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Bolnzs, H . T.; Braunling, W .
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fiir Luft- und Raumfahrt
Hauptabteilung Windkanale, BunscnstraRe 10, D-3400 Gottingen

1. Summary cp flow cocfficien t

$ powcr coefficient
Generally the influencc of thc cngine installation on the (11 angular velocity
aerodynamics of a wing/fucclage-combination is analyzcd Subscripts
by using windtunnel models with engine simulators. But
simulators usually used today are not able to simulate the A dcsign
whole spectrum of chaIacterictic features of an original ADP AD P-orig in a 1 en gi n c
engine correctly and cimultancously. The difficulties to ax axial
scale down an engine arc the reasonci for these deficicncies. B wing area
The order of magnitudc of thc crrors resulting from the C auxiliary compicssor
insufficiencies mentioned ic shown for a turbine powercd 0 original engine
simulator set up convcntionally. Moreover, this paper pre- i d reduced
sents a revised simulator concept that avoids most of the S simulator
significant dcficiencicc of convcntional simulators. The t stagnation
technical effort for such a cimulator is not increased com- T turbine
pared with a conventional one. Tr. drive air

For the subsripts to charactcrizc the flow areas of the

engine scc Fig. 2.
2. Nomenclature

A stream flow area

CF thrust coefficicnt 3. Introduction
c spccific heat
CW drag coefficient
F thrust It is common practice that ncw powerplant conccpts for
h enthalpy civil aviation should meet thc increased demands of thc
H flight al t i tutlc leading airline companies. Thercfore the engine develop-
l length mcnt goals tend to larger specific power, longer lifccyclcs,
m mass flow less noisc emission and a more economical fuel consump-
M Mach numbcl- tion. Thc Iargcst impro\,cmcnts arc expected by incrcasing
MA4 scale factor = l,s//o thc propulsive cfficicncy. This can be achicved by a n
P power increasing bypass ratio which results in a larger fan diam-
P pressure eter. In ordcr to approacli this aim the enginc manufac-
4 dynamic pressure turers pursue three diffcrcnt concepts: the open propfan,
S specific thrust thc ducted propfan, i.e. the so called superfan, and the
s1 Sutherland-constant = 1 10 K conventional turbofan wit11 :I rcduced fanpressure ratio.
7 temperature The introduction of such an engine concept into the public
U circurnfercntial vclocity market can bc expcctcd in the next dccadc at the carlicyt.
V absolute velocity Ill.
W drag From the point of view of thc airplane manufacturer the
B iscntropic cfficicncy of comprcssion highcst devclopmcnt potcntial foi- future airplanes exists in
IC iscntropic cxponen t thc field of aerodynamics. The demands bchind this aim
P bypass ratio arc a n improved lift to drag ratio. All this can bc reached
n stagna tion pressti re r : t~io pI,/pI, by rcduction of the drag. I n thic connection the dominant
7 thrust partition portions of drag are those tluc to friction and lift. They arc


CH3028-8/91/0000-0190$1.00 0 1991 IEEE

directly followed by the drag portion due to the engines 1. non-compliance with the required similarity laws
and its suspensions. Therefore, it is a desirable aim for
future airplanes equipped with engines of new technology 2. construction scheme of a conventional simulator.
to kecp the latter portion of drag in an order of magnitude In the following section it will be shown which phenomena
very similar to todays valuc of about 5%-8%. During the are peculiar to engines simulated in windtunnels when the
whole development phase of an advanced propulsion sys- geometrical similarity is fulfilled. To simplify matters, only
tem this aerodynamical challenge should be kept in mind the fan of an engine will be examined.
continuously. Only if the heightened interferences between From the fluid dynamics point of view Machs similarity
the new engines with large diameters and the law has to be fulfilled at each engines operating point.
wing/fuselage-combination are under control, the high fuel That means the identity Ms = MO has to be true at the
saving potential of the future engines can be really inlet and the outlet station of the engine. The subscripts S
exhausted, 121. and U are for the simulator and the original engine. From
The theoretical description of the complex and interactive this demand a relation results for the mass flows of the
flow conditions between engine, pylon, wing and fuselage simulator and the original engine:
is extremely difficult. Therefore, the pure numerical treat- r Im

