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com Publishing

Booklet 3
Evolutionism: A Dubious Philosophy built on
A Fragile Theory

1 Publishing

Intelligent Design
Teaching Series on
Dispelling the Myth of Evolutionism

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:

Hosea 4:6

Booklet 3
Evolution: A Fragile Theory

The Eden Factor Publications

Published in 2006
Cornwall Ontario Canada

2 Publishing


John Lounsberry is a man I have not known long. I wish I could claim him as an
old friend but that would offend the term “old”. Nonetheless, we have become friends
and, when he asked me to edit this particular effort of his, I was only too glad to oblige.

After all, I was an Editor, and a Technical Editor at that, until my quite recent
retirement. In my youth, my interest in theology and Biblical studies took me right up to
and including the Master’s level of study. As one cognizant of scientific matters as well
as theological ones, I seem to be, as the saying goes, “ the man for the job.”

And so I proceeded to edit. And all on a voluntary basis. Friendships, plus a lively
interest in the material discussed herein, are reward enough for me. After all, these are
vital issues and we are dealing with a public that, due to the decline of public education
and the growth in mind-numbing entertainment, goes through life more and more in a fog
of misconceptions. Our streets are filled with people who believe in angels but not in
God, think that the Devil may or may not exist but isn’t a serious matter, believe that they
are descended from monkeys, and think that, at death, they automatically go to a heaven
that is what they want it to be.

John, a well-educated and well-traveled man, with a deep personal faith, wants to
do his little bit to shine a little light into the prevailing darkness. I deeply sympathized
and consequently have assisted him in this task.

To you who read this, I ask only two things: an open mind and an open heart.
Give the man a hearing. He has written with you in mind. He has learned marvelous
things and wants to make sure that you also know these things. He has the heart of a true
teacher. All I ask of you is that you have the heart of a true student.

Lawrence Don-Elysyn, Th.M.

Cornwall, ON
March 2006

3 Publishing

Intelligent Design:
A Textbook for
Dispelling the Myth of Evolutionism

I would like to share with you my personal journey of discovery.
I am a man schooled in the applied engineering sciences of technology. The
science of our century has given us longer life as well as knowledge that our grandparents
would be envious of. I make use of invisible forces that were only recently discovered.
Understanding these invisible forces has made a living for me. I pride myself on
understanding how things work.
Then, dramatically, in the year 2000, I was confronted with unquestionable
evidence of a force which science has no explanation for. I realized then that there are
other invisible forces that I simply know nothing about.
I have in me a strong desire to understand how things work. This incident sent me
into a quest to understand the true nature of that force.
The desire to explore has driven mankind to journey across the Atlantic in small
sailing ships in search of new worlds. Christopher Columbus went against the commonly
accepted belief of his day that the world was flat. He undertook a treacherous journey
based on an ancient, and largely neglected, insight that the world was a sphere.
The journey that I invite you on is not treacherous but it does confront the
commonly accepted science of our day.
Let me share with you the truth I have found. These facts are not easily found out
but can be cross-examined by you the reader.
Join me on my journey of discovery. Let me be your guide, your teacher.

In our universe there are invisible forces that shape the laws of our four-
dimensional world. Most people are unaware of these forces and only in the last hundred
years have we been able to detect and measure some of these forces.

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Some forces of nature, such as electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak atomic
forces, are not seen but are always present in our universe.
Consequently, why is it so hard for many to accept that there is a force that
creates order and another that introduces chaos?
It has been clearly proven that mental and physical health is improved in
individuals that have a belief in a supreme creator. They can take their unsolvable
problems to this creator. Unsolved problems become stress. Stress increases stomach acid
and blood pressure. When a mind is preoccupied with unsolvable problems it causes
difficulty sleeping. When prolonged, it creates loss in concentration and memory
problems. This introduces increased difficulty in doing complex tasks.
Many people are not aware that there are scientists who do not accept the
Darwinian theory (life’s chance development). Evolution is the creation-myth of the
atheist. There are estimated to be at least 10,000 practicing scientists in the U.S. alone
who reject chance evolution entirely and accept a more Bible-based account of how we
got here.
I am asking you the reader to give me the opportunity to present the
simple and obvious truths that prove intelligence is behind the great miracle of life.

