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SPE 22559

Advancements in Dynamic-Kill Calculations for Blowout Wells

(3.E. Kouba, Chevron E&P Services; G.R. McDougall,* Chevron Canada Resources;
and B.W, Schumacher, Chevron E&P Services
SPE Members A
Cop@ght lSSf, society of Petroleum Engineere Inc.

This papar was prepared for presentation at the 661h Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the society of Petroleum Engineers held in Dallaa, TX, October S-9, 1991.

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ABSTRACT the surface directly into the blowing well in the inwell kill.
When the inwell kill is impractical, a second option is to direc-
Three simple calculation techniques are developed and ex- tionally drill relief wells and iqject kill fluid into the formation
plored for determining the minimum dyne&ic-kill rate. ho of close to the blowing well. For either option, an accurate predic-
the techniques employ only single phase calculations and are tion of the kill rate is key in planning and pmptuing for a kill
independent of the reservoir inflow performance. Despite attempt. The magnitude of the kill rate may determine wheth-
these limitation, these simple methods provide a usefuI er an inwell kill is practical or whether a number of relief wells
means of bracketing the minimum flow rata necessary to kill must be drilled. The size and numtxx of relief wells, amount
a blowing well. and treatment ofkill fluid, sise and quantity ofpumping equip-
ment, and pressure rating considerations all depend to some
The third technique uses a simplified mechanistic model of degree on the magnitude of the required kill Gti.
multiphase flow to determine a most probable minimum kill
rate. This minimum kiU rate is expected to be somewhat con- Accurate prediction of the required kill rate is compro-
servative because of the assumptions of homogeneous no-slip mised by uncertainties. There axe uncertainties in our knowl-
two-phase flow. edge of the reservoir, the flow path geometry, and the fluid
properties of the formation fluids and the i@cted kill fluids.
Comparisons against limited field and laboratory data in- Furthermore, a significant uncertainty can be present in the
dicate that the models are physically consistent end perform pressure and flow rate predictions of multiphase fluids in
quite well. pipas2.

The objective of this work is to present some uncomplicated

INTRODUCTION methods for reliably determining the upper and lower limits of
the injection rate needed to kill a well. Furthermore, we also
The dynamic-kill method is a proven technique for killing a present a simplified midtiphaee solution technique for estab-
blowing well with a fluid that ie not heavy enough to kill the Iishingaconeervative most probable minimum kill rate. In the
well statically. Details of two succcesthl dynamic-kill opera- following discussions, we consider only the flow of fluids in the
tions have been reported by Blount and floeiinahs end by wellbore and ignore any fluid 10ssoutside of the wellbore.
Lynch et UZ.m.The main objective of the dynamic-kill calcula-
tion techiiiques is to detmnine the minimum injection rate of
available kill fluid necessary to etop the flow of reservoir fluids DYNAMtGKILL RATE SOLUTIONS
inta the wellbore.
Detailed calculations, procedures and data were presented by
There are two basic options available forinjactingkill fluid Blount and Soeiinah6 for the dynamic-kill operation of Mobil
intothe blowing well, Fig. 1. The kill fluid is introduced &em Oil Indonesias Arun well C-II-2. We expand on this thecs&by
discussing some of the problems with. multiphaee solutions
end by extending the kill-rate calculations to bracket the
References and illustrations at end of paper.
.. ---

minimum kill rate, l?inally we perform calculations on the A @mV;)

