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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Volume 2015, Article ID 286161, 23 pages

Research Article
Image Reconstruction for Diffuse Optical Tomography Based on
Radiative Transfer Equation

Bo Bi,1,2 Bo Han,1 Weimin Han,3 Jinping Tang,1 and Li Li4

Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150006, China
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163318, China
Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
Imaging Diagnosis and Interventional Center, State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China,
Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510060, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Bo Han;

Received 5 October 2014; Revised 8 December 2014; Accepted 17 December 2014

Academic Editor: Reinoud Maex

Copyright 2015 Bo Bi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Diffuse optical tomography is a novel molecular imaging technology for small animal studies. Most known reconstruction methods
use the diffusion equation (DA) as forward model, although the validation of DA breaks down in certain situations. In this work,
we use the radiative transfer equation as forward model which provides an accurate description of the light propagation within
biological media and investigate the potential of sparsity constraints in solving the diffuse optical tomography inverse problem.
The feasibility of the sparsity reconstruction approach is evaluated by boundary angular-averaged measurement data and internal
angular-averaged measurement data. Simulation results demonstrate that in most of the test cases the reconstructions with sparsity
regularization are both qualitatively and quantitatively more reliable than those with standard 2 regularization. Results also
show the competitive performance of the split Bregman algorithm for the DOT image reconstruction with sparsity regularization
compared with other existing 1 algorithms.

1. Introduction By employing a setup comprising a set of external light

sources and detectors, the optical properties of a tissue can
Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is an emerging imaging be recovered by applying the principles of tomography. The
modality that has attracted much attention in clinical diag- difference in absorption or scattering between the normal
nosis, for example, in breast cancer detection, monitoring of and abnormal tissues can provide the imaging contrast for
infant brain tissue oxygenation level, and functional brain tissue diagnostics. In this context, the aim of diffuse optical
activation studies, cerebral hemodynamic, and so forth; tomography is to provide the spatial distribution of the
compare [13]. With the use of near-infrared (NIR) light, absorption and scattering coefficients of a tissue.
DOT probes the optical properties, mainly the absorption The forward problem in DOT describes the photon prop-
coefficient and the scattering coefficient of human tissues. agation in tissues and the inverse problem involves estimating
In experimental systems, a set of optical fibres and optodes the absorption and scattering coefficients of tissues from
are attached to the boundary of the object as measurement light measurements on the surface. There are many models
detectors and sources. NIR light as the inflow current is emit- describing the light propagation, for example, the Fokker-
ted by laser and guided by some fibre optics into the object, Planck equation, differential approximations of the radiative
one position at a time. The light is transmitted, and then transfer equation (RTE) and so forth (cf. [4, 5]), and the
the outflow current is measured from all the measurement diffusion equation (DA), which is accepted as a popular for-
positions using light sensitive detectors. ward model describing light propagation in tissues. DA is
2 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

