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Question 1

Which sentence best describes why Olympe de Gouges was executed?

For writing the Declaration of the Rights of Woman

For conspiring with migr aristocrats in Belgium

For suggesting that the French people had the right to choose their form of government

For her defense of Louis XVI

Question 2

What is an assignat?

The French word for lawyer

A form of paper currency that fluctuated greatly in value

A contract allowing a merchant to trade in a specific commodity

A former noble estate re-assigned for use by a regular citizen

Question 3

Pierre de Kolly was a fermier gnral (p 135). What did this mean?

He had a franchise to collect taxes under the old monarchy

He had a right to sit in the National Convention

He had been given the right to collect rent from an estate seized from a nobleman

He had been a wealthy peasant, free from any specific duties or services

Question 4

What was the Conciergerie?

The place where guests at a hotel go for assistance

The French equivalent of a doorman

A prison that held those waiting to be guillotined

A former royal greenhouse taken over by a Jacobin club

Question 5

Which sentence best describes the conduct of justice under the Terror, as generalized from the
cases you have read about?

Secret police planted fabricated evidence to target enemies of the ruling circle

Denunciations or intercepted letters could often land unsuspecting individuals in prisonor


Accused criminals were tried under laws that, while harsh, were always fairly enforced

The Terror almost exclusively targeted overt counter-revolutionaries

Question 6

Which sentence best describes Gracchus Babeufs politics?

He was a consistent Thermidorian, welcoming the rollback of Jacobin radicalism

He was a theoretician of socialism, though unconcerned with putting it into practice

He recognized the faults of the Directory and threw his support behind Napoleon

He became radicalized, plotting to lead a working-mans republican revolution

Question 7

Where was Jacob Walter from?




Question 8

Which sentence best describes Walters attitude toward being a soldier?

He was a fervent republican patriot, eager to spread liberty to the east

He was a German nationalist who chafed under French hegemony

He was an adventurer trying to escape dull hometown life

He was more or less apolitical and mainly concerned with survival

Question 9

How were Napoleonic foot soldiers supposed to feed themselves on campaign?

They were simply instructed to plunder and steal from the local population

They received some food directly and bought the rest in local markets if they could

They were paid regularly in the expectation that they would buy all their own food

Long provisions trains provided all needed food and equipment

Question 10

Which of these reasons does Walter NOT give for the poverty of Brandenburg (pp. 17-18)?

The climate was too cold

The soil was not very good

Burdens of service to the nobility were too high

People were undereducated in matters of religion

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