Apa =
Arun gas well blowout because it representa one of the most 2&144 . . . . . . . ...(4)
complete blowout data sets available in the open Iitarature.
These data are presented in lkble L The parameter v in Eq. 3 represents the resistance coef-
ficient for the ithcomponentalong the flow path. For simplicity,
MultlpM8. FlOW801Ut10ft: the sum of the resistance coefficients and the pipe fiction re-
sistance coefficient, fLdh, will be referred t4ras %.
A complete discussion of multiphase solution techniques
and models is beyond the scope of this work. Rather, we will The distribution of the gas and liquid is assumed ta be ho-
diecuesgeneral ideas and probIems~th muhipha~ flow solu- mogeneous with no slippage between the phases. This pro-
tione and present a simplified procedure for determining mini- duces a simple mcdel of muhiphaee flow that is very accurate
mum kill rate, withoqt complex nonessential detail, at high flow rates. At moderati rates neglecting slippage of the
gae relative h the liquid will cause this model to underpredict
The distribution of gas and liquid phases can be very com-
pressure loss which resuha in a conservative (overprediction)
plex in multiphase flows making computations based on liret
of minimum kill rate.
principles almost nonexistent. In fact most modellingcf multi-
phase flow is performed with the aid of one or more of the many The no-slip mixture properties are calculated based on a
available multiphase correlations. In general these correla- flow rate weighted average.
tione accmmt for the effects of phase distribution on pressure
drop. The difficulty lies in the fact that nocmrelation seems to Pm= PnS=p LxL+Pg% . . . . . . ...(~)
be accurate over the range of possible flow rates, line sizes, in-
clination angles, etc. Recently developed comprehensive mech- h= Mns=VL~L+ ~~g . . . . . . . . .(6)
anistic models, such as by AnSarilI2,offer a much wider range
of applicability and improved accuracy, but the uncertainty of A kill rate that produces a system intake curvejust tangent
the solution is still significant. Moreover, none of the muM- ta the IPR for the Arun well data would fall between 80 and 85
phase models predict the uncertainty of their solution for a bpm according to this model. Because this model considers the
particular case, Therefore, often the magnitude aud sign of the multiphase flow in the wellbore as well as the IPR of the reser-
error are unknown. voir, we call this the most probable minimum kill rate solution,

The basic idea of the multiphase solution is that for any Fig, 3 is acomparisonof system intake curves for three well
successful kill rate, the bottomhole pressure prediction must known multiphaee correlation and the no-slip model. All sys-
be greater than the sandface pressm% for any reservoir fluid tern curves were generated for a constant iqjection rate of 80
flow rate. In graphical terms, the system intake (wellbore hy- bpm, The Aziz et al.s correlation indicates that injecting water
draulic) curve must lie above or tangent to the Iflow Perform- at 80 bpm would not come close to killing the well. The Beggs
ante Relationship (IPR) curve. Fig. 2 show System inkke and Brill correlation predicts much higher pressure Imses
curves and IPR for the Arun data in Table 1. For a given IPR than the nc%dipmodel at in~asing gas rates and would gen-
the minimum kill rate would result in a system intake curve erally be expected to underpredict minimum kill rate. The Ha-
that lies just tangent to the IPR curve. gedorn and Brown model agrees very well with one of the
no-slip models at these high ratea. The two rto-slip:modelsdif-
The system intake curves are generated for various combi- fer in the diameter used to determine friction factor for a fully
nations of injection and blowout ratis by adding the pressure eccentric anm.due.This is discussed in more detail later, Very
losses due to hydrostatic head, friction, end acceleration to the different results maybe obtained for different multiphase flow
outlet pressure, models. Although the no-slip model is expectedtobe somewhat
conservative, by itself this model does not addresathe range of
pwf = pm + ~ Ap%+ Ap,+ Af). possible error in the calculation. In particular, determination
i-l ( ) ., ..,.. (1) of lower and upper limits would help to establish some degree
of confidence in the prediction of minimum kill ra@
where the flow path has been divided into m increments.
Bottomhole Iw3eure Match Solution (lower Ilmlt):
A~=~ The bottomhole pressure match solution determines the
. . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
liquid injection rata necesseg to maintain the bottomhole
pressure equal to the reservoir pressureonce the well has been
Apf= fL ~

[ dh 2&

n K. Pm V;
1 . . . . . (3)

%=5 R..,.,........(7)
. . . .- ....-- ... .. .-. .
The accelerational pressuw drop is neglected for near in- For the zero-derivative condition,
compressible flow with a constant flow path diameter. Eqs. 2
8 PWf
and 3 maybe rewritten for a single phase liquid and substi- -. Oasqg-+O
tuted along with Eq. 7 inta Eq, 1. aqg . ...,.. . . (12)


& = Pco+ [ P~H+K

2& 1 . . . . . . . (8)
the numeratorcanbs set b zero and rearranged to solve for kill