The question is where did we come from? Who laid its cornerstone? Job: 38:6

5 Publishing

Booklet 3

Evolutionism: A Dubious Philosophy Built on a Fragile Theory

Chapter 1
Evolution: A Fragile Theory: Breeding

Chapter 2
Technological Evolution: Water Craft

Chapter 3
Apes to Humans

Chapter 4
Evolutionist Scams on the Public:

Chapter 5
Modern Man

Chapter 6
The God Gene

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Chapter 1 Evolution: A Fragile Theory: Breeding

We have been taught that man and woman evolved from monkeys over millions
of years, and this is the common view of the evolutionist.
When man started to domesticate animals, they started to breed them to produce
desirable qualities. Pigs were bred to lose their hair and gain weight faster, but in the end
they were still pigs. Horses were bred to be fast and more accepting to human commands,
but again they were still horses. Wolves have been captured and domesticated. Through
human intelligent manipulation of their breeding we have developed diverse breed
varieties. In the end it is still a dog, a domesticated wolf. There have been efforts to have
dogs mate with birds to have an animal that could fly, or with a fish so they could swim
under the water.

These efforts have been unsuccessful. We find the possibilities humorous. There
was no change in species taking place, no evolution. But we seem to accept monkeys
turning into people.

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I personally have a Jack Russell dog. This breed is known for its high energy and
intelligence. They have been used in TV and movies because of their puppy likeness and
All dogs came from wolves. Our Jack Russell is named Pink. That is the name my
daughter calls her because of one pink ear. This dog is the most intelligent animal I have
ever had. Pink can perform numerous tricks and will even say, “I love you" when trying
to secure a treat. She seems to demonstrate sincere affection, and is a loving companion.
This is our Pink driving my boat.

The Jack Russell Terriers originated principally because of the breeding efforts of
Parson John (Jack) Russell of Devonshire, England, around 1819. He was motivated to
develop this particular breed because of his passion for the sport of fox hunting. The early
Jack Russell Terriers were primarily white, about the size of a female fox, and with a
build to enable them to run long and hard as part of the fox hunting pack, to be able to
enter a hole, bark at, and work out a fox.
This dog was intelligently and deliberately bred to enhance desired
characteristics. We do not call this evolution but breeding. We could call it intelligent
linear evolution, which is enhancing characteristics. There is no species change.

Yes, there is evolution or development. We see it all the time in technology.

This is a demonstration of random mutation becoming Intelligent


(This is an intelligent statement we will try to achieve accidentally)


(This is the same letters only reversed)


(This is only with small errors)


(Basically correct but missing some letters)

Only 26 letters; in the DNA coding of life it is trillions of correctly assembled letters.

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Chapter 2 Technological evolution:

The Evolution of Water Craft

1 We began with a simple floating log; then, tied logs together to be more stable. Soon
a pole was used to push this raft; then, a flat piece to paddle it. These were the stages
of the linear evolution of the log into a dugout canoe.

2 Then an intelligent invention such as a sail was added to catch the wind. This made a
log into a boat with a sail. There was a linear evolution from a crude single sail to a
massive three-mast ocean-going clipper.

3 Once again, an intelligent intervention took place as steam engines were perfected
and placed on a ship to power it. This leap of engineering, not evolution, created the
steamship and replaced the sailboat as the most effective method of shipping.

These jumps in technology have happened not through slow evolution but through
intelligent creative development, radically changing the final result.
Illustrations from the book: In the Beginning… by Brian Delf and Richard Platt

9 Publishing

Chapter 3 Apes to Humans

This time we look at humans and apes…


I will start with this a quote from the witty British rabbi, Harvey Belovski, who
asks in Jewish World Review (September 30, 2005): If humans share 90 percent of our
genes with monkeys, what follows? Does it mean that a monkey is 90 percent of a
human? Well, we also share 30 percent of our genes with bananas. Are bananas 30
percent of a human?

