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Seminars in Oncology Nursing, Vol 31, No 3 (August), 2015: pp 197-205 197


OBJECTIVES: To discuss recent and current initiatives to increase enrollment of

adolescents and young adult (AYA) cancer patients onto National Cancer
Institute-funded clinical trials to improve outcomes.
DATA SOURCES: Peer-reviewed publications, websites of professional
CONCLUSION: Despite many challenges facing AYAs, recent studies illustrate
that AYA-focused cancer clinical trials can be successfully developed and
conducted. Development of the National Cancer Institute National Clinical
Trials Network and related AYA-focused initiatives create new opportunities
to expand clinical trials that serve AYAs.
IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Nurses can influence AYA outcomes by
leveraging their roles as educators and collaborators to increase participation
in cancer clinical trials.
KEY WORDS: Adolescent and young adult, AYA, cancer, clinical trials

Aaron R. Weiss, DO, Assistant Clinical Professor of diatrics and Medicine, Childrens Center for Cancer
Pediatrics, Maine Childrens Cancer Program, Divi- and Blood Disorders, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
sion of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Maine Medical and Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern
Center, Portland, ME. Brandon Hayes-Lattin, MD, California, Los Angeles, CA.
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematolo- Supported in part by the Childrens Oncology Group
gy and Medical Oncology, Knight Cancer Institute, Or- grant U10 CA180886 (A.R.W.) and U10 CA98543
egon Health and Science University, Portland, OR. (D.R.F.), the Aflac Foundation (D.R.F.), Sigma Tau
Matthew A. Kutny, MD, Assistant Professor of Pe- (W.S.), and Southwest Oncology Group grant
diatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Division of CA180888 (B.H.L.).
Hematology-Oncology, University of Alabama at Bir- Address correspondence to David R. Freyer, DO,
mingham, Birmingham, AL. Wendy Stock MD, Profes- MS, Childrens Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases,
sor of Medicine, University of Chicago Department of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, 4650 Sunset Blvd,
Medicine, Section of Hematology Oncology and Uni- Mail Code 54, Los Angeles, CA 90027-6016. e-mail:
versity of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chi-
cago, IL. Kristin Stegenga, PhD, RN, CPON, Nurse 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Researcher, Childrens Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, 0749-2081/3103-$36.00/0.
MO. David R. Freyer, DO, MS, Professor of Clinical Pe-

ancer occurring in adolescents and an effort to increase participation in NCI-funded
young adults (AYA; defined by the clinical trials and improve outcomes for AYAs
United States National Cancer Institute with cancer. Table 1 provides a list of acronyms
[NCI] as 15 to 39 years of age),1 is most used in this article.
often lymphoma, leukemia, central nervous sys-
tem tumor, melanoma, thyroid cancer, germ cell
tumor, or bone or soft tissue sarcoma.2 However, THE AYA POPULATION IN COOPERATIVE GROUP
this age group is also remarkable for its susceptibil- TRIALS: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE
ity to malignancies more commonly seen in
younger or older patients, such as neuroblastoma3 The Childrens Oncology Group (COG) is the
and breast cancer.4 This spectrum of diseases, worlds largest pediatric cancer consortium and
spanning as it does the age limits delineating the was formed in 2000 through merging four se-
disciplines of pediatric and medical oncology, as parate, smaller cooperative groups (Pediatric
well as age-specific differences in tumor biology Oncology Group, Childrens Cancer Group, Na-
observed for some common AYA cancers,5 poses tional Wilms Tumor Study Group, and Intergroup
unique challenges for the treatment and study of Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group). As many as
cancer and cancer-related issues in this 90% of the approximately 13,500 children and ad-
population. olescents newly diagnosed with cancer in the
Over a period of nearly 30 years, consistently United States each year are treated at COG mem-
lower average annual improvement in 5-year sur- ber institutions.11,20 It is estimated that up to 70%
vival has been documented for AYAs compared of newly diagnosed children with cancer are
with younger and older age groups.6 The explanation enrolled onto clinical trials when available.21
for these disparities is thought to be multifactorial. Over the past 50 years, the successful conduct of
In addition to poorer tolerance of intensive therapy,7 sequential studies by the COG and its legacy
lower levels of treatment adherence,8 difficult groups, made possible in part by this consistently
geographical access to optimal therapy,9 and lack high level of enrollment, is considered the most
of insurance,9 the markedly inferior participation important factor in achieving the current com-
of AYAs in clinical oncology trials is suspected to bined survival of over 80% for childhood cancer.20
be one of the most important factors contributing However, differences in enrollment exist by age.
to the lower survival improvement.10,11 Although a In a population-based study of data from the Sur-
causal relationship between low clinical enrollment veillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)
and poorer survival improvement in AYAs is difficult Program and COG over the time interval 1992 to
to prove, their correlation is strong.11 Further, sur- 1997, registration of newly diagnosed patients
vival improvements have been demonstrated when with COG was highest for children <5 years of
AYA patients with common pediatric malignancies age, between 5 and 9 years, and between 10 and
are treated through clinical trials or regimens based 14 years (74%, 73%, and 63%, respectively).21 In
on recent clinical trials.12-16 In addition to improving contrast, registration was only 24% for patients
population-level survival over time, other probable 15 to 19 years of age. In a more recent analysis
benefits of consistent enrollment of AYAs into ther- of patients diagnosed with cancer in the United
apeutic clinical oncology trials include having access States from 1997 to 2003, enrollment onto clinical
to novel therapies, accessioning tumor and host bio- trials was estimated to have occurred for only 10%
specimens, and gaining access to studies of suppor- to 15% and <2% for patients 15 to 19 and 20 to
tive care, quality of life, and other non-survival 30 years of age, respectively.11 To understand
endpoints. The importance of large-scale clinical tri- these differences and develop corrective strate-
als as a mechanism for advancing cancer treatment gies, it is important to consider contributing
has recently been affirmed.17 factors.
For all these reasons, improving accrual of Clinical trial design is largely dependent on the
AYA cancer patients into clinical trials has sponsoring cooperative oncology group. Protocols
emerged as a priority within the NCI-sponsored developed through the COG and its legacy groups
clinical trials enterprise.18,19 The purpose of historically restricted age eligibility to #21 years
this article is to describe new mechanisms, of age. More recent COG protocols have increased
recent initiatives, and continuing challenges in the upper age limit to 30, 40, or even 50 years in an

