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Chapter II the

study of the theory

A. An overview of Multiple Intelligences Research (MIR) 1. The sense of Intelligence

intelligence is one of the greatest blessings from Allah SWT to man and make it as one of the
Key Differentiators man

compared with other creatures. With the heft, man

can continuously maintain and improve the quality of life that is getting more complex,
through the process of thinking and learn continuously. In addition to human beings, indeed
any animal given the intelligence but in a very limited capacity. Therefore to

maintain the sustainability of his life more done by

instinctively gain (instinctively).

David Weschler gives the formulation of intelligence as a

general capacity of the individual to act, rational thinking and

1 interact with the environment effectively. According to some theory,

analytics or intelligence related to how individuals do what to

do with a smart or less smartphone or not smartphone at all. An act of smartphone marked by
the works that quickly and accurately.

1 Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, the basis of the psychology of the Education Process,
(Bandung: Rosda Paper, 2005), 93.


fast and precise in understand a problem, draw conclusions and take a decision or action.

So what is truly the intelligence ? In fact until this time the experts also appears to be still
experiencing difficulties finding

a comprehensive formulation of intelligence. In this case, C.P. Chaplin

gives understanding of intelligence as the ability to face and

adapt to the new situation quickly and effectively. Meanwhile, Anita E. Woolfolk proposed
that according to the theory of long, intelligence

includes three understanding, namely :

a. The ability to learn.

b. overall knowledge gained; and c. the ability to cope with the new situation or environment

2 in general.

If we refer to the opinion of Howard Gardner, he gives the

definition of intelligence as follows:

a. The skills to resolve the problem faced in life.

b. The skills to develop the problem to solve.

c. The skills to make something or to do something that

3 useful in life.

2 Ibid, 94.

3 Imanuella F. Rachmani, Multiple Intelligences Recognize and stimulate the potential of

children, (Jakarta: PT. the aspirations of youth, 2003), 6.

Gardner also defines that the order is the ability to solve problems and produce products in a
variety of settings and in the real situation.

Based on this understanding can be understood that the order is not the

ability of a person to answer questions about IQ tests in closed spaces

apart from their environment. But in order to load the

ability of a person to solve the real problem and in

situations of all kinds. Gardner emphasized on the ability to solve the real problem because a
person has the ability in order that high when he can resolve the question of the real life, not
only in the theory. The more a person skilled and able to resolve the problem of life situation
various and

4 complex, the higher inteligensinya.

From an understanding of the intelligence from several experts above is very clear that the
intelligence is not the ability of the person in the answer IQ tests

in closed rooms, but the intelligence that can be seen from how the ability of a person to
memecahan real problems in situations of varying in this life of intelligence has no and

deeply rooted in the human nervous system, especially in the brain which is the center of

all human activity. In children aged 0-3 years a process

4 Baharudin and One Nur Wahyuni, learning theories and Learning, (Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz
Media, 2007), 145.

16 The

growth of nerve cells and the formation of the connection (the relationship between

nerve cells). After 4-5 years old, the growth of the brain will reach 80%.

The influence on the development of neurons in the SSP (central nervous system) will
improve the ability to think that more complex. The absorption of information from outside
ourselves more and more. Then when children age children reach 6 years more an extension
of the movement as well as the more complex social relationships. The condition of the
movement and expansion of the environment gives the

information that the more and change. This is the ideal time

to improve the functional ability of the structure of the brain that has

5 formed.

The intelligence is formed when the growth of the structure and function of the brain reach
the highest levels. This condition happened during the time of the first twelve years. During
the amount of time 0-3 years and 6-9 years is the

largest condition number of the formation of the connection path that the possibility of the
loss of the connection line and the possible loss of the path of the nervous system. The
connection that produce good perception or positively in line with the values of intelligence
that must be formed pc. On the contrary the connection

nerve cells that produce bad perception must be prevented and decided

6 if has happened.

5 Sutan Surya, Melejitkan Multiple Intelligence Early, (Yogyakarta : Andi, 2007), 1.

6 Ibid, 5.

17 The

Development of the structure and function of the brain that are growing through the

three phases, starting from the primitive brain, (action brain), the brain limbik (26

brain), and finally to the neocortex or also called thought brain brain think),

although intertwined, all three have their own function. The primitive brain physical set to
survive, manage movement of the reflex, controlling

motoric movement, monitor the body function and process the information from the senses
come. In the face of threats or of danger, together
with the brain, limbik primitive brain to prepare the reaction to confront or

flee from the condition of the constraint (Padamu Negeri or flight response). People will react

physically and emotions before the brain think the opportunity to process the

information. The brain limbik processing emotions feelings such as love and not love,

love and hate. This brain as the liaison of the brain think and primitive brain.