Apes presently exist today and are only on the endangered list because of trophy
seekers. Ape fossils can be clearly traced from very early finds indicating no change over
thousands of years.

Australopithecus Africansus was an ape that walked differently from present day
apes assuming upright walking at times. This ape creature is often used as an example of
the evolutionary link to the humans.

Paleontologists have identified many similarities between humans and apes, such
as the same tooth patterns, skeletal features, and even the use of simple tools.

Anthropologists have examined cultural evidence to identify the unique humanoid

characteristics, such as the use of fire, formal burial sights that contain religious and
personal artifacts, and the production of art.

Modern Homo Sapiens replaced, and eliminated the Australopithecus Africansus.

Homo Sapiens hunted in organized groups with constructed weapons, domesticated
animals, created sustainable agriculture, had spiritual beliefs, and created the first cities.
From his book, African Exodus, Christopher Stringer writes. "Before then Homo
Sapiens [not modern Homo Sapiens humans], were simply marking time culturally. For
millennia upon millennia, [they] had been churning out the same forms of stone
utensils…But about 40,000 years ago Modern Homo Sapiens appeared, a perceptible

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shift in handiwork took place, tools leapt in sophistication. The use of ropes, bone spear
points, fishhooks, and harpoons emerge, along with the sudden manifestation of
sculptures, paintings and musical instruments.”

From his book, The Human Career, Richard Klein writes. “The scientific
evidence abundantly demonstrates that prior to the appearance of modern humans, tool
use was crude and stagnant. Only when modern humans appeared does tool use become
advanced, in a dramatic fashion.”

Anthropologically speaking, the striking observation about Modern Homo

Sapiens is the fact that in their burial sites there are clear indications of a belief in an
afterlife or a spiritual world beyond this one. This is a distinct Homo Sapiens
characteristic, not found in any other animal. This higher function is clearly indicated as
resulting from increased brain activity. If there is any characteristic of enhancement in the
Homo Sapiens over the apes, it can be found in the brain.

Religion appears to be a behavior characteristic of the human species, Modern

Homo Sapiens. In order to have religion, one must be capable of abstract thought and
reasoning. Without such abilities, the probability of life after death, or an omnipotent
deity, or deities, could not even be imagined.

The oldest gravesites have been examined, and have found some representative of
a more advanced religious culture very similar to many of the practices people have
today. Almost all of these individuals have been found buried with something, whether it
is tools, flowers, or jewelry.

During the Neolithic Age, which began about 11,000 years ago, the prehistoric
economies of our hunter-gatherer forbearers changed to include domesticated plants and
animals—a shift that revamped subsistence strategies, inspired technological
developments, ended hunting and gathering in many places, altered patterns of
settlement, and rearranged social organizations. These transformations amounted to what
archaeologist V. Gordon Childe in 1936 termed a "Neolithic Revolution," which
profoundly affected human life and made us who we are today. This signaled the rapid
appearance and domination of a new species, Modern Homo Sapiens.

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Chapter 4
Evolutionist scams on the public:
B. Neanderthal Man - This fossil was found in the Neander Valley, near Dusseldorf,
Germany by Johann C. Fuhlrott. This find consisted of the skull and several bones. He is
portrayed as a semi-standing brutish subhuman. Many scientists now believe that he was
a man who suffered from rickets, caused by a deficiency of vitamin D. This condition
usually brings about the result of softening the bones and producing malformation.
“It is now known that the Neanderthal man was fully erect and in most details was
indistinguishable from modern man, his cranial capacity even exceeding that of modern
man. It is said that if he were dressed into business suit, and would walk down one of our
city streets, he would be given no more attention than any other individual. Today he is
classified Homo Sapiens - full human.”
Dr. Duane T. Gish “Evolution, the Fossils Say No” p. 145-46
The prominent professor of anthropology had either misread or misrepresented
the ages of these finds the missing link skull was only 7,500 years old. Professor Protsch
had also dated a woman's skeleton to 21,300 years ago that other sources found only to be
3,300 years old (Bischof-Speyer). Perhaps most notably, the skull of a man who was
supposed to have lived 27,400 years ago was found to date from around 1750 A.D. And,
according to the curator, it still stank, which rather seems to settle the issue.