making age limits more inclusive, development

TABLE 1. of disease-specific protocols with combined input
Acronyms used in Adolescent and Young Adult Clinical from pediatric and adult oncology investigators
has been accomplished only recently.
Acronym Term In addition to lower AYA enrollment onto clin-
ical trials caused by these obstacles, additional
ACRIN American College of Radiology
Imaging Network consequences are limited banked tumor speci-
ALL Acute lymphoblastic leukemia mens for basic science and translational
AYA Adolescent Young Adult research24 and missed opportunities for incorpo-
CCOP Community Clinical Oncology Program ration of AYA-focused secondary and exploratory
CIRB Central Institutional Review Board
aims during protocol development.
COG Childrens Oncology Group
ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
NCI National Cancer Institute
NCIC National Cancer Institute of Canada Historically, NCI-funded clinical trials were
NCORP NCI Community Oncology Research
conducted through the Clinical Trials Coopera-
NCTN National Clinical Trials Network tive Group Program that was established in the
NRG National Surgical Adjuvant Breast & Bowel 1950s. Most recently, this consisted of 10 inde-
Oncology Project, RTOG and Gynecologic pendent cooperative groups (nine adult and
Oncology Group one pediatric), each responsible for its own
NRSTS Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft
operation and statistical center, tumor bank,
Tissue Sarcoma
RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology Group and scientific support services. Based on re-
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology, and commendations stemming from an in-depth
End Results consensus study conducted by the Institute of
SWOG Southwest Oncology Group Medicine, a transformative restructuring of the
NCI-funded clinical trials enterprise was under-
taken17 that resulted in development of the cur-
effort to enroll more AYA patients. However, rent NCI National Clinical Trials Network
recent enrollment statistics suggest this modi- (NCTN),25 launched in March 2014 (Fig. 1). As
fication alone may not be enough.13,22 There are part of this restructuring, the previous adult
many proposed reasons for continued poor enroll- cooperative groups have been merged into four
ment. Many COG institutions are free-standing groups (NRG Oncology,26 SWOG,27 Alliance,28
pediatric hospitals that enforce strict upper age and ECOG-ACRIN29). An additional adult group
limits (typically under 18 to 21 years of age) for is the Canadian NCIC Clinical Trials Group.
hospital admissions and outpatient visits. There- The sole pediatric group is the COG. Impor-
fore, AYA patients with pediatric malignancies tantly, community-based sites that conduct
may need to be treated at adult hospitals having NCI-funded trials, formerly known as Commu-
limited access to COG trials and pediatric nity Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) institu-
oncology expertise. Unlike pediatric oncologists, tions, interface with the NCTN through the new
many medical oncologists are community-based, NCI Community Oncology Research Program
with less direct access to clinical trials and a lower (NCORP).30
likelihood of referring an AYA patient to an institu- Although formation of the NCTN largely repre-
tion affiliated with a cooperative oncology group.10 sents a response to declining funding, inefficient
Conversely, lower age limits for cancer clinical processes, complex regulatory oversight, and
trials sponsored by adult cooperative groups are inadequate resources, it has created important
typically 18 or 21 years of age, which excludes opportunities that may benefit AYA oncology
most adolescents. Even when the age limit has research. One of these is increased enrollment of
been lowered to 16 years, the number of AYA AYAs onto NCTN clinical trials. It is hoped this
enrolled on these studies is relatively low will be facilitated by the NCTN platform, which
compared with older adults.23 is designed to facilitate cross-group enrollment of
Historically, there has been only sporadic new patients onto appropriate clinical trials (eg,
collaboration between pediatric and adult cooper- a 25-year-old patient with Ewing sarcoma at a
ative groups in clinical trial design. Outside of SWOG institution could be cross-enrolled onto

