage of time almost all contributions are
only preserved as part of the history of human evolution, because in his time was very
popular and enjoyed great prestige.

In the book "The Pedigree of Man," Haeckel includes what he calls the "Series of the an-
cestors of man." Specifically in the "Second division" (State eighteen) described in that
imagined by him to Los prosimianos, bone, marsupials, but with placenta sequence.

Haeckel bases his descent of man in the states seventeen and eighteen, marsupials and
prosimianos. When applying ultimately to the lemurs, making them therefore placenta
animals, zoo makes a mistake; because after dividing himself mammals according to
their anatomical differences in two groups: the indeciduata, which have no decidua, or
membran special linking the placenta, and deciduata, those who possess it, includes
prosimianos in the latter group.

However, revisions to their proposals, put beyond doubt that prosimianos Haeckel ha-
ve no decidua or diffuse placenta. They are indeciduata and therefore unable they are
the ancestors of monkeys, according to the same principles laid down by Haeckel.

These statements are part of one of the volumes of the book "The Secret Doctrine" of
H.P.Blavatski, the number IV, called "Anthropogenesis".

Currently the sequence is defined as follows:

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In Hindu mythology, Shraddhadeva is the progenitor of humanity today.

He is the son of Vivasvat and therefore is also known as Manu Vaivasvata.

Shraddhadeva was the king of the Dravida before the great flood. It's the man was war-
ned about the flood by the avatar of Vishnu, Matsya, and that allowed him to save hu-
manity by building a ship carrying his family and Saptarishi (seven sages) to safety. Al-
so it called Satyavrata: always truthful.

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The Mesozoic, or Secondary Era Mesozoic era is called because it lies between the
other two eras: the Paleozoic Era and the Cenozoic Era. The name comes from the
Greek meaning meso "between" and zoon which means "animal".

The Mesozoic or Secondary is characterized as the most flourishing of reptiles in all its
variety of forms. Arise early mammals and birds.

Life in the Mesozoic was a period in the history of the Earth 190 million years, which
began 255 million years ago and ended 65 million years ago.

It is divided into Tricico, Jurcico and Cretaceous.

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The Miocene is the time interval ranging from 25 to 5 million years, is among the Oligo-
cene and Pliocene.

It is part of the Tertiary Period of the Cenozoic Era.

In the mid-70s it was common to refer to three stages Miocene:

Miocene: 25 to 16 million years,

Middle Miocene: 16 to 11 million years and

Miocene: 11 to 5 million years.

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It refers to each of the indivisible substances of different nature, of will endowment,

that make up the universe, according to the German philosopher Leibniz, who claimed:
"monads are spiritual entities"

In Greek philosophy is a term that means "unity", used in different ways by ancient phi-
losophers from the Pythagoreans Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus to signify a variety of en-
tities, from a basic unit to God. Generally refers to the divine spirits in different catego-

In Gnosticism the Monad is the most basic aspect of God, ie the spirit immanent in
every being. By extension in humans, refers to that from which originates the human
soul, the "Father in secret," the God Within, the Innermost. So makes sure that every
human being has their real self deep inside and that there are "many parents in hea-
ven, like men on earth."

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For decades it has it has included these animals as ancestors of humanity today. In
2013 a team of scientists discovered a small animal the size of a squirrel, insectivore,
which lived 65 million years ago and could be the ancestor of us all placental

This small animal could be the ancestor of mice, elephants, tigers, bears, whales, bats
and humans. It was the size of a modern squirrel feeding on insects. It is estimated
that this animal lived between 200,000 and 400,000 years after the event that caused
the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

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Mulaprakriti (Sanskrit: root of nature) is a term used by scholars of the Vedas and
Theosophy to designate the root of things and nature.

Mulaprakriti, is the "Primordial Substance," the "abstract substance" relates to "Para-

brahman" as part of the eternal.

In the unmanifested, before the appearance of the physical cosmos, Mulaprakriti re-
mains dormant, and the veil that Parabrahman, together with Him through the FO-
HAT (fire). Mulaprakriti is the feminine abstract principle, Parabrahman is the male
abstract principle.

During the activity (mahamanvantara), in turn, Mulaprakriti becomes the passive as-
pect, the negative female manifestation, fertilized by Cosmic Ideation through FOHAT,
the Divine Ray.

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The Nahua are a group of native peoples of Mesoamerica, which owns the Aztecs and
other ancient peoples of Anahuac had in common the Nahuatl language. His main link
was his language, Nahuatl besides great similarities in their religion and worldview.

At the time of the conquest of America by the Spanish crown, the Nahua had expanded
to Central America.

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Pithecus name formerly used by zoologists to various groups of apes and monkeys, so
pithecoid NEO expression is to refer ape-like beings.

The use of that word Pithecus gave rise to the term Pithecanthropus, which also means
anthropopithecus, however both terms differ in their conception since according to the
first position of its etymological root can be:

Anthropopithecus: monkey traits of man.

Pitecantropo: man with apelike features.

In most currently used is anthropopithecus: Mammal hominid that lived in the Pleisto-
cene, which some scientific theories considered the missing link between ape and man:
anthropopithecus fossil bones were found on the island of Java.