a low-order approximation of RTE. However, the validation [2225], the authors used and developed the Bregman itera-
of DA breaks down in the following situations. First, since tion technique for the 1 regularization problems and proved
DA is only valid in the tissues with high scattering and that the Bregman iteration method is an effective way to solve
low absorption, while in many tissues of human body with the 1 norm minimization problems.
low scattering, such as skeleton, joint, DA is largely limited. In this paper, we adopt the split Bregman method for
Second, DA is not suitable to describe the light propagation solving sparsity regularization problems. The split Bregman
in regions near to the light source, which will result in the method is a simple and efficient algorithm which can split
large error when using DA as the forward model to image the minimization into 1 and 2 functionals and significantly
small animal or small tissue. For more on DA, we refer to reduce the computational burden [24]. We will introduce the
[1, 6, 7]. Due to these limitations of DA, RTE is a more natural split Bregman algorithm in detail in Section 3.
choice to model the light propagation. In this paper, we will The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2
present numerical evidence to show that DOT based on RTE introduces the DOT forward problem, briefly presents the
can achieve satisfactory resolution. radiative transfer equation (RTE), and describes the imaging
Since DOT suffers from severe ill-posedness caused by modality of the forward problem. Section 3 presents in detail
noise and incomplete measurement data, its efficient, stable, the reconstruction algorithm, including the Levenberg-
and accurate numerical treatment is very challenging. Due Marquardt algorithm and the split Bregman algorithm. Sec-
to its immense range of prospective applications, there has tion 4 provides several simulations to show the validity of the
been a vast amount of research work on mathematical as sparsity regularization reconstruction. Section 5 gives some
well as practical aspects of the inverse problem. In particular, conclusion statements.
the design of efficient and stable numerical algorithms has
received considerable attention.
In the linearized Jacobian-based methods, a popular 2. Forward Problem
approach for solving the minimization problem is to treat it In this section, we formulate our problem of RTE based
as a nonlinear least-square problem that can be solved with diffuse optical tomography.
many standard optimization techniques [8], among which
Levenberg-Marquardt method (LM) [9] is perhaps the most
commonly used one, which is a Gauss-Newton method with 2.1. Radiative Transfer Equation. Photon propagation in tis-
2 regularization. Based on RTE, the authors in [10] discussed sues can be described by the radiative transfer equation. Let
in detail the LM method for parameter estimation problems. R , = 2 or 3, denote the physical domain of the
We will describe the LM method briefly in Section 3. In the medium with boundary , := S1 the unit sphere, ^(x)
nonlinear gradient-based methods, we directly minimize the the unit outer normal vector, and the outgoing
nonlinear functional; in the optimization process only the and incoming boundaries defined by
gradient of the nonlinear functional needs to be computed,
for example, the BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) + = {(x, ) | ^ (x) > 0}
method and the L-BFGS method [8, 11]. (1)
The appropriate choice of regularization depends on a pri- = {(x, ) | ^ (x) < 0} .
ori knowledge of the domain and the inclusions. Although 2
regularization is usually a natural choice for its simplicity, it The variables x and denote the spatial position
is not the optimal strategy. For example, when the coefficient and the angular direction. Then we consider the following
distribution is sparse or discontinuous, it is well known that boundary value problem (BVP) of RTE:
the 1 regularization method [12, 13] or the bounded total
variation (TV) regularization method [14, 15] is more efficient (x, ) + (x) (x, ) = (x) (x, )
than 2 regularization.
Sparse reconstruction has attracted much researchers + (x, ) in ,
attention, especially since Donoho et al. [16, 17] established (2)
the theory of compressive sensing (CS). CS describes the
sparse reconstruction problem as an 0 quasinorm optimiza- (x, ) = in (x, ) on , (3)
tion [18]. However, Donoho in [19] proved that the 1 regu-
larization can also obtain the sparsest solution and proposed where (x) = (x)+ (x) is the total attenuation coefficient,
the equivalent condition between the 1 regularization and (x) describes the probability that a photon is absorbed in
the 0 regularization. In [20], Candes et al. studied the stable unit length, its reciprocal 1/ being the absorption mean
signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate measure- free path, and (x) is the scattering coefficient, describing
ments and reduced a computationally difficult problem to the the probability that a photon is scattered in unit length, its
basis pursuit problem. Because the sparsity regularization is reciprocal 1/ being the scattering mean free path. Further,
nonsmooth, it is still a challenge to find efficient methods to (x, ) is the radiance and (x, ) is the internal light source.
solve this convex basis pursuit optimization problem, and the In this paper, we consider the case with no light source inside
choice of techniques for solving it becomes crucial. Classical ; (x, ) = 0. in (x, ) is the inflow current on , and the
gradient-based methods usually bring high computational boundary condition (3) implies that once a photon escapes
burden [21]. Motivated by the inverse problem in imaging the domain , it does not reenter it; compare [26]. is
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3

the scattering operator. Denote by () the infinitesimal Then a mathematical description of such an experiment is
area element on the unit sphere . Then is defined as provided by a sequence of forward operators:

) (x,
() (x, ) = (x, ) (
) (4) : R , ( , ) , 1 (7)

which maps prescribed optical parameters to the correspond-

with a nonnegative normalized phase function: ing measurements. Here, denotes the th forward operator
with respect to the th incident impulse and the resulting
detected measurement data on detectors. Then, for 1
) (
(x, ) = 1 x , . (5) , the domain of the operator is defined as

= {( , ) () ()} . (8)
In many applications, the function is independent of x.
However, in our general study, we allow to depend on x.
Indeed, we can even allow to be a general function of x, R is a column vector representing the measurement
, and , that is, in the form (x, ,
). The scattering phase data on detectors.
function (x, ) describes the probability that a photon We mention that, in DOT, the measured quantity is the
with an initial direction will have a direction after a excitance on the boundary of the domain. Due to the limit of
scattering event. In DOT, one typical example is the Henyey- measurement techniques of the optical devices, the angularly
Greenstein phase function; compare [27]. Consider resolved measurement data |+ is not practical. In this study,
for = 1, . . . , , we use the boundary angularly averaged data
as our measurements [30]:
1 2
() = 3/2
, [1, 1] ,
= (6)
4 (1 + 2 2)
= ^ (x) (x, ) () , x , (9)
where the parameter (1, 1) is the anisotropy factor of the
scattering medium. Note that = 0 for isotropic scattering, where (x, ) is the solution of the BVP (2) and (3) cor-
> 0 for forward scattering, and < 0 for backward responding to the optical coefficients ( , ) and the th
scattering. In biomedical imaging problems, the scattering is incident impulse in, and ^(x) is the unit outer normal vector,
strongly forward peaked and is close to 1. whereas the set