C. Cro-magnon Man - This find took place in Cro-Magnon, France by Louis

Lartet. It consisted of fragments of four skeletons.

D. Java Man - Also known as Pithecanthropus erectus or the erect ape man. This
find took place in Trinil, Java (East Indies) in 1891, by Eugene Dubois, a Dutch
physician. This find consisted of a single skull cap. This skullcap was very low-vaulted,
(low, sloping forehead) with heavy brow ridges. The cranial capacity was estimated by
Dubois to be about 900 cc. or about two thirds the size of modern man. The fact is
though, that it is virtually impossible to determine the cranial capacity from a skullcap

A year later they found a thigh bone (femur) within 50 feet from where the skull
had been discovered along with two molar teeth. Dubois believed they all belonged
together and dated back about ½ million years! He did not reveal, however, until 31 years
later that he had also found two obviously human skulls at the same time and at the same
level at nearby Wadjak. These cranial capacities were 1550-1650 cc. which was
somewhat larger than the present human average.

Most of the evolutionists of his day were convinced of the validity of this 500
thousand-year old creature. If he had revealed the truth of his complete find, there never
would have been an acceptance that the missing link had been found. But prior to his
death, Dubois sadly concluded that his Java Man was actually the remains of a large
gibbon! Later tests by the French Institute of Human Paleontology (Dr. Boule & Dr.
Vallois) came to the conclusion that the skull cap was that of either a gibbon or

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chimpanzee. The two molar teeth were believed to be from an orang and the premolar
was that of a man.

E. Heidelberg Man - This find took place at Heidelberg, Germany, in 1907, by

Otto Schoetensack. This find consisted of a lower jaw.

F. Piltdown Man - Also known as Eanthropus dawsoni or “Dawn Man.” This

find consisted of a skull and a few teeth. It was discovered in Piltdown, England, in 1912
by Dr. Charles Dawson (a medical doctor and amateur paleontologist) along with the help
of Arthur Smith Woodward (Director of the Natural Museum of London). There were a
few experts (Dr. Boule and Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn) who felt that the association of
this jaw was closer to an ape than a human. Soon the consensus of the world’s greatest
authorities was that there was indeed a genuine link in the evolution of man.

In the 1950's a new method was discovered to determine the age of bones by
measuring the amount of fluoride absorbed by the bone from the soil. It was determined
that there was practically no fluoride in the bone and thus it was not a fossil at all. It was
dated at about 2,000 years old, not 500,000 years old as once believed.

F. Piltdown Man (Contd.) A critical examination was undertaken and it was

discovered that the bones had been treated with iron salts to make them look old and
scratch marks on the teeth proved they had been filed. This forgery had succeeded in
fooling the world’s greatest experts for 50 years in spite of their intense scrutiny.

G. Peking Man - Also known as Sinanthropus pekinensis. This discovery took

place at Choukoutien which is located about twenty-five miles from Peking, China.
During the time period of the 1920's and 1930's, paleontologists unearthed fragments of
about 30 skulls, 11 mandibles (lower jaws) and about 147 teeth. There were also a few
very fragmentary limb bones discovered.

Dr. Davidson Black, Professor of Anatomy at Union Medical College in Peking,

China declared that one of the teeth gave evidence to a manlike creature. They made
claims from the fragments found in both a lower and upper cave. Very little Attention
was given to the fact that fossil remains of ten human individuals of modern type were
discovered at the upper level where the Peking Man fragments were also found.

The fact is that between 1941-1945 that all the material except two teeth
disappeared and has never been recovered. We are therefore left with the descriptions
given by the investigators (all of whom were evolutionists and totally committed to idea
that man evolved from animal ancestry). If the evidence was brought into a court of law
today, it would have to be ruled as hearsay and inadmissable.