Solving Eq. 8 for flow rata yields. L=[H*( 13)

where the gas density is determined at the average system

,L=A {[M@Pm)-PLH]%~.,.. ,,, pressure, i.e. average pressure in the wellbore. When greater
than the minimum rate to sustain the kill, the zero-derivative
flow rate provides an upper limit to the minimum kill rate.
Although this calculation was presented in Ref. 6, we would
like to emphasize that the importance of this calculation is in The calculation of the derivative was oversimplified in Ref.
determining the minimum injection rate to sustain well con- 5 resulting in a solution that was used to determine optimum
trol once the well is killed, While an injection rate equal to or kill fluid density. The density term in Eq. 13 indicates that
greatar than that from Eq. 9 is a necessary condition for deter- while the zero-derivative solution is sensitive to the difference
mining the minimum kill rate, alone it is not a sut%cientcondi- in the kill fluid and formation fluid densities, the solution is
tion to guarantee that this rate will actually kill the well. less dependent on absolute density of kill fluid. A further sim-
Therefore, the bottomhole pressure match solution provides plification of Eq. 13 illustrates this point.
the lower limit to the minimum kill rate.
If we assume that the gas density is much less than the kill
fluid density and can be neglected, the density terms in Eq. 13
ZerMbrfvatWe Sdutbn (uppar IlitIlt): drop out altogether,
This solution seeks to find the kill rate for which the system .- 1
intake curve passes through a minimum in pressure as the for- 2&H z
q= A ~
mation fluid rate approaches zero (Fig. 2).,A vanishing or zero . . . . . . . . . . . ,. (14)
derivative of bottomhole pressure with respect to formation
fluid rate is therefore the criterion for this solution. When rearranged, Eqs. 13 and 14 indicate that the zero-
.derivative.condition is met as the frictional pressure losses ap-
We start by taking the derivative of Eq. 1 with respect to
proach the hydrostatic head loss.
the formation fluid flow rate, For simplicity, the flow path is
represented as only one increment and all resistance coeffi- The zero-derivative technique insures that there is at most
cieritsare lumped into one equivalent resistance coefficient. In one intersection between the system intake curve and the IPR
keeping with the Arun example, we will consider a gas reser- curve for any kill rate greater than or equal to the zero-deriva-
voir but the following procedure can be applied to other reser- tive kill rati. Furthermore, if the zero-derivative kill rate is
voirs. less than the lower limit rate necesseryto sustain the kill, then
the lower limit rate is sufficient to kill the well. Therefore, the
= a%
+ @%) + ~(Apf)
. upper limit kill rate is the greater of the bottomhole pressure
Mg mg aw l?qg . . . .. (10) match solution or the zero-derivative solution.

Based on the preceding analysis, we conclude that the im-

The accelerational pressure drop can safely be neglected
portance of the zero-derivative solution is in determining the
because we are particularly interested in the derivative as the
upper kill rate limit.
gas rate approaches zero. The circulating outlet pressure and
liquid density are assumed constant. Afl.ersubstituting Eqs. 2
and 3 into Eq. 10, chain-rule differentiation yields: FRICTION FACTOR CONSIDERATIONS

[(P=+Pg)qL+ 2Pgqg1 - AP H+: The following empirical relationship for friction factor from
= Jainle was used for Newtonian fluids in this study because it
a% is acmrati, explicit and includes pipe roughness.
a Pg qgqmK
1 ~~+q



Because blowouts generally involve high flow rates, thi. We fist present the procedure to bracket the minimum kill
Reynolds numker maybe assumed to be infhitely large for rate solution, then discuss a simple method to estimate the
nonitarative hand calculations with little loss in accqracy minimum volume fraction for kill fluid below the POI. , .

Equation 1 is first modified to account for the pressure loss

Flow In an Ec4entric Annulua: I in the lower region below the POL
The hydraulic diameter (dh)is often umd as the aPPmPri-
P ~f =PW + Aphu + APfU+ Aphe + Apfe . . . (16)
ate length scale in calculating fictional pressure losses, Eq. 3,
$imikudy,dhis alsousedin thecah?ulationoflleynolds number
and relative roughness to determine fkictionfactor as in Eq. 16. Bottomhole Preaaure Match Solution:
This is straightforward and appropriate for flow in a pipe or
concentric anmdua; but, using the hydraulic diameter can re- The bottomhole pressure match equation is developed by
suit in severe overprediction of fiction factor for flow in a fully m@cing the appropriate substitutions into Eq. 16 and solving
eccentric annulus. for kill rate. The frictional pressure drop below the POI is ne.
glected because the well is assumed dead,
A consemative estimate of minimum kill rata demands
that the friction factor not be significantly overpredicted. A
usefid alternative therefore, is to use the area equivalent di- q~=A{[144(~,-pCj -p.Hu-pmQH@]~~( 17)
ameter (~) for calculating t%ictionfactor in a fully eccentric
anmdus. The area equivalent diameter is obviously a mean-
ingtld choice as the fully eccentric tubing diametir gets small- where subscripts u and Q indicate upper and lower regions
er relative to the casing diameter. Because ~ is always larger respectively and HQ is the vertical distance from the point of
than dh,the fiiction factor will be smaller if% is used in rela- injection to bottomhole.
tive roughness and Reynolds number rather than dh.Calculat-
ing the tliction factor with ~, we found excellent agreement The mixture density in the lower region is the volume
with Caetanos7 friction factor data for single phase flow in a weighted average of the kill fluid density and the formation
fully eccentric annulus. fluid density.

