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To whom these presents shall come: Greeting!

Notice of Claim of Right

“I, a decent individual declare that I am aware that my Being is grounded in Truth, and that I live,
move and Become upon these Global Isles on the third planet from our lovely Sun. I hereby
consciously claim my inherent right to exist, create and dispose of my creations without causing
harm or loss to any other individual or person and so do hereby proceed to unfold my life, liberties
and happiness.” - 15th June 2009, Richard Miles.

1. Declaration of Trust
1. I, a decent being, a conscious living Woman of America, acting pro se, in order to
defend and protect my property, my life, liberty and happiness, hereby ordain and
establish an Express Trust1 under Common Law which shall be known as Jane Doe
Trust hereinafter known simply as “Jane Doe” or “the/this trust” which I settle with 21
ounces of Silver. I further settle this trust with all my property and possessions,
including but not limited to the statutory entity JANE DOE, a c'est qui trust created by
the entities purporting to be the government of the UNITED STATES and the STATE
OF ARIZONA, all accounts, bonds, securities, real estate titles and the underlying land
patents and other devices created by such entities that are the property of Jane Doe by
right. I hereby give notice that, I, a decent being, a conscious, living Woman of
America, am hereby the trustee of this trust and that she 2 and the trust shall operate
under Common Law and not cause harm or loss to another.
2. Jane Doe makes a Claim of Right to use all statutory instruments, currency, de-facto
courts and so on are used on an “as-is” basis;
3. I, a decent being, a conscious living Woman of America, the sovereign on the land, as
trustee hereby gives Notice of Claim of Right by Jane Doe to the to the absolute
1 There shall be no contradiction in this matter – anyone who uses a name uses an implied trust or uses the c'est qui trust created by the entities
that purport to be the de-facto government. By creating an Express Trust under Common Law, settled with real Silver, all property, de-facto
security instruments, this trust shall have the full protection of the Common Law as well as any commercial codes, &c.
2 The use of the pronoun “she” refers to the woman herself. “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto
the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Exodus 3:14 (King James Version)
ownership of the land located at <address> defined by the geographical boundaries <>.
4. All rights reserved without prejudice.
5. All proceedings are to be conducted in writing.
6. Jane Doe makes a claim of right that there are to be no presumptions regarding the
subject matter of this present notice including but not limited to form, format and
protocol, any statutes notwithstanding.
1. Pro se litigants are to be held to less stringent standards3.
7. Jane Doe makes a Claim of Right to operate as the Sovereign on the Land4, to convene
a Grand Jury, Article III Court of Record, to claim all positions and powers not
delegated to competent personnel and/or to utilize the services of a Notary Public and/or
Sheriff or an international court of record of competent jurisdiction and international
enforcement to ensure that justice is done regarding the subject matter of this present

Notice of Claims

1. Bank Fraud, Securities Fraud, Theft and Legal Plunder under Color of Law
LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud5:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute
an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead
one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false
impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H.
Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003,
s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

3 See: Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519-421; Platsky v. C.I.A., 953 f.2d. 25; Anastasoff v. United States, 223 F.3d 898 (8th Cir. 2000).
4 "The very meaning of 'sovereignty' is that the decree of the sovereign makes law." American Banana Co. v. United Fruit Co., 29 S.Ct. 511,
513, 213 U.S. 347, 53 L.Ed. 826, 19 Ann.Cas. 1047.
The quality or state of being sovereign, or of being a sovereign; the exercise of, or right to exercise, supreme power; dominion; sway; supremacy;
independence; also, that which is sovereign.
" the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without
subjects...with none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty."
CHISHOLM v. GEORGIA (US) 2 Dall 419, 454, 1 L Ed 440, 455 @DALL 1793 pp471-472
5 Published by Christopher Story,
“ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with
an evil intent scanter when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law
Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

“THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A

false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or
without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance
thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law
Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


“FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or

circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

“The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a
duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material
fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an
actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent

inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing
a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St
Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of

which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his
“Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent on person
(entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary, Revised 4th Edition, St
Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.