FIGURE 1. The NCI Cooperative Groups Program structure before (top) and following (bottom) the creation of the National
Clinical Trials Network (NCTN).25

the current COG study for Ewing sarcoma in approval for NCTN activation or, conversely, an
patients #50 years of age [AEWS1031]).31 A trial adult group-sponsored trial must be approved for
opened by one adult cooperative group is available activation within the COG. Ideally, this is accom-
to all NCTN adult cooperative groups. For a trial to plished by the COG and an adult cooperative
allow enrollments at both COG and adult cooper- group jointly developing and sponsoring the trial.
ative group sites, however, during trial develop- Another benefit for AYAs is the NCTN require-
ment a COG-sponsored trial must receive NCI ment that participating institutions utilize the

Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB),32 new and in the process of defining its role, specific
which provides IRB approval for both pediatric objectives have emerged that include identifying
and adult institutions wishing to utilize a clinical gaps where new clinical trials are needed for
trial. Another opportunity afforded by the NCTN AYA-relevant cancers, monitoring
is co-development of AYA-focused, intergroup and developing targeted interventions to improve
clinical trials by COG and adult NCTN groups AYA accrual across the NCTN, supporting efforts
because these will realize NCTN goals of scientific to harmonize differences in pediatric and medical
integration and resource efficiency. oncology supportive care guidelines that are
included in protocols for AYA-focused trials, and
collaborating with the NCI to support efficient
AYA INITIATIVES WITHIN THE NCTN and effective review of proposals for AYA-focused
trials. Details from the initial meeting of the
Before the development of the NCTN, individual NCTN AYA Oncology Working Group in November
cooperative groups had begun to form committees 2013 are summarized in Table 2.
or working groups focused on AYA issues. Under
the leadership of Dr. Archie Bleyer, in 2002 the
COG became the first North American coopera- RECENT AYA-FOCUSED INTERGROUP CLINICAL
tive oncology group to form an AYA committee. TRIAL INITIATIVES
Since 2009, the mission of the COG AYA
Oncology Discipline Committee has been defined As previously discussed, the most readily avail-
as improving survival and quality of life for AYAs able tactic for increasing enrollment of AYAs on
through a greater understanding of differences in NCTN trials is expanding age-related eligibility.
cancer and host biology and of their adjustment However, it is recognized by the NCTN AYA
to the cancer experience. Its approach has primar- Working Group and the NCTN groups that the
ily been to identify gaps in AYA-focused research ultimate goal in collaborating should be co-
that are addressable in the cooperative group development of scientifically integrated intergroup
setting and to leverage the expertise of COG studies of AYA cancers, for which both pediatric
disease-specific and other scientific committees and medical oncology expertise are needed. Such
in addressing them. Progress of the COG AYA intergroup collaborations are complex processes
Committee and its research plan were the subject that require time to be established in multiple dis-
of a recent review.18 In 2013 SWOG approved cre- ease areas, yet progress is being made. Three exam-
ation of a formal AYA committee, and similar AYA- ples will be discussed here.
focused working groups are in various stages of The first example is C10403,33 a landmark study
development in the other NCTN groups. that represents the first intergroup effort focused on
Realizing the potential for the NCTN to facilitate AYA patients. Sponsored by the Alliance (formerly,
AYA oncology research at national and interna- the Cancer and Leukemia Group B, ECOG, and
tional levels, an NCTN AYA Working Group has SWOG), C10403 was a phase II prospective feasi-
been formed that includes representatives from bility and safety trial for treatment of AYAs age 16
each of the NCTN groups, the NCORP sites, and to 39 years with newly diagnosed B- or T-cell acute
NCI. The inaugural meeting of this Working Group lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). This study, conduct-
was held in November 2013, when for the first ed by adult cooperative groups but designed collab-
time in history the NCI-funded cooperative groups oratively with critical input from the COG, was
convened to address the issue of AYA oncology. based on the observation that AYAs treated for
The overall goal of this Working Group is to facili- ALL demonstrated dramatically better survival us-
tate advancement of AYA oncology research in the ing contemporaneous pediatric rather than medical
NCTN by establishing a means for regular, oncology-based regimens, a finding first reported in
ongoing, AYA-focused interactions of all NCTN North America but since confirmed in multiple
groups and stakeholders. A high priority for this studies internationally.15 All patients on C10403
Working Group is increasing the enrollment pro- were treated with a single regimen identical to
portion of AYAs onto NCTN trials because such what was then considered the standard therapy
accrual is a sine qua non for any basic, transla- arm from the COG study for higher-risk ALL
tional, or clinical research linked to NCTN. (AALL0232).34 C10403 was open from 2007 to
Although this Working Group is still relatively 2012 and enrolled over 300 AYAs from multiple