It is believed by many notable paleontologists that Sinanthropus consisted of

skulls of either large macaques (large monkeys) or large baboons that had been killed and
eaten by workers at an ancient quarry

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H. Nebraska Man - Also known as Hesperopithecus. This find was exactly one
tooth. It was immediately declared by Dr. H. F. Osborn of the American Museum that
they had found the missing link. He even placed it at the bottom of the tree of man’s
ancestry. Dr. William K. Gregory, curator of the American Museum of Natural History
and professor of paleontology at Columbia University once called it, “The Million Dollar

In 1927 the final conclusion was that it was neither a manlike ape or an apelike
man, but rather an extinct peccary, or pig.

J. East Africa Man - Also known as Zinjanthropus. It was found in 1959 in Olduvai,
Tanzania by Dr. Louis S.B. Leakey. The find consisted of a skull cap and a few bone
fragments. The National Geographic Magazine (who had sponsored the excavation)
sensationalized the story. The find was dated between two to four million years of age
thus making it the oldest “link” every found. Richard Leakey published evidence after his
father’s death that included both the southern ape and East Africa Man were long-armed,
short-legged knuckle-walkers, similar to the extant African apes.

In 1969 Richard Leakey discovered a skull near Lake Rudolph in Kenya, East
Africa. In early 1973, young Leakey gave a lecture in San Diego describing his latest
results. He stated that his convictions that due to the latest finds, we can eliminate
everything we have been taught about human origins.

Dr. Richard Leakey

About the failure of other scientists to follow up on Protsch's misrepresentations over the
years, Frankfurt University's president Rudolf Steinberg has said, "A lot of people looked
the other way" In a similar case, Japanese archaeologist Shinichi Fujimura had made
spectacular finds showing that civilization in Japan was older than previously thought, by
perhaps half a million years. Unfortunately, in November 2000, he was caught burying
items that he would later announce as major finds.

"I was tempted by the devil. I don't know how I can apologize for what I did," Fujimura
has explained to media sources.

14 Publishing

How did the many and diverse creatures of the present come into being? This is a
question that is fundamental in its importance and exceedingly broad in its sweep, and
one that has stimulated searching thoughts and deep emotions. …….
Basically only two kinds of beginnings have been imagined by man. One type,
completely rejected today by the world of science, involves the special creation at a not-
too-remote time in the past of all of the ancestor of the animals and plants of today. These
ancestors are presumed to have resembled closely the organisms of today, and each type
of organism has descended through time, generation following upon generation, with
essentially no change. The second type of beginning involves the concept of organic
evolution (Latin: “an unrolling”): existing animals and plants have developed from
previously existing forms by slow orderly changes which, in general, have produced
more complex organisms from less complex ones.
Direct Quotation from Earth Science University series in Geology Text Book By Richard J.
Ordway 1966
“The theories of evolution, with which our studious youth have been deceived, constitute
actually a dogma that all the world continues to teach: but each, in his specialty, the
zoologist or the botanist, ascertains that none of the explanations furnished is adequate.”
“The theory of evolution is impossible. At base, in spite of appearances, no one any
longer believes in it… Evolution is a kind of dogma which the priests no longer believe,
but which they maintain for their people.” Paul Lemoine 1878-1940 President of France
Geological Society, Director of Paris Natural History Museum.

"The current intelligent design controversy is a struggle within science

between empiricism (what the evidence shows) and naturalism (the belief that no
evidence that shows design can be admitted). … Surely, all the evidence must
support naturalism! Unfortunately, many in science today seem incapable of a
rational discussion of the problem of what happens when the evidence doesn't
support it. Contrary evidence piles up, increasingly strained interpretations are
invoked, the issues are politicized in order to gain time, and dissenters (real or
imagined) are persecuted and suppressed.

From the Book By Design or by Chance BY Denyse O’Leary(P. 243)

15 Publishing

Chapter 5 Modern Man

Contrary to common opinion, there is much evidence that modern man lived at the time
of the hypothetical and very doubtful ape-like ancestors.