This means that the primitive brain can be governed follow the will of the brain think, as
others brain mind can be locked to serve not the brain and primitive limbik

7 during the emergency situation, both real or not.

Think of the brain, which is a form of the highest thought power and part of the brain

that most objective, receive input from the primitive brain and the brain limbik.

But it takes more time to process the information entered from the primitive brain and the
brain limbik. The brain think it is also a place where the

inclusion of the experience, memory feelings, actions, and the ability to

think to give birth to the idea and action. If the little old still

7 Ibid, 6.


under 6 years, experience and critical attitude or keingintahuannya will

produce construction spending emotional and intelligence. During that time it was the

growth of the brain approximately 80%, in accordance with the supporting factors that

influence. If we want to make the little more versed during

that time is a crucial period of growth. Then the brain children

here can experience maximum growth. Before the son of four-year-old, primitive brain and
the brain limbik already 80% tereliminasi. After
6 to 7 years of age shifting to the brain think. Originally from parts of the brain right that

8 among others on duty to respond to a visual image.

2. The sense of Multiple Intelligences Research (MIR)

Before far discuss about Multiple Intelligences Research (MIR)

first will be described about the concept of Multiple Intelligences (MI).

Multiple Intelligences is a term or a theory in the study of the science of

intelligence that has the meaning of "double intelligence" or "

compound intelligence". MI is a theory of the intelligence is raised by dr.

Howard Garner, a psychologist from the Project Zero at Harvard University in 1983. The
interesting thing on the theory of this intelligence is there to

perform Redefenisi business intelligence. Before it appears the theory of multiple

intelligences theory, kecerdsan more tend to be interpreted in a narrow sense.

The intelligence a person more determined by his ability

8 Ibid, 7.


completed a series of psychological tests and then the results of the test changed to

numbers kecrdasan standards. Daniel Muijs and David Reynoalds in his book

bejudul Effective Teaching said that gardner successfully

break down the dominance of the theory and IQ tests that since 1905 many used by

9 psychologists around the world.

Multiple intelligences is an assessment of the view in a descriptive how individuals use the
heft to solve problems and produce something. This approach is a
tool to see how the human mind operates the world, either

concretely objects as well as the things that absrtak.

In the book of Mind, gardner Freme said that "intelligence is

the ability to find and solve problems and create products of value in one's

own culture". According to gardner; intelligence someone suddenly not measured

from the standard psychological test results, but can be seen from the habit of one

of two things. First, the habit of a person resolve the problem

itself (problem resoursces'). Second, the habit of a person creating products

10 which has a value of culture (creatvity).

The intelligence a person can be seen from the many dimensions, not only

verbal intelligence or the intelligence of logic. Gardner with the smartphone label "multiple"
(plural or pluralistic) on the extent of the meaning of intelligence. He

9 Munif Chatib, Teacher Man, (Bandung; Kaifa, 2011), 132.

10 Ibid.


deliberately does not provide a specific label on the meaning of intelligence such

as the one done by the founder of the theory of the other intelligence, for example Alferd
Binet with IQS, EQ by Daniel Golemen and Adversity quotient by

Paul Scholtz. But he uses istilan "multiple" so that allows the jurisdiction of intelligence are
growing. And this proved: under the

jurisdiction of the intelligence found gardner continue berkembangmulai from 6

intelligence (when the first time this concept is raised) and now

11 to 9.
Gardner always presenting three things related to MI one, namely the core components of
competency and the condition of the end of the best.

Actually three things are very related with the world of education. Each area of the brain
called the lobe of brain has the core components of the

potential of the sensitivity that will appear from the areas of the brain when given the right
stimulus. Due to the right stimulus, this sensitivity will

produce competency. And when the competency sharpened continuously in the levels of the
right syllabus of competencies will appear the

condition of the end of the best man. This is the best end condition yag called

most people "profession". However if the stimulus package that is given is not right,

12 kompeteni would not appear conspicuous or only ordinary.