ment of such a flow field makes high demands on the ins- 41s = mo-
tllo MM2

computer codes used and requires an increased amount of PS Po

verification. Due to this situation the windtunnel exper-
iment using engine simulators gains an increasing recogni-
tion for both airplane and engine development. Especially The subscript red characterizes the so-called reduced
the latter is important in regard to investigations of the quantities usually used in the performance maps of turbo-
retroaction of the flow around the wing/fuselage- machinery. The fan exit Mach number M I 3can be calcu-
combination on the propulsive efficiency of the engine. lated using the free flow Mach number MO and the fan
Different types of engine simulators for windtunnel exper- pressure ratio n:
iments exist, / 3 / . Todays best tool in engine simulation for
air-brea thing engines is the Turbine Powered Simulator A 4 , 3 = p [I Cn- *1 ( l + + 4 + I ] (2)
(TPS). Although this is a well-tested and successful tool,
it regrettably has high purchase and maintenance costs. In With the assumed Mach similarity the second simulation
general the dimensions of such a simulator are given by condition results in:
those of an existing windtunnel airplane-model. Moreover,
the simulator should be an exactly scaled down model of ns = no (3)
an original engine. For all its high technology standard An additional fluid dynamics aspect is the similarity law
such simulators show some limitations for the simulation by Reynolds, Re, = Re,. Using Sutherlands formula, /6/,
feasibility. These limits arise as a result of the scaling- for the dynamic viscosity and equation 1 one gets:
down process from the original engine to the simulator and
are of pure technical and energetical nature only. Based
on given fundamentals, 141, the following paper shows (4)
which essential characteristics of an original engine can not
be simulated correctly and simultaneously by using a con- In this S, the Sutherland constant has a value of
ventional TPS. Furthermorc a proposal for a simulator SI= 110K. It is well known that a satisfactory observance
concept is given which is able to avoid most of the existing of the Reynolds number in windtunnel testing is only suc-
simulation restrictions indicated. cessful when either the pressure is increased or the tem-
perature is decreased. Both is easily derivable from the
equation above. As already mentioned in this paper, the
influences due to the Reynolds number should be left out
4. Deficiencies of conventional TPS of consideration because in todays windtunnel exper-
iments using engine simulation these effects can not be
avoided, and their influence on the simulation results are
The description of the interference phenomena which assumed to be negligible.
occur by the engine integration in civil airplane is laden From the turbomachinery point of view two further simi-
with a multitude of uncertainties. The determination of larity coefficients exist. These are the flow coefficient:
these effects by both numeric calculation and windtunnel
experiments with a desirable accuracy is difficult.
Fact is, that the flows around the engine and the fuselage
take mutual influence on each other. Consequently the
drag and lift coefficients are influenced by the engine inte- and the power coefficient:
gration just as the engine characteristics it may be, 151.
One of the aims 6f windtunnel experiments using engine $= - A 4
simulation is the correct determination of these interfer- u2/2
ence phenomena. But up to now it is not possible to
determine these effects with the desired accuracy. The To achieve an ideal simulation both have to meet when an
reasons for this are the restricted possibilities of engine original engine is scaled down. In these equations the
simulators, which are: absolute axial velocity v,,, and the circumferential velocity

U have to be determincd at a defined radius in the fan exit W = F
arca. The quantity Ah, dcscribcs the change of total
enthalpy between fan inlet and outlet area:


The flow coefficient in equation ( 5 ) -using equation (1)-

results in the following simulation condition when the c, stands for the thrust coefficient and A,, for the area of
assumed Mach similarity is taken into account: the captured stream tube of the engine. The thrust coeffi-
cient c, changes by using equation (2) and (10) to:

- 1
- i O , c d m

If the identity of the flow coefficient is to be fulfilled, the

angular velocity as of the simulators fan has to be
CI;= 2

l/MM-times highcr than that of the original engine.
By combination of the cquations (6), (1) and (7) onc gets:

This equation illustrates again that equal cFvalues for the
original engine and the simulator will be reached only
By introducing the isentropic efficiency 1 of the fan: when both the free flow Mach number and the fan pres-
sure ratio and the fan efficiency are simulated correctly
K- 1
n 7 - 1 and simultaneously. This is equivalent to the similarity
1= laws mentioned above, so the thrust coefficient cF is also a
-- simulation parameter. By applying c, = cFsone gets:

and under consideration of Machs similarity law the fol-

lowing equation.; can be derived from equation (6):

Sometimes the specific thrust F / m is found as a simulation

parameter. When one conducts a similarity examination
for the specific thrust it follows:
Jr, F0A4M2
Jr, Fs - po
(%js (%j = 0
Ps -

A comparison between the e uation (15) and (16) shows


When the geometric and the Mach similarity of the turbo-

machinery flow is reached, the compliance with the power
a difference by the factor 3. Consequently the specific
thrust is not a quantity of comparison within the meaning
coefficient results in the same stagnation temperature ratio of a similarity examination.
and the same efficiency as in the original engine. This is
equivalent to the compliance with the Reynolds similarity
law of the turbomachinery flow.
The problem to meet all the above similarity coefficients
is in practice reduced to thc observance of the simulation
conditions according to equation ( I ) only. All other coeffi-
cients diverge more or less from the desired values givcn
by the original engine and arc often called negligible
although a detailed asse.;smcnt of the individual deviations
is not given in the open litcraturc.
For the stationary flight condition in windtunnel cxper-
iment using engine simulation it i? valid:

0 1in

FIG 1: Sectional drawing ADP (FA = 24.SKN)

To estimate thc deficiencies of a TPS derived from the ASlS
scaled down design a thermodynamic calculation has been (/.I
made on the basis of a typical UHB (Ultra High Bypass)
cnginc, like Pratt & Whitneys A D P (Advanced Ductcd 22.5
Propfan) engine, aci shown in figuve I . This engine in prin-
ciple is an improvement of a conventional turbofan. The
bypass ratio is about 17. The midfan is driven by a fast
rotating turbine equiped with a reducing gear. The diam- 15.0
eter of the fan is about 2.6~2which still allows an under-
wing installation.
The construction schcmc of an adequate simulator is
shown together with the station numbers for the thermo- 7.5
dynamic calculations in &uve 2. The simulator consists of
the fan and the air driven turbine. The high pressure air
can be heated and is led through the pylon into the simu- 0.0
lator. I n the turbine the air expands and it is exhaustcd
into the ambient flow through the primary nozzle. The
secondary cyclc correspond5 with thc one of the scaled
original engine. But i t must be kept in mind that the -7.5
massflows a t the cnginc inlet and the primary and sec-
ondary nozzles arc not identical because no flow bifurca-
tion from the fan duct into the core engine exists.
0 2 13 18

I 4-

0.0 12.0 24.0 36.0

FIG 2: Section numbers at conventional ADP-simulator

In the following sections we assume that the thermody-

namical conditions of the windtunnel flow and the original
free flight one are identical. Under this assumption the
specific thrust S = F / m is an appropriate relative value
between the original engine and the simulator. Thus the
latter should simulate the specific thrust in the design
point of the original engine precisely.
Figure 3 shows that this requirement can not be met: both
the primary and the secondary cycle the specific thrusts
wcre calculated seperately. Together with the correspond-
ing quantities of the original engine the relative errors were
calculatcd subsequently for the primary and secondary
cycle. By superposition of both of these errors the relative
total error of the specific thrust of a conventional TPS was

and plotted versus the reciprocal value of the turbine

pressure ratio.
Next to the turbine inlet temperature T,4,which was held
constant, the turbine pressure ratio rcT has the largest
influence on the specific thrust of the primary and sec-
ondary cycle. A detailed derivation and description of all
these connections is givcn in / 7 / .

flows of model and original occur, the total specific thrust 0 2 13 18
of the simulator may be transferable to the original engine,
but it is not true for the drag behaviour, /4/.
In our case the thrust partition of model and original is
identical at a pure theoretical turbine pressure ratio of
about l/nT= 51. At this point the specific thrust of the
simulator differs about - 5.4% from that of the original
one. Such a turbine pressure ratio is too large for a simu-
lator and would require many turbine stages resulting in a
simulator too large.
The deficiencies of simulating the specific thrust and the
thrust partition have their origin in the low turbine exit
temperature, the wrong ratio of drive and secondary air
and the unsatisfactory simulation of the mass flows at the FIG 4 Station numbers at new ADP-simulator
simulator inlet and its nozzles.

