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Veterinary Journal
The Veterinary Journal 175 (2008) 164172


Pathophysiology and treatment of neuropathic pain associated

with syringomyelia
a,* b
Clare Rusbridge , Nick D. Jeery
Stone Lion Veterinary Centre, 41 High Street, Wimbledon Village, London SW19 5AU, UK
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OES, UK

Accepted 16 December 2006


The pain behaviour expressed by dogs with syringomyelia suggests that they experience neuropathic pain, probably due to disordered
neural processing in the damaged dorsal horn. As such it is likely that conventional analgesic medication will be ineective. In this review,
physiological and pathological pain processing through the dorsal horn is summarised and mechanisms by which syringomyelia could
result in a persistent pain state are discussed. Finally, current knowledge regarding treatment of Chiari malformation and syringomyelia
is reviewed and possible drugs which may give improved pain relief in aected dogs are discussed.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Neuropathic pain; Allodynia; Dysaesthesia; Spinal cord dorsal horn; Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

1. Introduction dogs (Todor et al., 2000; Rusbridge et al., 2007) although

there is controversy as to how CM/SM results in pain. A
Neuropathic pain, resulting from disordered neural pro- recent study in dogs found that pain was positively corre-
cessing within the nervous system (Table 1) is poorly recog- lated with syrinx width, that is dogs with a wider syrinx
nised in animals and consequently is dicult to manage. In were more likely to experience discomfort and dogs with
this review article we discuss the mechanisms involved in a narrow syrinx may be asymptomatic, especially if the syr-
the development of central neuropathic pain with particu- inx is symmetrical and not deviated into the dorsal horn
lar emphasis on the pain associated with Chiari malforma- (Rusbridge et al., 2007). This suggests that damage to the
tion and syringomyelia (CM/SM). CM is characterised by spinal cord dorsal horn (Fig. 2) may be the signicant fac-
mismatch between the caudal fossa volume and its contents tor in the development of SM-associated pain.
the cerebellum and caudal brainstem and commonly The type of behaviour exhibited by aected dogs is sug-
results in SM (uid-lled cavitation of the spinal cord) gestive of neuropathic pain, since it has the characteristics
because of obstruction of cerebrospinal uid (CSF) move- of allodynia (pain arising in response to a non-noxious
ment though the foramen magnum (Fig. 1) (Rusbridge stimulus) or dysaesthesia (a spontaneous or evoked
et al., 2000). unpleasant abnormal sensation) described by some humans
CM/SM is particularly common in the Cavalier King as a painful burning itchiness or an intense feeling of
Charles Spaniel (CKCS) (Rusbridge et al., 2000). Pain is insects crawling on the skin (Woolf, 2004). For example
a predominant feature of the disease and is reported in dogs appear to dislike touch to certain areas of skin and
approximately 80% of aected humans and 35% of aected may be unable to tolerate grooming or a neck collar. Dogs
with a wide syrinx may also scratch, typically on one side
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 208 946 4228; fax: +44 208 786 0525. only, whilst walking and often without making skin contact
E-mail address: (C. Rusbridge). (Rusbridge et al., 2000). Such behaviour is often referred to

1090-0233/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Rusbridge, N.D. Jeery / The Veterinary Journal 175 (2008) 164172 165

Table 1
Pain: an explanation of common terms
Type of pain Characteristics
Nociceptive pain Information about tissue trauma transmitted by normal nerves to the central nervous system
Neuropathic pain A clinical syndrome of pain due to abnormal somatosensory processing in the peripheral or central nervous system The spectrum
may include spontaneous pain, paresthesia, dysthesia, allodynia, or hyperpathia
Neuralgia Pain in distribution of nerve or nerves
Hyperpathia Increased pain from stimuli which are normally painful
Allodynia Pain from a stimulus that is not normally painful
Touch pain from touch of clothing
Thermal pain from draft of warm or cold air on the skin
Location allodynia (ephapse) pain in area distinct from location of stimulus
Dynamic mechanical allodynia pain from a lightweight moving mechanical stimulus (e.g. soft brush moved back and forth)
Kinesthetic (motion) allodynia pain from motion (usually called kinesthetic dysesthesia because the feeling evoked by such
movement is dysesthetic burning)
Hyperalgesia Used by some instead of allodynia. Means pain in the area stimulated and can include nociceptive as well as neuropathic pain
Paresthesia A spontaneous or evoked abnormal sensation (not unpleasant)
Dysesthesia A spontaneous or evoked unpleasant abnormal sensation. It is usually associated with burning, but is dicult to describe because the
patient has never felt this sensation before developing neuropathic pain. The message perceived by the brain is one of tissue
destruction with burning the most prominent component Berg (2001)