“In 1971 Dr. Leaky and his co-workers found three jaw bones, leg bones and more than
400 man-made stone tools. The specimens were dated at 2.6 million years.
Dr. Leakey further described the whole shape of the brain case as remarkably reminiscent
of modern man, lacking the heavy and protruding high eyebrow ridges and thick bones
characteristic of Homo erectus.
These fossils surprisingly show that man’s unique bipedal locomotion was developed at
least 2.5 million years ago.

Here is excellent evidence that modern man, anatomically existed prior to the
Neanderthal man, prior to Homo erectus, prior to Australopithecus (2 – 3 million years
ago long armed, short legged knuckle walker with the brain size of only 500 cc.

One evolutionist recently admitted:

“It may be that we did not evolve from any of the previously known human types, but
descended in a direct line of our own.” Ronald Shiller “Readers Digest” Aug 1973

There is still no evidence to support the assumed evolutionary descent of man

from an ape-like ancestor. Creationists believe that the “missing link” is and will be
permanently missing. There are no intermediate or transitional forms between any of the
other basic kinds of animals in the fossil records.

Archaeological evidence indicates that agriculture developed earliest in the Near

East, specifically in the Zagros, Taurus, and Pontus Mountains of Iraq, Iran, and Turkey,
and on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, the Levant. Most of our archaeological
knowledge of the period during which the transition from hunting and gathering to food
production took place comes from the Levant. Far less is known about the Zagros


This new erectly walking and intelligently thinking Modern Homo Sapiens
quickly became the dominant species. This human being is clearly different from any

16 Publishing

other erect walking creature on the earth. Modern Homo Sapiens humans appear to be so
unique in brain characteristics as to have no lineage to previous creatures on the earth.

The origin of the Modern Homo Sapiens traces back to the Upper Nile and the
Fertile Crescent (Tigris and Euphrates valley). It is interesting how this coincides with the
Genesis location of the place of the creation of Adam and Eve.

Gorilla Brain Human Brain

Present day Neuro-theology indicates that spiritual activity is observable.

Biologically it is detectable as increased brain activity. Dr. Andrew Newburg of the
University of Pennsylvania has been active in this research.

This increased activity of the brain indicates an advanced human brain. Some
individuals have difficulty with the concept of a supreme creator; we can call them
spiritually challenged, having difficulty with this level of awareness. There are
individuals with sight, hearing, taste, and even touch challenges.
Practitioners understand "meditation," or mental training, to be a process of
familiarization with one's own mental life leading to long-lasting changes in cognition
and emotion. Little is known about this process and its impact on the brain. Here we find
that long-term Buddhist practitioners self-induce sustained electroencephalographic high-
amplitude gamma-band oscillations and phase-synchrony during meditation. These
electroencephalogram patterns differ from those of controls, in particular over lateral
frontoparietal electrodes. In addition, the ratio of gamma-band activity (25-42 Hz) to slow
oscillatory activity (4-13 Hz) is initially higher in the resting baseline before meditation
forthe practitioners than the controls over medial frontoparietal electrodes. This
difference increases sharply during meditation over most of the scalp electrodes and
remains higher than the initial baseline in the postmeditation baseline. These data suggest
that mental training involves temporal integrative mechanisms and may induce short-term
and long-term neural changes.
Austin, J. H. (1998) Zen and the Brain: Toward an Understanding of Meditation and
Consciousness (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA).

17 Publishing

Chapter 6 The God Gene

Dr. Dean Hamer was born in Montclair, N.J. He received his B.A. from Trinity
College in Connecticut and received his Ph.D. from Harvard Medical School. He has
worked at the National Institutes of Health for 24 years, where he is currently the Chief
of the Section on Gene Structure and Regulation in the Laboratory of Biochemistry of the
National Cancer Institute.
His research led him to a gene known as VMAT2. Two different versions of this
gene exist, differing only at a single position. People with one version of the gene tend to
score a little higher on self-transcendence tests. Although the influence is small, it is,
Hamer claims, consistent. About half the people in the study had at least one copy of the
self-transcendence-boosting version of VMAT2, which Hamer dubs “the God Gene”.

In this section on the God genes, it can been seen that those with it feel empowered
and those with out it would like to classify the gene (VMAT2) in the defect category.

