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Complete report of experiment in physical chemistry with title Adsorption

of Isotherm, was made by:

Name : Dhidi Erwanto

Reg. number : 081304167

Group : VI

Class : International Class Program of Chemistry

After checked by Assistant and Coordinator Assistant, so this report have accepted.

Parang tambung, November 2010

Coordinator Assistant Assistant

Nurul Aulia Rahman Nurul Aulia Rahman

Known by:

Responsibility Lecturer

Jusniar, S.Pd, M.Pd

A. Title of Experiment

Adsorption of Isotherm.

B. Objectives

After done this experiment, the students can determine an adsorption of

isotherm from Freundlich in adsorption process of acetic acid on the active carbon.

C. Background

Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm an adsorption isotherm is a curve relating the

concentration of a solute on the surface of an adsorbent, to the concentration of the

solute in the liquid with which it is in contact. There are basically two well

established types of adsorption isotherm the Langmuir adsorption isotherm and the

Freundlich adsorption isotherm. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm describes

quantitatively the build up of a layer of molecules on an adsorbent surface as a

function of the concentration of the adsorbed material in the liquid in which it is in

contact (Greenirs. 1998: 211).

In a modified form it can also describe a bi-layer deposition. The shape of the

isotherm (assuming the (x) axis represents the concentration of adsorbing material in

the contacting liquid) is a gradual positive curve that flattens to a constant value. The

Freundlich isotherm curves in the opposite way and is exponential in form. It often

represents an initial surface adsorption followed by a condensation effect resulting

from extremely strong solute-solute interaction. In chromatography the Freundlich

isotherm is not common, most adsorption processes are best described by the

Langmuir isotherm (Greenirs. 1998: 212).

The small concentration range and a mixtures of a liquids, adsorption of isotherm can

be showing with empirical equation by freundlich. This isotherm based on the

assumption the the absorbent have a heterogeneous surface and each molecules have

a different adsorption ability. The Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm is mathematically

expressed as



x = mass of adsorbate

m = mass of adsorbent

p = Equilibrium pressure of adsorbate

c = Equilibrium concentration of adsorbate in solution.

K and 1/n are constants for a given adsorbate and adsorbent at a particular

temperature (Leich. 2001:192).

If the concentration of solution within equilibrium get plotting as ordinating

and adsorbate concentration within adsorbent as absis on the logarithmic coordinate

shoul be get gradient n and intercept k. from this isotherm, will be knowing the
absorbent capability to absorb the water. This isotherm using in the experiment

because of hat, isoptherm can determined of efficiency an absorbent, we can

explaining by curve are:

1. Sotherm curve will tendence flat, it means isotherem which using to absorb in the

constant capacities more then the equilibrium area.

2. Isotherem curve which sheer, it means the adesorbtion capacities increasing with

the increasing of equilibrium concentration (adnin. 2008:3).

Absorption is a grouping and classifying process of soluble on the solutiuon

by the object surface absorbance, where occur a chemical bonding and physical

between substances and its absorbance. Adsorption process viewing as the molecules

process leaving the solution and adhere on the absorbent surface caused by physical

and chemical bonding. So that way, adsorption always classifying as the tertiary

managing (Sawyer. 1994:59).

A solid surface which contacting with a solution tendencies to nearing a

solution from a solute of molecules in its surface caused by the disbalancing forces in

the surface. Chemical adsorption producing the formation of adsorbate

monomolecular layers, in the surface undergo the forces from valence residue on the

surface molecules. Physical absorption caused by molecular condensation on

capillary from solids. Generally, elements with molecular weight which more big will

be easily to absorbed (author. 2010).

Activating process is the most importantly to getting attention beside the

standard materials that was used. It means with activating, atreatment to the active

carbons which have objectives to making a big pores with cutting a hydrocarbon

bonding or oxidation the surface of molecules. So that the active carbons get a

changes of properties. Both of physical and chemical are the surface wide adding and

become biggest, as well as it was influence the absorption occurs (author. 2010).

D. Apparatus and Chemicals

1. Apparatus:

a. Shaper Erlenmeyer flask 250mL, 6 pieces.

b. Erlenmeyer flask 250mL, 6 pieces.

c. Burette 50mL, 2 pieces.

d. Drops pipette

e. Volumetric glass 100mL

f. Spraying bottle

g. Shaker

h. Stopwatch

i. Stove

j. Analytical balance

k. Spoons

l. Funnel, 6 pieces

m. Porseline dish
n. Clamp.

