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17/10/2017 Stanford University CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing


CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing


Schedule and Syllabus

Unless otherwise speci ed the course lectures and meeting times are:

Tuesday, Thursday 3:00-4:20

Location: Gates B1

Event Date Description Course Materials

Lecture Mar Intro to NLP and Deep Learning Suggested Readings:

29 1. [Linear Algebra Review (]
2. [Probability Review (]
3. [Convex Optimization Review (]
4. [More Optimization (SGD) Review (]
5. [From Frequency to Meaning: Vector Space Models of Semantics

[Lecture Notes 1 (lecture_notes/notes1.pdf)]

[python tutorial (] [slides (lectures/CS224d-Le

Lecture Mar Simple Word Vector Suggested Readings:

31 representations: word2vec, GloVe 1. [Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality
2. [E cient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space (
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture2.pdf)]

A1 released Apr Pset #1 released [Pset 1 (assignment1/index.html)] [Pset 1 Solutions (assignment1/assignment1_soln)] [Pset
4 Code (assignment1/]

Lecture Apr Advanced word vector Suggested Readings:

5 representations: language 1. [GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation (
models, softmax, single layer 2. [Improving Word Representations via Global Context and Multiple Word Prototypes
networks (]

[Lecture Notes 2 (lecture_notes/notes2.pdf)]

[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture3.pdf)]

Lecture Apr Neural Networks and Suggested Readings:

7 backpropagation -- for named 1. [UFLDL tutorial (http://u]
entity recognition 2. [Learning Representations by Backpropogating Errors
[Lecture Notes 3 (lecture_notes/notes3.pdf)]
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture4.pdf)]

Lecture Apr Project Advice, Neural Networks Suggested Readings:

12 and Back-Prop (in full gory detail) 1. [Natural Language Processing (almost) from Scratch (
2. [A Neural Network for Factoid Question Answering over Paragraphs
3. [Grounded Compositional Semantics for Finding and Describing Images with Sentences
4. [Deep Visual-Semantic Alignments for Generating Image Descriptions
5. [Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank

[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture5.pdf)] 1/3
17/10/2017 Stanford University CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing

Lecture Apr Practical tips: gradient checks, Suggested Readings:

14 over tting, regularization, 1. [Practical recommendations for gradient-based training of deep architectures
activation functions, details (]
2. [UFLDL page on gradient checking
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture6.pdf)]

A1 Due Apr Pset #1 due


Lecture Apr Introduction to Tensor ow Suggested Readings:

19 1. [TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture7.pdf)] [AWS Tutorial (supplementary/aws-tutorial-2.pdf)] [AW
Supplementary (lectures/CS224D-Lecture7-2.pdf)] [AWS Tutorial Video (

A2 released Apr Pset #2 released [Pset 2 (assignment2/index.html)][Pset 2 Solutions (assignment2/assignment2_sol.pdf)] [Pse

20 Code (assignment2/]

Lecture Apr Recurrent neural networks -- for Suggested Readings:

21 language modeling and other 1. [Recurrent neural network based language model
tasks (http://www.
2. [Extensions of recurrent neural network language model
3. [Opinion Mining with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks (

[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture8.pdf)] [minimal net example (karpathy) (http://cs231n.githu

networks-case-study/)] [vanishing grad example (notebooks/vanishing_grad_example.html)]
notebook (notebooks/vanishing_grad_example.ipynb)]
[Lecture Notes 4 (lecture_notes/notes4.pdf)]

Lecture Apr GRUs and LSTMs -- for machine Suggested Readings:

26 translation 1. [Long Short-Term Memory (
2. [Gated Feedback Recurrent Neural Networks (]
3. [Empirical Evaluation of Gated Recurrent Neural Networks on Sequence Modeling

[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture9.pdf)]

Proposal Apr Course Project Proposal due [proposal description (project.html#proposal)]

due 28

Lecture Apr Recursive neural networks -- for Suggested Readings:

28 parsing 1. [Parsing with Compositional Vector Grammars
2. [Subgradient Methods for Structured Prediction (
3. [Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks (http://w]

[Lecture Notes 5 (lecture_notes/LectureNotes5.pdf)]

[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture10.pdf)]

Lecture May Recursive neural networks -- for Suggested Readings:

3 different tasks (e.g. sentiment 1. [Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank
analysis) (]
2. [Dynamic Pooling and Unfolding Recursive Autoencoders for Paraphrase Detection
3. [Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory N
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture11.pdf)]

A2 Due May Pset #2 Due date


Lecture May Review Session for Midterm Suggested Readings: N/A

[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture12.pdf)] 2/3
17/10/2017 Stanford University CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing

Midterm May In-class midterm [midterm solutions (midterm/midterm_solutions.pdf)]


A3 released May Pset #3 released [Pset 3 (assignment3/index.html)] [Pset 3 Solutions (assignment3/pset3_soln.pdf)] [Pset 3 So
12 (assignment3/]

Lecture May Convolutional neural networks -- Suggested Readings:

12 for sentence classi cation 1. [A Convolutional Neural Network for Modelling Sentences
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture13.pdf)]

Milestone May Course Project Milestone [milestone description (project.html#milestone)]


Lecture May Guest Lecture with Andrew Maas Suggested Readings:

17 ( 1. [ Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition (papers/maas_pa
Speech recognition
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture14.pdf)]

Lecture May Guest Lecture with Thang Luong Suggested Readings:

19 ( 1. [ Achieving Open Vocabulary Neural Machine Translation with Hybrid Word-Character M
Machine Translation (papers/achieving.pdf)]
2. [ Addressing the Rare Word Problem in Neural Machine Translation (papers/addressing
3. [ Advances in natural language processing (papers/advances.pdf)]
4. [ Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate (papers/neural_ma
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture15.pdf)]

A3 Due May Pset #3 Due date


Lecture May Guest Lecture with Quoc Le Suggested Readings:

24 ( 1. [ Sequence to Sequence with Neural Networks (papers/seq2seq.pdf)]
Seq2Seq and Large Scale DL 2. [ Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate (papers/nmt.pdf
3. [ A Neural Conversation Model (papers/ancm.pdf)]
4. [ Neural Programmer: Include Latent Programs with Gradient Descent (papers/npil.pdf)]
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture16.pdf)]

Lecture May The future of Deep Learning for Suggested Readings:

26 NLP: Dynamic Memory Networks 1. [Ask me anthing: Dynamic Memory Networks for NLP (
[slides (lectures/CS224d-Lecture17.pdf)]

Poster June Final project poster

Presentation 1 presentations: 2-5 pm, Gates

Final Project Jun Final course project due date [project description]
Due 3 3/3

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