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Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Bakanlnn 21.03.2017 tarihli ve 11 sayl kararyla 2017 - 2018 retim
ylndan itibaren 5 (be) yl sreyle ders kitab olarak kabul edilmitir.


Alnteri Bulvar No.: 29 Ostim /ANKARA
Tel.: (0312) 385 37 27 Belge: (0312) 385 16 17


zlem ONAY

Dil Uzman


Grsel Tasarm Uzman


lme ve Deerlendirme Uzman

Do. Dr. Devrim ALICI

Program Gelitirme Uzman

Mustafa BULUCU

Rehberlik Uzman



Bask Yeri
Cem Veb Ofset

Bask Yl

Bu kitabn her hakk CEM VEB OFSET SAN. TC. LTD Tne aittir. Fikir Eserleri Kanunu
gereince tamam veya bir ksm yayncnn izni olmakszn elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi ya da her-
hangi bir kayt sistemi ile oaltlamaz, yaynlanamaz ve baslamaz.

Korkma, snmez bu afaklarda yzen al sancak; Bastn yerleri toprak diyerek geme, tan:
Snmeden yurdumun stnde tten en son ocak. Dn altndaki binlerce kefensiz yatan.
O benim milletimin yldzdr, parlayacak; Sen ehit olusun, incitme, yazktr, atan:
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Verme, dnyalar alsan da bu cennet vatan.
atma, kurban olaym, ehreni ey nazl hill! Kim bu cennet vatann uruna olmaz ki feda?
Kahraman rkma bir gl! Ne bu iddet, bu cell? heda fkracak topra sksan, heda!
Sana olmaz dklen kanlarmz sonra hell. Cn, cnn, btn varm alsn da Huda,
Hakkdr Hakka tapan milletimin istikll. Etmesin tek vatanmdan beni dnyada cda.
Ben ezelden beridir hr yaadm, hr yaarm. Ruhumun senden lh, udur ancak emeli:
Hangi lgn bana zincir vuracakm? aarm! Demesin mabedimin gsne nmahrem eli.
Kkremi sel gibiyim, bendimi iner, aarm. Bu ezanlar -ki ehadetleri dinin temeli-
Yrtarm dalar, enginlere smam, taarm. Ebed yurdumun stnde benim inlemeli.
Garbn fkn sarmsa elik zrhl duvar, O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- tam,
Benim iman dolu gsm gibi serhaddim var. Her cerhamdan lh, boanp kanl yam,
Ulusun, korkma! Nasl byle bir iman boar, Fkrr ruh- mcerret gibi yerden nam;
Medeniyyet dediin tek dii kalm canavar? O zaman ykselerek ara deer belki bam.
Arkada, yurduma alaklar uratma sakn; Dalgalan sen de afaklar gibi ey anl hill!
Siper et gvdeni, dursun bu hayszca akn. Olsun artk dklen kanlarmn hepsi hell.
Doacaktr sana vadettii gnler Hakkn; Ebediyyen sana yok, rkma yok izmihll;
Kim bilir, belki yarn, belki yarndan da yakn Hakkdr hr yaam bayramn hrriyyet;
Hakkdr Hakka tapan milletimin istikll!

Mehmet kif Ersoy


Ey Trk genlii! Birinci vazifen, Trk istikllini, Trk Cumhuriyetini,

ilelebet muhafaza ve mdafaa etmektir.
Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin en
kymetli hazinendir. stikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek
isteyecek dhil ve hric bedhahlarn olacaktr. Bir gn, istikll ve cumhuriyeti
mdafaa mecburiyetine dersen, vazifeye atlmak iin, iinde bulunacan
vaziyetin imkn ve eraitini dnmeyeceksin! Bu imkn ve erait, ok
namsait bir mahiyette tezahr edebilir. stikll ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek
dmanlar, btn dnyada emsali grlmemi bir galibiyetin mmessili
olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatann btn kaleleri zapt edilmi, btn
tersanelerine girilmi, btn ordular datlm ve memleketin her kesi bilfiil
igal edilmi olabilir. Btn bu eraitten daha elm ve daha vahim olmak zere,
memleketin dhilinde iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dallet ve hatt hyanet
iinde bulunabilirler. Hatt bu iktidar sahipleri ahs menfaatlerini,
mstevllerin siyas emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret iinde
harap ve btap dm olabilir.
Ey Trk istikbalinin evld! te, bu ahval ve erait iinde dahi vazifen,
Trk istikll ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktr. Muhta olduun kudret,
damarlarndaki asil kanda mevcuttur.
Mustafa Kemal Atatrk


1 WHAT A LIFE!........................................................... 7

2 HARD TIMES........................................................... 19

3 FUTURE JOBS .......................................................... 31

4 BACK TO THE PAST................................................. 43

5 HOBBIES AND SKILLS............................................. 55

6 OPEN YOUR HEART................................................ 67

7 FACTS FROM TURKEY............................................ 79

8 WHAT IF . . .............................................................. 91

9 MY FRIENDS............................................................ 103

10 HABITS: NOW AND THEN...................................... 115
CAN DO CLUB ................................................................................................................................ 127
ATTENTION...................................................................................................................................... 133
WORD LIST ..................................................................................................................................... 154
IRREGULAR VERBS ....................................................................................................................... 161
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................................... 164
VISUAL BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................. 165


1. In your opinion, what is the most important event in history? Why? Discuss
with your friend.

2. Look at the picture below. Who are they? What are they doing? Share
your ideas with the class.

3. Match the following pictures with their meanings.

1. Cannon (n.) 2. Fleet (n.)

3. Conquer (v.) 4. Innovative (adj.)

a. having new and creative ideas

b. a large gun that shoots heavy metal or stone balls

c. a group of military ships that only one leader controls

d. to take control of a country, city, etc.