2. Chemicals:

a. Various concentrations Acetic acid/CH3COOH (0.500M, 0.250M,

0.125M, 0.0625M, 0.0313M, and 0.0156M).

b. Sodium hydroxide/NaOH 0.1N

c. Phenolphthalein indicators

d. Active carbons (charcoals)

e. Aquadest

f. Tissues.

E. Instructions

1. The charcoals was activated by using a stove to make it hot and we trying to

arranged the temperature is constant. Sometimes we stirred it.

2. The active carbons was measured 1 grams and directly input on the shaper

Erlenmeyer flask. Each one time of balancing. So that, the total are six active

carbons that was charged on the Erlenmeyer than closed it.

3. About 100mL of each concentration of acetih acid was put on the shaper

Erlenmeyer flask as togerter in one time.

4. The acetic aced was mixtures with the active carbons and it was silently as 10

minutes, and it was shaking as 1 minutes in the shaker. Its treatment was

continued as 3 times with the same time rage to shake it.

5. The six Erlenmeyer flask with containing a mixtures acetic acid and active

carbons were shaking then filtering together.

6. The acetic acid was divided into six different concentrations. They are

(0.500M, 0.250M, 0.125M, 0.0625M, 0.0313M, and 0.0156M) will labeling.

7. The NaOH 0.1N was input on the burette as 50mL and directly titrated with

various volume:

a. 0.5000M = 10mL,

b. 0.250M = 10mL,

c. 0.125M = 25mL,

d. 0.0625M, 0.313M, 0.0156M = 50 mL.

8. The volume of NaOH that was used to titrated then write down in the tables.

F. Result

100mL CH3COOH (transparent) + 1 grams of active carbons (black)

black mixtures 30 minutes each 10 minutes getting shake in the

shaker transparent (filtrate) various volume.

The volume was showed in the table below

Concentration of Weight of active Average volume

CH3COOH(M) carbons (gr) of NaOH
1. 0.5000 1.25 80.5
2. 0.2500 1.16 36.9
3. 0.1250 1.40 57.7
4. 0.0625 1.34 48.75
5. 0.0313 1.37 24.95
6. 0.156 1.39 14.95
G. Data Analysis

1. Standardization of naOH by H2C2O4

10 mL H2C2O4 0.1M NaOH, V = 20.00 mL.

So, its molarity:

M1V1 = M2V2

(0.1M)(10mL) = M2 (20.00mL)

M2 = (20.00)

= 0.05 M

2. CH3COOH 0.5000M, VCH3COOH = 100mL

a. Concentration of CH3COOHlast

M =

= (10)

= 0.4025 M

b. First mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (M.V)CH3COOH

= (0.5000M)(100mL)

= 50 mmole

c. Last mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (Mlast.V)CH3COOH

= (0.4025M)(100mL)
= 40.25 mmole

d. mmole CH3COOH adsorbed

mmole = (First mmole-last mmole)CH3COOH

= (50-40.25)mmole

= 9.75 mmole

e. Adsorbed Concentration

M = 3

= 100

= 0.0975 M

f. Adsorbed mass of CH3COOH

M = (mmole CH3COOH adsorbed) (Mr)

= (9.75 mmole) (60 mg/mmole)

= 5.85 mg

= 0.585 g

g. Its x/m

= .

= 0. 468
3. CH3COOH 0.250M, VCH3COOH = 100mL

a. Concentration of CH3COOHlast

M =

= (10)

= 0.1845 M

b. First mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (M.V)CH3COOH

= (0.250M)(100mL)

= 25 mmole

c. Last mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (Mlast.V)CH3COOH

= (0.1845M)(100mL)

= 18.45 mmole

d. mmole CH3COOH adsorbed

mmole = (First mmole-last mmole)CH3COOH

= (25-18.45)mmole

= 6.55 mmole

e. Adsorbed Concentration

M = 3

= 100
= 0.0655 M

f. Adsorbed mass of CH3COOH

M = (mmole CH3COOH adsorbed) (Mr)

= (6.55 mmole) (60 mg/mmole)

= 393 mg

= 0.393 g

g. Its x/m

= .

