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Form Three English NAME:_Pujance Chan__ F.

_3J_ ( 3 )
Vocabulary Unit _6_ (# _1__ - _10_) DATE:_7_/_12_/2_09_ CYCLE_7B_

Word: achievable [uh-cheev-a-bo ] POS: adjective

Meaning: can bring to a successful end

D.S.: He said that if you do want to change something, you should set an achievable goal and
keep track of your progress until you reach it.
O.S: Sometimes your dreams may not be achievable; you have to make them come true with
extra effort.

Word: adolescent [ad-l-es-uh nt ] POS: adjective

Meaning: growing to manhood or womanhood; youthful.

D.S.: The adolescent years are filled with changes.

O.S: Adolescent is a time of confusion and challenges.

Word: boost [ boost ] POS: verb

Meaning: to increase; raise

D.S.: These things all help boost self-esteem.

O.S: The shop owners boosted the prizes of their goods by the start of the holidays.

Word: compile [kuh m-pahyl] POS:verb

Meaning: to put together (documents, selections, or other materials) in
one book or work.

D.S.: Your class is going to compile a list of guidelines for a healthier lifestyle.

O.S: I compiled the information on the internet to write my essay.

Word: complexion [kuh m-plek-shuh n ] POS: noun

Meaning: the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, esp. of the
D.S.: Perhaps people tease you about your complexion.
O.S: He had an attractive complexion.


Word: Concerned with [kuh n-surnd with] POS: adjective,

_6_ preposition
Meaning: having a connection or involvement; participating

D.S.: Girls usually aren’t concerned with losing weight unless they are overweight.

O.S: This problem is concerned with the safety of every resident.

Word: Coach potato [kohch puh-tey-toh] POS: noun

Meaning: a person who spends most of his or her free time sitting or lying on a
D.S.: Are you a couch potato?

O.S: You couch potatos won’t even get your eyes off the TV screen for one second!

Word: Emphasize [em-fuh-sahyz] POS: verb

Meaning: to give emphasis to; lay stress upon; stress: to emphasize a

D.S.: They emphasize appearance, and try to make you feel bad if you do not match their
O.S: She emphasized on the advantages of her proposal during the meeting.

Word: Envy [en-vee ] POS: verb

Meaning: to regard with envy; be envious of:

D.S.: Many teens wish they were like their idols, but it’s pointless to envy these celebrities.

O.S: The queen envied Snow White’s beauty and made a plan to harm her.

Word: Idiot [id-ee-uh t] POS: noun

_ Meaning: an utterly foolish or senseless person.

D.S.: Mostly, I keep quiet and try not to look like an idiot.

O.S: Don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot. I know much more than you think I do.


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