11 Munif, School Man, (bandung; kaifa, 2010) 76.

12 Munif, Teacher, 135.

21 The

Essence of the theory of multiple intelligences according to Gardner is to appreciate the

uniqueness of every person, a variety of how to learn, realize a number of models to assess
the and the way that almost no limited to

realize their potential in the world is in a particular area that finally

acknowledged. According to the results of research, Gardner stated that in

every person there are eight types of intelligence dintaranya as

intelligence logic of mathematics, linguistically (speak), visual-spatial, kinestetik (flex body),

musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist.

After knowing that MI is the compound kecerdasa, then

continues to Multiple Intelligences Research (MIR). MIR is a

research instrument that can provide a description of the tendency of intelligence a person.
From the analysis of the tendency of intelligence

can be deduced learning style best for a man. Learning style

here is defined as the way and the pattern of how a information can be

well and successfully received by the brain of a man. Therefore

should every teacher has data about the style of school students

each. Then each teacher must adjust styles in teaching and learning style of students who
have known from MIR. The next one occurs is quantum. Each teacher will enter could have
come that the students


feel comfortable and not dealing with the risk of failure in the process of

13 learn.

When teachers successfully entered could have come through penyesuaia students

learning style of students and the students will be willing to give the rights to teach him to

According to dePotter, teaching authority and the right to teach that is different.

May all teachers who have teaching licenses have the authority to

teach. But the right of teaching is something that can be achieved by teachers

14 with hard work and the right there in the desire of the students.

MIR is an extraordinary research that help teachers find students learning styles. Usually
MIR conducted during the acceptance of new students.

The results of MIR on the acceptance of new students become data that is important for the

to find students condition, especially regarding information about

school style. Furthermore MIR can be carried out every year at the time of the
class rise. MIR data last year can be used as inputs for the implementation of the MIR

in front of it. This is in accordance with the concept of gardner stating that the intelligence of
a person is growing, not statsis. The intelligence

one more related with the habit of the behavior that

are repeated. MIR is done periodically against seseorrang in connection with the teaching and
learning process will be menjasi

him accelerator to find the best end condition. With the MIR

13 Munif, Sekolahya, 101.

14 Ibid, 102.


done routinely (minimum each year), then each student will have the intelligence history data
allows one to more quickly find the

best end condition.

3. Various kinds of intelligence

intelligence someone can be seen from the many dimensions, not only

verbal intelligence or the intelligence of logic. Gardner with the smartphone label "multiple"
(plural or pluralistic) on the extent of the meaning of intelligence. He deliberately does not
provide a specific label on the meaning of intelligence such

as the one done by the founder of the theory of the other intelligence, for example Alferd
Binet with IQS, EQ by Daniel Golemen and Adversity quotient by

Paul Scholtz. But he uses istilan "multiple" so that allows the jurisdiction of intelligence are
growing. And this proved: under the

jurisdiction of the intelligence found gardner continue berkembangmulai from 6

intelligence (when the first time this concept is raised) and now
become 8.

Each person has a different intelligence. Prof. Howard Gardener a research experts from the
United States to develop models of intelligence "multiple intelligence". Multiple intelligence
means all kinds of intelligence. He said that every person has a variety of intelligence, but
with the level of development of different. In the meaning of intelligence


according to the Gardener is a collection of the ability or skills which

can be growed.

According to Howard Gardener in every man there are 8 kinds of

intelligence, namely:15

a) linguistic intelligence

linguistic intelligence is the ability to use words

effectively, both good orally orally orally and in writing. A Kece this intelligence include

sensitivity to the meaning of the word, the sequence of the word, sound rhythm and
intonation of

words that in say. Including the ability to understand the strength of the word in the change
state of mind and convey the information.

This intelligence is associated also with the use of and development of the Bible in general as
belonging to the creator of the song, the authors editor, journalists, poet, orator, sermons and

The high linguistic berinteligensi will speak smoothly, good

and complete. It is easily mengemba ngkan knowledge and

language ability, easier to learn several languages, easy to understand the sequence of the
meaning of the words in the language learning. They are also easy to explain,

teaches, another man. They smoothly argue, easy to remember and

15 Accessed date 03 December
2012 at 14.13


can even memorise a few letters in the Qur'an with a

short time.

Language skills require the ability to store a variety of information, which means related to
the process of thinking. Language intelligence often also followed by socializing skills.
Because in the socialize generally children rely on the skills of speaking.