“A provocative study asks whether religion is a product of evolution”. By Jeffrey Kluger.

When asked true believers of any faith to describe the most important thing that
drives their devotion, and they’ll tell you it’s not a thing at all but a sense, a feeling of a
higher power far beyond us.
Western religions can get a bit more doctrinarian, God has handed us law and
lore, and it’s for us to learn and practice what they teach. For a hell-raising species like
ours, however-with too little discipline to know what to do with too much intelligence for
our own good and too little discipline to know what to do with it.
A new debate has started from the world of sciences and religion. Which came
first, God or the need for God? In other words, did humans create religion from cues sent
from above, or did evolution instill in us a sense of the divine so that we would gather
into the communities essential to keeping the species going?
Some people are more spiritual then others, is it nature or nurture that has made
them so? If science has nothing to do with spirituality and it all flows from God, why do
some people hear the divine word easily whale others remain spiritually tone-deaf?
Even among people who regard spiritual life as wishful hocus-pocus, there is a
growing sense that humans may not be able to survive without it.
Our world is violent and filled with thieving, cheating and murder, some have
accumulated great wealth form their activities with out judgment, from this world!
The debate is, we need a moral cop over seeing our unbridled violent nature.

Molecular biologist Dean Hamer. Chief of gene structure at the U.S. National Cancer Institute

18 Publishing

Now in the recent published book The God Gene; How Faith Is Hardwired into
Our Genes by molecular biologist Dean Hamer. Chief of gene structure at the U.S.
National Cancer Institute, Hamer not only clams that human spirituality is an adapted
trait, but he also says he has located one of the genes responsible, a gene that just happens
to also code for production of the neurotransmitters that regulate our moods.
Our most profound feelings of spirituality, according to a literal reading of
Hamer’s work, may be due to little more than an occasional shot of intoxication brain
chemicals governed by our DNA. “I’m a believer that every thought we think and every
feeling we feel is the result of activity in the brain,” Hamer says. “I think we follow the
basic law of nature, which is that we’re a bunch of chemical reactions running around in
a bag.”
After studying nine candidates’ genes in their DNA samples provided by his
subjects, Hamer quickly hit the jackpot. A variation in a gene known as VMAT2 for
vesicular monoamine transporter- seemed to be directly related to how the volunteers
scored on the self- transcendence test.
Those with the nucleic acid cytosine in one particular spot on the gene ranked
high. Those with the nucleic acid adenine in the same spot ranked lower. “A single
change in a single base in the middle of the gene seemed directly related to the ability to
feel self- transcendence,” Hamer says. Merely having that feeling did not mean those
people would take the next step and translate their transcendence into a belief in- or even
a quest for God. Article from TIME Oct 25,2004 by Jeff Chu,Maggie Seger & Danuiel Williams

This is an unquestionable indication of a genetic difference in the human species

compared to animals. Some humans are deficient or have a low supply of VMAT2 gene.
Those individuals are spiritually challenged and have difficulty comprehending those that
are aware of the spiritual world.

Modern Homo Sapiens is the dominant life form that has built cities, developed
technology, and perceived the spiritual realm.

This is ability that most Modern Homo Sapiens have over any other animal, to
perceive a spiritual presence. There are many different interpretations of these
perceptions. How can this perception be balanced and productive? However, individuals
who have such spiritual perception also require a balanced mind that can handle this
information, and these advanced brains have greatly influenced humanity.

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Can modern society chose to ignore the creative, spiritually inspired works from
individuals such as Michelangelo, as in his inspired depiction of the creation of Adam.
I personally have seen this ceiling fresco in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City.
In the entrance of the Great Dome of St. Peter’s is his life-size statue called the
Pieta. I had seen Michelangelo’s giant statue of David in Florence, but the Pieta captures
real emotion. When I saw the statue, I was not a Christian; it is a “statue” of Mother Mary
holding her son, the dead Jesus, after his crucifixion. My own personal opinion is that this
is the finest statue ever carved in the world and that it came from a brilliant, creative,
highly skilled, and spiritually perceptive man.
We will look for and examine these characteristics in pivotal and inspired
individuals found in the historical records of the ancient Biblical Old Testament.