Preliminary Objectives and Approach the National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA)
Working Group*

Objective Approach

Enhance AYA Accrual onto  Increase understanding and use of NCTN in enrolling AYA patients
NCI-Funded Clinical Trials  Facilitate change of eligibility for existing trials
 Promote full scientific integration between COG and adult NCTN groups in
design and development of intergroup trials
Advance AYA-focused Research  Facilitate identification of intergroup partners in relevant disease areas
Within NCTN Groups  Review and prioritize protocols with AYA focus and inclusion
 Conduct workshops on intergroup trial development for study chairs
Identify Essential Components of  Identify key protocol elements, including
AYA-Focused Intergroup Trials B Eligibility criteria
B Drug dose and schedule
B Management of toxicity
- Therapy modifications
- Supportive care guidelines
 Pursue harmonization of pediatric and adult approaches
B Organize consensus development conference
B Explore creation of a tool kit to guide investigators developing new trials

*From inaugural meeting held November 4, 2013.

adult cancer treatment sites. Although preliminary both pediatric and adult sites through the
findings suggest this patient population did experi- NCTN platform, ARST1321 represents the first
ence a higher incidence of certain toxicities during time a pediatric and adult cooperative group
induction therapy,35 induction death rates and over- have co-conceptualized, developed, and con-
all mortality were low and identical to what was re- ducted a cancer clinical trial that spans all ages
ported for patients enrolled on AALL0232. An (eligibility $2 years) for a single disease. From
interim survival analysis demonstrated substantial the perspective of AYA oncology research,
improvement over historical outcomes.36 Based on already the ARST1321 experience has provided
these encouraging results, the US adult cooperative valuable insights about the process of intergroup
groups are planning to use the C10403 backbone for clinical trial development. Commitment to the
their successor trial. A comparison is underway of stated goal of developing an intergroup study
dose intensity and treatment toxicity for vincristine, proved essential, and compromise was achieved
methotrexate, and PEG-asparaginase given to AYAs through respectful communication in various as-
on C10403 versus those on the contemporaneous pects of study design, such as eligibility criteria,
COG trial. chemotherapy dosing, dose modifications for
The second example is ARST1321, an in- toxicity, and radiation dosing and target vol-
tergroup study led by investigators in COG umes. Importantly, ARST1321 will yield the
and NRG Oncology (formerly the Radiation largest sample yet of childhood, adolescent,
Therapy Oncology Group [RTOG]) focused on and adult NRSTS to understand the biological
non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcoma similarities and differences among them and
(NRSTS), a challenging group of tumors that potentially identify other actionable targets for
comprises approximately 4% of all childhood future development.
and 2% of all adult malignancies in the United The third example is a new intergroup task
States.37-39 force that was recently developed to define and
ARST1321 is exploring the efficacy of a novel address AYA research needs in the area of
multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor, pazopa- myeloid diseases. Following the inaugural meeting
nib, which has been found to be beneficial in of the NCTN AYA Working Group, members of the
children and adults with NRSTS.40,41 Opened COG Myeloid Diseases Committee invited mem-
in July 2014 and now enrolling patients from bers of the adult cooperative groups to join in