as an air guitar or phantom scratching and the sign is with minimal/no cerebellar herniation (so called Chiari 0)
highly suggestive of dysaesthesia, which human suerers is painful (Taylor and Larkins, 2002; Meadows et al.,
report is the most disabling type of pain associated with 2000; Milhorat et al., 1999). Dogs with CM without SM
SM (Todor et al., 2000). can also exhibit signs of discomfort, for example ear and
In some aected humans CM alone may cause pain facial rubbing/scratching. As in people it may be dicult
(Milhorat et al., 1999) such as headache, pain in the trigem- to be certain that the discomfort is related to the CM
inal territory, back pain, temporomandibular joint disor- because magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has shown
der, complex regional pain disorders and bromyalgia that many CKCS have the malformation without apparent
(Thimineur et al., 2002). It is proposed that CM and direct clinical signs. Finally some of the signs of CM/SM suggest
compression of the medulla oblongata can result in a disor- posture-related pain which could be explained by eects on
der of sensory processing resulting in a pain syndrome CSF ow (Rusbridge et al., 2007).
often aecting the face (Thimineur et al., 2002; Taylor Since currently available treatment for SM-associated
and Larkins, 2002). pain is rather inadequate for both human and canine
The rostral ventral medulla plays a critical role in the patients (Rusbridge et al., 2007; Baron, 2000; Todor
modulation of pain and projects directly to the trigeminal et al., 2000) it is hoped that a greater understanding of
nuclei and spinal cord dorsal horn. Although some patients the underlying mechanisms might lead to more eective
appear to improve after surgical decompression at the fora-
men magnum, there is still controversy as to whether CM

Fig. 1. Midsagittal T2 weighted MRI of upper cervical spinal cord from a

female CKCS that had signs of pain from 1.9 years of age. Clinical signs
included yelping whilst scratching at the right shoulder area and was more
likely when she was excited. There is a syringomyelia (asterisk) secondary Fig. 2. T2 weighted transverse image through a syrinx (asterisk) demon-
to canine Chiari malformation. strating the asymmetrical involvement of the right spinal cord dorsal horn.
166 C. Rusbridge, N.D. Jeery / The Veterinary Journal 175 (2008) 164172

treatment. In this article we review pain pathways involv- taining substance P and glutamate terminate around or
ing the dorsal horn, relate this to injuries caused by SM partly on preganglionic sympathetic neurons in the inter-
and suggest medical management that may be appropriate. mediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord as well as on dorsal
horn neurons (Zou et al., 2002; Ohtori et al., 2002; Baron,
2. The spinal cord dorsal horn and pain perception 2000) and substance P and glutamate receptors within pre-
ganglionic sympathetic neurons are up-regulated during
2.1. Physiological pain and central sensitisation nociception (Ohtori et al., 2002).

