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Composite Structures 68 (2005) 177184

On the maximum curvatures of 0/90 plates under thermal stress

Marco Gigliotti , Frederic Jacquemin b, Alain Vautrin a

Departement Mecanique et Materiaux, Centre SMS, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, 158 Cours Fauriel,
42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2, France
Institut de Recherche en Genie Civil et Mecanique, Universite de Nantes Boulevard de lUniversite, BP 406, 44602 Saint-Nazaire Cedex, France
Available online 9 April 2004

The paper focuses on the behaviour of 0/90 plates subjected to thermal stress and free from mechanical loads. Curvatures arising
from the temperature dierential are regarded as functions of the relative thickness of the 90 ply, e90 : it is found that curvatures are
maximum for a certain value of e90 , the position and the absolute value of such maximum depend on the elastic and thermoelastic
properties of the ply and their invariant quantities. More precisely, the position of the maximum is aected by the elastic properties
only, the magnitude of the maximum is aected very little by the elastic properties and is driven by the thermoelastic properties, i.e.,
the coecients of thermal expansion of the ply. This paper represents a rst eort towards the complete identication of laminates
which maximise the out-of-plane deections, i.e., curvatures, under hygro-thermal loads: the problem is posed in a general fashion,
foreseeing further developments.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thermal stress; Polar method; Tension-bending coupling; Unsymmetric 0/90 plates; Maximum curvatures

1. Introduction A very early study on coupling in composite materials

and distortions in coupled laminates can be found, for
Anisotropic materials exhibit very specic features instance, in [1], but a systematic and rational approach
which are unknown to classical isotropic materials. In to the subject is very recent and due to Vannucci et al.
particular, it is now well known that stacking several [2,3]. These authors worked within the framework of the
plies made of orthotropic materials may give rise to classical lamination theory and used the polar method in
elastic and hygro-thermoelastic coupling, which, in turn, order to identify laminates with maximum elastic and
can be tailored to give some specic eects. The eects of thermoelastic coupling. Due to the use of the polar
temperature and moisture on the mechanical perfor- formalism, which works on invariant quantities, an
mances of structures have been studied for a long time analytical solution was available. It was found, for in-
since resulting hygro-thermal distortions may lead to stance, that unsymmetric laminates of the type 0/90,
structural instabilities and disturbances during the ser- with e0 e90 , maximise the thermoelastic coupling and,
vice life. All sort of constraint to the free expansion of under some circumstances, the elastic coupling, too.
matrices, bres or plies produces stress or distortion; Investigation on the maximal curvatures under ther-
that is the case, for instance, of unidirectional plies ar- mal stress is of industrial interest, other than scientic.
ranged with dierent orientation angles with respect to a Coupled laminates are often used as a tool to measure
reference direction. When laminates with tension-bend- internal stress due to cure or environmental condition-
ing and twisting coupling are subjected to uniform hy- ing [7,8]: performing optimal experiments on laminates
gro-thermal elds, they bend or twist thus exhibit which exhibit maximum curvatures has great advanta-
warping. ges, especially in terms of sensitivity. Also, in real
structures, the use of coupled laminates is an interesting
alternative to the classical ones, due to the possibility to
tailor some eects and produce requested geometric
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-4-7742-0076; fax: +33-4-7742-
arrangements: in this case again, the knowledge of
0249. laminates that optimise the warping could be of great
E-mail address: (M. Gigliotti). interest.
0263-8223/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
178 M. Gigliotti et al. / Composite Structures 68 (2005) 177184