the creation of this Intergroup AYA Acute Myeloid that, in undertaking development of an intergroup
Leukemia (AML) Task Force. Participants repre- study, responsibilities for each NCTN group need
sent each of the cooperative groups that histori- to be delineated early in the process. Examples
cally coordinated myeloid disease clinical trials include identifying the lead study group, creating
(COG, SWOG, Alliance, and ECOG-ACRIN). An common registration processes, determining how
initial conference call was held in April 2014 dur- study enrollment credits are allocated, agreeing
ing which it was decided to pursue the goal of where study data will be held and which group
developing an intergroup trial for AYAs with will conduct the primary analysis, and selecting
AML. Recurring monthly conference calls are members of the Data and Safety Monitoring Com-
held to address interim objectives in pursuit of mittee to ensure that patients of all ages have
that goal. To begin with, members from each appropriate oversight.
cooperative group presented recent trial results, Because greater knowledge of cancer and host
current trial aims, and their groups risk stratifica- biology is essential for designing more rational
tion and treatment schemas. The task force then and effective therapy for AYAs, establishing
utilized published and internal datasets to charac- mechanisms for collection, storage, and curation
terize AML biology and outcomes for the AYA of biospecimens must be a priority. Central re-
population. The task forces next objectives views of study data (eg, imaging, pathology)
include utilizing AYA-specific data to define the should include equal representation of pediatric
role of treatment response (minimal residual dis- and adult expertise. Age-specific secondary and
ease or MRD testing) and to understand the exploratory aims need to be prioritized during
toxicity and outcomes associated with various study development. Similarly, authorship desig-
therapeutic approaches, including hematopoietic nation for trial-related manuscripts should be
cell transplant. considered and distributed fairly among the
Other initiatives are underway, designed to participating NCTN groups. Further, clinical
improve the availability of cancer clinical trials trial design needs to account for age-related
for AYAs. Potential intergroup trials for Hodgkin differences that include pharmacokinetics/
lymphoma and malignant germ cell tumor are pharmacodynamics, acute and long-term treat-
the subject of discussion by COG and adult coop- ment-related toxicity, supportive care measures,
erative group investigators. Also, interesting op- required study observations, and informed con-
portunities are being explored for increasing sent language and mechanisms.
accrual of AYAs through the network of NCORP Finally, a multidisciplinary approach to the AYA
institutions directly funded by the NCI to improve population itself is necessary to increase participa-
access to NCTN trials in communities. In all these, tion by encountering these patients in their
the COG AYA Oncology Discipline Committee unique developmental stage and identifying ap-
seeks to achieve its goals through leveraging the proaches to educate, support psychosocial needs,
scientific expertise that resides within COG and address barriers and facilitators of adherence.
disease-specific and similar committees, such as Although not all of these are traditional compo-
Cancer Control and Supportive Care, Survivor- nents of clinical trial design, they can be provided
ship and Outcomes, Nursing, Behavioral Sciences, by a multidisciplinary study team comprising on-
Pharmacology, and Bioethics. cologists, nurses, social workers, psychologists,
and others.

As the discipline of AYA oncology continues to
differentiate itself within the clinical trials enter- Despite the challenges, several new develop-
prise, scientifically integrated NCTN studies co- ments have occurred that may lead to increased
developed by pediatric and medical oncology participation of AYAs in cancer clinical trials and
investigators represent an attractive approach for improved outcomes. In addition to conducting
improving outcomes in this population. However, research to characterize more fully the disparities
at this early stage several practical challenges exist affecting this population, these include creation of
that require additional knowledge to navigate AYA-focused committees within the cooperative
routinely. The ARST1321 experience suggests oncology groups, formation of the NCTN, and

development of collaborative studies and other ini- intergroup NCTN studies for AYAs include a deep
tiatives to expand clinical trial availability and commitment to the goal, mutual respect, effective
participation for AYAs. Early experience suggests communication, and the capacity to compromise
that keys to supporting collaboration in developing where necessary to achieve consensus.

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