The dorsal horn has a pivotal role in pain perception. It 2.2. Central neuropathic pain
receives sensory information from the periphery (pain, tem-
perature and touch) and is subject to considerable local and Pain can be divided into three categories: physiological,
descending modulation. Incoming sensory information inammatory and neuropathic (Woolf and Salter, 2000).
undergoes substantial processing within the various lami- Physiological pain such as the pain in response to a needle
nae of the dorsal horn (nociception primarily within lami- prick serves to protect an animal from injury. Inamma-
nae I, II and V), and is then relayed via ascending pathways tory pain is caused as a consequence of tissue damage.
to the brain (Rexed, 1952). Nociceptive information Neuropathic pain is a clinical syndrome of pain due to
(mechanical, thermal and chemical) is transmitted by small abnormal somatosensory processing in the peripheral or
non-myelinated C bres which terminate predominantly in central nervous system and may include spontaneous pain,
laminae I (marginal) and II (substantia gelatinosa) with paresthesia, dysthesia, allodynia, or hyperpathia (Table 1).
some bres penetrating to deeper layers (Todd, 2002; Neuropathic pain serves no benecial purpose to the ani-
Rexed, 1952). mal and can be regarded as a disease in itself.
Within the dorsal horn, C bres release excitatory neu- The pathophysiology of neuropathic pain is complex
rotransmitters, in particular substance P and glutamate, and incompletely understood (see reviews by Woolf and
and produce slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials that Salter, 2000; Costigan and Woolf, 2000). However, there
may last for up to 20 s. There is the phenomenon of tempo- are three pivotal phenomena intrinsic to the development
ral summation which is often referred to as wind up, and of neuropathic pain: (1) central sensitisation, i.e. the process
the gain of this neuronal response (i.e. the robustness with of wind up and the resulting transcriptional changes in
which the impulse is subsequently propagated) is inuenced dorsal horn neurons leading to altered synaptic neurotrans-
by normally inactive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) type mitter levels and number of receptors (Woolf and Salter,
glutamate receptors (Woolf and Salter, 2000). In a non- 2000); (2) central disinhibition, i.e. an imbalance between
depolarised cell NMDA receptors are blocked by magne- the excitatory and inhibitory side of the nervous system
sium, but the coincidence of cell depolarisation and presyn- (Costigan and Woolf, 2000; Yaksh, 1989); (3) phenotypic
aptic glutamate release will remove this blockade allowing change of mechanoreceptive Ab-bres (light touching) to
activation of the NMDA receptors thereby allowing cal- produce substance P so that input from them is perceived
cium entry into the cell. Therefore, if C bres are activated as pain (Neumann et al., 1996).
more than transiently the elevated intracellular calcium
level will activate many intracellular signalling cascades, 3. Syringomyelia and central neuropathic pain
including the production of nitric oxide, culminating in
release of more substance P. The result is that pain winds It has previously been suggested that the primary mech-
up (i.e. is amplied on its way to the brain) with a conse- anism of SM-associated pain is damage to the decussating
quent elevated perception of pain (Woolf and Salter, 2000). bres of the spinothalamic tract, the ascending pathways,
Wind up is an immediate central sensitisation that or both (Rusbridge et al., 2000; Nurmikko, 2000; Beric
occurs in seconds, but if the noxious stimuli are suciently et al., 1988) but there is little evidence to support this view.
persistent they generate activity-dependent changes in tran- Ducreux et al. (2006) demonstrated that lesions of the
scription. This takes hours to be induced but outlasts the spinothalamic pathways alone are not sucient for devel-
initiating stimulus for prolonged periods providing the opment of central pain in SM patients.
basis for very long-lasting changes in function. Post-trans- In a study examining pain-related somatosensory
lational changes in the dorsal horn make these aected neu- evoked potentials following CO2 laser stimulation (pain
rons more sensitive to other impulses (Costigan and Woolf, SEPs) in eight humans with SM, Kakigi et al. (1991)
2000). showed that the function of the ascending bres through
There are further mechanisms that regulate the excitabil- the dorsal columns is intact in most patients, whereas dor-
ity of the pain pathways. For instance, gamma-aminobu- sal horn function is impaired. Studies in humans have sug-
tyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory control over the gested that dorsal horn damage may be implicit in the
wind up system, preventing release of substance-P and development of syringomyelic pain (Todor et al., 2000),
maintaining homeostasis between excitatory and inhibitory although the exact mechanism is unclear. A similar situa-
central nervous system activity (Woolf, 2004). The auto- tion is likely in the dog in which wide syrinxes that involve
nomic system also inuences pain perception: C bres con- the spinal cord dorsal horn are more likely to result in
C. Rusbridge, N.D. Jeery / The Veterinary Journal 175 (2008) 164172 167