1 4. Listen to a history teacher in her class and guess the topic of the
2 5. Listen to the second part of the lecture and put the following events
in order.
(...) a. After the final attack, the Eastern Roman Empire lost.

(...) b. Sultan Mehmet II used cannonballs on the walls of Constantinople.

(...) c. Sultan Mehmet IIs fleet couldnt enter the Golden Horn Gulf.

(...) d. He moved some ships from his fleet in Dolmabahe by ropes on trees to the Golden Horn.

3 6. Listen again and answer the following questions.

1. Write the three results of the conquest of stanbul:

a. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

b. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

c. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. What does conqueror mean?


IDIOM / PROVERB think outside the box:
a. think in an original and creative way
Choose the
correct meaning. b. think just like the other people

7. In groups of four, do a research about another important historical event

and prepare a poster. Present it in the class.


8. Fill in the questionnaire for yourself first. Then, work with a partner. Ask
and answer the questions in pairs and complete the questionnaire.

Date Yourself Your Partner

e.g. I started school when I was 6. She moved to Ankara after her
September, 2006 father started working at the
Ministry of Education.

June, 2009

January, 2014

August, 2016

9. Read the texts and insert the following sentences.

a. When I went home, they had already left for dinner.

b. He got married at the age of fifty and had five children.
c. After I graduated from high school, I entered the university.

Hi, Im Susan from Canada. I was born in 1995. I lived in Quebec with my
family until 2005. After my father had a new job in Toronto, we moved
there. I started high school in Toronto and had great friends. I attended
all summer camps during my high school years and had a lot of fun. We
stayed in tents, walked many miles, did some research together and
conducted some experiments. They were all fascinating and enjoyable.
............................................................... My favorite subject at high school was
Chemistry and Physics, so I chose Chemistry department of University of

Hello, my name is Allain and I am from Paris. Last week, something funny
happened. I went to school in the morning and in the afternoon, after
school, I played basketball with my friends. Before we finished the game, my
mom had called, but I didnt hear the phone. My parents had an important
dinner to attend, so they wanted to inform me, but they couldnt talk to me.
.................................................. The house was empty and I felt nervous when I
didnt find them at home. I called them many times, but they didnt answer,
so I got very scared. I waited for an hour and then, I called the police. When
the police arrived, my parents came back home and they were shocked.

Hi, I am Malik from Pakistan. I would like to talk about my grandpa. He

was an amazing person. He lived in Islamabad all his life. He grew up in an
orphanage. He was very intelligent, so he finished high school as an honor
student. Then, he couldnt attend university because he didnt have money.
But, this didnt stop him. He worked hard to save enough money for his
university studies. He worked for ten years and saved enough money. After
he enrolled in medical department, he went on working part-time to get
by. When he graduated from university, he started working as a doctor at
an international hospital. ....................................................... He loved his children
much and also helped other children at the orphanages until his death.

10. Read the texts again and answer the following questions.

1. When did Susan and her family move to Toronto?

2. What did students do during the summer camps in Toronto?

3. Why did Susan choose Chemistry department?

4. Why didnt Allain hear the phone when his mother called?

5. What did Allain do after he waited for his parents for an hour?

6. How did Maliks grandpa start university?

7. Where did he work after graduation?

8. Why do you think Maliks grandpa helped children at the orphanages all his life?

Having witnessed many wars, stanbul is still a romantic city.
When I went home, they had already left for dinner.
He got married at the age of fifty and had five children.
After I graduated from high school, I entered the university.

11. Write a short paragraph and describe a strange / joyful / funny event
you experienced in the past.

12. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions. Then, share your
answers with the rest of the class.


1. Do you like reading books?

2. What kind of books do you like


3. Who is your favorite writer?

4. What is your favorite book?

5. What is the name of the book

you last read? Did you like it?
Why / Why not?

13. Who is Charles Dickens? Have you read any of his works?

4 14. Listen to a radio show about Charles Dickens and tick 4 the names
of the novels you hear.

Hard Time
(....) Carol
AC hris
Great Ex Ble (....)
ak H
(.... wist
er T

5 15. Listen again and write T for true and F for false for the following

(.....) 1. Charles Dickens lived in the 18th century.

(.....) 2. He wrote an autobiographical novel.
(.....) 3. Pickwick Papers was a successful novel.
(.....) 4. Dickens wife wrote Oliver Twist.
(.....) 5. Dickens novels are republished every year.

Before Charles Dickens wrote his novels, he had had a difficult life.
Before he wrote Pickwick Papers, he had published more stories.

E-Portfolio Read the story below and complete it in your own words.

It was late at night. Jacks family were sleeping. Jack was watching TV
in his room. Then, he heard some noise downstairs. ..........................................

