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Etiology: Meningitis usually results from a viral


BP 90/50, HR98, Temp 102.4, RR22, O2Sat 99% on room infection, but the cause may also be a bacterial
experienced a low-grade fever of
air. Ht- 105 cm in Wt-17kg Head FOC: 51cm infection. Less commonly, a fungal infection may
100 F (37.8 C, oral), cough, runny
General Appearance: Patient is somnolent. Recognizes cause meningitis. Because bacterial infections are the
nose, decreased appetite, and
and names the family members around her. She knows most serious and can be life-threatening, identifying
fever. She was seen by her local
that she is in the hospital. Meningeal signs: positive the source of the infection is an important part of
physician and treated with
Brudzinski sign, negative Kernig sign. Facial musculature developing a treatment plan
is symmetric, tongue is midline, and speech is azithromycin for otitis media of the
understandable. Motor exam: moves all extremities. right ear. Mother reports that the
Sensory exam: wakes in response to tactile stimuli. medication caused a rash and that Incidence:
Cerebellar exam: finger-to-nose movements normal, she stopped the medication. Most cases of meningitis in the U.S. are caused by a
with no past pointing. Romberg test not performed. Mother noted that she was viral infection, but bacterial and fungal infections also
DTRs 2+ and symmetric in all extremities, no clonus; toes irritable. No reported rash, can lead to meningitis. Depending on the cause of
downgoing. Gait not observed. vomiting, or diarrhea. Appetite has the infection, meningitis can get better on its own in
Skin- Skin is warm to touch; without rashes, been slightly decreased. She rubs a couple of weeks or it can be a life-threatening
neurocutaneous stigmata, or dysmorphic features. Lips her forehead, saying that the light emergency requiring urgent antibiotic treatment
dry. hurts her eyes and loud noises
HEENT- Atraumatic, normocephalic cranium. Pupils
make her headache worse. She
equal and react to light and accommodation. Extraocular
complains of a worsening
movements are intact with a conjugate gaze, with no Pathophysiology:
nystagmus. Visual fields appear full to confrontation. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes
Funduscopic exam reveals optic discs with clear margins,
(meninges) surrounding your brain and spinal
and spontaneous venous pulsations are present. Ears:
Tympanic membranes visualized with positive light
reflex; orophyanx without erythema, exudate, or Patient reports that she feels like slow-growing organisms invade the membranes
swelling. Buccal membranes sticky to touch. Lips dry. her "head is big." The light hurts her and fluid surrounding your brain
Thorax- eyes; she complains that it hurts to
Lungs- Lungs with symmetrical excursion; clear, without bacteria enter the bloodstream
turn her head from side to side. No
rales, rhonchi, wheezing. Respiratory rate is increased. migrate to the brain and spinal cord.
Heart- Heart rate is regular; no murmurs, rubs, or complaints of problems with ears,
gallops. Capillary refill less than 2 seconds. Extremities nose, or throat. Recent ear infection But it can also occur when bacteria directly
warm invade the meninges,
Abdomen- Abdomen soft, with no guarding or MEDICAL-SURGICAL MANAGEMENT:
tenderness or distension; normoactive bowel sounds
Admit, blood cultures, labs, urinalysis, urine
auscultated in all four quadrants
Genitals-No issues, per mother.
culture and sensitvity, droplet isolation, CT
Trunk/Spine- scan, lumbar puncture, IV fluids, fever, IV MEDICATIONS :
Extremities- Overall appearance is of a slender, normal- cefoTAXime Droplet isolation, neurology Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Injection
height preschool child. Moves all extremities. DTRs 2+ consult, seizure precautions Cefotaxime Injection - (Claforan) [ELECTOLYTE]
and symmetric in all extremities, no clonus; toes management. Dextrose 5% in 0.45% Sodium Chloride with [IV
downgoing. Gait not observed FLUIDS]
Potassium Chloride 20 mEq/1000 mL (D5 1/2NS
with 20 mEq KCL/1000 mL) [IV FLUIDS]
Acetaminophen Rectal Suppository - (Tylenol,
Ibuprofen Tablet - (Advil, Motrin, Motrin IB) PRN
CT scan normal. Lumbar puncture done in
emergency department; results pending.
Blood cultures done in emergency
department; results pending
Emergency Department Laboratory Results
DAY/TIME Fri 1340
HEMATOLOGY White Blood Cell Count 11,600
Red Blood Cell Count 4.78
Hemoglobin 12.6
Hematocrit 39
Mean Corpuscular Volume 82
Platelets 198,000
DIFF: Neutrophil Segs 6308
DIFF: Neutrophil Bands 812
DIFF: Lymphocytes 4200
DIFF: Monocytes 180
DIFF: Eosinophils 100
DIFF: Basophils 0
Reticulocytes 1.0
Glucose 114
Sodium 137
Potassium 4.6
Chloride 103
Carbon Dioxide 25
Creatinine 0.41
Blood Urea Nitrogen 16
Uric Acid
Calcium 9.4
Bilirubin (Total) 0.6
Protein (Total) 6.3
Albumin 4.2
Alkaline Phosphatase 280
Alanine Aminotransferase
(Formerly Serum Glutamicpyruvic
Aspartate Aminotransferase
(Formerly Serum Glutamic-
Oxaloacetic Tranasminase)
Color Yellow
Nursing Diagnosis #1: Nursing Diagnosis #2: Priority Nursing Diagnosis #3:
. Impaired Social Interaction related Risk for Injury related to infection of Risk for infection r/t
to decreased level of cerebrospinal fluid and potential immunosuppression AEB
consciousness, hospitalization, and sequelae