The system intake curves in Fig. 2 were generated with the P GpLYu+pg YgQ. . . . . . . .. (18)
no-slip model and a ~ determined fi-ictionfactor. The results
of the two no-slip models in Fig. 3 show the magnitude of the Ibcompletethe calculation we need to estimate the volume
difference between calculating friction factor with dh and ~. fkactionof kill fluid below the POI. The lower limit kill rate will
be produced for 100% kill fluid below the POI, YLQ= 1. Assum-
NOtI-NWtOnlan Fluids:
ing 100% formation fluid below the POI, y~t =,O,generates a
The theological properties and a smooth pipe friction factor useful upper limit to the minimum kill rate when compared
for non-Ne@nian fluids can be determined fiwm procedures against the zero-derivative solution.
given in API 13d3.Unfortunately these procedure ignore any
effects of pipe roughness. At very large Reynolds numbers, the Zero.Derivative Solutton(upp?rlimit):
fticticii factor fora Newtonian fluid becomes a unique function
of relative roughness. Govier and Aziz 14have suggested that The determination of an upper limit kill rate is somewhat
the smooth pipe fiction factor fornon-Newtonian fluids can be more difficult for off-bottom injection. The zero-derivative so-
scaled up by multiplying the smath fiction factor for non- lution for off-bottom injection is still Eq. 13 but the vertical
Newtonian fluids by the ratio of fm.g~fsmooth for Ne*ni~ depth, total resistance coefficient and average gas density are
fluids at the same Reynolds number. determined with respect to flow path above the point of injec-
tion. Injection rates greater than or equal to the zero-deriva-
tive solution produce system intake curves that increase
OFF-BOllOM INJECTION monotonically with gas rate.

There are some applications when the kill fluid is tobeinjected The zero-derivative solution is an upper limit kill rate
some distance tkomthe bottom of the well, Fig. 4. Gillespie et when its system intake curve lies above the pressure at the
aL13studied the problem of off-bottim dynamic well control of point of injection that the reservoir can produce. This pressure
a sand-blinked gas well during workover operations to wash is csdculatid from the IPR bottomhole pressure minus the
out the sand bridges. A criterion for the countertlowof kill fluid presstire loss in the region below the POI. A conservative ap-
below the kill string was presented in Ref. 13,but there was no proximation for pressure losses in the lower region can be
discussion of the kill fluid volume fraction below the point of made by considering only the hydrostatic head loss due titfor-
injection (POI). Counterblowdoes not guarantee that kill fluid mation fluid below the POI.
will completely &spla@ all the reservoir fluid below the POI.
The injection rate that produces apressure at the point of
injection equtil to the bottomhole IPR pressure minus the
SPE -_. .
22559 G. E. KOUBA.-, G. R. MCDOUGALL
--------- AND
---- . B. W.
------ . . .. .. 5
hydrostatic head loss of the formation fluid up b the POI is de- The criteria for transition between slug and bubbly flow
termined horn Eq. 17 with 100% formation fluid below the was given by Ref. 19.
POL Therefore, the upper limit kill rate foroff-bottom ir@ction
is the greater of the zero-derivative solution or the bottomhole 1 . .

u q/-~ 7
pressure match solution with formation fluid below the POL ()
Sg = 0,197 + 1.@ V$L
Mo81Probabie Minimum Solution: . . . (22)