6 16. Listen to the pronunciation of the following verbs endings and repeat.
/t/ /d/ / id /

laughed showed decided

missed closed hated
helped opened tasted

7 17. Now, listen to the pronunciation of the verbs from exercise 14 and put
them under the correct sound.
/t/ /d/ / id /

18. Discussion Time

1 Do you think hard work is more important than luck and opportunities to become a
successful person?

2 How do you think great scientists become successful?

3 Have you heard of Aziz Sancar? Who is he?

19. Read the paragraphs a-f about Aziz Sancars life and put them in the
correct order.
1 a. Aziz Sancar was born in Mardin on September 8, 1946. His parents
were illiterate; however, they put great emphasis on education.
His teachers were all idealistic teachers and they received their
education in the Village Institutes. Sancar later stated that this was a
great inspiration to him.Throughout his school life, he had great
academic success. He wanted to study chemistry while he was at
high school, but his classmates and teachers persuaded him to study
medicine and he got into medicine along with his classmates. He
studied medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Istanbul University.

(......) b. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2005 as

the first Turkish-American member. He is the Sarah Graham Kenan
Professor of Biochemistry at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill. He is married to Gwen Boles Sancar, who is also
a Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Together, they founded Carolina Trk Evi, a Turkish Center close to
the campus of UNC-CH, which provides graduate housing for four Turkish researchers at UNC-CH,
short term guest services for Turkish visiting scholars, and a center for promoting Turkish-American

(......) c. Soon after, he wrote to Stan Rupert, who had been involved in the discovery of DNA repair and was
at Johns Hopkins during Sancars time there, but had since moved to the University of Texas at Dallas.
He was accepted and completed his PhD in molecular biology there.

(......) d. He was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Tomas Lindahl and Paul L. Modrich
for their mechanistic studies of DNA repair. Aziz Sancar donated his original Nobel Prize golden
medal and certificate to the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, with a presidential ceremony on 19
May 2016, which is the 97th anniversary of Atatrk, initiating the Turkish War of Independence. He
also delivered a replica of his Nobel medal and certificate to Istanbul University, from which he earned
his MD.

(......) e. After completing his PhD, Sancar worked at Yale University for five years. Then, he was accepted as
a lecturer at the University of North Carolina, the only university that he got a positive response from
out of the 50 he applied to. He explored all avenues to go on his studies in the US. He has stated that
his accent of English was detrimental to his career as a lecturer.

(......) f. After graduating from stanbul University at the age of 24, Sancar returned to Mardin. He wanted to
go to the United States, but he was recommended to try out being a doctor and he worked as a doctor
in the region for 1,5 years. He, then won a scholarship from TBTAK to pursue further education in
biochemistry at Johns Hopkins University.

20. Answer the following questions.

1. How did his high school teachers affect Aziz Sancar?

2. Why did he choose to study medicine?

3. How did he start Johns Hopkins University?

4. Where did he finish his PhD studies?

5. What was the significance of his accent of English?

6. What did he do with his Nobel Prize?

7. How do you feel about Aziz Sancars life story? Did he have a simple life? How do you
think he became that successful?

IDIOM / PROVERB explore all avenues:

a. discover new opportunities to earn money
Choose the
correct meaning. b. try out every possibility to get a result

21. Read the biography again. Then, match the underlined vocabulary items
with their definitions.

Vocabulary Definition

(.......) 1. inspiration a. contributing to the progress or growth of something

(.......) 2. promoting b. presented as a gift

(.......) 3. donated c. to carry further, advance

(.......) 4. initiating d. starting

(.......) 5. detrimental e. a person or thing that moves the intellect or invention

(.......) 6. pursue f. harmful

22. Work in pairs. Choose a famous inventor / scientist and do a research
about his / her life. Then, write a short biography of that person and
share it with your classmates.

.................................................................................................... HELP EACH

.................................................................................................... Meaning is not clear

.................................................................................................... Wrong word

.................................................................................................... Grammar
.................................................................................................... Spelling & Punctuation

Video-Blog a. Work in groups of four and prepare a documentary about

a famous persons life and make a video. Dont mention the
name in the video.
b. Other groups will try to identify the name of the famous
person in your documentary.

Programs Video

A Famous Persons Life

Can Do Club



1. Do you think life was more difficult in the past than it is now? Discuss
with your friends in groups of three and share your ideas with the rest
of the class.

2. Look at the pictures below. When do you think these photos were taken?
How was their life?

1 2 3

4 5 6

8 3. Listen to the first part of a students presentation about life in the

1900s and circle the best alternative.
1. The student is going to talk about ____________.
a. Middle Eastern and Asian History
b. historical events in the 21st century
c. American and European events in history

2. 1900s were ____________.

a. the best era in American history
b. difficult times as well as good
c. the ending of a great period in history

3. In the 1900s, people ____________.

a. didnt use to have the same appliances as we do
b. took their clothes to a river to wash them
c. used to lead luxurious lives

9 4. Fill in the blanks with words from the box. Then, listen again and
check your answers.
1. ....................................., there was the Industrial Revolution.
2. ....................................., there were factories opening everywhere.
First 3. ....................................., people started to quit their jobs and tried to find jobs there.
After that 4. ..................................... it became a common appliance for everyone, people used to
wash their clothes with water from the river.

10 5. Listen to the second part of the presentation and fill in the chart.

