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by Denis M. Kearns, Paul E. Berry, Peter F. Stevens,

Nidia L. Cuello A., John J. Pipoly III, Norman K. B.
Bruce K. Holst, Klaus Kubitzki, and Anna L. Weitzman

Trees or shrubs (some epiphytic), lianas, perennial or

annual herbs, nearly always evergreen, usually with white,
yellow, or other brightly colored latex. Leaves opposite,
whorled, or alternate, simple, entire; stipules absent, but
small gland-like structures sometimes present at base of
petiole. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, cymose, or
flowers solitary. Flowers bisexual or unisexual (plants
either hermaphroditic, dioecious, or polygamous),
actinomorphic, most often white, yellow, or pink;
bracteoles nearly always present. Sepals 2-14, free or less
often fused; petals (2)3-6(-14), free, decussate,
imbricate, or convolute, rarely lacking. Stamens usually
numerous, often grouped in 2-5 bundles opposite the petals,
some stamens or fascicles often replaced by staminodia, or
stamens free and numerous (sometimes reduced to 3 or 5);
anthers dehiscent by longitudinal or transverse slits or a
variety of pore types (Clusia). Ovary compound, superior,
of (1-)3-5(-20+) united carpels; locules as many as carpels
or ovary unilocular; placentation axile, less often
parietal, basal, or apical; styles 1 or as many as the
carpels; stigmas expanded, smooth and sticky (rarely
hairy), or punctate and papillate, or minutely porate.
Fruit usually a capsule, sometimes a berry or drupe; seeds
(1)2-many per carpel, arillate or not.
Worldwide in moist tropical regions and the north temperate
zone; ca. 36 genera and 1600 species, 16 genera and 143
species in the flora area.
A number of Clusiaceae are of some economic importance. The
fruits of Garcinia and Platonia have edible mesocarps. The
resinous latex of Moronobea, Platonia, and Symphonia is
used by local inhabitants and Amerindians to caulk canoes,
attach arrowheads, make masks, and burn in torches for
Key to the Genera of Clusiaceae
by Peter F. Stevens and Paul E. Berry

1. Leaves alternate; fruit a capsule ..... 2

1. Leaves opposite; fruit a berry, drupe, or capsule .....


2(1). Leaves sessile, clustered near branch apices,

secondary veins closely parallel, tertiary veins not
evident ..... 12. Neotatea

2. Leaves petiolate, more dispersed along the stem,

secondary veins not closely parallel, tertiary veins well
developed and ( perpendicular to the secondary veins .....

3(2). Pubescence usually of (minute) stellate hairs;

flowers yellow or whitish; capsules usually about as long
as wide, occasionally to 2 or 3 times longer than wide;
seeds large, 1-3 per fruit ..... 2. Caraipa

3. Pubescence of simple hairs; flowers pink to purple;

capsules elongate; seeds small, numerous ..... 9. Mahurea

4(1). Styles usually longer than the ovary; filaments much

more slender than the anthers; stigma papillate or smooth;
plants usually hermaphroditic (rarely dioecious) ..... 5

4. Styles usually shorter than the ovary; filaments at

least 1/2 the width of the anthers; stigma not papillate
(either minute and porose or much expanded); plants often
dioecious ..... 8

5(4). Leaves with secondary veins closely parallel,

tertiary veins poorly developed; ovary 1-locular, fruit a
1-seeded drupe ..... 1. Calophyllum

5. Leaves with tertiary veins evident; ovary multilocular,

fruit a many-seeded capsule or berry ..... 6

6(5). Shrubs or trees with brightly colored latex drying

reddish on exposure and stellate pubescence on leaves and
stems; petals densely pubescent on the inner surface; fruit
a berry ..... 16. Vismia

6. Herbs to trees, latex either not obvious or not drying

reddish on exposure; trichomes, if present, not stellate;
petals glabrous; fruit a capsule ..... 7
7(6). Herbs or subshrubs; leaves less than 1 cm across (in
the flora area), tertiary venation obscure; inflorescence
cymose ..... 7. Hypericum

7. Trees; leaves > 5 cm wide, tertiary venation ladder-

like; inflorescence racemose ..... 10. Marila
8(4). Leaf blades with glands and latex canals; abaxial
surface of bracteoles and often sepals with a gland; fruit
a berry with numerous, small, nonarillate seeds ..... 5.

8. Leaf blades rarely with both glands and latex canals;

bracteoles and sepals lacking surface glands; fruit
capsular, or if a berry, seeds few, large, and usually
arillate ..... 9

9(8). Terminal bud with scales (or at least their scars

evident on the stem); flowers bisexual, anthers > 2 mm
long; stigmas minute, porose ..... 10

9. Terminal bud usually without scales; flowers usually

unisexual; anthers usually less than 2 mm long; stigmas
much expanded ..... 13

10(9). Flowers in 3-9-flowered axillary cymes; filaments

all basally connate into a tube, then dividing into 5 lobes
of 3 stamens each; seeds with "hairy" testa ..... 14.

10. Flowers solitary in leaf axils; filaments not all

basally connate, the individual fascicles with > 3 stamens
each; seeds lacking "hairy" testa ..... 11

11(10). Petals linear; fruit stipitate, elongate,

indehiscent or dehiscing by twisting of the valves ..... 8.

11. Petals broad; fruit not stipitate, a subglobose to

ovoid, leathery berry ..... 12

12(11). Stamens spiraled or less often straight, less than

13 per fascicle; ovary and fruit often with spiral
markings, fruits usually with a single seed ..... 11.

12. Stamens not spiraled, > 15 per fascicle; ovary and

fruit smooth, without spiral markings; fruits usually with
5 seeds ..... 13. Platonia
13(9). Flowers in axillary fascicles; fruit a smooth to
verrucose, 1- or few-seeded berry; seed(s) surrounded by
pulp, but lacking an aril ..... 6. Garcinia

13. Flowers in terminal or axillary cymose panicles or

sometimes solitary, but not in axillary fascicles; fruit a
fleshy capsule; seeds arillate ..... 14

14(13). Petiole base often strongly excavated, the adaxial

margins often strongly raised; axillary vegetative branches
with a distinctively long basal internode; styles often
distinct; sepals 2-4 ..... 15. Tovomita

14. Petiole base only slightly or not excavated, the

adaxial margins usually not raised; axillary vegetative
branches lacking long basal internode; styles lacking, or,
if present, then sepals > 4 ..... 15

15(14). Ovule 1 per locule; aril vascularized (obviously

cellular), reddish orange or white; stamens free;
trees ..... 3. Chrysochlamys

15. Ovule (1)4-many per locule; aril not vascularized (not

obviously cellular), red or orange; stamens free to
connate; trees, epiphytes, or lianas ..... 4. Clusia

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