The thrust of the most probable minimum solution for otT- At equilibrium conditions there should be no net flow of ~n-
bottom injection is to better predict the volume fraction of kill jection fluid downward below the P(X Thus, vs~ = O.Combin-
fluid IM1OWthe POI. Accurate prediction of yu would mquim
ing Eq. 20 and 22 yields the minimum gas rate to sustain slug
counter-current floc@ing models beyond the scope of this pres- flow.
ent work We can, however, calculate some threshold formation
fluid flow rates below which a minimum value of liquid holdup
can be established.
%y4 =o.602~ m +
Fig, 5 is a flow pattern map based on a mechanistic ZT #
modelle for gas and liquid flowing upward in an anmdus for the [1 ,. .,. (23)
Arun well conditions. The solid lines represent transition
boundaries between flow patterns. The transition boundary This transition is baaedin parton the idea that bubbly flow
between annular and nonannukir flow was developed from a can no longer exist when the liquid holdup falls below about
force balance on a droplet of liquid in a gas stream. The transi- 0.75.
tion is marked by the minimwg velocity required to suspend
a liquid droplet. Therefore, by making a gross determination of flow pat-
tern, ranges of Iiquidholdup can beset, For the different values
of minimum liquid holdup, system intake curves for the bot-

u (PL_PJ + tomhole pressure can be generated from Eq. 16. Figure 6 shows
Sg = 1.593 different intake curves at a fixed injection rate. If the syetem
&2 .,. .,(19) intake curve for YU = Ointersects the IPR at a gas rate below
the annular flow traneitionboundary, then we are assured that
In a number of studiesl ~ 7*19,Eq. 19 has been found to ac- the lower region has passed inta slug flow and that the liquid
curately predict the annular flow transition. In a series of field holdup is at least 0.25. Similarly, if the system intake curve for
studies, Colemaa etat.g successfully used this criteria to deter- Y@ = 0.25 intersects the IPR below the slug to bubbIe transi-
mine when low pressure gas wells would begin liquid loading. tion rate, then we know that the liquid holdup is at least 0.75.
We can proceed in this simplified approach until satisfied that
The volumetric liquid flow rate is calculated from in-situ
the injection rata will force the transition fi-omannular to slug,
superficial gas vekwity by Eq. 20.
to bubbly and finally kill the blowout.
A p Sg Fewer calculations are required in simply substituting the
qgsc = 3.056 ~T
. ...,, . . (20) transition gas rate into the no-slip model, calculating bottom-
hole pressure and comparing this pressure against the sand-
Combining Eqs. 19 and 20 yields the transition criteria in face pressure ftom the IPR.
terms of standard volumetric flow rate.
We reiterate that this solution should be conservative, i.e.
overpredict HIIrate. The assumptions of n~slip flow above the

PCN,negligible fiction below the POI, and minimum liquid
qgsc =4.87~~ i holdup for each flow pattern all serve to underpredict total
Pg2 pressure drop and thus overpredict kill ra@,,
. . . . . . (21)

Below this flow rate, liquid will begin to fall downward RESULTS
flooding the region below the POI.
It ia tiortumate that there are not many blowout data of the
Bamea 4 indicates that when blockage of the gas core by a
quality and completeness of the Arun data available for dis-
large supply of Iiquidin the film causes the transition fkoman-
playing the results of these dynamic kill models. When com-
nular to slug flow, the minimum liquid holdup required to form
pared against available laboratory and lielddaw however,the
slugs is about 0.25. This aetathe lower limit liquid holdup once
models and their individual components have performed quite
slug flow has been established.
well. The calculations for the Arun blowout are presented as an