Summary on Bank Fraud and Acts of Ultra Vires6

The act of chartering a bank or granting a bank license is itself an act of ultra vires – for
one group of mortal men7 has no power to grant another group of men the privilege of
lending money they do not have. Further, the system itself is an inducement to commit
fraud, both on the part of the person who applies for a bank license/charter and for the
person who grants it. It is an artifice for the chartered bank to suspend running of
limitations, planned to prevent lawful inquiry, and to escape investigation.

The act of a chartered bank lending money they do not have is deceit; further it is deceit
with evil intent8 to cause others to rely on the fraudulent substance as-if it were money.

The act of a bank in leading its depositors to believe that the units of its checking account
liability are at par with the nominal “legal tender” units they represent is fraudulent

The act of a bank to monetize and circulate the promissory notes 9 of its customers, by
deceiving the borrower into thinking that he is borrowing money when he is executing a
promissory note that is called a "loan" which funds a deposit account in the name of the
borrower in the nominal units, is fraud in the inducement. Further, the act of concealing the
existence of such deposit account, is fraudulent concealment; the act of stamping and taking
the promissory note on deposit on the books of the bank is fraudulent conveyance; and the

6 From
7 Who represent themselves as the Head of State or their agents.
8 The evil intent includes the inducement of others to write fraudulent promissory notes, to conspire to circulate those liabilities by fraudulent
conveyance; and further to defraud the victims of their inherent sovereignty and liberty, and further to steal via fraudulent deception the gold and
other treasure from the treasury of any remaining bastions of liberty; to obtain resources - such as a world dominating military force - that is
beyond the ability of the perpetrators of the fraud to obtain by honest means.
9 Fraudulently represented to be “loans” to the “borrower” who is the actual funder of the loan. A careful examination of the contract will show
that it is not a loan but a “line of credit”. As such, no lawful consideration was loaned by the bank to the borrower. If the contract were examined
in a court of law, and the question “should the funder of the account be repaid” be asked and the the books of the bank were opened as evidence,
it would be discovered that there is a deposit account in the name of the borrower than is funded by the promissory note of the borrower. This
note was stamped by the bank – received for deposit – which is fraudulent conversion. The lawful result is – a contract void ab initio. This is as
true at the national and international level with “loans” being provided by the banks to countries as well as at the level of individual loans –
mortgage contracts, lines of credit and credit cards.
entire process is theft by fraudulent deception10 and duress11.

First by chartering a fraud, then by inducing the State to “borrow” funds at compound
interest to create obligations it can never repay12, next by monetizing those fraudulent debt
instruments and printing notes against it and inducing the commercial banks to “lend” to
the retail banks and mortgage companies who further induce the retail clients to “borrow”,
that is, write promissory notes that are then circulated as checking account liabilities
payable in the printed notes above; the whole system would be found to be void ab initio
under the law by any honest judge13 and jury that knows the distinction between what is law
and what is but an act of ultra vires.

1. I hereby make claim that I was fraudulently induced to sign an instrument which
purported to be a loan, when in fact it was a promissory note;

2. I hereby make claim that I was subject to actual fraud, fraud-in-fact by deceit, and that
material facts were withheld to cause a false reliance on my part that the note was a loan
when in fact it was funded by myself;

3. I hereby make claim that the note I executed was subject to the process of fraudulent
conversion or conveyance when the so-called “lender”, the true borrower, stamped it and
put it on deposit without my knowledge or consent; and further likely sold the note on to
other market participants with intent to defraud them as well;

4. I hereby make claim that it is widely established14 by statute and case law that banks
cannot lend their credit and that this is bank fraud and that such bank fraud was
perpetrated in this instant case;