behavioural signs of pain and allodynia/dysaesthesia (Rus- 3.3. Inammatory changes in syringomyelia
bridge et al., 2007). Injury to the spinal cord produces a
cascade of interactive reactions that can be broadly divided Neuroinammation and neuroimmune activation fol-
into three mechanisms, anatomical changes, neurochemical lowing spinal cord injury are suggested to play a role in
(excitotoxic) changes and inammatory changes (Finnerup persistent pain (DeLeo and Yezierski, 2001), perhaps med-
and Jensen, 2004). iated through glial cell production of cytokines and altered
expression of nociceptive peptides (DeLeo and Yezierski,
3.1. Anatomical changes in syringomyelia 2001). For example, preliminary data suggested that one
cytokine, interleukin-1, leads to an increase in substance
SM typically starts centrally and dissects to the outer P (Adler, 2003).
spinal cord. As mentioned above, the output of the dorsal
horn depends on the considerable interaction and process- 4. Possible treatment options
ing of nociception which occurs between the various lami-
nae of the dorsal horn (Todd and Spike, 1993). Therefore it 4.1. Surgery
is plausible that the damage that SM causes to the deeper
layers whilst preserving the supercial layers might cause The most directly relevant means of treating CM or SM
imbalance between the various processing pathways, is to correct the underlying anatomical or functional
through death or dysfunction of specic cell types. For abnormality. In humans, surgical intervention is recom-
instance, if the deeper layers contain or are inuenced by mended for progressive SM (Medow et al., in press). How-
GABA and glycine inhibition, as suggested by Cronin ever, even after an apparently successful procedure
et al. (2004), then selective damage could result in central resulting in collapse of the syrinx, the patient may still
disinhibition. There is support for this point of view since experience signicant pain especially if the spinal cord dor-
in laboratory rodent models neuronal loss in the dorsal sal horn was compromised (Nakamura et al., 2004; Milh-
horn, whilst sparing the supercial laminae, results in spon- orat et al., 1996). In dogs, surgery appears less successful
taneous (excessive grooming) and evoked (mechanical and than in humans because, although there may be a clinical
thermal) allodynia behaviour (Yezierski et al., 1998). improvement, the SM is generally persistent (Rusbridge,
Spinal cord injury can also result in reorganization of neu- 2007; Dewey et al., 2005; Vermeersch et al., 2004; Skerrit
ral pathways such as invasion of laminae III and IV by cal- and Hughes, 1998). Until a reliable surgical option is
citonin gene-related peptide containing primary aerents dened, medical management of the clinical signs is likely
normally only found in laminae I and II (Christensen and to be the mainstay of veterinary therapy. Here we describe
Hulsebosch, 1997). some of the pharmacological options.

3.2. Neurochemical changes in syringomyelia 4.2. Drugs

Anatomical changes inevitably lead to changed expres- 4.2.1. Chiari malformation

sion of neurotransmitters (or other chemicals), changed If other potential causes of discomfort than those asso-
expression of receptors, or both. In a study examining ciated with CM have been ruled out it may be worthwhile
the distribution of substance P, 9/10 human subjects with prescribing drugs that reduce the CSF pulse pressure, such
SM had a substantial increase in substance P immunoreac- as furosemide (Frusecare; Animal Care). Such drugs would
tivity in laminae I, II, III and V caudal to the syrinx. There not be expected to aect the clinical course in ear, skin or
was a marked reduction or absence of substance P immu- oral diseases which could conceivably cause similar clinical
noreactivity in segments of the spinal cord occupied by signs. A positive response therefore supports a supposition
the syrinx and central cavities produced bilateral abnor- that the discomfort is secondary to CM and foramen mag-
malities, whereas asymmetrical cavities produced changes num decompression surgery could be considered. As CM
that were ipsilateral to the lesion. No alterations in sub- alone may result in disordered medullary dorsal horn pro-
stance P immunoreactivity were found in the spinal cord cessing (Thimineur et al., 2002) neurogenic analgesics such
of an asymptomatic patient with a small central syrinx. as those described below could also be considered.
The authors concluded that SM was associated with abnor-
malities in spinal cord levels of substance P, which would 4.3. Syringomyelia
likely alter modulation and perception of pain (Todor
et al., 2000; Milhorat et al., 1996). The same authors theor- Due to the complex pathophysiology of neuropathic
ised that SM may result in changes in concentrations of pain, the most successful approach is often judicious poly-
other neurotransmitters (or neuromodulators), such as pharmacology, rather than to address the entire problem
GABA, resulting in disinhibition of pain pathways. with one class of medication (OHagan, 2006; Wiese
Inhibitory neurons containing GABA have a high suscep- et al., 2005). Unfortunately many of the possible medica-
tibility to hypoxia (Zhang et al., 1994) so may be more tions are not licenced in the dog and their pharmacokinet-
selectively damaged. ics and/or adverse eects are not known. No large studies
168 C. Rusbridge, N.D. Jeery / The Veterinary Journal 175 (2008) 164172