2.2. Forward Problem. Similar to the X-ray CT, DOT exper- ,+ := { | ^ (x) > 0} . (10)
iments acquire the current distribution of detectors on the
boundary under the multi-incidents [28]. The experimental
procedure of acquiring potential measurements is as follows. In [30], a detailed analysis is given on properties of the
First, set a set of laser devices and detectors on the bound- forward operator, including the Lipschitz continuity and the
ary of the object. Then launch an incident impulse from one Frechet differentiability. The BVP (2) and (3) needs to be
laser device and record the resulting measurements from all solved by numerical methods, such as the finite difference
the detectors. In order to gather enough data information, method or the finite element method in spatial discretization,
repeat this procedure on other laser devices. and the finite element method or approximation in
We can model this procedure mathematically. Before angular discretization. For the simulation results in this
doing this, let us introduce some assumptions on the domain paper, we use the RTE2DMATLAB codes [6], in which the
and the coefficients, assumed to be valid throughout the rest finite element method in both spatial and angular spaces
of this paper. is used to discretize the forward mapping. We refer the
We assume that the absorption and scattering coefficients reader to [4, 6, 3134] for details about the finite element
are approximated piecewise-constant. It is known that the implementation in both spatial and angular space.
BVP (2) and (3) has a unique solution [29], and the solution
depends continuously on the input current in on the incom- 3. Inverse Problems
ing boundary .
The forward problem of DOT is to determine the out- In practice, due to the limitations of the experimental envi-
going current on the detectors when the incident impulse ronment and the laboratory equipment, the measurement
and the absorption and scattering coefficients are known. we get usually contains noise. Here, we assume that, for 1
Excite the domain with a sequence of incident impulses , the actual measurements have the noise level ; that is,
in, , 1 , and get a sequence of measurements , where represents the actual measurement
corresponding to each incident impulse, with its component data and represents the true data corresponding to the

, 1 , being the measurement value on detectors. true optical coefficients. Then our inverse problem of DOT
4 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

is to determine ( , ) such that the following nonlinear and ignoring the higher-order remainder (0 ; ), we get a
equations hold: linearized problem

( , ) = , ( , ) (11) 1 2
inf (0 ) + (0 ) ( 0 ) 2 ()
for = 1, . . . , . (17)
In this paper, we only reconstruct the scattering coef- 2
+ 0 2 () .
ficient, while assuming that the distribution of the total 2
attenuation coefficient is known.
As is typical for many inverse problems, the DOT inverse The Euler equation of the discrete problem is
problem is ill-posed. In order to reconstruct the optical
parameter stably, regularization is required. We minimize the

following Tikhonov functional: (0 ) ( (0 ) + (0 ) ( 0 ) )
=1 (18)

1 2 + ( 0 ) = 0;
( ) := ( ) 2 () + ( ) , (12)
2 =1
that is,
over the admissible set

ad = { ()} (13) ( (0 ) (0 ) + ) ( 0 )
for the coefficient . Here, ( ) is a regularization penalty (19)

functional that enforces a priori knowledge on the optical = (0 ) ( (0 ) )
parameter to be reconstructed and > 0 is the regularization =1
parameter used to trade off the discrepancy term (the first
item of ( )) that incorporates the information contained in with the identity matrix. The system can be solved directly to
the data and ( ) [35]. Then we analyse the minimization get a new estimate for based on the initial guess 0 . Then we
problem: iteratively update the reconstruction by taking the solution as
an initial guess. In practice, the iterative procedure achieves
inf ( ) . (14) required accuracy within a few iterations. The complete
algorithm is given in Algorithm 1. The stopping criterion
We consider two popular regularization formulations: the can be defined based on monitoring the relative change of
2 norm penalty and the sparsity constraint regularization. consecutive iterations.
We will describe these two approaches below.
3.2. Sparsity Reconstruction. In the sparsity reconstruction,
3.1. Standard Reconstruction. First, we use the traditional the functional to be minimized is of the form
2 norm squared penalty, which consists of minimizing the
1 2
( ) = ( ) 2 () + 1 .
following functional:
2 =1 2

1 2 2
( ) = ( ) 2 () + 2 () (15)
2 =1 2 We will apply the Bregman framework to solve (20). The key
to our method is to decouple the 1 and 2 portions in (20).
with a specified based on a priori information on the solu- Rather than (20), we will consider the constrained problem
tion. In the statistical inversion framework, the correspond- [23]:
ing prior constructions are known as smoothness priors [36].
To compute a minimizer of problem (14), many iterative 1 2
regularization methods are available. We use the Levenberg- inf ( ) 2 () + 1 such that = .
, 2
Marquardt method based on linearization. Specifically, for
every 1 , the forward operator ( ) is linearized
around some initial guess 0 ; that is,
To solve the above minimization problem, the corresponding
unconstrained optimization problem is
( ) = (0 ) + (0 ) ( 0 ) + (0 ; ) , (16)
1 2
where (0 ) is the Frechet derivative of ( ) with respect = arg min
( ) 2 () + 1
to the coefficient at 0 and (0 ; ) denotes the Taylor =1
remainder for the linearization around 0 . Then substituting 2
the above linearized expression into the functional ( ) + 2 ,
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5

Input: Set the initial guess of 0 ; The regularization parameter , .