5. I hereby make claim that the entire system of statutory fraud was aided and abetted by

10 Deception, usage: Deception usually refers to the act, and deceit to the habit of the mind; hence we speak of a person as skilled in deception and
addicted to deceit. The practice of deceit springs altogether from design, and that of the worst kind; but a deception does not always imply aim
and intention. It may be undesigned or accidental. An imposition is an act of deception practised upon some one to his annoyance or injury; a
fraud implies the use of stratagem, with a view to some unlawful gain or advantage. [1913 Webster]
11 Duress: An actual or a threatened violence or restraint of a man's person, contrary to law, to compel him to enter into a contract, or to discharge
one. 1 Fairf. 325. Duress is present because the fearsome machinery of the State is what provides that contract any value whatsoever.
12 If you lend your money to the local community sponge, you would be the laughing stock of the town when you insist on repayment. You would
hold bad debt. By definition, all current national governments are parasites - they consume more than they produce - in other words the
individuals that run the national government are simply the aggregate of all sponges who imagine themselves to be in "national service". The
government was fraudulently induced to borrow and the instruments are, in any system that is lawful - voidable. The only way such a government
can repay is by involuntary confiscation of property, another form of legal plunder, i.e., theft by taxation. This is theft to justify fraud.
13 In what is known as the Minnesota Credit River decision of 1969, Judge Martin V Mahoney found the currently circulating Federal Reserve
Notes to be unconstitutional. He was killed within six months of that still standing judgment. More information is available at and
14 See Appendix B Memorandum on Bank Fraud.
Administrative Courts and so-called “law enforcement officers” operating a color of law

6. Support for these claims is widely available in the public domain on the internet, viz:

1. Affidavit of Walker F. Todd – attorney for the Federal Reserve banks of New York
and Cleveland, made available as an Appendix A;

2. Modern Money Mechanics published by the Federal Reserve itself;

3. The still standing Minnesota Credit River decision by a common law court of
record, a superior court to any of the Administrative Courts now operating under
Color of Law, that found Federal Reserve Notes unconstitutional, available as
Appendix B.

4. Finality of Settlement Parts I & II published on the Global Settlement Foundation

website and available for a free download, see

7. I hereby make claim that every official getting this notice and not taking action to bring
about justice in this present matter and for the People of America, is guilty of Misprision
of Felony, viz:


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court

of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to
some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

2. Administrative Courts Operating under Color of Law

1. I hereby make claim that the men and women operating the machinery of the
Administrative Courts are not following their own debt collection procedures as
established in the Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act U.S.C. §§ 1692-1692;

2. I hereby make claim that the UNITED STATES is operating as an private corporation
with all daughter corporations including the STATE OF ARIZONA, and the so-called
courts attempting the fraudulent foreclosure;

3. I hereby make claim that these so-called courts have no lawful authority, the said
courts are not operating as courts of record as guaranteed by the Federal and State
constitutions, and that the said courts having been stripped of all authority over law and
equity by the 11th and 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of
4. I hereby make claim that by statue, the jurisdiction of the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA is the 10 square miles known as Washington DC, and that the said UNITED
STATES has no jurisdiction over the People of America.
5. I hereby make claim that these courts and so-called law-enforcement have no
authority under the Common Law, the Law of the Land and have no lawful claim of
right over my property, possessions and my body;

6. I hereby make claim that the judges and officials of the so-called court have no
immunity against the People of America, only against the Agencies of the Federal and
State Governments;

7. I hereby make claim that the full force of Natural and Common Law is applicable at
all times in all places and cannot be annulled by the declaration of emergency, war or
other device by any State or entity.

8. I hereby give notice that these claims are true and factual to the best of my knowledge
and belief, and that these facts and claims having exhausted remedy by administrative
court action at the highest courts in Washington DC are before the US Coast Guard with
copies to the Provost Marshal and Interpol. The suits referred to are those by Private
Attorney Generals Rodney Dale Class et all vs UNITED STATES et all, with named
defendants including the Attorney General of the UNITED STATES. See the material
published on the web at

1. The judicial notice that proves these claims has already been served upon:


and is attached as Appendix C to this present notice.

3. Felony, Theft, Assault and Battery

1. I hereby make claim that the following individuals bearing firearms, without lawful
claim of right, without having followed the Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act
U.S.C. §§ 1692-1692 having ordered me to vacate my property have committed
aggravated assault, battery and theft at gunpoint:

1. ...

