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1.0 Ground water level at top of wall

Surcharge q kN/m2


Ws1 water level


water level F1

W2 Ws2



Ws3 W3

q K0 K 0 ( s w ) H w H
w H K p ( s w ) H TOE
700 300 1700
Materail Properties
Concrete strength fc = 25 N/mm2
Steel strength fy = 390 N/mm2
Covering = 40 mm
Concrete density = 24 kN/m3

Soil and water Properties

Soil density gs = 19 kN/m3
Water density gw = 10 kN/m3
Angle of internal friction = 30 Degree
Coefficient of static friction = 0.5
Soil bearing capacity = 150 kN/m2
active earth presure Ka = (1-sin )/(1+sin )
= 0.33
rest earth presure Ko = (1-sin )
= 0.5
passive earth pressure Kp = (1+sin )/(1-sin )
= 3

Input Loading
Surcharge loading = 10 kN/m2
Factor for Dead Load = 1.2 ACI 318 - 9.2

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Factor for Live Load = 1.6 ACI 318 - 9.2

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Vertical Force (consider retaining wall 1 meter)

Wq = 10 x 1.7
= 17 kN
Wq arm = ( 700 + 300 + 1700/2) / 1000
= 1.85 m
W1 = 24 x (0 x 0.3)
= 0 kN
W1 arm = (700 + 300/2)/1000
= 0.85 m
W2 = (24 - 10)x(3300 - 300)/1000 x 300/1000
= 12.6 kN
W2 arm = (700 + 300/2)/1000
= 0.85 m
W3 = (24 - 10) x 2700/1000 x300/1000
= 11.34 kN
W3 arm = 2700/2/1000
= 1.35 m
Ws1 = 19 x 0 x 1700 /10^6
= 0 kN
Ws1 arm = (700 + 300 + 1700/2)/1000
= 1.85 m
Ws2 = (19) x (3300 - 300)/1000 x1700/1000
= 96.9 kN
Ws2 arm = (700 + 300 + 1700/2)/1000
= 1.85 m
Ws3 = (19) x (1200/1000 x 700/1000)
= 15.96 kN
Ws3 arm = 700/2/1000
= 0.35 m

Horizontal Force (consider retaining wall 1 meter)

F1 = q x Ko x H
= 10 x 0.5 x 3.3
= 16.5 kN
Moment arm for F1 = 3300/2/1000
= 1.65 m
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F2 = 1/2 Ko(gs - gw)H2

= 1/2 x 0.5 x (19 - 10) x 3.3 ^2
= 24.5 kN
Moment arm for F2 = 3300/3/1000
= 1.1 m
F3 = 1/2 gw H2
= 1/2 x 10 x 3.3^2
= 54.45 kN
Moment arm for F3 = 3300/3/1000
= 1.1 m
P1 = 1/2 Kp(gs - gw) H2
= 1/2 x3 x(19 - 10) x 2^2
= 54 kN
Moment arm for P1 = 2000/3/1000
= 0.667 m
P2 = 1/2 gw H2
= 1/2 x 10 x 2^2
= 20.00 kN
Moment arm for P2 = 2000/3/1000
= 0.667 m

Vertical Force

Type of Load Force Lever arm Moment about Toe gf Fult Mult
Wq 17 1.85 31.45 1.6 27.20 50.32
W1 0 0.85 0.00 1.2 0.00 0.00
W2 12.6 0.85 10.71 1.2 15.12 12.85
W3 11.34 1.35 15.31 1.2 13.61 18.37
Ws1 0 1.85 0.00 1.2 0.00 0.00
Ws2 96.9 1.85 179.27 1.2 116.28 215.12
Ws3 15.96 0.35 5.59 1.2 19.15 6.70
Total 153.8 242.32 191.36 303.36

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Horizontal Force (overturning)

Type of Load Force Lever arm Moment about Toe gf Fult Mult
F1 16.50 1.65 27.23 1.6 26.40 43.56
F2 24.50 1.10 26.95 1.2 29.40 32.34
F3 54.45 1.10 59.90 1.2 65.34 71.87
Total 95.45 114.07 121.14 147.78

Horizontal Force (resistance overturning)

Type of Load Force Lever arm Moment about Toe gf Fult Mult
P1 54.00 0.67 36.00 1.2 64.80 43.20
P2 20.00 0.67 13.33 1.2 24.00 16.00
Fiction 76.90 0.00 0.00 1.2 92.28 0.00
Total 150.90 49.33 181.08 59.20