Output: Approximate minimizer .
(1) for = 1, . . . , do
(2) for = 1, . . . , do

(i) Compute the Frechet derivative ( ), and ( )
(3) end for

(i) Compute =1 ( ) ( ) + , and =1 ( ) ( ( ) )
(ii) Update by solving the linearization problem

(=1 ( ) ( ) + )( ) = =1 ( ) ( ( ) )

(iii) Check the stopping criterion.

(4) end for

Algorithm 1: Reconstruction algorithm based on the regularizing Levenberg-Marquardt method.

where > 0 is the split parameter. Then we can iteratively Step 1 . Consider
solve the following subproblems [37, 38]:
1 2
= arg min
(1 ) + (1 )( 1 ) 2
1 2
( , ) = arg min ( ) 2 () + 1
, 2
=1 1 2
+ 1 .
2 (23) 2 2
+ 1 , (27)
2 2

= 1 + . To solve Step 1 , we solve the explicitly given variational

equation as follows:
The minimization of the above subproblems can be iteratively

solved by splitting it into the minimizations of and ( (1 ) (1 ) + ) ( 1 )
separately. This suggests the following steps. =1

Step 1. Consider
= (1 1 1 ) + (1 ) ( (1 ) ) .
1 2 (28)
= arg min
( ) 2 ()
(24) Step 2 is an 1 norm regularization problem and it can be
1 2 solved efficiently through the shrinkage operator; that is,
+ 1 2 .
= shrink ( + 1 , ) , (29)

Step 2. Consider
where the shrinkage operator
= arg min 1 + 1 2 .

2 { , ,
shrink (, ) = sign () max (|| , 0) = {0, || < ,
Step 3. Consider {
{ + , .
= 1 + . (26)
From the three steps, we can see that the speed of the split
For the solving of Step 1, we can use an iterative method, Bregman method is largely dependent on the speed of solving
for example, the Landweber iteration method, the Levenberg- Step 1, where the computation of the Jacobian matrix ( )
Marquardt method, and so forth. Since the Levenberg- is very time-consuming. We list the split Bregman method in
Marquardt method has a higher convergence rate than Algorithm 2.
the conventional Landweber iteration method, we use the
Levenberg-Marquardt method on Step 1. Thus, we will solve 3.3. Analysis of Standard Reconstruction and Sparsity Recon-
a minimization problem as follows. struction. The appropriate choice of regularization depends
6 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Input: set the initial guess 0 ; the regularization parameter > 0, > 0; 0 = 0 = 0, and the tolerance .
Output: Output an approximation = .
while 1 > do
(i) For every 1 , compute (28) to get ;
(ii) = shrink( + 1 , /);
(iii) Compute = 1 + .
(iv) = .
end while

Algorithm 2: Reconstruction algorithm based on the split Bregman method.


x1 x1

L 2 -ball: x12 + x22 = constant

L 1 -ball: |x1 | + |x2 | = constant

(a) (b)

Figure 1: 1 regularization and 2 regularization.

on a priori knowledge of the solutions. Although 2 -norm the origin and increase its radius until it first touches 0 : the
regularization is a natural choice for its simplicity, it is not touching point is the minimum 1 -norm solution, which is
always the optimal strategy. sparser than the solution achieved with smallest 2 -norm,
For the DOT reconstruction, the sought-for optical coef- because it is on one axis only; only one component is non-
ficients distribution usually consists of an essentially unin- zero.
teresting background plus some small inclusions. Thus we There is also an extreme penalty term, say, 0 -norm
will require the solution of the reconstruction in a sparse penalization, which is simply the number of nonzero coef-
coefficient vector form; that is, the coefficient vector of the ficients and leads to the sparsest solution. Nevertheless, the
optical parameter contains only a finite number of nonzero optimization problem with this penalty is not computation-
elements. ally tractable. Hence 1 -norm penalization is preferred in
The standard reconstruction and sparsity reconstruction practical problems. In addition, it has been proven that,
add 2 -norm penalization and 1 -norm penalization into the for some large matrices , if there exist sufficiently sparse
problem, respectively, which allow additional constraints or solutions, the sparsest solution can be achieved by the 1 -
prior information towards the approximate solution. Figure norm minimization [19, 20]. Under certain conditions, the 1
1(a) illustrates how 1 -norm penalization leads to sparse penalty term can provide an accurate result even with limited
solutions. Take a linear problem as an example; suppose we observations [17]. These phenomena are further investigated
are looking for a solution of the linear equation = in different fields such as electrical impedance tomography
in a model space with two degrees of freedom and the line and tomographic inversion [39, 40].
0 consists of that satisfy = . To find the solution
with smallest 2 -norm, we can imagine taking a small circle
around the origin and increase its radius until it first touches 4. Numerical Implementations
the solution line 0 : the tangent point is the minimum;
see Figure 1(b). Obviously, the point of solution has both 1 In this section, we report simulation results on numerical
and 2 components. In a similar way, to find the solution examples in two dimensions (2D). We perform the sim-
with smallest 1 -norm, we take a small 1 -ball around ulations on a 3.0 GHz PC with 8 GB RAM in MATLAB
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 7

Direction +1

Direction 2

Direction +1 Direction 1

Direction M

Figure 2: Angular discretization in 2D.