A hurricane destroyed Texas.



1903 Marie and Pierre Curie won

the Nobel Prize for Physics.

Japan declared war on 1904


An earthquake hit San 1906



1909 American explorers reached

the North Pole.

a. the USA bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark. Meanwhile, in France Marie and Pierre Curie were working on the radioactive element radium.
b. Albert Einsteins Theory of Relativity was born in this year, so its a very important year.
c. After Queen Victoria died, her son Edward VII became the king and Theodore Roosevelt became the president in America.
d. It was the year people began to build the Titanic in Ireland.
e. Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo was born.

6. Work in pairs. Which event in this era is the most important in your
opinion? Why? Discuss with your friend.

Video-Blog Work in pairs. Choose one of the decades below and prepare a
similar presentation like the one in exercises 3-5 sharing your
own ideas about the era. Make a video of your presentation
and share your ideas.
70s 80s 90s

7. Work in groups of three. Look at the pictures below and try to guess
what happened. For each picture, each member will start a short story
with two sentences. Then, the other members will add two more sentences
and finish the story for each picture.




8. Which story did you like most from exercise 7? Why?

9. Discussion Time

1 Why do you think all people have different childhood

memories which they never forget?

2 What makes a holiday memory worst?

3 Do you think people should learn from their mistakes

or memories and dont do the same mistakes again?

10. Read the texts and fill in the blanks with the missing vocabulary given
in the box.

vacations guilty connected footsteps awfully put off

Last week, something terrible happened! My brother was riding his bike
when he broke his leg. That day was a sunny and beautiful day, so my little
brother, Tony, went out to play with his friends. As I was studying in my
room, I heard them playing, laughing and having fun. After a while, they
were all gone. I looked out of the window and saw Tony and his friends
riding their bikes. I went on studying but then, I heard a cry. It was Tony!
My father and I ran outside the house. Tony was lying on the ground while
his friends were trying to help him. He couldnt stand up because he broke
his leg 1. ................... My mother called the emergency immediately and an ambulance came and took Tony
to hospital. I was shocked and felt 2. .................. because I didnt warn Tony and his friends that they were
riding around a construction area which could be dangerous for them. That was my mistake!

I eat, sleep and breathe adventure travel as it is always fun, but something
bad happened during one of my 3. .................... a while ago. While I was
driving in India a few years ago, I found myself in the tiger area. I was
alone because I left the group for a short ride around the camp site, but
I drove too far away. Suddenly, I realized that the road ended and I was
in the bare forest. Then, my tyre stuck into the mud. I was scared, but it
was too late. First, I tried to get out of the mud. It was impossible. Then,
I looked for someone to help, but nobody was around. I shouted a lot.
Then, suddenly, I heard slow 4. ................... inside the bushes and saw a tiger walking towards me. I was going
to faint. I ran inside the SUV and tried to call someone for help. My phone wasnt there! I started crying and
after two hours, two tour guides came while I was desperately waiting for someone to realize that I was
missing. They saved me, but the tiger was hurt a bit while the guides were trying to distract it away from
me. It was my fault!

When my grandparents were young, there were no mobile phones. There were
phones at homes, but they couldnt call someone directly. They used to have a
central telephone system and some officers 5. ................... people after a while.
They used to wait for hours to call someone. Therefore, they came together with
the people they wished to see or talk to and they communicated via letters with
the people who lived far away. One day, my grandfathers aunt wrote a letter to
my grandfather to inform him that his mother was ill and he needed to go to his
hometown to see his mother for the last time. But, unfortunately, it was too late
when the letter arrived. His mother had already died before he could go to their
house. My grandfather never forgave himself because he 6. ................... visiting his
parents that year and couldnt see his mother for the last time!

11. Read the texts again and write T for true and F for false for the
following statements.

1. Tony and his friends played outside the house because it was nice outside.

2. Tony was taken to hospital in his fathers car.

3. The car was stuck in the mud because it was raining heavily.

4. Tour guides found out that one person was absent and looked for him.

5. People used to have more face to face communication with the people around.

6. People used to receive letters always on time.

12. Read the endings of the texts again. Would you feel the same? Why?
What would you do? Write a short paragraph expressing your opinion.


eat, sleep and breathe something:

OF THE WEEK a. feeling the taste and odor of something you deeply want to taste
Choose the b. being so enthusiastic and passionate about something that you
correct meaning. think about it all the time

People used to wash their clothes with water from the river.
As there was no electricity, people used to use candles at home.
My brother was riding his bike when he broke his leg.
While I was driving in India a few years ago, I found myself in the tiger area.
When my grandparents were young, there were no mobile phones.

E-Portfolio Write down a short paragraph on your blog and describe one
of your bad memories.

13. Read the following statement. Do you agree or disagree? Support your
answer with reasons.

There are no regrets in life, only experiences.

Lailah Gifti Akita

11 14. Listen to the radio show and put the pictures in order. Then, match
the pictures with the callers.

a. b. c.

1st caller: Picture ...................... 2nd caller: Picture ...................... 3rd caller: Picture ......................

12 15. Listen again and tick 4 the correct sentences.