have been done on the medical management of SM, which enzymes, receptors and adhesion molecules (Barnes,
is often a matter of treatment trials in individual dogs 1998). Corticosteroids are also reported to have an eect
based on anecdotal evidence. There is a need for a multi- in sympathetically mediated pain (Gellman, 2000) and
centre study to rationalise the approach. decrease substance P expression (Wong and Tan, 2002).
Anecdotally, oral drugs such as methylprednisolone (Med-
4.4. Nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDS) rone; Pzer) and prednisolone (Prednicare, Animalcare)
provide relief in some dogs with SM.
Recent evidence has suggested that cyclooxygenase-2
(COX-2) may contribute to the development and manage- 4.7. Opioids
ment of neuropathic pain (Takahashi et al., 2005),
although these ndings are contested (Broom et al., Neuropathic pain tends to be only partially responsive
2004). Anecdotally COX inhibitors such as meloxicam to opioid therapy (Woolf and Mannion, 1999) and NMDA
(Metacam, Boehringer Ingelheim) and carprofen (Rimadyl, receptor activation is a major contributor to opioid toler-
Pzer) appear to help some dogs with SM. Drugs such as ance (Mao et al., 1995). Most people with neuropathic pain
deracoxib (Deramaxx; Novartis Animal Health) and require repetitive dose escalation and eventually become
brocoxib (Previcox, Merial) which are highly specic for unresponsive (Moulin et al., 2005). Methadone may be
the inhibition of the COX-2 pathway (coxibs) may be more especially useful in the management of intractable neuro-
appropriate for treating SM pain. Coxibs are lipophilic and pathic pain since it appears to have NMDA receptor antag-
achieve signicant CSF concentrations and may cause onist activity. In dogs with CM/SM, opioids are most
analgesia via a central action (Bergh and Budsberg, 2005; useful in the perioperative period, e.g. a fentanyl transder-
Dembo et al., 2005). mal patch (Duragesic, Janssen Pharmaceutica). Some dogs
obtain relief of pain from oral opioids but the eective dose
4.5. Anti-convulsant drugs and agent can vary greatly between individuals and there is
the problem of dispensing a controlled drug (Brearley and
Several anti-convulsants have an anti-allodynic eect Brearley, 2000). For this reason opioids are not commonly
(Attal et al., 1998) and are reported by human patients to used for long term pain relief in animals.
be particularly eective for neuropathic pain that is burn-
ing and lancinating in nature (Costigan and Woolf, 5. Possible new avenues of pain relief
2000). Gabapentin (Neurontin, Pzer) was originally devel-
oped as an anti-convulsant but clinically has been more The ideal drug for treating neuropathic pain in the dog
useful for treatment of neurogenic pain in people (Coderre would be oral, eective, specic, have suitable pharmacoki-
et al., 2005). It is thought to prevent the release of gluta- netics allowing daily to three times a day administration
mate in the dorsal horn via interaction with the alpha2delta and with a wide safety margin. For most of the compounds
subunit of voltage-gated calcium channels (Gilron and listed below the pharmacokinetics are unknown and others
Flatters, 2006). Anecdotally gabapentin can oer some have already been established as unsuitable. Unfortunately
relief to dogs with SM. many of newer compounds are not specic to the desired
Pregabalin (Lyrica, Pzer) is emerging as an eective site of action and consequently may have other typically
drug for neuropathic pain in humans (Shneker and McAu- neurological or cardiovascular eects. Therefore many
ley, 2005). It is a structural, but not functional, analogue of have been developed to be delivered neuraxially (i.e. intra-
GABA which is also thought to exert its pharmacodynamic thecal or epidural administration) via an ambulatory infu-
eect by modulating voltage-gated calcium channels result- sion pump, which has obvious practical and ethical
ing in a reduction of glutamate and substance P release considerations in the dog.
(Hamandi and Sander, 2006). The pharmacokinetics and
potential toxicity in dogs are currently unknown. In people 5.1. NMDA receptor antagonists
the typical side eects are dizziness, somnolence and weight
gain but acute psychosis and epileptiform EEG changes Treatment of chronic neuropathic pain is dicult
have also been reported (Olaizola et al., 2006). Anecdotally because central sensitisation has already occurred. As this
pregabalin can be useful for treatment of SM associated is mediated through the NMDA receptor an ideal medica-
pain in dogs however the cost is prohibitive for many tion would include an NMDA receptor antagonist. Keta-
clients. mine non-competitively antagonizes NMDA receptors
(Nolan, 2000) and is also suggested to impair excitability
4.6. Corticosteroids in supercial dorsal horn neurons by blocking sodium
and voltage-gated potassium currents (Schnoebel et al.,
Corticosteroids are believed to provide long-term pain 2005). Although it has proven benet in the treatment of
relief because of their ability to inhibit the production of neuropathic pain (Cohen and DeJesus, 2004), systemic
phospholipase-A-2 (Nolan, 2000) and to inhibit the expres- administration results in unacceptable side eects such as
sion of multiple inammatory genes coding for cytokines, behavioural disturbances and neurotoxicity (Vranken
C. Rusbridge, N.D. Jeery / The Veterinary Journal 175 (2008) 164172 169