Starting from these elements, which will be recalled in a tensor, while R, R0 , R1 , U0 and U1 its anisotropic
the second section of the present paper, the paper will part,
focus on the out-of-plane displacements, i.e., curvatures, Q is orthotropic if and only if U0  U1 kp=4 with
induced by uniform thermal elds in 0/90 laminated k integer.
square plates. The eects of the relative thickness of
the 90 ply, e90 , of the elastic and thermoelastic anisotropy The classical lamination theory states that, for a
on the curvature tensor are then studied and the condi- composite laminate subjected to thermomechanical
tions for which this tensor is maximal are established. forces, is [5]
N e0 B~
~ A~ ~ DT
2. Recall of the polar method and conditions of maximum e0 D~
~ B~
M k  V~DT
tension-bending coupling
Tensors are expressed with respect to a certain ref-
The polar method represents an alternative way to erence frame, so that they are represented by their
express components of a tensor [24]. The three Carte- ~ and M
respective vectors and/or matrices. N ~ are external
sian components of a second order tensor L, for in- forces and bending moments, A and D are the in and
stance, can be expressed as follows: out-of-plane stiness tensors, B is the elastic coupling
tensor, U ~ and V~ indicate the thermal forces and mo-
L11 T R cos 2U ments produced by a uniform temperature dierential
L22 T  R cos 2U 1 DT , V~ is the thermoelastic coupling.
L12 R sin 2U Eq. (5) takes into account thermal proles stress only,
this paper is devoted to thermal stress: however, the
and extension to uniform hygro-thermal proles and hygro-
L11 L22 thermal stress is straightforward.
2 2 From a physical point of view, when a laminate
2Re2iU L11  L22 2iL12 exhibits non-zero elastic and thermoelastic coupling, i.e.,
B 6 0, V~ 6 0
where T , R and U are the polar components of L.
The Cartesian components of the elastic stiness
in-plane forces produce bending or twisting of the
tensor of a composite anisotropic ply in plane stress Q
surface and, conversely, bending or twisting moments
[5] can be also expressed by means of six parameters, T0 ,
produce in-plane strain,
T1 , R0 , R1 , U0 and U1 as follows:
a uniform temperature dierential induce bending or
Q1111 T0 2T1 R0 cos 4U0 4R1 cos 2U1 twisting moments, thus, again, distortion.
Q1122 T0 2T1  R0 cos 4U0
B and V~ have close physical sense; however, a lami-
Q2222 T0 2T1 R0 cos 4U0  4R1 cos 2U1 nate without elastic coupling, has no thermoelastic
Q1212 T0  R0 cos 4U0 coupling, the inverse does not always hold true.In other
Q1112 R0 sin 4U0 2R1 sin 2U1 words
Q2212 R0 sin 4U0 2R1 sin 2U1 ~0
B0)V 6
and but the inverse may not be true.
Equivalent polar parameters can be dened for A, B,
8T0 Q1111 Q2222  2Q1122 4Q1212 ~ and V~, the reader is referred to [6] for further de-
D, U
8T1 Q1111 Q2222 2Q1122 tails. Although their denition is not given here, they are
8R0 e4iU0 Q1111 Q2222  2Q1122 4Q1212 4iQ1112 Q2212 reported below for the sake of completeness, as these
notations will be used in the following sections. One has:
8R1 e2iU1 Q1111  Q2222 2iQ1112 Q2212
 0 and U
T 0 ; T 1 ; R0 ; R1 ; U 1 7
Important features of the polar components are the for A,
followings: Tb0 ; Tb1 ; R
b 0; R
b 1; U
^0 and ^1
U 8
for B,
under rotation h of the reference frame, T , R, T0 , T1 ,
R0 , R1 and U0  U1 are invariant, Te0 ; Te1 ; R
e 0; R
e 1; U
~0 and ~1
U 9
a material is isotropic if and only if R 0 for a sec-
for D
ond rank tensor or R0 R1 0 for a fourth order
tensor. T , T0 and T1 represents the isotropic part of T; R and 
U 10
M. Gigliotti et al. / Composite Structures 68 (2005) 177184 179