- .-

The Arun data is given in Ihble 1. Eq, 9 is used to calculati gas density in this region was calculated assuming an average
the minimum flow rate to sustain the kill. The total flow resis- pressure of about 7000 psia. The upper limit to the minimum
tance, K, in Eq. 9 is comprised of the flow resistances fkomfric- kill rate from Eq. 17 was 105 bpm.
tion in the annulus, mud cross, elbows and exit, The friction
factor was calculated with Eq. 15 using ~ in the relative The range of the most probable minimum kill was signifi-
cantly reduced by considering the flow pattern transition
roughness and Reynolds number. The piping was assumed to
boundaries. The transition fkom annular to slug was deter-
be new commercial steel pipe with a roughness of 0.00015 ft.
mined to occur at about 18 MMscfld for near POI conditions,
Aftar two iterations on flow rate, the value of f was 0.01448, A
resistance coefficient of 496 was calculated for ~dh, the fric- SimilarlX the transition between slug and bubble flow ilom
tion resistance in the anmdus. The effective value of the other Eq. 23 WW.about 1 MMecf7d.The flow pattern transition crite-
resistances was about 2 giving a total K value of 498. ria at the point ofinjection and the no-slip model above the POI
indicated that even the lower limit kill rate of 96 bpm placed
After substituting into Eq. 9, with proper unite conversion, sufficient backpressure on the formation to reduce the gas rate
a value of 64 bpm for the lower limit of the minimum kill rate below the anm.darflow transition, Fig. 6. A value of YM= 0,25
was calculated. This is essentially the same value reported in
caused the system intake curve to intersect with the IPR at
Ref. 5. The calculations differ in that Blount5 used a much about 5 MMscfld. While this was not sufficient to guarantee
smoother 0.000054-ft roughness, an infinitely large Reynolds transition from slug to bubble flow using our simple procedure,
number and the hydraulic diameter in the calculation of fric-
it does indicate that the flow is well into the slug flow regime
tion factor in the annulus.
where the liquid holdup is probably high enough to move the
The zero-derivative solution was determined flom Eq. 13. system intake to intersect the IPR in bubbly flow. If the range
The average system pressure was estimated to be about half of liquid holdup is conservatively considered to be 0.75 to 0,25,
the reservoir pressure and yielded an average gas density of 9 Eq. 17 yields a range of most probable minimum kill rate be-
lb#t3. This gas density was used in Eq. 13 to calculate a zero- tween 98 and 103, bpm respectively.
derivative solution of just over 84 bprn,This indicates that for
the Arm well the minimum rate to sustain the kill is ideo ade-
quat.atu kill the well. Neglecting the gas density as in Eq, 14
resulted in a conservative upper limit of 97 bpm.
Simple procedures have been developed to predict the lower
As should be expected, the above minimum kill rate is in limit, the upper limit and the most probable minimum injec-
excellent agreement with the value of just over 82 bpm from tion rates of kill fluid needed to kill a blowing well.
the no-slip multiphaee model.
The lower limit is the minimum flowrate necessary to sus-
It was unknown if there was any flow up the drill pipe in tain the kill once the flow of fluids fimmthe reservoir has
the Arun blowout. Assuming no significant restrictions, other ceased.
than the ti-iction of the pipe, we can calculate the maximum The upper limit kill rate is determined as the flow rate
flow up the drill pipe. Calculating ffiction in the normal way which satisfies the zero-derivative condition and is suffi-
for pipe resulted in a resistance coefficient of 475 for the drill cient to maintain the kill. The zero-derivative Conditionin-
pipe. From Eq. 9 a value of 33 bpm was calculated as the maxi- sures that there is no more than one solution, i.e.,
mum expected flow in the drill pipe. The maximum flow intersection between IPR and system intake curves,
through both the drilI pipe and annulus is then 117bpm. It is A simple homogeneous no-slip model of the multiphase
interesting to note that the injection rate actually needed ta flow was shown to provide a-accurate and conse~ative
kill the Arun well was 114 bpm. This may indicate that less prediction of the most probable minimum kill rate.
fluid wee lost to the formation than predicted by Ref. 5.
The calculations for bracketing the minimum kill rate have
Calculations for off-bottom kill rates were performed on a been extended to the case of off-bottom injection of kill fluid.
well identical to the Arun well but with the point of injection Additional procedures have been presented to reduce the
2000 ft above the bottomhole. The values for H. and Ku are bracket around the minimum kill rate for off-bottom injection,
7540 ftand 394, respectively.The minimum kill rate to sustain A set of well-established flow-pattern transition criteria has
the kill is determined by assuming 100% kill fluid below the been used to &termine gas rate at which liquid will flow down
POI. Substituting into Eq. 17 reveals that the lowerlimit to the below the point of injection.
minimum kill rate is about 96 bpm in the amulus alone.

The zero-derivative solution will vary from the on-bottom

injection only tQthe extent that the gas density is changed. Ne-
glecting the gas density msu+~din a conservative value of 97
bpm for the zero-derivative solution. Because the miaimum
kill rate is so new the zero-derivative solution, it is obvious
that the upper limit of the kill rate in this off-bottom kill will
bedeterminedtlom llq. 17assumingall gaebelowthePOI.The

A cross-sectional area, fiz f friction, fluid
d diamehr, ft g gas
h depth, hydrostatic
dw area equivalent diameter, w d~
= (d:i-d$ i inwell, inlet, inside
dh hydraulic diameter, f~ dh = ~i - dmfor annulus 1 lower
f tkiction factor L liquid
acceleration of gravity, 32.17 ft/sec2 m mixture
ns no-slip
& gravitational constant, 32.17 lb~ ftAbrse~
o outside, outlet
H vertical height or depth, ft r relief well
K resistance coefficient Sc standard conditions
L length, ft t tubing
u upper
lb Reynolds number
P outlet circulating pressure, psia ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
FR average reservoir pressure, psia
The authors thank Chevron Exploration and Production Ser-
Pd sandfam pressure, psia vices and Chevron Drilling Ikchnology Center for permission
Pti bottomhole flowing pressure, psia to publish this paper.

