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Analysis of Reading Literacy in out-of-class Teaching Learning

Ahmad Azka Prasetyo
University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
Purwokerto, Indonesia.

A. Introduction
The law ministry of education of Republic of Indonesia Number 23 Year of 2015 regarding
reading literacy in school, the ministry has realized the importance of the character growth of
learners through reading policy for 15 minutes before the lesson begins. But to succeed this
great plan, cannot be instant and temporary. That will be built is a habit, it takes a habituation
that must be continuously done from an early age and for that consistency is needed. All the
element should aware about this program not only government but school and parents of
students also. In fact, nowadays students only focus on their social media rather than books or
any other lesson in their school. Based on reading index in the world, Indonesia has 2nd rank
from bottom in total of 28 country about reading habits. (Countries Ranked by 4th Grade
Reading Achievement: Narrative Score). Indeed, reading habit is not easy to grow in this era,
given the current era of technological sophistication, the interest of children more to the
mediation than to the book, then the time more children spent in front of the television than to
read. Reading and writing habits should continue to be grown in schools as academic world,
given the current government has issued a rule that teachers who will be promoted should
produce written papers. Keep unscrupulous ways as educators through plagiarism culture or
subcontract the making of writing on the part of the seller of writing services that rampant
advertising in various online media. By having the skills to write, then the teacher will save
expenses in making the paper and more have confidence and maintain the dignity and dignity.

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