= 0. 338

4. CH3COOH 0.125M, VCH3COOH = 100mL

a. Concentration of CH3COOHlast

M =

= (25)

= 0.114 M

b. First mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (M.V)CH3COOH

= (0.125M)(100mL)

= 12.5 mmole
c. Last mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (Mlast.V)CH3COOH

= (0.1142M)(100mL)

= 11.42 mmole

d. mmole CH3COOH adsorbed

mmole = (First mmole-last mmole)CH3COOH

= (12.5-11.42)mmole

= 1.08 mmole

e. Adsorbed Concentration

M = 3


= 0.0108 M

f. Adsorbed mass of CH3COOH

M = (mmole CH3COOH adsorbed) (Mr)

= (1.08 mmole) (60 mg/mmole)

= 64.8 mg

= 0.064 g

g. Its x/m

= .
= 0. 0462

5. CH3COOH 0.0625 M, VCH3COOH = 100mL

a. Concentration of CH3COOHlast

M =

= (50)

= 0.04875 M

b. First mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (M.V)CH3COOH

= (0.0625M)(100mL)

= 6.25 mmole

c. Last mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (Mlast.V)CH3COOH

= (0.04875M)(100mL)

= 4. 875 mmole

d. mmole CH3COOH adsorbed

mmole = (First mmole-last mmole)CH3COOH

= (6.25-4.875)mmole

= 1.375 mmole

e. Adsorbed Concentration

M = 3
= 100

= 0.01375 M

f. Adsorbed mass of CH3COOH

M = (mmole CH3COOH adsorbed) (Mr)

= (1.375 mmole) (60 mg/mmole)

= 82.5 mg

= 0.0825 g

g. Its x/m

= .

= 0. 0615

6. CH3COOH 0.0313M, VCH3COOH = 100mL

a. Concentration of CH3COOHlast

M =

= (50)

= 0.02495 M

b. First mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (M.V)CH3COOH

= (0.0313M)(100mL)

= 3.13 mmole
c. Last mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (Mlast.V)CH3COOH

= (0.02495M)(100mL)

= 2.495 mmole

d. mmole CH3COOH adsorbed

mmole = (First mmole-last mmole)CH3COOH

= (3.13-2.495)mmole

= 0.635 mmole

e. Adsorbed Concentration

M = 3


= 6.35x10-3 M

f. Adsorbed mass of CH3COOH

M = (mmole CH3COOH adsorbed) (Mr)

= (0.635 mmole) (60 mg/mmole)

= 38.1 mg

= 0.0381 g

g. Its x/m

= .
= 0. 0278

7. CH3COOH 0.0156M, VCH3COOH = 100mL

a. Concentration of CH3COOHlast

M =

= (50)

= 0.01495 M

b. First mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (M.V)CH3COOH

= (0.0156M)(100mL)

= 1.56 mmole

c. Last mmole of CH3COOH

mmole = (Mlast.V)CH3COOH

= (0.01495M)(100mL)

= 1.495 mmole

d. mmole CH3COOH adsorbed

mmole = (First mmole-last mmole)CH3COOH

= (1.56-1.495)mmole

= 0.065 mmole

e. Adsorbed Concentration

M = 3
= 100

= 6.5x10-4 M

f. Adsorbed mass of CH3COOH

M = (mmole CH3COOH adsorbed) (Mr)

= (0.065 mmole) (60 mg/mmole)

= 3.9 mg

= 3.9x10-3 g

g. Its x/m

= .

= 2.8x10-3

8. The tables of result

Active Concentration of
No. carbons CH3COOH (M) X(g) Log C
mass(g) First Last
1. 1.25 0.5000 0.4025 0.585 0.468 -0.329 -1.010

2. 1.16 0.2500 0.1845 0.393 0.338 -0.471 -1.183

3. 1.40 0.1250 0.1142 0.0648 0.0462 -1.335 -1.966

4. 1.34 0.0625 0.04875 0.0825 0.0615 -1.211 -1.861

5. 1.37 0.0313 0.02495 0.0381 0.0278 -1.335 -2.197

6. 1.39 0.0156 0.01495 3.9x10-3 2.8x10-3 -2.552 -3.187

Graphics between log x/m and log C



-0.515 -0.924 -0.987 -1.455 -1.73 -1.844

Series 1



H. Discussion

This experiments was done to know the adsorption occurs in the acetic acid by

active carbons, where using the various concentration of acetic acids to made it

comparison in the result. Active carbon have an adsorptions ability define by the

surface wide of particles and this ability can be more high if the active carbon get

activating by chemicals and heating with high temperatures. according from

theory (Areenirs.2009:728), the wide surface of active carbon about 300-3500

m2/g ant its relating with interval pores structure which cause the active carbons

have properties as an adsorbent. The activating done to made the pores getting

bigger with cutting the hydrogen bonding or oxidizing the surface molecules and

use it to adsorption. To increasing the adsorption velocity of active carbon, it

must be pouring before, because as small the pores of active carbons, the wide

surface get addition and adsorption more increasing.