But the smartphone of language is not a guarantee that he will smartphone

in other areas such as smartphone logic of mathematics, smartphone music or

smartphone body movement. So also on the contrary, the smartphone in

a other fields, not necessarily smartphone in linguistics.

b) Intelligence mathematically logical-

mathematical intelligence logical of is the ability of the person in the

troubleshooting. He is able to think and make up the solution (way out) with a logical
sequence (absurd). He likes to number the sequence,

logic and order. He understand the relationship pattern, he is able to perform the

process of thinking deduktif and inductive coupling. The process of thinking deduktif means
a way of

thinking of great things to the things that small. The process of inductive thinking means a
way of thinking of the small things to the

great things. This is the type of skill that is developed on themselves

engineers, scientists, economists accountant, detective, and members of the

legal profession.

Who have logical-mathematical order is very easy to

make the classification and categorisation in the mind and the way they

work. Dalammenghadapi bany ak question, he will try to mengelompokkannya so easily seen

where the subject and is not, which related between one to another and which

also which is the question of le fit. Then he is not easily confused.

They also kind so that they can see the nucleus of the problems faced by the


c) Intelligence visual-spatial

spatial and visual intelligence is the ability to see and

observe the world visual and spatial accurately (detail). This means that the visual spatial,
pictures and the things concerning the space or place.

This intelligence involves the awareness of warana, lines, form, space, size and also the
relationship between the elements of the elements. This intelligence is also involves the
ability to see objects from different angles

Visual intelligence of this spatial allows people to imagine the

form of the geometry or tig a dimensions more easily. This is

because he is able to observe the spatial world accurately and transforming this go into effect.
This includes the capacity to menvisualisasikan, presenting visual with graphics or spatial
ideas, and to navigate themselves in the space quickly.

d) Intelligence music

intelligence music is the ability to enjoy, observe,

distinguish, essay, form and express the form of- form of music. This intelligence includes
sensitivity to rhythm, melody

and timbre from music heard. Music has a

very great influence on the development of the ability of mathematics and science

in a man.

Have Been in teiliti in 17 countries against the ability of students at the age of 14 years

in the field of science. In this research found that children from the

country of the Netherlands, Japan and Hungary has the highest achievement in the world.
When in the examine more deeply turns to the three countries are entering this element into
their curriculum. In addition music

can also create a relaxd atmosphere but caution, can raise the spirit, stimulates creativity,
sensitivity and the ability to think. Learn to use the right music

will help us in improving the remember.

e) interpersonal intelligence

interpersonal intelligence is the ability to observe and

understand the meaning of the motivation and feelings of other people. Sensitive to the
expression of the face, voice and body movement of others and he is able to give the response
effectively in communicating. This intelligence is also able

to enter into the others, understand the world of others,


understand views the attitude of others and generally can lead


f) intrapersonal intelligence
intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to deal with the

awareness and knowledge about themselves. Can understand the strengths and weaknesses
themselves. Able to motivate himself and do the self-discipline. Those who posseses this
intelligence is very much appreciated the value of (the rules) ethics (and politeness) and


kinestetik kinestetik intelligence intelligence is the ability to use our bodies

are skilled in to express their ideas and thoughts and feelings.

This intelligence also includes the physical skills in the field of coordination,

balance, durability, strength flexibility and speed.

The intelligence body movement that is often called body smart is the discovery of Gardner
that most controversial because some people holds control of physical form is not of
intelligence. However, Gardner and other researchers in the field of

multiple intelligences defend opinions. The individual with

intelligence body movement, naturally body cameo athletic contests and

have physical skills. He also meimiliki ability and feel how should the body shape. They are
the experts

using the whole body to express their ideas and feelings,


and in the use of the hand to to produce or move

something. This intelligence is also including coordination skills, balance, flexibility, strength
flexibility and speed.

h) naturalist intelligence

naturalist intelligence is the ability to identify, distinguish,

reveal and create a category for what are found in

nature and the environment. The point is the human ability to

recognize plants, animals and other parts of the universe.

People who have high environmental order is usually able to live outside the

house, can befriend and related with both the nature, easy to

make identification and the kla sifikasi plants and animals. This person

has a specialmrs know the nature and behavior of the beast, usually love the environment
and does not want to damage the environment

. One example of the people who may have high environmental order was Charles Darwin.
The ability to Darwin to identify and classify insects, birds, fish, mammals,

helped develop the theory of evolution.

In order to address the environment is still in further research because there are still feel that
this order has been included in order to address the mathematical-logical. However, Gardner
holds that the order is

different from the logical-mathematical order.