(......) a. Diana missed her exam, but she was able to pass her class.
1 (......) b. Diana failed her class because she missed her exam.
(......) a. Diana is probably not a university student any more.
(......) b. Diana is still trying to pass the same class at university.
(......) a. Jos probably lost his passport while he was wandering around in Rome.
(......) b. Jos left his passport in his hotel room.
(......) a. People at the embassy were very helpful.
(......) b. Jos had to spend a lot of time trying to solve his problem.
(......) a. Sophie was working at a grocery store while she was at university.
(......) b. Sophie was working part-time at a mobile phone shop.
(......) a. The robbers were two men with masks and guns.
(......) b. Two men and a woman tried to rob Sophie.

thank your lucky stars:

OF THE WEEK a. to be grateful for being healthy
Choose the b. to be grateful for having good luck
correct meaning.

16. Which memory do you think is the worst? Why / Why not? Take notes.
Then, share your ideas with the rest of the class.

13 17. Listen to the parts of the conversation in exercise 14 and tick 4the
correct intonation.

Rising Falling

a. Did you pass that class later on?

b. Yes, I did.

a. Can you believe that?

b. Im sorry to hear that.

a. Do you have a story for us?

b. Of course, I do.

a. Go ahead with your story, please.

b. It was the worst day in my life.

14 18. Read the sentences aloud. Be careful with the underlined words.
Write the following sentences under the correct intonation. Then,
listen and check.

Rising Falling Have you seen the new movie about WWII?
No, I havent.

Did she pass the exam?

Yes, she passed it with the highest grade.

Is it cold in here?
I dont think so.

19. Work in pairs and talk about personal stories.

20. Discussion Time

1 Do you believe in myths / legends? Why / Why not?

2 Why do you think there have always been myths through the centuries?

3 Do you know a myth / legend? Share it with the rest of the class.

21. Read the news excerpt about a Turkish Myth: Lake Van Monster and write
T for true and F for false for the following statements.

CNN World News, June 12, 1997

Sightings of the Lake Van monster were first reported about
two years ago, but evidence was offered on Tuesday: bad quality
amateur pictures of something long and dark moving in the
middle of the lake.
After each report of witnesses who believed that
they saw the monster, professional camera crews
have rented boats to try to take a photo of the
monster, but didnt manage to take one.
The monster became an obsession for 26-year-
old nal Kozak, who is a teaching assistant at Van
University. He has been talking to every eyewitness
since the first sightings.
He waited for long hours at the spots where most of the sightings were reported to
see and film the so-called monster and he claimed that he saw the monster himself on
three occasions. Kozak also wrote a book on the creature, including drawings of the
monster based on the descriptions of some 1,000 witnesses.
He says the creature is about 15 meters (49.5 feet) long. Public opinion is divided
over whether the Lake Van monster is a clever hoax to attract visitors to a region that
could use some tourist revenue.

(.....) 1. Evidence about the Lake Van monster was found two years ago.
(.....) 2. A few photos of the monster were taken by professional camera crews.
(.....) 3. nal Kozak didnt care about the monster.
(.....) 4. The monster was seen three times by Mr. Kozak.
(.....) 5. Some people believe that the Lake Van monster is a made-up story to attract tourists.

22. Read the news excerpt again. Work in pairs and write down a short
comment using the prompts below.

How you felt about the story

How much trustworthy the story is

How you would change the

course or ending

23. Do you know how to use a dictionary?
Explain it to your partner.

24. Look at the dictionary page carefully and match the abbreviations with
their definitions.

memorable /'mmrbl/. Something that is memorable is worth remembering or likely ADJ QUALITY
- unforgettable
to be remembered, because it is special or unusual. EG The visit was memorable for
me. I had a memorable flight. memorably. EG She made a memorably concillatory - notably
memorandum /'mm'rndm/. memoranda. A memorandum is 1. a written N COUNT
statement that is prepared especially for a person or committee in order to give them - report
information about a particular matter. EG She received a disturbing memorandum
from leader of the team. They prepared a 83-page memorandum for the Select
2. a short official note that is written to a person or to several people, especially N COUNT
colleagues. EG office memorandum. - memo
memorail /m'mrl/ memorials. 1. memorial is an object built on the ground or N COUNT: ALSO
placed on the wall of a building in order to remind people of a famous person or event. IN NAMES AFTER
EG The cars swirl round the memorial... ...a memorial to Queen Alexandra... ...the N
Albert Memorial.
2 A memorial event or prize is held or awarded as a way of remembering someone who ADJ CLASSIF:
has died. EG He was often to be seen at funerals and memorial services... The book ALSO IN NAMES
won the 1981 George Orwell Memorial Prize.
memorize /'mmraz/. memorizes, memorizing, memorized; also spelled
memorise. If you memorize something, you learn it thoroughly so that you can repeat v+o
it exactly using only your memory. EG I was able to read a whole page and memorize - learn by heart
it in under three minutes.
memory /'mmri/. memories. 1. Your memory is your ability to retain and recall N COUNT
information, ideas, images and thoughts. EG The accuracy of their memory is POSS+ N
astounding... I have a bad memory for such things... A few things stand out in my

Abbreviations Definitions

1. N: ....... a. Example
2. COUNT: ....... b. Adverb
3. V: ....... c. Adjective
4. O: ....... d. Object
5. ADJ: ....... e. Verb
6. ADV: ....... f. Noun
7. EG: ....... g. Countable

25. Read the dictionary entry and fill in the blanks with the words given in
the box.

Pronunciation First definition Second definition

Sample sentence (2) Part of speech Entry word

1. ..................... 2. ..................... 3. .....................