20 Publishing

Intelligent Design
A textbook for
Dispelling the Evolutionary Myth
Booklet 1

Intelligent Design, Defining the Science

Booklet 2
ID Science facts

Booklet 3
Evolutionism: A Dubious Philosophy Built on a Fragile Theory

Booklet 4
Darwinian Religious Philosophy:
Who was Charles Darwin?

Booklet 5
The Mind of the Atheist

Booklet 6
Time and Age:
Radio Carbon Date

Booklet 7
In-depth study of the Book of Genesis
Based on present day findings.

Booklet 8
Search for the Advanced Brain:
The People of the Book
The Creators Formula

Booklet 9
Extraterrestrial E.T.

21 Publishing

References: used in series of ID booklets

References are also given directly on article quoted
Theodore H. Epp “The God of Creation” p.17,18
Habitable zone. (Ref.: Scientific American, October 2001:
Guillermo Gonzalez, Donald Brownell, and Peter D. Ward.)
(Ref.: Scientific American, July 2000, Ian Crawford.)
(Reference: Biblical Archaeology in Focus by Keith N. Schoville,
Publisher Baker Book House Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1991, pages 173-176)
Gene Meyers, a lead scientist on the Human Genome Project

This research was done by Dr. Michael J. Behe: Molecular Machines Museum
Sir James Gray, professor of geology at Cambridge University.
Dr. H. D. Hedberg “Bulletin of Geological Society of America”April 1961
Dr. O. H. Schindewolf “American Journal of Science”June, 1957
© 2001, American Institute of Biological Sciences. Educators have permission to reprint
articles for classroom use
ICR. Intelligent Design (ID), Research Institute
April, 2006 Acts and Facts Back to Genesis article (#208), Intelligent Design and/or Scientific Creationism.
School ID article front page of Section C of the Charleston, WV Sunday (1-26-03) Gazette-Mail
Morris, Henry M., "The Scientific Case Against Evolution—Part I," (Impact No. 330, December 2000), pp. i-iv.

Morris, Henry M., "The Scientific Case Against Evolution—Part II," (Impact No. 331, January 2001), pp. i-iv.

Scott, Eugenie, "Fighting Talk," New Scientist (vol. 166, April 22, 2000), p.47. Dr. Scott is director of the anti-
creationist organization euphemistically named The National Center for Science Education.

Ericson, Edward L., "Reclaiming the Higher Ground," The Humanist (vol. 60, September/October 2000), p. 30.

Dawkins, Richard, replying to a critique of his faith in the liberal journal, Science and Christian Belief (vol. 7, 1994), p.

Mayr, Ernst, "Darwin's Influence on Modern Thought," Scientific American (vol. 283, July 2000), p. 83.

Todd, Scott C., "A View from Kansas on the Evolution Debates," Nature (vol. 401. September 30, 1999), p. 423.

Ruse, Michael, "Saving Darwinism from the Darwinians," National Post (May 13, 2000), p. B-3.

Rifkin, Jeremy, "Reinventing Nature," The Humanist (vol. 58, March/April 1998), p. 24.

Lewontin, Richard, Review of The Demon-Haunted World, by Carl Sagan. In New York Review of Books, January 9,

Bowler, Peter J., Review of In Search of Deep Time by Henry Gee (Free Press, 1999), American Scientist (vol. 88,
March/April 2000), p. 169.

Singham, Mark, "Teaching and Propaganda," Physics Today (vol. 53, June 2000), p. 54.

Provine, Will, "No Free Will," in Catching Up with the Vision, Ed. by Margaret W. Rossiter (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1999), p. S123.

Appleyard, Bryan, "You Asked for It," New Scientist (vol. 166, April 22, 2000), p. 45.

Morris, Henry M., The Long War Against God (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1989), 344 pp.

Huxley, Julian, Essays of a Humanist (New York: Harper and `Row, 1964),p. 125.


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