No core components intelligence competency areas of the brain

1 the sensitivity on the linguistic abilities 1. Lobe of the sound, structure, mambaca, temporal
left necessitous circumstances, function and write, 2. Lobe of the

Bible. suited frontal area measures

and argue. (Broca and


2 the sensitivity of the mathematical capabilities- 1. Lobe understand patterns of

mathematics, Logical frontal area measures left numeric or logical reasoned and 2. Pariental
and ability to think logically, right process flow of thought to solve the problem.

3 The sensitivity of the Visual capabilities- Parts feel and drawing, Spatial back imagine
taking, hemisfer right

world pictures and make the statue and accurately space and design.

4 The sensitivity of the Music ability of temporal Lobe created and create the right of
appreciating the song, formed the

rhythm, core pattern rhythm tone and color ring, heard the ring and appreciation from the
source of the form of expression of the sound or the appliance-. musical instruments.

5 The sensitivity of the ability Kinestetis 1. Serebelum


control flex motoric movement 2. The Basal body and keahiran and ganglia processing
objects, balance. 3. Motor response and reflex. cortex

6 the sensitivity of the digest Interpersonal 1. Lobe and respond to associate with the frontal
area measures exactly the mood of the other, 2. Lobe tempramen, motivation leading, the
temporal and the desire of the social sensitivity 3.

Other Hemisfer. high, right negotiations, 4. The system

work together and limbik

have empathy is high.

7 The sensitivity of the Intrapersonal Capabilities 1. Lobe understand feelings identify

themselves frontal area measures

itself and itself is 2. Lobe of the deep capabilities, pariental

menbedakan emotion, ability 3. The system of knowledge about the intuitive and limbik

strength and self-motivated, weaknesses. solitary,

sensitive to the value of themselves and the purpose of life.

8 The sensitivity of the naturalist ability pariental Lobe distinguish examine symptoms- left

species, identify the symptoms of nature,

32 the

existence of the other and memetekan classify species and the relationship between identify.

Some species.

Table 1: various kinds of intelligence according to howard gardner

4. The teaching strategies in Multiple Intelligences strategies

a. Discussion strategy

Multiple Intelligences approach in this discussion strategy is under the jurisdiction of the

linguistic and interpersonal skills. Thus it is very possible berkambeng toward the jurisdiction
of Multiple Intelligences. This can occur

depend on the procedure of activities designed by teachers.

b. Action Research strategy

Multiple Intelligences Approach in action research strategy is

located in the jurisdiction of the mathematical and logical naturalist. The jurisdiction of MI is
very possible to develop depending on

the next activity procedure will be designed by teachers.


Multiple Intelligences Approach Classification strategy in the classification strategy


matemasis watcher of logical and naturalist. The jurisdiction of MI was cushioned might

develop depends on the procedure of activities designed by the


d. The analogy strategy

Multiple Intelligences approach in this analogy strategy is in the

jurisdiction of the mathematical-logical, visual-spatial and naturalist. The jurisdiction of MI


very possible to develop lagibergantung from the procedure of activities designed by



Multiple Intelligences Approach Identification strategy in this identification strategy is

in the jurisdiction of the mathematical-logical, the visual spatial intrapersonal and naturalist.

Venues may very well developed depends on the procedure of activities designed by teachers.

f. A Sociodrama strategy

Multiple Intelligences Approach in a sociodrama strategy is under the

jurisdiction of the linguistic, kinestesis and interpersonal skills. Venues are very

developed depends on the procedure of activities designed by



Multiple Intelligences Approach Penokohan strategy in this penokohan strategy is under the

jurisdiction of the visual spatial and linguistic kinestesis. Venues may very well developed
depends on the activity designed by the



Multiple Intelligences Approach Flash-Card strategy in strategy flash-card is

a spatial watcher of visual and interpersonal skills. Venues

may very well developed depends on the activity designed by


i. The strategy

Approach Multiple Intelligences Visual images in the visual picture strategy is located

in spatial-visual watcher and intrapersonal. Venues may very well developed depending on
the activity designed by


j. The Game Board strategy

Multiple Intelligences Approach in the strategy of the game board is

located in the jurisdiction of the visual spatial logical-mathematical, interpersonal and

intrapersonal. Venues may very well developed depends

on the activity designed by teachers.

k. Wayang Kulit strategy

Multiple Intelligences Approach in wayang strategy is under the jurisdiction of

spatial-visual and interpersonal skills. Venues may very well developed depends on the
activity designed by the teacher.

l. The strategy Applied Learning

Multiple Intelligences Approach in the strategy applied learning is under the

jurisdiction of naturalist and kinestesis. Venues may very well developed depends on the
activity designed by teachers.

m. The strategy Movie Learning

Multiple Intelligences Approach in strategy movie learning is

spatial-visual watcher. Venues may very well developed

depends on the activity designed by teachers.

n. The strategy Envirpnment Learning

Multiple Intelligences Approach in the backing strategy

environment strategy learning is under the jurisdiction of the linguistic, naturalist and
interpersonal skills.

