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Emily Singer

Lesson Plan: 2nd Grade Lemont

Mrs. Komlenic

Task Analysis:

1. Teacher (T) will gain students (SS) attention. Good morning, second graders! Can
anyone with a quiet raised hand tell me what a nonsense word is?
2. T: Pick student to respond.
T: Responds to students thoughts. A nonsense word is something that looks like a
word but it doesnt mean anything! Were going to sing a song today with nonsense
3. T: Gets pitch from piano (G4). Start two finger tapping on lap
T Sings:Hi lo chickalo chickalo chickalo
Hi lo chickalo chickalo hi
T: Two finger taps on shoulders, SS will follow
T Sings:Hi lo chickalo chickalo chickalo
Hi lo chickalo chickalo hi
T: Two finger taps on head. SS will follow
T Sings:Hi lo chickalo chickalo chickalo
Hi lo chickalo chickalo hi
4. T follows up on directed listening: Who can raise a quiet hand to tell me how many
different nonsense words were in this song
5. T calls on quiet raised hand.
6. S: Three
7. T: Great job! Our three nonsense syllables are hi, lo, and chickalo. Please sing what I
sing. My turn first.
8. T points to self as she sings: Hi lo chickalo
9. T gestures to ss. SS: Hi lo chickalo
10. T gestures to self: chickalo chickalo
11. T gestures to ss. SS: chickalo chickalo
12. T gestures to self: Hi lo chickalo
13. T gestures to ss. SS: Hi lo chickalo
14. T gestures to self: chickalo hi
15. T gestures to ss. SS: chickalo hi
16. T: Nice job, second grade! I like how you are using your very best singing voices!
17. T: Lets try longer pieces of the turn. Please sing what I sing. My turn first. T
gestures to self T: Hi lo chickalo chickalo chickalo
18. T gestures to ss. SS: Hi lo chickalo chickalo chickalo
19. T gestures to self. T: Hi lo chickalo chickalo hi
20. T gestures to ss. SS: Hi lo chickalo chickalo hi
21. T: Nicely done, second grade! Now your job is to sing along with me inside your
brain while I sing out loud. T motions tapping on lap. T sings Hi lo chickalo chickalo
chickalo hi lo chickalo, chickalo hi.
22. T: Now its your turn! T models patting steady beat. T gives ready-sing.
23. SS: Hi lo chickalo chickalo chickalo hi lo chickalo, chickalo hi.
24. T: Great job using your singing voices today second grade!

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