4. ................. word /wd/ (n) 1. A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with
others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either
side when written or printed:
5. ................. I dont like the word unofficial

6. ................. 2. A command, password, or signal:

7. ................. Someone gave me the word to start playing.

26. Choose two new vocabulary items from this Theme and prepare a similar
dictionary entry and present it in the class.

Can Do Club



1. Read the speech bubbles about the professions below and write similar

I am going to be a garbage designer to I am going to be a telesurgeon to operate

create new, better quality items by using on patients remotely using robotic arms,
very little waste. I must study hard because a master controller and a sensory system
this job requires a background in materials that provides feedback to its user. Im going
science and engineering, and a familiarity to perform surgeries on patients in far off
with industrial design. locations.

......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................
......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................
......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................
......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................
......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................


2. Work in pairs. Imagine that you are on the phone with one of your high
school friends. Prepare a dialogue explaining your workday activities.

3. Discussion Time

1 What are your future career plans? What is your dream job? Discuss in groups. Share your
ideas with other classmates.

2 Which jobs do you think will be very popular in the future?

4. Work in pairs. Read the following statement. What does it mean? Do you
agree or disagree? Why / Why not?

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

5. Who is a career counselor? What does he / she do? Discuss with your
friends and share your answers with the rest of the class.

15 6. Listen and answer: Why does Mr. Taylor talk to a career counselor?

16 7. Listen to their conversation again and tick 4 the correct sentences.

Then, correct the false sentences.

1. Mr. Taylors last graduation was from high school.

2. Mr. Taylor hasnt started working yet.

3. There are many job opportunities for computer engineers.

4. There arent many fields in computer engineering.

5. Mr. Taylor wants to have many responsibilities in the office.

6. Mr. Taylor will do some tests to find out about his future job.

with flying colors:
OF THE WEEK a. When you do something with flying colors, it means you do it
very successfully.
Choose the
correct meaning. b. When you do something with flying colors, it means you do it

8. Do a research on your dream job and write about it. Then, present your
findings in the class.

What is it?
Who can do this job? What qualifications and
skills does a person need to do that job?
What kind of opportunities does this job
have? (Income, workplace, workday activities,
vacation time, etc.)


9. Discussion Time

1 How do you think CVs affect employers?

2 How do you think a successful CV should be like?

10. Read the job ads below and CVs on page 36 and match the appropriate
ads with CVs.

1. 2.
Receptionist / Administrator Teachers Required Urgently
Well established small company in the manufacturing For Middle level at English Medium School.
industry is looking for the services of a proactive
Receptionist / Administrator to work in their team QUALIFICATIONS
in California. With a breakdown of 75% admin / sales
M.A. Eng. / ELTL (Female only)
support and 25% reception and secretarial focus,
you will utilize your great project management and Two years teaching experience
organizational skills. The Sales support aspect of your
role will encompass the input of technical and detailed PREFERENCE
orders for the production area. Good communication skills
If you are a proactive, professionally presented Experience in high schools
person & want to be part of a growing organization,
this could be your next long term role.

Sous Chef Cape Bay
Passionate about food
Hard working
Does this sound like you? Then, we want to hear from you!
We are looking for an enthusiastic, creative and fully qualified chef to assist in running our large and busy
restaurant kitchen. Waves Restaurant features high quality modern Australian cuisine, with an emphasis on fabulous,
fresh seafood caught in the local area. It is an award-winning restaurant that often caters for a variety of events
including weddings and corporate functions.
The successful applicant will have previous experience:
Managing a busy kitchen
Setting menus and food pricing
Ordering and monitoring supplies

John Parrot Jessica Bloom
Contact 27 Boston Ave
476 Darcy Lane Darwin NT 0800
Cob Coast QLD 4444 M: 0400 000 000
M: 0455 555 555 E:
Professional TESOL Certificate Completed: 2007
Southbank TAFE Diploma in ELT
Brisbane QLD University of New England Completed: 2006

Certificate IV in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)

Key Skills and Abilities
Graduated: 2003 Teaching ability
Able to develop interactive, tailored and stimulating lesson
Employment History plans and programs for students and consistently receive
positive student evaluations and feedback.
Jan 2010 Sep 2016: Sous Chef
The French Brasserie
When managing a school in Vietnam, implemented staff and
London, UK
structural changes with minimal disruption, evaluated school
Responsibilities and employee needs, and provided support to instructors both
with teaching and establishing themselves in a foreign country.
Supervised a team of 25 in a busy kitchen
Managed food preparation processes
Work Experience
Managed all team tasks
October 2010 July 2016:
Allocated duties and meal orders
Teacher/Trainer, Stellar
Hanoi, Vietnam
Jun 2003 Dec 2009: Apprentice chef
(later promoted to chef de partie in
March 2008) Responsibilities
Scales Seafood Restaurant Managed a school with over 100 students, six instructors and
Southbank, QLD three Vietnamese staff
Taught English, compiled monthly school reports, conducted
Responsibilities instructor evaluations and performed administrative duties
Recruited and coached new teachers
Worked with different chefs
March 2007 September 2010:
Cooked meals, entrees, snacks and desserts
ESL Teacher, ABC College
Prepared sauces
Sydney, Australia
Checked stock levels

Interests Prepared English language lessons for students of varying
levels of ability, from Beginners to Advanced
Travelling the world and preparing amazing
Evaluated student progress and tailored lessons accordingly
French cookery techniques

11. Read the job ads and CVs quickly and answer the following questions.
1. Which job requires 2 years experience?
2. Which job prefers a creative applicant?
3. Which job develops the employees organizational skills?
4. Which person has more experience in business?
5. Which person has more leadership skills?
6. Which job would you like to apply for? Why?
7. What is your opinion about the applicants? Do they qualify for the positions?