Venues may very well developed depends on the activity

designed by teachers.

o. The strategy Service Learning

Multiple Intelligences Approach in strategy service learning is under the

jurisdiction of the linguistic, naturalist and interpersonal skills. Venues may very well
developed depends on the activity designed by the



B. An overview of the improvement of learning results Islamic Religious Education

1. The sense of improving the results of learning Islamic Religious Education

a. Increased understanding of the results of the Study

before entering into the sense of increased learning results,

we first describe what is the sense of learning.

1) According To Muhibbin Syah, learning phase is the change of all the

behavior of the individual who is relatively staring as a result of the experience of

16 and interaction with the environment which involves cognitive process.

2) According To Hilgard, E.R., namely "Learning is the process by is an

activity originates or is changed through responding to a situation, provided the changes can
not be attributed to growth or the

temporary state of the U.S. in fatique organism or under drugs 17".

The meaning is studying as a process arising or changing behavior through exercises

(Educational Effort) itself. This Hilgrad opinion formulated more operational by

James O Whittaker, namely "Learning may be defined as the process by

with behavior organites or is altered through training or experience".

According to Whittaker study is the behavior change

(result of education). Behavior Change as a result of the growth of

16Muhibbin Syah, Learning Psychology, (Jakarta : PT King Grafindo Persada, 2004), 68

17Sumardi Surya Brata, Education Psychology, (Jakarta : King Grafindo Persada, 1998), 232


physical or browning setting, fatigue, disease or because the swallow

18 drugs are not considered to learn.

3) According To Drs Ali Imron, M. Pdi, learning is to gather

some knowledge. Tersrbut knowledge obtained a person from

someone who know more or now is known by the teacher. 19

Drs Ali Imron also menerangan in his book that describes the

understanding of learning which reviewed from the jurisdiction of psychology.

1) Views psychology behavioristik

according to the view of this psychology of learning is an

instrumental control that comes from the environment. Learn whether or not a person

depends on the factors that was given by the

environment. Therefore this theory is also known as the theory of glycemic load. Psychology
behavioristik figures about learning

20 this among others is: pavlov, watson, gutrie and skinner.

2) Views cognitive psychology

according to this psychology study is an effort to understand tentaang something. The effort
to understand something is done

by aktifoleh followings. Active could be looking for the experience, find information
troubleshooting, consider the environment, practice, ignore and the response of the other

18Masrial, Terrace Belajar-Mengajar lecture, (Padang : Angkasa Raya, 1993), 8

19 Ali Imron, learning and teaching (Jakarta: PT World Library Jaya, 1996), 2.

20Ibid, 5.


in order to achieve the goal. The cognitive psychologist acknowledge that the

knowledge that belonged to previously very determine the vote result learn: who successfully
learned, yangberhasil remembered and

21 that easily forgotten.

3) the view of the psychology of the most important humanistic

about learning psychology is antitesa flow from psiologi

views behavioristik psychology. If in the view of the psychology

behavioristik learn merupaan instrumental control which is done by the environment. Then in
the most important humanistic psychology pandangn contrary. The learn bilakukan with how
to provide

the most freedom for the individual. One of the prominent psychology this is Carl Rogers, he
was of the opinion that students who

22 learn should not be forced but left to learn free.

4) Views psychology gestalt

psychology figures are among others is Kohler, Koffka and Werteimer.

According to the view of psychology gestalt learning consists of the relationship

23 response stimulus without the repetition of the idea or thought process.

From several definitions of learning above it can be concluded

that learning can be defined yourself as a conscious effort, done by a person has a purpose
and focused, is positive

21Ibid, 10.

22Ibid, 11.

23 Ibid, 14.


active, in order to get the changes from all aspects of the behavior of which the changes not
only while, but always continuous and sustainable.