0.5 0.5

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)

1 1.6 1 2

0.5 0.5

0 1.3 0

0.5 0.5

1 1 1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(c) (d)

Figure 3: Standard regularization reconstruction for a small spot with 132 boundary angular-averaged measurements. (a) Mesh for the
forward problem, (b) mesh for the inverse problem, (c) the true scattering distribution, and (d) the image reconstructed from standard
8 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

1.3 1.8
0.5 0.5
0 0.75
0.25 1.4
0.5 1
1.05 1.2
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)

2 2

0.5 0.5 1.5


0.75 0.75

1 1

1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1

(c) (d)

Figure 4: Sparsity regularization reconstruction for a small spot with 132 boundary angular-averaged measurements, images with (a) 0%, (b)
0.1%, (c) 1%, and (d) 10% Gaussian noise, respectively.

2013b environment under Windows 7. In our simulations, First, for sparse coefficient distribution, the sparsity reg-
the scattering coefficient is reconstructed both with the ularization reconstruction localizes the location of the inclu-
standard regularization reconstruction and with the sparsity sion better than standard regularization reconstruction, espe-
regularization reconstruction. We use two kinds of mea- cially when there is noise and the data are incomplete. See
surements for reconstruction: boundary angular-averaged Figures 4, 9, and 10.
measurements and internal angular-averaged measurements. Second, the proposed sparsity regularization reconstruc-
The boundary measurements are the excitance received by tion works better when = 0.9 than = 0.1. See Figures 6
detectors attached to the boundary of tissue. Due to the limit
and 7.
of measurement techniques of the optical devices, we cannot
accurately receive the excitance from all angles; instead we Third, when the internal angular-averaged measurements
are available, the proposed sparsity regularization reconstruc-
receive a boundary angular-averaged data + (x, )()
which can be regarded as the integration of radiance on tion works better with internal angular-averaged measure-
the boundary of the domain in all outgoing directions. ments than with boundary angular-averaged measurements.
The internal angular-averaged measurements are the same See Figures 13 and 14.
as boundary angular-averaged measurements except for the Last, the split Bregman algorithm can efficiently solve the
location of detectors which we assumed to be inside the DOT image reconstruction problem with sparsity regulariza-
domain. tion. The results reconstructed by the Bregman algorithm are
We design different simulations to demonstrate the fol- more accurate than those achieved by three other algorithms.
lowing points. See Figures 16 and 17.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9



0 0 1.5


1 0 1 0.5 0 0.5
(a) (b)



0 0 1.5


1 0 1 0.5 0 0.5
(c) (d)

0 0
1 0 1 0.5 0 0.5
(e) (f)

Figure 5: Meshes for square cases. (a), (c), and (e) are forward meshes for three square cases, respectively. (b), (d), and (f) are the true
scattering coefficient distribution for big square case, middle square case, and small square case, respectively.

We mention here that, in the DOT reconstruction prob- inverse problem not evident [41, 42]. Hence, in order to avoid
lems, the measurement data are usually synthesized from the the inverse crime, we will use different discretization meshes
numerical solution of the forward problem. Under this situa- in the forward and inverse problems.
tion, the phenomenon of inverse crime will happen especially Now let us state our numerical experiments. Before
when the same discretization is used for the forward and stating the details of every experiment, we first state some
inverse process, because it will make the ill-posedness of the common experiment settings that will be used in all of our
10 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6
0 0
1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(a) (b)

2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6

0 0
1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(c) (d)

2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6
0 0
1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(e) (f)

Figure 6: Comparison of sparsity regularization reconstruction and standard regularization reconstruction with 132 boundary angular-
averaged measurements when = 0.1. (a), (c), and (e) are reconstructed images with sparsity regularization for big square, middle square,
and small square, respectively. (b), (d), and (f) are reconstructed images with standard regularization for big square, middle square, and small
square, respectively.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11

2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6
0 0
1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(a) (b)

2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6
0 0

1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(c) (d)

2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6

0 0

1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(e) (f)

Figure 7: The same reconstructions as in Figure 6 but with = 0.9. (a), (c), and (e) are reconstructed images with sparsity regularization for
big square, middle square, and small square, respectively. (b), (d), and (f) are reconstructed images with standard regularization algorithm
for big square, middle square, and small square, respectively.
12 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0.2 0.2
0.4 0.4
0.6 0.6
0.8 0.8

1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1

(a) (b)