~ and
for U
N e0 B~
~ A~ kN~ th
Tb ; R
b and ^
U 11 M e0 D~
~ B~ ~ th
for V~. For the tensors ~ e0 e0xx ; e0yy ; e0xy T , ~k kxx ; kyy ; kxy T ,
The norm of a fourth rank tensor (A for instance) is ~ N ; N ; N , M
th th th th T ~ M ; M ; M th T the fol-
th th th
N xx yy xy xx yy xy
given by lowing quantities can be dened:
2 2 2 2 e0xx e0yy e0xx  e0yy e0xy
A T 0 2T 1 R0 4R1 12 Te ; Re ; Se 18
2 2 2
kxx kyy kxx  kyy kxy
In the following pages, we will consider laminates Tk ; Rk ; Sk 19
2 2 2
composed by identical plies. For such laminates is
Nxxth Nyyth Nxxth  Nyyth
TN ; RN ; SN Nxyth 20
Tb0 Tb1 Tb 0 13 2 2
Mxxth Myyth Mxxth  Myyth
According to Vannucci [2], a laminate is uncoupled if all TM ; RM ; SM Mxyth 21
2 2
the polar components of B and V~ are null: this is
~, which Important considerations can be done concerning the
equivalent to say that the norm B of B and V of V
are now given by p in Eqs. (18)(21): for instance, TM and rM
R2M SM2 are respectively the centre and the radius of a
q circlea Mohrs circle in a Mflex  Mtwist graph, where
B R b 2 4R b2 14
0 1 Mflex indicates the exural couples and Mtwist the twisting
couples, as indicated in Fig. 1. Analogous consider-
V R 15 ations can be done for all the other quantities.
In a 0/90 laminate with e0 e90 , the eect of a uni-
are null. The conditions of maximum tension-bending form DT is represented by thermal bending moments
coupling can be stated as follows [2]: Mxxth and Myyth of equal magnitude and opposite sign: in
this case the circle is centred at the origin and its radius
thermoelastic coupling is maximum (max V ) when the is given by rM RM .
layers within each half of the stacking sequence, with The results summarised in Section 2 have an impor-
respect to the middle plane, have the same orientation tant physical signicance, which can be read as follows:
and the two halves dier by p=2. It should be emphas- 0/90 laminates, with e0 e90 , are the laminates that
ised that material properties of the elementary ply do maximise the thermal bending moments produced by a
not aect this result, which is purely geometric, uniform temperature dierential DT and that maximise
elastic coupling is maximum (max B) under the same the Mohrs circle of thermal (hygro-thermal) couples.
conditions for max V only when q R0 =R1 6 1; when Starting from this consideration, one is tempted to
q > 1, i.e., q0 > R1 max B is obtained when the layers arm that, at least for materials with q R0 =R1 6 1, 0/
of each half of the stacking sequence are oriented at 90 laminates exhibit maximum curvatures when exposed
the same angle, but the two halves dier by d and to a xed temperature dierential.
not by p=2, where d is given by This is, in general, not true and the reason is very
simple: the development of curvature in a plate is not
  only driven by the thermal bending moment that
1 1
d arccos  16
2 q2

Material properties of the elementary ply do aect this

result. In fact, for laminates with q > 1, B and V are not
maximum for the same stacking sequence. rM
Myy TM Mflex
3. Behaviour of 0/90 plates under thermal stress and
conditions of maximum curvature

Before re-tracing the very important physical con-

clusions from Section 2 and before analysing the Mtwist
behaviour of 0/90 plates under thermal stress, let us re-
dene Eq. (5) as follows: Fig. 1. Mohrs circle of thermal couples.
180 M. Gigliotti et al. / Composite Structures 68 (2005) 177184