Education is a conscious effort and planned to have a target man to realize the ideals of based
on the potential. Improving the results of learning is comprised of the

improvement of the result and the word belaja r. Improving the result is a
business experiencing progress, means a certain business in its development in progress or
better penambahaan

. The results of the study can also be called by the term learning achievements,

because the interpretation of the same also for the achievements in the dictionary

24 popular Indonesian language has the meaning of the results that have been achieved,
means a business that has been done will provide the results of both the results in earn give
good results or bad results.

Next, Sutratinah Tirtonegoro holds that what is meant by learning achievements is an

assessment of the results of the learning business

stated in the form of a symbol, numbers, letters or sentences that

can reflect the results that have been achieved by each child in the

25 certain period.

24 Pius A Pratanto and M. Dahlan Al Bahry, popular llmiah Dictionary, (Surabaya:

Arkola,1994), 623

25 Sutratinah Tirtonegoro, son of Super Normal and Education Programs, (Jakarta: PT Earth
characters, 2001), 43


Syaiful Bahri Djamarah holds between achievement and learn to

have a different meaning, therefore before gives understanding about learning achievement
should this discussion is directed to the first problem to get more understanding

about the meaning of learning and achievement. This is also to understand more

26 in about the sense of learning achievements itself.

The achievement is the result of an activity that has been done,

created both individually and groups. The achievement will

never produced during a does not perform an activity. In in fact, to get the achievements is
not as easy as

typified, but filled with the struggle with various obstacles that must be faced to achieve it.
Only with fortitude and

optimesme silent that can help to achieve it. Therefore wajarlah achievement of this
achievement should be with the way

work fortitude.

After navigating the explanation above Syaiful Bahri Djamarah says

that what is meant by learning achievements are the results obtained in the

form of perceptions that resulted in the changes in the individual

27 as a result of the activities in the learning.

26 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, learning achievements and competence of the teachers,

(Surabaya: National Business,1994),19.

27 Ibid, 23.


After express their views from both the education leaders in the discussion of the researchers
further tend to use the

definition that has been put forward by Sutartinah Tirtonegoro this

caused a researcher attempting to mengintegralkan with researcher on the research results or

learning achievements which will later be proved by

using the data in the form of the presentation and direct test.

b. The sense of Islamic religious education

in Arabic, mentions the word education often used

some terms namely : first al-Ta'lim which means of teaching

is giving or delivering understanding of knowledge and

skills. Both al-unbelieving ideologies which means nurture, educate and

keep and the term to three is al-ta'dib which means the process

educate more aimed at the construction and enhancements to the morals

28 or Outstanding traits of learners.

From an understanding of the above education and then developed some understanding from
some prominent Islamic education with

the different thinking, now the opinions of these figures

are as follows :

28Syamsul Nizar, Introduction Dasar-Dasar Islamic Education thinking, (Jakarta : Media

Style Pratama, 2001), 86-90.


1). According to M. Arifin what is meant by religious education is a

business muslim adults who fear God consciously directs and guides the growth and
development of

nature (basic skills) students through the teachings of Islam toward

maximum 29 point of growth and development.

2). Ahmad D. Marimba Islamic religious education is the physical guidance of His spiritual
based on the laws of the religion of Islam leads to the formation of the main personality
according to the size of the size of the


Thus the Islamic religious education is a business that

is done by the people of Islam in reaching the perfect personality (insan kamil) according to
the commands of the Qur'an and the sunnah Apostles, to

get the life of peace in the world and in the hereafter.

The Islamic religious education materials very wide addressing, if associated in formal
education, Islamic religious education includes

various aspects including : aspects of the faith or worldly matters, aspects of fiqh or

acts of worship, aspects of the Qur'an and early Hadithic, and aspects of the history of Islam.

29 M. Arifin, knowledge of Islamic education, (Jakarta : Earth Aksara,1993), 32.

30 Ahmad D. Marimba, Introduction to the philosophy of Islamic education, (Bandung : PT.

Al-Ma'arif, 1987), 23.


2. The purpose of Islamic religious education

Zakiah Darajat said the overall educational goals in order to individual personality which
makes a insan kamil with one pattern, insan kamil means man intact the spiritual and the
physical can live and develop a reasonable and normal because ketaqwaannya to Allah SWT.
This means that the education of Islam is expected to

produce human beings that are useful for himself and society, and

happy and fond of practice and develop the teachings of Islam in the

relationship with God and with his neighbor, can take the benefits increased from this
universe for the sake of living in the
world now and future in the hereafter. The purpose of this seems too ideal, so it is difficult,
but with the hard work done by planning with the framework of fundamental konsepsional

31 the achievement of the final goal is not an impossible.