Nursing Goals: Nursing Goals: The child will not Nursing Goals: Patient will be able to
The childs social interaction will be develop cerebral edema as a result of control infection with management
near normal despite isolation.
water retention.

Nursing Interventions with Nursing Interventions with

Nursing Interventions with rationale
rationale#2: rationale#3:
1.Educate parents and other visitors to 1.Monitor blood gas analysis of 1. Monitor laboratory results, especially
use proper infection control techniques. oxygen delivery when needed. R: complete blood count, white blood cell
R:Family members help fulfill the The possibility of acidosis may lead count (WBC), differential and absolute
emotional and social needs of the ill and neutrophils. Abnormal results provide
to ischemic cerebral.
contagious child. data that provide a basis for early
2.Encourage parents to help with daily 2.Give intravenous fluids with strict
detection of infection.2. Teach
activities such as feeding and bathing. R: attention. R: Minimizing the burden measures for prevention of infection,
Parents have a sense of control and a of vascular and fluctuations in such as avoiding crows and not
feeling that they are doing something to intracranial pressure cleaning fish tanks or litter boxes. These
enhance the childs recovery
3.Help the patient to limit vomiting, are high-risk sources of infection.3.
3. Have age-appropriate games and toys
in the room. R: sensory stimulation helps coughing. Instruct patient to exhale Teach the importance of compliance to
the child achieve a sense of well-being when moving or turning in bed. R: the medication/treatment regimen.
4.Play with the child. When the child is can increase intracranial pressure Compliance with the treatment and
feeling better R: involvement in the 4. Monitor vital signs such as BP, medications are important to prevent
childs care provides the child with a
pulse, temperature, respiration, and illness.4. Monitor respiratory, urinary,
sense of security mucosa and skin systems. Changes in
5. Encourage watching caution in systolic hypertension .R:
these systems are often a basis for early
television/videotape or listening to the autoregulation to maintain a state
detection of infection. 5. Practice
radio/audiotape. R: Providing the child of altered systemic blood pressure proper hand-washing and use aseptic
with toys and games as well as sensory fluctuations.
stimulation helps the child achieve a
technique when providing care. Hand
5. Monitor signs of neurological washing is the single most effective
sense of well-being
status R:To reduce further brain intervention to decrease the risk of
damage. Infection.

Evaluation#1: Goal met The childs Evaluation: Goal met, loss and no Evaluation: Goal met. Patient is able to
social and developmental needs are met signs of increased intracranial pressure. manage infection with treatment given.
by family members despite the childs
illness and hospitalization.

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