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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name _________Jerri Braswell_________________________ Activity Title _______Farm


Number of children participating at one time __8______ Ages __0 to 3yrs________

IMPORTANT: When you are finished entering all of your information into the template, any information provided here
to help you through the planning process (in RED) can be deleted.

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Language and Literacy
Learning &
Strand: listening and speaking
Standards: Topic: expressive language

List at least 1 Standard Statement: Combine words to express more complex ideas, or requests.
standard that
Domain: Language and Literacy
is addressed
by this activity. Strand: listening and speaking
Write out each
component Topic: receptive language and comprehension
Standard Statement: Show understanding of simple requests and statements referring to
and exactly,
as published in people and objects around them.
Domain: Approaches towards learning
Strand: initiative
Topic: Planning, Action, Reflection
Standard Statement: Develop, initiate and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal.

In this lesson we will be using a barn/farm animals' app on our classroom iPads. Children will be able to
use two words commands such as "Open Please" in order to open the barn yard to see what animal is
behind the door. Children will be able to identify farm animals. Children will be able to use the
projector to make a farm animal collage. Children will be able to explore picture files of farm animals
on the smart board.

Estimated This lesson will take about 3 days or as long as children are interested in the topic. iPad will be out for
the first hour of free play in the morning and also 1 hour of free play in the afternoon. That would be a
total of two hours a day
Preparation What preparation is needed?
of materials Make sure iPads are fully charged and the app is already downloaded to each iPad.
environment What materials will be used? iPads

How will the learning environment be set up? iPads will be placed on a short table where it will
be accessible to every child

Instructional Procedures: (This will be one of the most detailed sections of this assignment

Day 1:
Circle time: 5-10 minutes- we will read "Do Cows Meow." We will sing "Old Mc Donald." Make a KWL chart on farm
Free play: 2hrs morning and 2 hrs. afternoon: iPads will be out the first hour of free play both morning and afternoon.
iPads will have a farm animal app, where children will be able to use two-word commands such as "open please," to
open the barn door and reveal the farm animal behind the door. Writing area will have a projector with a big piece of
white paper taped to the wall, so that children can trace cookie cutters shaped as farm animals.

Day 2:
Circle time: 5-10mintues-we will view farm animals picture file on the smart board, discuss what we want know about
farm animals.
Free play: first hour bring iPads out with the same app. Have cookie cutters and playdough out for finger play area. Add
farm animals to block area.

Day 3:
Circle Time 5-10mintues- ask open-ended question "if you can be a farm animal which one would you be?" And chart it
on chart paper. Look at what do farm animals eat on the smartboard.
Free play: first hour bring out iPads with the barn/farm animal app. Make a farm animal collage on the projector with
play farm animals. Add farm animals and hay to the sensory table.

This website is a vocabulary builder. Young children can use this website to learn a wide range of vocabulary. I love the
fact that the vocabulary words is also sorted by stages, which accommodates children on different levels.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students: the advanced children can teach the younger children how to use the materials.
They can use iPads to look up the different sounds of the animals.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material: with
children that struggle with the material I can download an app that they can just tap and hear the sounds of the animals
and the animal's names.

Vocabulary: barn, Open Please, horse, cow, goat, chicken, etc.

For teachers Smart board, iPads, picture file, cookie cutters, hay, projector, farm animals. I will
have to be hands on with younger children to help them use the iPads. I might have
to give younger children the words to use to open the barn door.

For students Smart board, iPads, Projectors, paper, drawing tools (marker, crayons, pencils, and

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