3. Factors that affect

global improvement in the study of factors that influence the outcome of student learning

32 differentiated into three kinds, namely:

12 Nur Uhbiyati, knowledge of Islamic education, 41.

32Syah, psychology, 145.


a. The internal factors (factors from the students to the state of the physical and

spiritual students.

Factors that come from within the students covers two aspects, namely:

1) physiological aspects (which is physical)

physical condition and vagal (muscle) voltage marking the

fitness level body organs and Whereupon are the can affect the spirit and intensity of the
students in the following lessons. The condition of the organs in the body that is weak,
especially if accompanied by dizziness head weight for example, can reduce the quality of
venues copyright (cognition) so that the material learned in any less mantle

or not flies away.

2) psychological aspects (which is spiritual)

Many factors including psychological aspects that can

affect the quantity and quality of student learning gains.

But among the psychological factors students who are generally

considered more essential is as follows:

a) in order to address the students in

order to address in general can be defined as the ability

psychosocial support to physical stimuli or menysuaikan mereaksi themselves

33 with the environment with the right way (Reber, 1988). So,

intelligensi not actually question kualita brain alone,

33Ibid, 148.


but also the quality of the other organs. But

it must be recognized that the role of the brain in relationship with in

order to man more prominent than

other organs, inasmuch as the brain is "tower" controller almost

all human activity.

b) the attitude of the students the

attitude is a symptom of the internal affective dimensions a

tendency to mereaksi or respond (response tendency) with how relative to the object of the
goods and etc.,

both positive and negative. The attitude of the students in a positive,

especially the teachers and the subject is the early petnda is good for the process of student
learning. On the contrary, if

negative attitude students of teachers and subjects, especially if

accompanied by the hatred of teachers or against subjects, then will be menimbulkankesulitan
learn to the students so that will affect prestadi that will be achieved

by students.

c) Talent

Talent students (attitude highly) is the ability of potential owned a person to achieve success
in the future will be


34 come (caplin, 1972; Reber, 1988). Thus,

actually all people must have the talent in the meaning of the potential to reach the
achievements to a certain level in accordance with the capacity of each. So the talent globally
in accordance with analytics. That is why a child berintelegensi very smart (supeerior) or
smartphone extraordinary

(very superior) also referred to as the talent child, stood at

gifted children.

d) Interest students

in a simple interest (interest) means the tendency and high excitement or a desire for
something. According to Reber interest not including the term popular in psychology because
of its dependence on other internal factors such as: focusing, curiosity,

35 the motivation and needs.

e) student motivation

motivation is the internal condition of the organism either people or animals that drove him to
do something. In

34Ibid, 151.

35 Ibid, 152.

this sense, motivation means the supplier power (energizer) to

36 behave in a structured (gleitman, 1986; Reber, 1988).

b. External Factors (factors from outside the students), which is the condition of the

around the students.

As well as internal factors external factors also consists of two

aspects, among others:

1) social environment of

school environment among others such as on consecutive teachers, the administration staff
and my classmates can affect the spirit of learning and the performance of the students. The
teachers who always menunjukkansikap and a sympathetic attitude and shows a good
example especially in the case study, for example diligent reading and discussions

so that will be a positive push power for

students learning activities.

2) nonsosial environment

of factors including nonsosial environment is the school building and is convenient, dwelling
house students and is convenient, appliance- learning tools, weather conditions and time of
learning which is used by the students. This factor is seen to determine the level of success of


36 Ibid, 153.

C. Learning approach factor (approach to learning), the types of

student learning effort that includes the strategy and the methods used to perform learning

Learning approach can be understood as all the way or strategy

used students in supporting the effectiveness and efficiency of

learning process. The strategy in this case means a set of operational steps are engineered in
such a way to solve

problems or to achieve the purpose of 37 specific learning.

The factors above in many things often are intertwined and affect one another. One of the
students that conserving attitude

toward science or patterned extrinsic components (external factors)

kettles, usually tend to take the approach of learning which

is simple and not exhaustively. On the contrary, a student who berintelegen high (internal
factors) can positive encouragement from parents (

external factors), may choose learning approach that is more concerned with the quality of
learning outcomes. So because these factors diataslah appears high achieving students and
achievement low

or fail. In this case a teacher is competent and

professional is expected to be able to anticipate the possibility of the

emergence of groups of children who showed symptoms of the failure by

attempting to know and overcome the factors that delay.

37 Ibid, 156.

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