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They are any nourish naturals or synthetic that when Ingrids, inalad, injected or swallowed provoke the
individual's psychological physical alterations

The natural drugs are obtained in plants and minerals, as drugs chemistries are obtained in
drugstores and the drugs syntactical are manufactured at laboratories.

The drugs circulate for the body and they enter in the sanguine current causing circulatory
dependencies, problems and cerebrals, compulsion and several that can take the death.

Types of drugs

Natural drugs: cogumelos aluciagenos.

cannabis sativa

Drugs sintecticas:anfetaminas,barbituricas,ecstasy LSD,metanfetamina.

Drugs semi-synthetics:

ox and helix.

The users can be classified in:

Experimental user that uses drugs little times and he/she doesn't notice in none;

Occasional user, that uses drugs in certain situations;

Habitual occasional that begins to have inhabited him/it routine of using drugs
Dependent User that doesn't get to be a long time without using.

Causes of the use of the drugs in the society

Absence of family structure;

Badly influences;
Pressure of the group;
Lack of the information'
Distorted information;
Conflicts and family tensions;
Problems in the relationship

And an extracted product of the leaves of a plant called erythroxilor coca found mainly in
countries of America of the south and central also known like coca, gold powder, neve or
''senhora ''


Already with low doses, cocaine it causes alterations in the whole organism with the
increase of the frequency of the beats of the arterial pressure.
It can also provoke vomits, diarrheas excitation, and confusion of the ideas ties end anxiety.
In larger doses it can provoke hypertension arterial, palpitation chills, perspiration excessive
,convulses and death weight loss, and perforation of the septum nasal, aggressiveness ,ideas of
persecution , hallucinations tactile ,visual ,e additives ,delirious disorientation (,confusion , fear
and illusion).

Composition of the cocaine /crack

It is composed by solvents alkalis, acid sulfuric, queirose and other;
Obtain if also to leave of the mixture of the paste of the refined coca with bicarbonate of
sodium and water.
When warm the more than 100 the composition raisin for a decantation process in that you
nourish them liquidates, solidest are separate.
The resfreament of the solid portion generates the stone of the crack that concentrates the
principium actives of the cocaine

Formulates molecular
Mass molar=303,355g/mol

Characteristics of the cocaine

When used provokes accumulate neurotransmissores;

She takes a stimulation state and euphoria purely chemical taquicardiaco, increase of the blood
pressure contraction of the vases sanguineous, tremors, movements involuntary, etc
Consequences of the use of the cocaine

It creates dependence and a series of problems especial violence, whose the first
sacrifices the own family;
Increase of several crimes (ex types: deaths for homicides)
Increase of problems socials, originating to poisonous dependence;
He/she conditions her practices of crimes ventures, assaults acquisitive-robbery, etc
User begins to steal the several objects of own family.

Drugs in Mozambique
In agreement with the authority, a it drugs and a serious problem in the parents and his/her
combat and priority. The executive Mozambican recognized resentment that I traffic him/it and
illicit consumption of drugs in the country they can become an obstacle an struggles against the
poverty. In agreement with Alberto Vaquina ''o I traffic of illicit of stupefacients, substances
psicotropicas, precursors and prepared or of effects similarly, and a doss manifestations of the
crime organized transnational, that diligent is had in fastening their roots in our private country,
with highlights for the great cities. The first minister was also shown concerned with I number
him/it of people that plant cannabis sativa in the Country that it ends up generating violence
,criminality and infection with HIV

Prevention of the use of the drugs

Information contextually on effects;

Rules and control for appropriate consumption;
Clear establishmentof the family hirarqy;
Respect to the family rites;
Abilities to solve problems;
Developed self-esteem;
Country excessively authoritarian.

In the present work we will speak about the drugs ,from the definition,(causes ,consequences)e the
prevention of the use of the drugs.

Where will also speak about the types and as he/she behaves each type of these drugs and a lot but that
can only be understood after having read.

After so much effort and difficulties in the search of the works that you/they facilitated us in the
obtaining of the ash work ,conclusions that :the drugs are causes of serious individual problems that if
they can transforming in problems socials ,e among social consequences are pointed out the family
problems as the robberies ,prostitution and I traffic him/it of drugs ,caused dependence (will or need
of to take )e regular habits (consume and need of increasing the doses).


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