1.1 7.0
Pnll'o unlun
5. A new simulator concept MJMo

1.2 6.0
A correct simulation, which permits the full transmission
of simulation results to the real engine, requires the correct
simulation of the secondary cycle, the primary nozzle flow,
1.0 5.0
and the inlet flow.
Because the temperature ratio at the nozzles is insignif-
icant for the magnitude of the specific thrust and its par-
tition, the temperature of the core jet has not to be simu- 0.1 4.0
lated correctly. But in this case the influence of the incor-
rect simulated Mach number of the primary jet has to be
0.6 3.0
A cooventional TPS can not perform these requirements.
Therefore, an alternative conception for an engine simula-
tor will be presented in this section.
The schematic design of the simulator is shown in figure 0.1 2.0
4. The construction of the simulator is similar to a real
engine. The flow channel under the fan duct equipped with
a small auxiliary compressor simulates the primary cycle.
0.2 1.0
This auxiliary compressor and the following nozzle prod-
uce a flow velocity comparable to the original one.
Together with the corrcct mass flow branched off from the
fan duct, the specific thrust of the primary cycle can now 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.2 1.1 1.6 1.8
be sjmulated correctly.
The propulsion of the fan and the auxiliary compressor is
delivered by an air driven high pressure turbine located in
the core of the simulator. The high pressure drive air is Icd
in a closed circulation into and out of the simulator FIG 5: Pressure, velocity and Mach ratios at the primary
through the pylon. The high pressure of the in and outlet nozzle exit (MO = 0.25, H = 35ft)
flow is also helpful to reduce the flow areas of the supply
and return lines.
In this case the secondary cycle corresponds fully to the It is obvious that the temperature ratio and the Mach
original one. For take-off conditions (MO = 0.25, number ratio at the primary nozzle are not simulated cor-
Ho = 35ft) a result of the thermodynamic calculation is rectly. With an imagined burner in the primary cycle this
shown in figure 5. The values of pressure, velocity and deviation from the original may be eliminated possibly.
Mach number ratios at the primary nozzle exit are plotted The relative deviations of the specific thrust S, the thrust
versus the pressure ratio nc of the auxiliary compressor. partition z, and the primary nozzle area are plotted versus
The pressure ratio ps/pois unit over a wide range of nc and the pressure ratio nc in ,figure 6. Both the specific thrust
that means that the primary convergent nozzle is as and the thrust partition of the simulator correspond to the
unchoked as the original one. The velocity ratio UJUO original values when thc pressure ratio of the auxiliary
increases with the increasing pressure ratio ne At compressor is about 1.66. Obviously the area of the pri-
nc = 1.66, the velocity ratio us/UO of the simulator is iden- mary nozzle is distinctly smaller than the scaled original
tical to that of the original engine. This means that the one due to the lower temperature. But nevertheless at this
specific thrust of the primary cycle of the model and the point the temperature is distinctly higher than in a con-
original one are the same. Only at this point the simulation ventional TPS. The effect due to the Mach number npt
of the primary mass flow is correct. correctly simulated is being investigated.

120 35.0 All facts considered it is expected that the new simulator
ASlS (A) 4 concept, contrary to the conventional one, will allow com-
ATIT (%/IO) (cm3 parative drag measurements which are the key task for
9.0 30.0 engine integration windtunnel tests.

6.0 25.0 7. References

/ I /Beer,P.:
3.0 20.0 The Suppliers of Commcrcial Aircraft Engine
Programmes and Plans for the Future
DGLR-Jahrbuch, Band 2, S. 653-688, 1989
0.0 15.0 /2/Hilbig,R.; Szodruch,.l.:
Aerodynamische Entwicklungsperspektiven fur
DGLR-Jahrbuch, Band 2, S . 885-893, 1989
-3.0 10.0
/3/Ewald,B.; Smyth,R.:
The Role and Implementation of Different
Nacelle/Engine Simulation Concepts for
-6.0 5.0 Wind-Tunnel Testing in Resarch and Development
Work on Transport Aircraft
AGARD-CP-301, 1981
-9.0 , 0.0 /4/Sc himming,P.,
Grenzen der Ubertragbarkeit bei der Schub-
simulation mittels Fan-Turbocimulatoren
FIG 6: Relative errors of specific thrust and thrust dis- 1B 352/80-1 I , lnstitut fur Antriebstechnik
tribution and primary nozzle area of the new DFVLR Kiiln, 1980
ADP-simulator (MO= 0.25, H = 3Sft) / S / F e u i ,A. :
Engine Airplane Intcrference:
Dcfjnition of thc Problem and Related Basic
Fluid Dynamic Phenomena
AGARD-LS-53, I972
6. Conclusions /6/Schlich ting ,H .:
Grenzschich t-Theorie
8. Auflage 1982, Verlag 0. Braun, Karlsruhe
Despite of the high technology standard of engine simu- /7/Bolms,H.-Th.:
lation in windtunncl experiments the simulators used
today arc not yet fully flawless. On the one hand some Auslegung cines single-rotating Propfan-Simulators
existing errors yet result from the fact that. it is not possible auf ADP-Basis fur den Windkanalversuch
to simulate all nccessary similarity values correctly and DLR-internal report JB 291 12-91 A 08, 1991
a b o \ t all simullaneously. On the other hand a couple iif
crrors arise from the principal deyign philosophy of a con-
ventional TPS. Therefoic. the transferability of the simu-
lation rcsults to the original engine is sometimes restrictcd
and sometimes impossible respectively.
The present paper has shown the order of magnitude of
these errors. Moreover, a new simulator concept has been
presented which avoids most of the yet existing errors and
which is able to simulate a modern Bypass-engine rather
realistically. The necessary technical effort for this concept
is kept within reasonable bounds. Contrary to a conven-
tional TPS, the new concept, beside the correct simulation
of the specific thrust, also allows the correct simulation of
the thrust partition between the secondary and the prima-
ry cycle. These advantages could be realized, since the
velocity and the pressure of the primary jet as well as the
bypass ratio could be made fully identical to the original
ones. Unfortunately the temperature of the core jet is not
simulated correctly, but it is distinctly higher compared to
the temperature of todays simulators. The resulting devi-
ations relating to the Mach similarity have to be consid-
ered separately.


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