Check Sliding

Passive Force 150.90 = 1.581 > 1.5 OK

Active Force 95.45

Check Overturning

Resistance Moment 242.3 + 49.33 = 2.56 > 1.5 OK

Overturning Moment 114.07

Ground Bearing

P My =
P 6M
A I L L2
= 153.8 6 x(114.07 - 49.33)
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2.7 2.7 x 2.7

= 56.96 53.28
= 110.25 kN/m2 < 150 OK
= 3.68 kN/m 2

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At wall( Ultimate Load)

shear = 121.14 - 64.8 - 24

= 32.34 kN

Moment = 147.78 - 59.2

= 88.58 kN-m

At slab(Ultimate Load)

P 6M = 191.36 6x(147.78 - 59.2)

L L2 2.7 2.7 x 2.7
= 70.87 72.90
= 143.78 kN
= -2.03 kN

1700 Shear
q1 = 51.97 x 1.7
= 88.35 kN
q2 = 1/2 x (143.78 - 51.97) x 1.7
-2.03 kN = 78.03 kN
52 kN q2 143.78 kN qT = 88.35 + 78.03
= 166.39 kN

m1 = 88.35 x 0.85
= 75.10 kN-m
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m2 = 78.03 x 1.133
= 88.44 kN-m
mT = 75.1 x 88.44
= 163.54 kN-m

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2.0 Ground water level below base of wall

Surcharge q kN/m2




P1 Ws2


K p s H q K0 K0 s H
700 300 1700
Vertical Force (consider retaining wall 1 meter)

Wq = 10 x 1.7
= 17 kN
Wq arm = ( 700 + 300 + 1700/2) / 1000
= 1.85 m
W1 = 24 x (3300 - 300)/1000 x 300/1000
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= 21.6 kN
W1 arm = (700 + 300/2)/1000
= 0.85 m
W2 = 24 x (300/1000 x 2700/1000)
= 19.44 kN
W2 arm = 2700/2/1000
= 1.35 m
Ws1 = 19 x (3300 - 300)/1000 x 1700/1000
= 96.9 kN
Ws1 arm = (700 + 300 + 1700/2 )/1000
= 1.85 m
Ws2 = 19 x (700/1000 x 1200/1000)
= 15.96 kN
Ws2 arm = 700/2/1000
= 0.35 m

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Horizontal Force (consider retaining wall 1 meter)

F1 = q Ko H
= 10 x 0.5 x 3.3
= 16.5 kN
Moment arm for F1 = 3300/2/1000
= 1.65 m
F2 = 1/2 K0 gs H2
= 1/2 x 0.5 x 19 x 3.3^2
= 51.73 kN
Moment arm for F2 = 3300/3/1000
= 1.1 m
P1 = 1/2 Kp gs H2
= 1/2 x 3 x 19 x 2^2
= 114.0 kN
Moment arm for P1 = 2000/3/1000
= 0.667 m

Vertical Force

Type of Load Force Lever arm Moment about Toe gf Fult Mult
Wq 17 1.85 31.45 1.6 27.20 50.32
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W1 21.6 0.85 18.36 1.2 25.92 22.03

W2 19.44 1.35 26.24 1.2 23.33 31.49
Ws1 96.90 1.85 179.27 1.2 116.28 215.12
Ws2 15.96 0.35 5.59 1.2 19.15 6.70
Total 170.9 260.91 211.88 325.67

Horizontal Force (overturning)

Type of Load Force Lever arm Moment about Toe gf Fult Mult
F1 16.50 1.65 27.23 1.6 26.40 43.56
F2 51.73 1.10 56.90 1.2 62.07 68.28
Total 68.23 84.13 88.47 111.84
Horizontal Force (resistance overturning)

Type of Load Force Lever arm Moment about Toe gf Fult Mult
P1 114.00 0.67 76.00 1.2 136.80 91.20
Fiction 85.45 0.00 0.00 1.2 102.54 0.00
Total 199.45 76.00 239.34 91.20

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Check Sliding

Passive Force 199.45 = 2.923 > 1.5 OK

Active Force 68.23

Check Overturning

Resistance Moment 260.91 + 76.00 = 4.00 > 1.5 OK

Overturning Moment 84.13

Ground Bearing

P My =
P 6M
A I L L2
= 170.9 6 x (84.13 - 76)
2.7 2.7 x 2.7

= 63.30 6.687
= 69.98 kN/m2 < 150 OK
= 56.61 kN/m 2

Project Job No.