Here, we got various concentration of CH3COOH and same weight of active

carbons that should be using to know how many CH3COOH will be adsorbed by

its carbon actives. The volume of NaOH after done titration same with how many

CH3COOH was adsorb.

According to the data, as high the concentration of CH3COOH made the NaOH

volume is high also, with a little bet range of active carbons weight. When the

concentration is 0.5M, it weight is 1.25 grams, needs volume of NaOH to change

it become pink solution and the work of indicators where the equivalent point was

achieved both of two solution. It volume is 80.5mL, while the concentration is

0.0156M, weight is 1.39 grams, needs NaOH is 14.95mL. the function of

indicator phenolphthalein here is as the shower of equivalent point both of NaOH

and CH3COOH achieve, with changes the color of CH3COOH from transparent

become pink after titrated with NaOH.

In this experiment, adsorption that was used namely carbons active, where its

having a properties really active and should be adsorbed anything which

containing both of air or in the water. Acetic acid would be adsopbed at the first

in not pure become more pure because another substances which is followed in

the CH3COOH, would be adsorbed by active carbons. The stirred treatment

done after addition of active carbon was pourposed to adsorb the color of

colution. Actually, the stirred process must be done by magnetic stirred to

effective it. The using of shaper Erlenmeyer is avoid the distributed from outside

and ovoid the Ch3COOH got contaminated by another substances which can be

influence the resistance of acetic acid by active carbons.

When added by indicators, it was indicated when the color chaged. This indicator

functioning to know when the titrane addition must be stopped and know the

equivalent point are amount of titrane same with the titrated amount. Also to

determining the last point where titration must be stopped because the colors got

change. Indicator that was used here namely phenolphthalein. Where when in acid

condition, pp is colorless, but when base condition is pink.

I. Conclusion and Suggestion

1. Conclusion

After done this experiment, can be concluded:

a. Active carbon is adsorbent.

b. As low the concentration, influence the little bet of NaOH amount

which needs to titration, and its vise versus as high the concentration,

needs a NaOH more also to titration.

c. Amount of naOH which needs to titrated the acetic acid which was

adsorbed more little if compared with the amount of naOH is need to

titration with carbons.

d. The substance that absorbed in CH3COOH:

1) 0.5000M is 0.5850 g,

2) 0.2500M is 0.3930 g,

3) 0.1250M is 0.0648 g,

4) 0.0625M is 0.0815 g,

5) 0.0313M is 0.0381 g,

6) 0.0156M is 3,9x10-3 g.

2. Suggestion

In here, standardization of NaOH is really important, so the

practicant better to do that.


Author. 2010. Adsorption isotherem. Online.

Acces on 29th November 2010.

Author. 2010. Freundlich experiment. Online. http:www/ access on

29th November 2010.

Adnin. 2008. Isotherm adsorption. Bloggers.

Greenier. 1998. Instruments in Physicals. American: oyen press.

Leich. 2001. Physical subject in laboratory. American: OT press.

An answers

1. Qualigfication:

a. Physical adsorption:

1. Not changes the materials properties

2. Properties are black and forth

3. Occurs in low temperature

4. Adsorption time is fast and equilibrium more fast to achieve

b. Chemical adsorption:

1. Change the old properties become new properties of a materials

2. Reaction is currently

3. Slow time of adsorption

4. Occurs in high temperature.

2. It is a physical adsorption, because using a heating process to activated the


3. With heating process, the particles and wide serface of carbons becomes

more big so that the adsorption ability molre big if compare with not heating

the carcoals.

4. According to him, for a gases adsorption on the surface of solids substances

is the amount of adsorbatent and related with the gases pressure.

5. Because freundllich equation get from empirical without basic theory, for the

high pressure is not used while Langmuir based on the theory from layer


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