et al., 2005). The use of a topical mixture of 1% ketamine/ eective pain control dose is dicult to achieve because
2% amitriptyline over 612 months avoided these side- of adverse eects (Kalso, 2005).
eects whilst improving analgesia for neuropathic pain syn- Tricyclic antidepressants, e.g. amitriptyline (Wang et al.,
dromes in people (Lynch et al., 2005). 2004), and some anti-convulsants, e.g. phenytoin, carbam-
Dextromethorphan is a non-competitive NMDA antag- azepine and oxcarbazepine, antagonise sodium channels
onist which has analgesic and anticonvulsant properties and are often rst-line therapy for neuropathic pain in
but it has a short half-life, rapid clearance, and poor bio- humans (Lalwani et al., 2005; Wood et al., 2004). Amitrip-
availability in the dog so is unlikely to be useful (Kukanich tyline is likely to have suitable pharmacokinetics as it has
and Papich, 2004). It is likely that other agents will emerge been used successfully in the dog for behavioural problems
from current laboratory research on NMDA receptor (Virga et al., 2001) but it is not yet established whether ami-
blockade. triptyline will be eective for neuropathic pain in the dog.
Potential adverse eects include ventricular arrhythmias,
but these usually only occur at much higher dose rates
5.2. Calcium channel blockers
(Ansel et al., 1993). The anti-convulsants phenytoin, car-
bamazepine and oxcarbazepine are unlikely to be success-
Activation of voltage-dependent calcium channels is
ful because of inappropriate pharmacokinetics (Overduin
critical for neurotransmitter release and neuronal excitabil-
et al., 1989; Schicht et al., 1996; Frey and Loscher, 1980).
ity, and antagonists, such as gabapentin and pregabalin,
Development of novel and specic sodium channel block-
can be antinociceptive (Matthews and Dickenson, 2001).
ers is a very lively area of research (Woolf and Mannion,
This has led to development of new analgesics, most nota-
bly the conotoxin peptides produced by marine predatory
cone snails (genus Conus). Each component of Conus pep-
5.4. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine)
tides selectively targets a specic subtype of ion channels,
neurotransmitter receptors or transporters. These diversi-
Serotonin (5-HT) is involved in the transmission of noci-
ed toxins are generally categorized into several families
ception in the central nervous system (Colpaert et al., 2002)
based on their characteristic arrangements of cysteine resi-
and inhibits nociceptive responses, wind-up, and after-dis-
dues and pharmacological actions (Wang and Chi, 2004).
charges in spinal neurons through an action on 5-HT1A
One cationic peptide ziconotide, is derived from the venom
receptors (You et al., 2005). The selective, high-ecacy 5-
of Conus magus and is marketed under the trade name of
HT(1A) receptor agonist, (3-chloro-4-uoro-phenyl)-[4-u-
Prialt (Elan Pharmaceuticals). It is the rst N-type calcium
channel blocker approved for clinical use and represents
eridin-1-yl]-methanone (F 13640) has been reported to
the rst new proven mechanism of action for chronic pain
produce long-term analgesia in rodent models of chronic
intervention in many years (Snutch, 2005). However intra-
nociceptive and peripheral neuropathic pain (Colpaert
thecal administration is necessary, because of its systemic
et al., 2002) and it also has a curative-like action on allo-
toxicity, limiting the usefulness in the dog.
dynia in rats with spinal cord injury (Colpaert et al.,
2004). It appears to induce two neuroadaptive phenomena:
5.3. Sodium channel blockers rstly, activation of 5-HT1A receptors which cooperate
with nociceptive stimulation, but paradoxically cause anal-
Clinical and experimental data indicate that changes in gesia, and secondly, inverse tolerance, so that the resulting
the expression of voltage-gated sodium channels in the dor- analgesic eect increases rather than diminishes (Colpaert
sal horn play a key role in the pathogenesis of neuropathic et al., 2002).
pain and that drugs that antagonise these channels are Many anti-depressants aect serotonin concentration in
potentially therapeutic (Amir et al., 2006; Hains et al., the CNS but, surprisingly, selective serotonin reuptake
2003). Unfortunately, the available sodium-channel block- inhibitors such as uoxetine are ineective in neuropathic
ers are not selective and also act on neural and cardiovas- pain models. In contrast, antidepressants acting on the nor-
cular sodium channels, therefore adverse eects can limit adrenergic system (for example milnacipran and duloxe-
their use (Woolf and Mannion, 1999). Sodium-channel tine) or both the noradrenergic and serotonergic systems
blockers used in human medicine include local anaesthet- (for example amitriptyline) are eective (Mochizucki,
ics, such as lidocaine and mexiletine (Kalso, 2005). The 2004). The analgesic action of anti-depressants is more
therapeutic dose of lidocaine for pain control is far below likely to be a reection of sodium channel blockade, since
that which blocks nerves impulse propagation or aects uoxetine for example, produces a substantially slower
cardiovascular function, but its applicability is limited blockade than amitriptyline (Pancrazio et al., 1998).
because it cannot be administered orally. The oral formula-
tion mexiletine is reported to be well tolerated in the dog 5.5. Sympathetically maintained pain
when treating arrhythmias (Meurs et al., 2002), but this
does not mean that it is safe if the dog has normal heart There is evidence that dysaesthetic pain of SM is sympa-
muscle function. Experience in people suggests that an thetically maintained because sympatholytic treatment can
170 C. Rusbridge, N.D. Jeery / The Veterinary Journal 175 (2008) 164172