provokes it but also by the bending stiness of the plate

itself. Moreover, in elastically coupled plates (B 6 0),
the concept of bending stiness is quite complex and
involves the elastic coupling tensor itself.
Optimal curvatures result from an arrangement be-
tween thermoelastic coupling, which produce the distor-
tion, and stiness, that is opposed to it. In the next
section it will be shown, for instance, that 0/90 laminates
do not exhibit maximum curvature for e0 e90 and the
eect of the anisotropy on this behaviour will be inves-
Before showing results let us introduce, by using the
polar parameters, the constitutive relationship between
the quantities in Eqs. (20) and (21) and the quantities in
Eqs. (18) and (19) for a 0/90 laminate, which reads Fig. 2. () Rk and Tk calculated by using reference properties in
0 1 0 10 1 Table 1.
TN 4T 1 4R1 0 4R b1 Te
B RN C B 4R1 2T 0 R0 4 R b1 0 C B Re C
@ TM A @ 0 b1
4R 4 Te1 4R e1 A@ T k A
RM b
4R1 0 e e e
4 R 1 2 T 0 R 0 Rk
Eq. (22) can be found by re-arranging Eq. (17) and by
considering no mechanical forces. For 0/90 laminates,
whatever the value of e90 , the shear strain e0xy and the
twisting curvature kxy are always null, as there are no
thermal shear forces or thermal twisting moment to
activate them.
Te , Re , Tk and Rk are found by inverting relation (22),
the curvatures as a function of the polar parameters can
then be found by using Eq. (19).

Fig. 3. () Kxx and kyy calculated by using reference properties in

4. Results and discussion Table 1.

4.1. Eect of elastic and thermoelastic anisotropy on Figs. 2 and 3 show respectively Tk , Rk and kxx , kyy as
maximum curvatures functions of e90 , which is varied between 0 and 1. All
quantities in gures are adimensional: curvatures and e90
Reference material properties used in the simulations are respectively multiplied and divided by the total
are summarised in Table 1, together with their related thickness of the laminate, e. In the following discussion
elastic invariant quantities. Such material, which is and in all the gures e90 will be considered as an adi-
representative of a composite ply, can be classed as mensional parameter.
orthotropic, and falls into a subset of the general class of It can be noted that Rk and Tk are respectively sym-
anisotropic materials. It should be noted that such metric and antisymmetric with respect to the axis
material satises the condition q < 1. The material is e90 0:5; with the properties in Table 1 two maxima are
also thermoelastically orthotropic, the longitudinal attained within the 0; 1 interval.
thermal expansion is much lower than the transverse kxx and kyy are obviously of equal and opposite sign
one. As a reference example, a value of DT 187 C when e90 0:5 and attain maximum values for e90 6 0:5:
was used. it should be observed that there is a substantial dier-

Table 1
Material properties and related elastic invariant quantities used for reference simulations
E1 (GPa) E2 (GPa) G12 (GPa) m12 a1 (e C1 ) a2 (e C1 )
152 8.4 4.2 0.35 0.09 106 28.8 106
T0 (GPa) T1 (GPa) R0 (GPa) R1 (GPa) U0 (deg) U1 (deg)
21.5 20.9 17.3 18 0 0
M. Gigliotti et al. / Composite Structures 68 (2005) 177184 181

ence between the value of curvature attained at e90 0:5

and the maximum curvature.
Finding the location of the maximum values of Rk and
Tk must be performed numerically as no explicit solution
is available. On the other hand, concerning kxx (or kyy ),
the location of the maximum value e90 max can be found
explicitly by performing few calculations on the deriva-
tive of kxx with respect to e90 . Equating such derivatives
to zero gives generally 14 solutions, whose ten are com-
plex and conjugates. Among the real roots, two of them
fall outside the 0; 1 interval; the other two are given by
the following simple second order algebraic equation:
8R1 e290  2T0 2T1 R0 4R1 e90
T0 2T1 R0 4R1 0 23
Fig. 4. () Rk and Tk with R1 0.
One of the two roots of Eq. (23) falls outside of the
0; 1 interval, the other one is the searched value: it
could be checked that whatever the material, solutions
of (23) and (24) are always real. The root is given as an
explicit function of the polar parameters and depends on
the elastic properties only.
Thus, by knowing the material elastic properties of a
ply one is allowed to know exactly the location of the
maximal curvature through Eq. (23): for example, with
the material properties in Table 1, one of the two roots
of Eq. (23) is e90 0:809 which is the searched maxi-
mum. In practice, a 0/90 laminate with material prop-
erties as in Table 1 must have around 80% of 90 plies to
exhibit maximum curvature, i.e., out-of-plane displace-
The analogous of Eq. (23) for kyy is given by the
following equation: Fig. 5. () kxx and kyy with R1 0.