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Ilhucatl-Omeyocan (Nahuatl: "Heaven is where duality").

In the cosmogony NAHUATL it is the highest point composed of thirteen levels, the
thirteenth celestial stratum. It is the sky where dwells the creative duality composed of
OMETECHUTLI and Omecihuatl, (Lord and Lady of duality), the creative entity of all
that exists. This cosmogenic concept is based on the universe as dual, so it is up is
down, as there is light there is darkness, as there is life there is death, as is feminine is

Omeyocan is the residence of the creative couple behind the creation of the universe
and of all the gods, where the generating principle of all existence is conceived, from
which everything came and to where it all back. Among the Maya the thirteen heavens
are called "Oxlahuntiku".

This creative duality that generates a third, was called by the NAHUAS the OME-
TEOTL: "It is both He and She integrated into a single unit, that entity is the one who
gives life, color, size and movement" is the Tloque iN Nahuaque: "the owner of what is
close and what is far" (ie the origin of everything). It has also been conceived as Moyo-
coyani "Whoever invents himself" and also as "Ipalnemohuani" One for whom all live

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Paleozoic or was primary is a division of the geologic time scale of more than 290 mi-
llion years duration, which started and ended 590 makes about 251 million years ago.

He follows the Archean that hard since the rise of the planet (4,500 million years) to
590, which is the time from which it has identifiable traces in the geological sense, hen-
ce it is also called "Primary Era" .

After the Paleozoic (Primary) follows the Mesozoic (Secondary) and finally this was the
Cenozoic (Tertiary).

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Human placenta is hemocorial or disc type, which means that fetal tissue penetrates
the endometrium to the point of being in contact with maternal blood. This type of pla-
centa have all primates and rodents.

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Haeckel produced a string composed of twenty links, covering the ancestors invertebra-
tes and vertebrates progenitors of man.

Start at the Moneron, composed coreless mass of protoplasm, then as second link
AMOEBA, which was, according to him, a mononuclear organism, and so on increasin-
gly complex.

In that series the SOZUROS correspond to the link number 14 and were conceived by
him as amphibian metamorphosis trailed the guts to reach adulthood, as with the frogs
that live today.

The number 19 is the catarrhines MONKEYS, 20 the great apes like the orangutan and
gorilla and his famous Pithecanthropus 21, a Man-Monkey who have not yet had the
power to speak.

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Tezcatlipoca (Nahuatl, "Smoking Mirror '') in the Nauatl mythology is a deity with in-
fluence in heaven and earth, power supply, protect man, patron of battles, omnipre-
sent, strong and invisible.

In their representations wears a mirror instead of a foot, in one of the most original
and enigmatic representations of the Nahua culture.

In the stories of creation Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca are duality and antagony. Quet-
zalcoatl is also called Tezcatlipoca white while the color is black Tezcatlipoca.

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Tloque nahuaque (Nahuatl: 'which is close, beside and around of -all- things "Litera-
lly). Lord of the near and far "and by extension" Being in that fit all things, preserving
and sustaining them. "

It was also called Moyocoyani Nahuatl: He who created himself; "Lord that is created
or invents himself by his own thinking."

Tloquenahuaque is the main deity of the Nahuatl peoples. Origin of existence and none-
xistence, and computer creator of all things, creator of the first human couple and chief
of the five ages of the world or five soles.

It was another of the many names that were known to Ometotl (god of duality).

Tloque-Nahuaque represents the principal deity of the creation of the universe, symbo-
lizes the principle of all existence and the philosophical notion of teotl word (God)
among men, he is the great cosmic substance of eternal motion and infinite space ca-
lled OLLINCAN, likewise it is represented as progenitor of all, the principle of intelli-
gence, computer chaos, harmonizer of life and protector of nature.

any artistic representation or image of this god is not known, nor had temples and was
unknown to the common people, so the researchers conclude that was the product of
philosophical reflections of an elite group of Nahua priests who tended not to speak of
the creator god as a sign of respect. Religious and historians of the time of the conquest
as they were increasing their knowledge about the Nahua culture, they realized that the
accusations of idolatry and ignorance did not apply to all people, insomuch conclude
that it was a mistake to refer to the natives of Mexico as uneducated and ignorant in
theological issues, and this is a clear example.

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Yoalli Ehecatl (Nahuatl, Yoalli, dark, ehecatl, wind) means Night Wind.

Yoalli Ehecatl is another name with which was known Tezcaltipoca (Smoking Mirror),
god of the night sky and the night wind. The term "smoking mirror" was used to refer
to obsidian mirrors that were used for divination.

However "Yoalli Ehecatl" is also one of the attributes of God-dual (Ometecuthli and
Omecihiuatl), which is another way of referring to that child being Tezcatlipoca with
Quetzalcotal of the Lord and Lady of duality (Ometecuyhli and Omecihuatl ), its distinc-
tive feature is "night wind": what you feel but not see.

He was also given the expressions "owner Lord of the near and along (tloquenahua-
que), lord of life", "One for whom we live."

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