0.5 0 0.5

Figure 8: Meshes for three-letter case. (a) is the forward mesh. (b) is the inverse mesh. (c) is the true scattering coefficient distribution.

experiments. Our purpose is to reconstruct the scattering the true value of absorption coefficient (x) in BVP (2) and
coefficient based on the BVP (2) and (3), where we assume (3) is defined as
that the following 2D simulations are all performed on a unit
circular domain centered at (0 mm, 0 mm), corresponding to {0.1, x 1 ,
(x) = { (32)
the the internal light source = 0, the inflow current for 0.01, x 0 .
every incident impulse in, that is settled as {
Since the absorption coefficient is assumed to be known
in our scattering reconstruction problems, we only give
in, = , = 1, . . . , . (31) the mathematical formulation of the absorption coefficient.
While in order to compare explicitly the true value and the
reconstructed value of scattering coefficient, we demonstrate
The boundary value is a piecewise linear function whose
the true value and the reconstructed results of scattering
spatial support is and achieves the value 1 at the center coefficient in figures.
node of ; here denotes the finite element through which In order to make discretization in angle, we can divide the
the th incident impulse passes. The direction of the th angular space [0, 2) uniformly into directions with equal
incident impulse is node of the angular mesh that points interval length as shown in Figure 2. And we set = 32 in
approximately from the center of to the center of . all examples; that is, there are 32 angular directions.
If we denote the domains that contain the inclusions as In the first example, Figure 3, a small inclusion with
0 , then the background domain is 1 = \ 0 . Then 0.1 mm diameter, is centered at (0.43, 0.43). 12 sources and
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 13

2 1 2


0 1.5 0 1.5


1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(a) (b)

2 2


0 1.5 0 1.5


1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1 1

(c) (d)

Figure 9: Reconstruction with boundary data when = 0.1. (a) and (c) are reconstructed images by sparsity regularization with 132
boundary angular-averaged measurements and 380 boundary angular-averaged measurements. (b) and (d) are reconstructed images by
standard regularization with 132 boundary angular-averaged measurements and 380 boundary angular-averaged measurements.

12 detectors are equally spaced attached to the boundary of measurements, even in the presence of different degrees of
the circle domain. The simulated boundary angular-averaged noise, while standard regularization fails to reconstruct the
measurements performing on the boundary are generated sparse inclusion even without noise.
with a spatial mesh (a) of 1097 nodes and 2104 elements and In the second example, we compare the sparsity reg-
reconstruction mesh (b) having 286 nodes and 526 elements. ularization reconstruction and the standard regularization
The image from standard regularization reconstruction reconstruction on squares of three different sizes.
without noise is displayed in (d) in Figure 3. The images In Figure 5, (a), (c), and (e) show the forward mesh of
from sparsity regularization reconstruction without or with three different sizes squares. (b), (d), and (f) show the true
noise are displayed in Figure 4 with the noise defined as distribution of the scattering coefficient in three different
= (1 + ), where is the signal-to-noise ratio experiments.
and is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and Comparing (a), (c), and (e) in Figures 6 and 7 and (b), (d),
unity variation. In Figure 4, we vary from 0 percent to 10 and (f) in Figures 6 and 7, clearly, the sparsity regularization
percent and plot the sparsity regularization reconstruction can localize the position of the inclusion better than the
image. Comparing images from standard regularization and standard regularization in all the three kinds of squares and
sparsity regularization, we conclude that sparsity regulariza- has a clear contrast with the backgrounds. But the standard
tion can efficiently localize the sparse inclusion with a few regularization also has its advantages. Comparing (a) and
14 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

2 1 2

0.5 0.5

0 1.5 0 1.5

0.5 0.5

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(a) (b)

2 1 2

0.5 0.5

0 1.5 0 1.5

0.5 0.5

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
(c) (d)

Figure 10: The same reconstructions as in Figure 9 but with = 0.9. (a) and (c) are reconstructed images by sparsity regularization with
132 boundary angular-averaged measurements and 380 boundary angular-averaged measurements. (b) and (d) are reconstructed images by
standard regularization with 132 boundary angular-averaged measurements and 380 boundary angular-averaged measurements.

(b), (c) and (d), and (e) and (f) in Figure 6, when = 0.1, larization reconstructed images, one can remove them by
there are many blurred dots in the standard regularization using multilevel approach. On the other hand, the sparsity
reconstructed images; we can not identify the distribution regularization can localize the position of the inclusion
domain of the reconstructed scattering coefficient, but the better than standard regularization and has a clear contrast,
value of the scattering coefficient in standard regularization especially in the forward-peaking regime with big anisotropic
reconstruction is much closer to the true value of the factor .
scattering coefficient than that in the sparsity regularization In the third example (Figure 8), three-letter inclusions
reconstruction. However, this advantage is broken when = (a) are put in the domain to evaluate our reconstruction
0.9; see Figure 7.
algorithms; the forward mesh (a) has 1077 nodes and 2072
On the other hand, the proposed sparsity regularization
elements; the reconstruction mesh (b) has 280 nodes and 518
reconstruction performs better when = 0.9 than when
= 0.1 in localizing the position of the inclusions as well elements.
as identifying the value of the scattering coefficient. In Figures 9 and 10, the reconstructions with = 0.1
In conclusion, when the anisotropic factor is small, and 0.9, respectively, are carried out to demonstrate that
the standard regularization can identify the value of the sparsity regularization ((a), (c) in Figures 9 and 10) in general
scattering coefficient better than the sparsity regularization. reconstructs better images than standard regularization ((b),
Although there are some blurred dots in standard regu- (d) in Figures 9 and 10).
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 15