AP, change in pressure due to acceleration losses, psi

A~ change in pressure due to fkiction losses, psi

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A Comprehensive Mechanistic Model for Upward Two-
% production gas flow rate, ft3/sec Phase Flow in Wellbore, paper SPE 20630 presented at
~ gas flow at standard conditions, MMscf7d the 1990 SPE Annual ikchnical Conference and Exhibi-
tion, Dallas, Sept. 23-26.
~~ liquid injection rati, ft31sec
2, Ansari, A. M.: A Comprehensive Mechanistic Model for
h mixture rate; ~ = qL+ ~ Upward Ih-Phaee Flow in Wellbores, MS thesis, The
University of lldsa (1988).
T temperature, R
3. Whe Rheology of Oil-Well DrilEng Fluids, API Bulletin
v velocity, fWec 13D, 2nd cd., (May 15, 1985).
v% superficial gas velocity, fVSSC; W+g. WA 4. Barnea, D.: A Unified Model for Predicting Flow-Pattern
VSL superficial liquid velocity tise~ vsL. qJA Transition for the Whole Range of Pipe Inclinations, Int,
J. Multiphase Flow, 13(1987) 1-12.
Y~ liquid holdup; YL = 1 yg
5, Blount, E. M. andsoeiinah, E.: DynamicKill: Controlling
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S1 Metric Conversion Fectors

tibl X 1.589 873 E-01 = nf

Cp x 1.0 E-03 = Pa. s
PSI X 6.894 757 E+OO = kPa
fr x 3.048 E-01 = m
ft2 X 9.290 304 E-02 = m
w x 2.631 685 E-02 = m3
Ibf X 4.448 222 E+OO = N
Ibm x 4.535 924 E-01 = kg
R 0R/l .8 . K

~PE 22559

Blowing Well Relief Well

09fa for Awn Lflawout

GII.2 Sb3wuf WM C-II-S Rdw Wau

ROWIVWIanqwahm F 234
sbmpil raw, MMacfld 370

BbwcufmffOm pt4awm, F4h 6100

S41fkntendon,@Y&crn 30
(Wd4fw @ r~if m~bd

EafimsfedlPR- ~ 102.8(pd - p,?) ln

CaaIqIID, ff 0.7113 0.7113

0.4167 0.2917
LMHIP@lD,fi o.35e3 0.2493
d, n 0.2946
~. n 0.5784

Anwlus area! n? 0.20096
P@ roughness,H
Mea6uradd@ffI, if 10210 10900
TW Vwf!ealdacth,ff 9650 9540
KUIfkJHdetWfY,L%I@ 61
8.155 . ..>
(fraahwaferaf lSOF,3#gal)
_alul injeSbn kill We, @m 114
Fig. 1 Schemtic of bfowoutwell showingtwo possibleoptionsof
Dda adknabdt?/mllfwrs dynerniceilykiilingthe well, imveiiand reliefwell injection,




= 6




0 m m 3W w
~ (MMeof/d)

Fig,2 Pmdidedinffowperiommsmd systeminfakecuweefof

eeverelinjeolionreteefor Arunbfawout.

4--- %
%+ qL h .


+ no slip&~
+ f10-S@ & dh
A EtqgS 6 Brill
x Hagadorn

q (kiii%ofld)

Comparisonof five muitiphaaemodelsat a constantin~tion

rate of 80 @m.
& Brown

1 Pointof injectio~

Off-bottominjectionof kill fluid



: =x


0.605? I I 1 11111 I I 1 111111 1 I I 11

0.1 10 q (MMacf/d)
~ (MMscf/d)

Ffg.5 FfowpetternmapforupwerdWw-@eae Fig.6 Inflowperformanceand systemintakecurvesfor off-bottom kill exempft%

flow in annulusof Am well.


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