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Field rate units

Very high suggested plateau rate, need a meaningful suggestion, why is reservoir/well depth not link
to API, think it need to be populated once the value of the reservoir depth is enter.

A bid of spelling error, oil, not oily- should be some think oil-based contaminate water

Also, the injection and lift rates are main to be variable not fixed since different wells will have
different input or demand. Otherwise the value will be ok for a single well. Or is it better to have a
range of values for different wells performances.

Is very much about fluid processing than well/production

Gney Kirtepe - Karacan Field, Turkey

During this project, I main tasked was to performed a dynamic reservoir simulation study. During this
period I carried out reservoir engineering data analysis among which included;

Reservoir pressure and temperature (DST/MDT)- I diagnosed reservoirs pressure

performances for an indication of communication and/or commingled reservoirs and also to
determined reservoir fluid contacts
Reservoir fluid properties (PVT) data-I checked PVT report and QC for validity. I (Eclipse PVTi)
built an equation of state model (EOS). I regressed EOS parameters so as to matched
observed PVT data
Routine core analysis; I carried out fluid saturations, Relative permeability and capillary
pressure (SCAL) data analysis and built their respective models
Historical and future production and test data,
Production and injection wells configuration
Using these data analyses, I constructed a database of engineering data for Gney Kirtepe - Karacan
Field (production data, MDT, DST, SCAL, PVT) and built a dynamic model which was easier to be
updated as new data became available.

Upon completion of dynamic model, I performed the following tasked;

Model initialization-I initialized the model based of fluid equilibration and compared the
hydrocarbon initially in place results from static and dynamic models
History match results- I history matched field and wells average reservoir pressure, oil rate
and fluid ratios. This was performed by modifying pore volume, vertical flow table, vertical
and horizontal permeability ratio and the transmissibility between regions and fault blocks

In the course of the next part of this study;

I provided production forecast, and production optimization strategy for the project

I quantified uncertainties and identified the main uncertainty drivers (structure, petrophysics,

I performed economic analysis for the different prediction scenario.

Above all, I provided a weekly progressed report to the client and held meetings with the client
every forthnight to discussed changes and progress of the project.

At the end of this work, I contributed in the write up of the dynamic simulation study report and it
was then presented to the line manager for approval and then to client.

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