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)







0.5 0 0.5

Figure 11: Meshes for Case 1. (a) is the forward mesh. (b) is the inverse mesh. (c) is the true scattering coefficient distribution.

Comparing (a) and (c) in Figures 9 and 10, respectively, Next, using sparsity regularization reconstruction, we
we find that the proposed sparsity regularization reconstruc- will show the superiority of the internal angular-averaged
tion performed better when the inverse problem is more measurements over the boundary angular-averaged measure-
severely ill-posed due to fewer measurements. ments with two relatively complicated cases. The detectors
In conclusion, efficient algorithm and proper regulariza- for internal angular-average measurements in two cases lie
tion, for example, sparsity regularization reconstruction for on a 0.95-radius circle equidistant from the center at (0 mm,
sparse coefficient distribution, are essential to recover high- 0 mm). Case 1 is shown in the first column in Figures 13
resolution images. On the other hand, we can notice that there and 14; Case 2 is shown in the second column in Figures 13
are blurred dots in the middle of the reconstructed images and 14.
in (a) and (c) in Figures 9 and 10, due to the ill-posedness Figure 11 shows the meshes for Case 1. (a) shows the
of inverse problem. These blurred dots have small contrast forward mesh; it has 1131 nodes and 2160 elements. (b)
and thus can be removed through sparsity regularization shows the inverse mesh; it has 296 nodes and 540 elements.
reconstruction by choosing proper and or, beyond our (c) shows the true distribution of the scattering coefficient.
paper, through multilevel approach [43]. Figure 12 shows the meshes for Case 2. (a) shows the forward
16 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)




0.5 0 0.5

Figure 12: Meshes for Case 2. (a) is the forward mesh. (b) is the inverse mesh. (c) is the true scattering coefficient distribution.

mesh; it has 1347 nodes and 2592 elements. (b) shows the ((d) in Figures 13 and 14) performed relatively better than
inverse mesh; it has 350 nodes and 648 elements. the boundary angular-averaged measurements ((b) in Figures
Comparing (a) and (c) in Figures 13 and 14, we find that, 13 and 14). A justification of this phenomenon is that the
for Case 1, the internal angular-averaged measurements ((c) energy of the incident current is decayed much due to the
in Figures 13 and 14) can localize the position of the outside large and relatively frequently change of the scattering coef-
inclusion, although the internal inclusion is localized blurred ficient of the inclusion. One can alleviate this phenomenon
while the boundary angular-averaged measurements ((a) in by increasing the number of detectors or measurement data.
Figures 13 and 14) can not completely localize any inclusion. In conclusion, the internal data can better-pose the inverse
For the complicated Case 2 ((b) and (d) in Figures 13 problem.
and 14), we increase the measurement data by increasing the As the last simulation, we compute Case 3 in Figure 15
number of detectors to 16, respectively, in order to get more to investigate the performance of split Bregman algorithm
information from the boundary measurements. Both of the for DOT image reconstruction with sparsity regularization.
two kinds of measurements can not accurately identify the The results are compared with Gauss-Newton algorithm [44]
inclusion, but the internal angular-averaged measurements and the state-of-the-art 1 algorithms including GPSR [45]
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 17

2 1 2

0.5 0.5

0 0
0.5 0.5

1 1 1 0.5
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)

2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6

0 0
1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(c) (d)

Figure 13: Sparsity regularization reconstruction when = 0.1. (a) and (c) are reconstructed images for Case 1 with 132 boundary angular-
averaged measurements and 132 internal angular-averaged measurements, respectively. (b) and (d) are reconstructed images for Case 2 with
240 boundary angular-averaged measurements and 240 internal angular-averaged measurements, respectively.