8R1 e290 2T0 2T1 R0  4R1 e90

 T0 2T1 R0  4R1 0 24 The situation depicted in Figs. 4 and 5 is quite
atypical, although not completely impossible to realise
and the maximum kyy in the present case is attained at in practice: it is referred to a material which is elastically
e90 0:191. isotropic and thermoelastically orthotropic. This picture
From Eqs. (23) and (24) it emerges that an important cannot be denitively obtained by using long bre uni-
role on the maximum curvature is played by the material directional plies, but it could be possibly realised or
parameter R1 which is an indicator of the elastic approximated by producing some other kind of rein-
anisotropy. For instance it is noted that, for R1 0, i.e., forced texture.
for a material which is elastically anisotropic, Eqs. (23) Figs. 6 and 7 refer to a case in which the level of
and (24) have always, whatever the material properties, elastic anisotropy is increased with respect to the refer-
one solution, e90 0:5. ence case, R1 36:5.
Figs. 4 and 5 present the curvatures for the case in The shape of the gures changes but, more impor-
which R1 0. Respect to the reference case, Figs. 2 and tantly, the location of the maximum values of curvature,
3, the shape of the Rk , Tk , kxx and kyy curves changes kxx for instance, is shifted towards higher values of e90 ,
considerably. Tk is zero for all values of e90 and Rk at- although its magnitude is again not aected by the
tains only one maximum within the 0; 1 interval. This change in properties.
means that kxx and kyy are always of equal and opposite As a summary, Fig. 8 presents the curvatures kxx as
sign whatever the value of e90 . Also it should be noted functions of e90 and their dependency on the material
that, whatever the value of modulus, the maximum of parameter R1 . It is noted that increasing the level of
Rk , kxx and kyy is attained, as predicted, at e90 0:5. The elastic anisotropy produce a horizontal shift of the
magnitude of the maximum value is practically not af- maximum curvature, aecting very little or negligibly, its
fected by the change in properties. magnitude.
182 M. Gigliotti et al. / Composite Structures 68 (2005) 177184

In Figs. 9 and 10 the transverse coecient of thermal its thermoelastic orthotropy. The actual location of the
expansion of the ply, a2 , is increased with respect to the maximum is unchanged with respect to the analogous
reference material properties of Table 1, thus increasing Figs. 2 and 3; only the magnitude is aected, increasing
the dierence Da a2  a1 the absolute value of the
maximum increases. Thus increasing the level of ther-
moelastic anisotropy produces a vertical shift of the
maximum curvature, aecting its magnitude.
As a closing remark it is interesting, even if perhaps
trivial, to note that curvatures must have at least a
maximum value inside the 0; 1 interval, as they take 0
values at the extremes of such interval and are contin-
uous and dierentiable functions inside it. Material
properties have to respect, obviously, restrictions im-
posed by thermodynamic stability.

4.2. Some practical remark

In the present section some practical conclusion is

drawn by comparing the behaviour under thermal stress
Fig. 6. () Rk and Tk with R1 36:5.

Fig. 9. () Rk and Tk calculated by using properties in Table 1 and

Fig. 7. () kxx and kyy with R1 36:5. a2 50 106 e C1 .

