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A root finding algorithm is an algorithm for finding roots of continuous functions. Numerical root-
finding iteration, produces a sequence of numbers that converge towards the root as limit. The
efficiency of an algorithm may depend on the characteristics of the given functions. The bisection
method is discussed more thoroughly compared to other methods because it is the focus of this paper.

2. Root-finding algorithms
2.1 Bracketing Methods
Bracketing methods determine successively smaller intervals that contain a root. These
techniques are called bracketing methods because two initial guesses for the root are required.
2.1.1 Bisection Method
The bisection method is a type of incremental search method in which the interval is
always divided in half. If a function changes sign over an interval, the function value
at the midpoint is evaluated. The location of the root is then determined as lying at the
midpoint of the subinterval within which the sign change occurs. The process is
repeated to obtain refined estimates.
2.1.2 False position (regula falsi)

2.2 Open Methods

Open methods are based on formulas that require only a single starting value of x or two starting
values that do not necessarily bracket the root. The different open methods are the following:
2.2.1 Newton-Raphson Method
2.2.2 Simple fixed-point iteration
2.2.3 Secant Method
2.2.4 Brents Method

2.3 Roots of polynomials

The two special methods for locating polynomial roots are:
2.3.1 Mullers Method
2.3.2 Bairstows Method

3. Bisection method algorithm

Let f(x) be a continuous function, for which xl and xu are the lower limit and the upper limit of the
function such that f(xl) and f(xu) have opposite signs and xm be the middle of the interval or the
midpoint. The steps of applying the bisection methods are as follows:

Step 1. Choose lower xl and upper xu guesses for the root such that the function changes sign over
the interval. This can be checked by ensuring that f(xl)f(xu)< 0.
Step 2. An estimate of the root is determined by calculating the midpoint xm of the interval.
Step 3. Make the following evaluations to determine in which subinterval the root lies:
(a) If f(xl)f(xu)< 0, the root lies in the lower subinterval. Therefore, set xu= xm and return to
step 2.
(b) If f(xl)f(xu)> 0, the root lies in the upper subinterval. Therefore, set xl = xm and return to
step 2.
(c) If f(xl)f(xu)= 0, the root equals xm; terminate the computation.
Step 4. Check if the percent accuracy | | | |.
, ,
| | = | | 100
If | |> | |, return to step 3.

Figure 1. Graphical depiction of the intervals in bisection method.

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