and YALL1 [46]. To deal with the nondifferentiability of the The RE is calculated as
absolute value || at = 0 in Gauss-Newton algorithm, we
true 2
replace || by || = 2 + , > 0. We choose = 1 6 in RE = true , (33)
Gauss-Newton algorithm.
In Case 3, two circle inclusions are embedded at the top and SNR is calculated as

and bottom of the circle domain with 1137 nodes and 2168 ele- signal2
ments for the forward mesh and 298 nodes and 542 elements SNR = 10 log10 . (34)
for the inverse mesh. We use 132 boundary angular-averaged
measurements with 0.1% Gaussian noise for reconstruction. The reconstruction results in Figures 16 and 17 show
The reconstructed images are shown in Figures 16 and 17, and that all of the four algorithms can locate the position of
we summarize the results with = 0.9 in Table 1, containing two inclusions. The split Bregman and GPSR algorithm
the parameters for the four methods, computational time, can achieve more accurate shape of the inclusions, and the
data misfit =1 ( ) 22 () , relative solution error reconstructed scattering coefficients achieved by the two
norm (RE), and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The relatively algorithms are closer to the true value. The Gauss-Newton
optimal parameters are chosen empirically. algorithm can find the approximate location of the inclusions,
18 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

2 1 2

0.5 0.5

0 0
0.5 0.5

1 1 1 0.5
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)

2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6
0 0
1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(c) (d)

Figure 14: The same reconstructions as in Figure 13 but with = 0.9. (a) and (c) are reconstructed images for Case 1 with 132
boundary angular-averaged measurements and 132 internal angular-averaged measurements, respectively. (b) and (d) are reconstructed
images for Case 2 with 240 boundary angular-averaged measurements and 240 internal angular-averaged measurements, respec-

but the reconstructed circle inclusion is smaller in size and the efficiency and quality of the reconstructed optical param-
the reconstructed scattering coefficient departs from actual eters.
The results displayed in Table 1 also demonstrate that the
split Bregman algorithm performs better. It leads to the lowest 5. Conclusion
RE and data misfit with less calculation. The GPSR algorithm In this paper, by using the image modalities in DOT, we
achieves higher SNR at the expense of about 25% extra employ the sparsity regularization method on the RTE-
computational time. The Gauss-Newton algorithm spends based coefficient identification problems, which is proven to
least computational time, but the reconstruction error is not perform in general better than the standard regularization
very satisfactory. reconstruction, especially for sparse distribution coefficient
These results are justified by the fact that the split Breg- and large noise, and in the forward-peaking regime with big
man algorithm decouple the sparsity reconstruction problem anisotropic factor . On the other hand, we construct cases
into 1 and 2 portions leading to a better compromise in and compare the reconstruction results with boundary and
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 19



0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)





1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1

Figure 15: Meshes for Case 3. (a) is the forward mesh. (b) is the inverse mesh. (c) is the true scattering coefficient distribution.

Table 1: Comparison of sparsity reconstructions for Case 3 when = 0.9 with the regularization parameter = 15, is the split parameter
of split Bregman method, represents the tolerance for stopping criterion of YALL1 and GPSR method, and is the control parameter of
Gauss-Newton method.
Algorithms Split Bregman YALL1 GPSR Gauss-Newton
Parameter = 1 06 = 1 8 = 1 8 = 1 04
CPU time (s) 79.426 90.761 101.321 75.197
Data misfit 0.0044 0.0120 0.0046 0.03087
RE 0.1464 0.2252 0.1624 0.2141
SNR 4.9827 4.6311 5.2010 4.3402
20 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

1 2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6

0 0

1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)

1 2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6

0 0

1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(c) (d)

Figure 16: Sparsity regularization reconstruction when = 0.9 with the measurement noise level of 0.1% and 132 boundary angular-averaged
measurements, using four different algorithms. (a)(d) are reconstruction results by the split Bregman, YALL1, GPSR, and Gauss-Newton
algorithm, respectively.

internal measurement to test the validity of the proposed the DOT image reconstruction compared with other existing
method; results show that the proposed method is practicable 1 algorithms.
and feasible; it performs steadily with various measurement
data; meanwhile, the internal measurement can better-pose
the inverse problem and achieve more accurate results. Conflict of Interests
However, we usually cannot obtain the internal measurement
data in practice. Hence, our method cannot reconstruct The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
inclusions with complicated internal structure accurately regarding the publication of this paper.
with small amount of boundary angular-averaged measure-
ments. One can alleviate this phenomenon by increasing the
number of detectors or measurement data. In the further Acknowledgments
work we will consider seeking for multi-imaging modal-
ity which can further improve the inversion quality with The authors would like to express their gratitude to the
boundary angular-averaged measurements. Results show the referees for their careful reading and detailed suggestions,
competitive performance of the split Bregman algorithm for which helped to improve the revised version of this paper.
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 21

1 2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6

0 0

1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) (b)

1 2 1 2

1.8 1.8
0.5 0.5

1.6 1.6

0 0

1.4 1.4

0.5 0.5
1.2 1.2

1 1 1 1
1 0.5 0 0.5 1 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
(c) (d)

Figure 17: Sparsity regularization reconstruction when = 0.1 with the measurement noise level of 0.1% and 132 boundary angular-averaged
measurements, using four different algorithms. (a)(d) are reconstruction results by the split Bregman, YALL1, GPSR, and Gauss-Newton
algorithm, respectively.

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