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At wall( Ultimate Load)

shear = 88.47 - 136.8

= -48.33 kN

Moment = 111.84 - 91.2

= 20.64 kN-m

At slab(Ultimate Load)

P 6M
= 211.88 6 x(111.84 - 91.2)
L L2
2.7 2.7 x 2.7
= 78.47407 16.99
= 95.46 kN
= 61.49 kN

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61.49 kN 95.46 kN
74.07 kN

q1 = 74.07 x 1.7
= 125.9187 kN
q2 = 1/2 x (95.46 - 74.07)x1.7
= 18.18 kN
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qT = 125.92 + 18.18
= 144.10 kN

m1 = 125.92 x 0.85
= 107.03 kN-m
m2 = 18.18 x 1700 2/3/1000
= 20.61 kN-m
mT = 107.03 + 20.61
= 127.64 kN-m

Consider Force for Design Retaining Wall

at Wall

shear = 32.34 kN
moment = 88.58 kN-m

at slab

shear = 166.39 kN
moment = 163.54 kN-m

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Wall design

fc = 25 N/mm2
fy = 390 N/mm2
Covering = 40 mm
Wall depth = 300 mm
Ultimate Moment = 88.58 kN-m
Effective Depth d = 260 mm
Use = 0.9
b1 = 0.85
Ru = M/ f / bd2
= 88.58 x 10^6 / 0.9 / 1000 / 260 ^2
= 1.456 N/mm2
r = 0.85fc' /fy (1-sqr(1-2Ru/0.85/fc'))
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= 0.85 x 25 / 390 (1-sqr(1-2 x 1.456 / 0.85 /25 ))

= 0.003871
Check 0.75rb = 0.75(0.85 b1 fc' / fy) (600/(600+fy))
= 0.75 (0.85 x 0.85 x 25 / 390)( 600/(600+390 ))
= 0.02105 > 0.003871 OK
Check 0.0018 t/d = 0.0018 x 300 / 260
= 0.002077
Use r = 0.003871
Mail steel area = 0.003871 x 1000 x 260
= 1006.46 mm2 Use DB 16 @ 150
( As = 1340.41 mm2 OK )
Temperature steel = 0.0020 x 1000 x 300
= 600 mm2 Use DB 12 @ 150
( As = 753.98 mm2 OK )
Check concrete shear stress

Ultimate shear force = 32.34 kN-m

Max.horizontal shear force = 32.34 x 1000 /( 1000 x 260)
= 0.124 N/mm2
Check Vc = 0.75 / 3 x 25^0.5
= 1.250 N/mm2
OK Shear reinforcements are not required

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Slab design

fc = 25 N/mm2
fy = 390 N/mm2
Covering = 40 mm
Wall depth = 300 mm
Ultimate Moment = 163.5 kN-m
Effective Depth d = 260 mm
Use = 0.9
b1 = 0.85
Ru = M/ f / bd2
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= 163.54 x 10^6 / 0.9 / 1000 / 260 ^2

= 2.688 N/mm2
r = 0.85fc' /fy (1-sqr(1-2Ru/0.85/fc'))
= 0.85 x 25 / 390 (1-sqr(1-2 x 2.688 / 0.85 /25 ))
= 0.007394
Check 0.75rb = 0.75(0.85 b1 fc' / fy) (600/(600+fy))
= 0.75 (0.85 x 0.85 x 25 / 390)( 600/(600+390 ))
= 0.02105 > 0.007394 OK
Check 0.0018 t/d = 0.0018 x 300 / 260
= 0.002077
Use r = 0.007394
Mail steel area = 0.007394 x 1000 x 260
= 1922.44 mm2 Use DB 20 @ 150
( As = 2094.39 mm2 OK )
Temperature steel = 0.0020 x 1000 x 300
= 600 mm2 Use DB 12 @ 150
( As = 753.98 mm2 OK )
Check concrete shear stress

Ultimate shear force = 166.39 kN-m

Max.horizontal shear force = 166.39 x 1000 /( 1000 x 260)
= 0.640 N/mm2
Check Vc = 0.75 / 3 x 25^0.5
= 1.250 N/mm2
OK Shear reinforcements are not required

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Project Job No.

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1800 Max

DB 12 @ 150

0 DB 16 @ 150

700 DB 12 @ 150
DB 20 @ 150

DB 20 @ 150

300 2700

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