2. I hereby make claim that the following court personnel, have exceeded their authority
viz., ultra vires, not followed the Federal Debt Collection Procedures act U.S.C. §§
1692-1692, have conspired to increase the national debt in flagrant violation of due
process and law in the following actions [insert case numbers on any correspondence] :
1. ...

Notice of Felonies
Jane Doe hereby gives notice that several serious felonies have been evidenced by this present
notice. You are directed to show cause and provide due consideration as to why Jane Doe should
not pursue these claims to the fullest extent of the law of the land, Lex Terrae, the Common Law.

Order to Return Property of Jane Doe by Claim of Right

If you cannot show cause and provide evidence such as the original loan instrument and proof of
consideration extended including the books of the bank as evidence to refute these claims and the
Claim of Right by Jane Doe, you are hereby directed to immediately and without delay return the
property stolen by corporate agents acting under color of law. You are further directed to return the
original land patent to the said property within 30 days and to deliver all securities, dividends and so
forth held in the name of JANE DOE wherever and by whomever they may be held.

The following information is provided solely to help such parties that may be holding such
securities, land patents and so forth, research and find these in a timely manner:

1. Social Security Number:

2. Title number to property:

3. Etc:

Notice of Minimum Fees

Jane Doe gives notice that, at a minimum, her hourly rate in lawful money for the ongoing defense
of her life, liberty and property is ONE TROY OUNCE OF 0.999 FINE GOLD an hour, which is
approximately 20 dollars an hour under the 1792 Mint Act, deliverable in good substance.

Notice of Default Judgment

If Jane Doe does not receive a response to this Common Law Notice of Claim of Right, Notice of
Claims and Notice of Felonies, within 15 days of the date of this notice to Jane Doe, PO Box XX,
Town, State [ZIP in square brackets], then the default judgments including but not limited to the
following will be executed by Jane Doe in the presence of a Notary:

1. Warrants for the Arrest of the Bonds of the following officials and entities at the Depository
Trust Corporation and other corporate markets:

1. ...

2. Warrants for the Arrest and Incarceration of the following individuals who have committed
the felonies of theft, assault and battery:

3. Bills in Lawful Money that is gold for the time and expenses of Jane Doe.

4. A pay order for total “principal plus interest” paid by Jane Doe while under fraudulent
inducement to the true borrower, BANK XXX, to be paid in cash that is the present Federal
Reserve Notes that is the present day statutory legal tender;

5. Suits at law to collect damages under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act ("RICO") Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-68 (1994) for racketeering, bank
fraud, and color of law fraud, legal plunder, criminal theft, assault and battery;

6. A 14th Amendment bounty claim under Section 4 of the 14th Amendment15 for 100 million
lawful United States Dollars per the 1792 Mint Act delivered in good substance or the total
amount of public debt created by color of law fraud by such officials, whichever is greater,
against the property and possessions of the following “officials” instituted for the recovery
of the Public Debt and unlawful asset forfeiture perpetrated by these officials, and for
restitution towards the overthrow of the law of the land and insurrection against a lawful
constitutional form of government:

1. … list officials, offices, corporate names of courts, de-facto corporations pretending to

be governments, &c.

Offer of Plea Bargain

If you, the recipient of this common law notice, claim ignorance of the law of the land, and now
having been cured of such ignorance agree under contract to return all stolen property in this and all
instances of similar fraud, and accept the Constitution of the united States of America circa 1787 as
the binding contract with the People of America, and to actively collect evidence, pursue and bring

15 14th Amendment, Section 4: The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of
pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state
shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or
emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
to justice those that have violated the law of the land, then you will be granted an automatic stay of
execution on the aforesaid Warrants.

Signed and sealed on this ___ day of ______, in the year of our lord ______.

Jane Doe

[signed and sealed by the Trustee for the Jane Doe Trust – remove this text, it is merely to indicate
that a signature above and a seal or thumb print as seal has been affixed here]

All rights reserved without prejudice.

Notary Public

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