R1=0 GPa
0.008 R1=9.62 GPa

R1=18.06 GPa
R1=36.56 GPa

k xx





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 8. Curvatures kxx as functions of e90 and their dependency on the material parameter R1 .
M. Gigliotti et al. / Composite Structures 68 (2005) 177184 183

moelastic anisotropy is more pronounced for such


5. Conclusions

The present paper presents a rst eort towards the

identication of laminates which maximise the out-of-
plane deections, i.e., the curvatures, under thermal
loads within the framework of the classical lamination
plate theory. Attention is restricted to laminates of the 0/
90 family and their behaviour under uniform tempera-
ture dierential is analysed as a function of the thickness
of the 90 ply, which is allowed to vary continuously
Fig. 10. () kxx and kyy calculated by using properties in Table 1 and within the 0; 1 adimensional interval. The study is
a2 50 106 eo C1 . carried out rst on the quantities Tk and Rk , which are
respectively the centre and the radius of the Mohrs
of 0/90 laminates made of three dierent common uni- circle of curvatures. The use of such quantities is
directional composite materials, namely carbon based coherent with the employment of the polar method for
(CFRP), glass based (GFRP) and Kevlar based rein- the analysis of laminated plates, which manipulates
forced plastics. These properties, extracted from Ref. [5], invariant parameters. For Tk and Rk only a numerical
are given in Tables 24, respectively, together with their treatment is carried out, as an explicit analytical analysis
related elastic invariant quantities. These considerations is too cumbersome even under the formalism of the
can be of practical utility as a rough estimate of the polar method.
number of 90 plies to be used in order to realise maxi- On the contrary, explicit expressions for the maxima
mum curvatures (in experiments, for instance). of the curvatures kxx and kyy , which are quantities of
Values of e90 max for which kxx curvatures are maxi- interest for experimental application, are established. It
mum are listed in Table 5 for the dierent materials is found that the position of such maxima depends on
considered. The location of maximum kxx curvature is the elastic properties of the ply, a major role is played by
bigger for carbon/epoxy composites, as elastic anisot- R1 which is one of the most explicit indicators of
ropy is more pronounced for such materials. On the the level of elastic anisotropy of a ply. Increasing R1 the
contrary it is expected that Kevlar/epoxy composite will maxima are shifted towards the outer limits of the
exhibit curvatures of maximum magnitude, as the ther- interval 0; 1 while, for R1 0, i.e., for a ply which

Table 2
Material properties of a carbon/epoxy AS4/3501-6 composite material and related elastic invariant quantities [5]
E1 (GPa) E2 (GPa) G12 (GPa) m12 a1 (e C1 ) a2 (e C1 )
148 10.5 5.61 0.3 )0.8 10 6
29 106
T0 (GPa) T1 (GPa) R0 (GPa) R1 (GPa) U0 (deg) U1 (deg)
21.9 20.7 16.3 17.2 0 0

Table 3
Material properties of a glass/epoxy S-2glass/epoxy composite material and related elastic invariant quantities [5]
E1 (GPa) E2 (GPa) G12 (GPa) m12 a1 (e C1 ) a2 (e C1 )
43.5 11.5 3.45 0.27 6.84 10 29 106
T0 (GPa) T1 (GPa) R0 (GPa) R1 (GPa) U0 (deg) U1 (deg)
7.9 7.8 4.4 4 0 0

Table 4
Material properties of a Kevlar/epoxy composite material and related elastic invariant quantities [5]
E1 (GPa) E2 (GPa) G12 (GPa) m12 a1 (e C1 ) a2 (e C1 )
76.8 5.5 2.07 0.34 )4 106 57 106
T0 (GPa) T1 (GPa) R0 (GPa) R1 (GPa) U0 (deg) U1 (deg)
10.9 10.8 8.8 8.9 0 0
184 M. Gigliotti et al. / Composite Structures 68 (2005) 177184

Table 5 (France), Dr. Angela Vincenti and Prof. Georges Ver-

Values of e90 max for dierent composite materials chery from the University of Bourgogne, ISAT
Material e90 max (France), for useful discussion.
Carbon/epoxy 0.78
Glass/epoxy 0.66
Kevlar/epoxy 0.72 References

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