aord relief when traditional pain relief such as opioids and Amir, R., Argo, C.E., Bennett, G.J., Cummins, T.R., Durieux, M.E.,
anti-epileptic drugs are ineective (Todor et al., 2000). Sym- Gerner, P., Gold, M.S., Porreca, F., Strichartz, G.R., 2006. The role of
sodium channels in chronic inammatory and neuropathic pain. The
pathetically mediated pain is notoriously dicult to treat, Journal of Pain 7 (5 Suppl. 3), S1S29.
although in humans regional sympathetic blocks can give Andersson, S., Lundeberg, T., 1995. Acupuncture from empiricism to
temporary relief and ganglionectomy provides a more per- science: functional background to acupuncture eects in pain and
manent potential solution (Todor et al., 2000; Gellman, disease. Medical Hypotheses 45, 271281.
2000). Some studies suggest that acupuncture signicantly Ansel, G.M., Coyne, K., Arnold, S., Nelson, S.D., 1993. Mechanisms of
ventricular arrhythmia during amitriptyline toxicity. Journal of
aects the autonomic nervous system (Andersson and Lun- Cardiovascular Pharmacology 22, 798803.
deberg, 1995) and there is evidence that it is useful adjunctive Attal, N., Brasseur, L., Parker, F., Chauvin, M., Bouhassira, D., 1998.
treatment for sympathetically mediated pain in people (Gell- Eects of gabapentin on the dierent components of peripheral and
man, 2000). Anecdotally it is reported to be benecial for central neuropathic pain syndromes: a pilot study. European Neurol-
some cases of canine SM. The alpha-2 agonist clonidine is ogy 40, 191200.
Barnes, P.J., 1998. Anti-inammatory actions of glucocorticoids: molec-
thought to produce analgesia at the spinal level through ular mechanisms. Clinical Science 94, 557572.
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