12. Work in pairs. Look at the CV below and make predictions about the
future career of this person. Use the prompts.
Which jobs can be appropriate?
How should this employee develop her skills / CV?
What kind of benefits can she bring to her employers?

Derin Durusoy
Email ID : ***@***
Contact No. : +91-**********

Career Summary
An innovative thinker, initiative taker and multidimensional professional with exceptional logical and
analytical skills
Experience in designing, developing, implementing and testing computer-based hardware and software.
Personal Qualities
Excellent logical, analytical and computational skills.
Ability to work individual as well as in team.
Technical Skills
Languages: JAVA, C, C++
Operating System: Windows 7, LINUX
Working as Software Developer in the USA company, Checkers, since 2013
B.Tech. in computer science engineering

E-Portfolio Prepare a job ad and write down an appropriate CV for that
ad on your blog.

x +

Home Pictures FAQ Contact

Personal Profile

Name Achievements
Surname .......................................................................................................................

........................................... .......................................................................................................................



Work Experience
........................................... .......................................................................................................................

13. How should a job candidate prepare before a job interview? Discuss in
groups and share your ideas with the rest of the class.

17 14. Listen to the telephone conversation between a Human Resources
Employee and a job candidate and complete the dialogue with the
phrases in the box.
a. Thank you. f. May I speak to Stella Stone, please?
b. Im afraid Ill be at another meeting. g. What about next week?
c. Hold on a moment h. I was wondering if I could meet you
d. See you, then. i. How may I help you?
e. This is

Stella Stone : Good morning. 1. .....................................

Mehmet : Good, morning. 2. ....................................
Stella Stone : 3. ................................... Stella speaking.
Mehmet : Hi. 4. ..................................... for the
engineering position this week.
Stella Stone : Let me check this weeks schedule.
5. ....................................., please.
Mehmet : Of course.
Stella Stone : Is five oclock tomorrow a good time for you?
Mehmet : 6. ..................................... Can we meet at
three oclock, instead?
Stella Stone : Im sorry but there is no other available time
this week.
Mehmet : I see. 7. ............................. Is it possible for
you to see me next week for a short meeting?
Stella Stone : Yes, sure. Is 9 oclock on Monday morning
good for you?
Mehmet : Certainly. 8. .....................................
Stella Stone : No problem. 9. .....................................

18 15. Listen again and repeat the parts of the job candidate, Mehmet as
the whole class.

16. Imagine that youre on the phone talking to Stella Stone. Work in pairs
and ask and answer questions about workday activities and vacation times.

Is five oclock tomorrow a good time for you?
Can we meet at three oclock?
Is it possible for you to see me next week for a short meeting?
Yes, sure.
Im afraid Ill be in another meeting.
I am free after nine a.m.
Ill call you tomorrow.
She isnt going to attend the meeting next week.
They are going to build a new house here.
They are going to be very popular in the upcoming years.

17. Work in pairs. One of you is Stella Stone and the other is Mehmet.
Today is the job interview day. Write questions and answers for the job
interview. Then, role-play.

19 18. Listen to the following couples of sentences and circle the one you

a. Ill call you tomorrow.

b. I will call you tomorrow.

a. She is not going to attend the meeting next week.

b. She isnt going to attend the meeting next week.

a. They are going to build a new house here.

b. Theyre going to build a new house here.

a. You wont stay here for long, I suppose.

b. You will not stay here for long, I suppose.

20 19. Listen and repeat the following sentences.

I think I wont like it.

I feel like Ill get bored.
Theyre going to be very popular in the upcoming years.
Im not going to bother you.
Of course, it isnt going to be easy; its going to take some time.

20. Discussion Time

1 Why do you think people write a letter of intent?

2 How do you think this letter can be more effective?

21. Read the text about letter of intent and fill in the blanks with the
vocabulary items from the box.

goal confident convinced participated process interest

People need to provide a letter of intent for many different reasons. This letter is required for school applications,
particularly graduate school, and other business, professional and personal purposes. This piece of any application can
be one of the most important parts of the 1. .................. The letter allows the applicant to demonstrate personality as
well as communication skills. A successful letter of intent is informative, professional, and persuasive. It is important to
keep the end 2. ................ in mind, whether that is admission to school or a business partnership.
Here we have a sample letter of intent for a graduate school.
[Address] / [Phone] / [Email]
Dr. Merrill Yates
Dean of the College of Graduate Studies / Arizona State University
Dear Dean Yates,
I am writing to inform you of my 3. ................. in the Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering Program at
Arizona State University. I have submitted my application with applicable documentation.
I currently hold my Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Washington State University (WSU),
with a GPA of 3.76. While attending WSU, I 4. ................. in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Lighter
than Air UAV competition, scoring third place with a team of fellow student engineers.
I developed an interest in engineering and technology in high school while I was attending the Aerospace Science
and Technology program at Rainier Beach High School. During my time in the program, I learned a great deal about the
interworking of engines and airfoils. This 5. ................. me to apply to the Aerospace Engineering program at WSU.
This program allowed me to study many different subjects, including physics, aerodynamics, mathematics, and fluid
Given my education and experience, I am 6. ................. that I am an excellent fit for the ASU MSME program. I have
researched the program and determined that the coursework and research profile of the college are a strong match. If
you have any further questions, please contact me using the information at the top of this letter.
John Smith

22. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of writing a letter of intent? 4. Which qualifications does he have to fit for the
2. Do you think the sample letter is persuasive program?
enough? 5. Do you think the Dean will accept him to the
3. What does John Smith want to do? program? Why / Why not?

23. Work in pairs. First, read the letter of intent. Then, write down a CV for
Mary Dove.

Jack Ford nue

HR, 28 Ave
Director of e position
r M r. Fo rd, w ri ti n g to apply for th
D ea
, and I am
Mary Dove on June 21.
My name is to yo ur website ieve I would
ector po st ed ience, I bel
ti n g D ir g ex p er
Mar ke marke ti n Marketing
5 ye ar s o f professional w it h a B achelors in
With on. I gradu
fe ct fi t fo r this positi ea rn an MBA from
ap er t on to artments
C L A in 20 09 and wen in th e m arketing dep
from U worked as the hea
d of
ion, I have t position,
11 . S in ce graduat re ce n
in 20 My m o st ience that
y p o p u la r retailers. a g re at d eal of exper
of man e me ith comple
g team, gav charged w
L ig h ts marketin e. I w as
G re en
efit 28 Ave
n u innovati ns,
w o u ld d irectly ben ia st ra te gy, and my
I feel med s by
Light social creased sale
ro vi n g the Green s I im p le mented, in s
im p strate g ie trendsetter
in ed w it h the new ad m an y d es igners and
comb tionships w
ith reatly
e and will g
. I built rela my time ther
over 200% and wh ile I lo ve d
I w as at G reen Light, to em b ar k on a new
while s time e dont
sk ill s I le ar ned, I feel it ic at io n s fu rther, pleas
value the qualif by email at
iscuss my be reached
yo u w o u ld like to d . I ca n al so
If 198
(478) 555-0
call me at
hesitate to
Best regard

Mary Dove
Email ID: ......................................................... Contact No.: .........................................................

Career Summary Skills

....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................

Personal Qualities Employers

....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................

24. Prepare a letter of intent. Give information about your career and your
workday activities. Share it on your blog. HELP EACH
Video-Blog Make a video. Introduce yourself and explain
your qualifications for your future career. Can Do Club



1. Look at the picture. What do you think happened to him? Write at least
two predictions about what happened to him. Then, share your answers
with your classmates.

2. Answer the questions.

1. Have you ever done something you regretted in your life? What was it?
2. If you had the chance, how would you change it?

3. Match the pictures with the descriptions below.

1. (......) 2. (......) 3. (......)

a. This is the most successful talk show host in the United States.

b. This is a Canadian actor famous for his comedy movies.

c. This person wrote one of the most successful books in the world: Harry Potter.

21 4. Listen to a TV program about these three people and tick 4 the
topics they talk about.

( ) 1. His most important roles

Jim Carey ( ) 2. His childhood
( ) 3. His first job

( ) 1. Her mother and father

Oprah Winfrey ( ) 2. Her future plans
( ) 3. Her university background

( ) 1. Her marital status

J.K. Rowling ( ) 2. Her mother
( ) 3. Her nationality

22 5. Listen again and answer the following questions.

1. Did Jim Carey finish high school? Why / Why not?

2. How did Carey feel when no one hired him as an actor?
3. Why does Oprah Winfrey feel sad about her parents?
4. What was Winfreys department at university?
5. Why was J.K. Rowling depressed?
6. How did Rowlings life change?

work out:
OF THE WEEK a. turn out all right in the end
Choose the b. result in failure
correct meaning.

not all roses:

a. If a situation is not all roses, there are some unexpected results
of it.
b. If a situation is not all roses, there are unpleasant things to deal

6. Which life story affected you more? Why? Write your reasons and share
your answer with your classmates.

23 7. Listen to the following statements from exercise 4. Then, repeat.

a. Id go to work every day from 9 to 5. c. Id study really hard back then.

b. I wish theyd stayed together. d. I wish Id been a different person.

24 8. Listen to the following statements. Then, fill in the blanks with had,
would, d.

e.g. She .................. remembered to lock the door.
I wish I ................ told him the truth.

1. She wishes she .............................. studied Engineering.

2. When he was younger, he .............................. spend a lot of time with his grandparents.

3. I wish I .............................. washed my clothes last night. Now, I dont have anything to wear to the meeting.

4. In the 80s, we .............................. go out to play with our friends in our neighborhood.

9. Work in pairs. Prepare a dialogue using the prompts and examples. Then,
past reg
past wis

I wish I had studied harder

before the midterms.
I failed.
Oh, thats terrible. Now,
you can study for the next
midterms. Ill help you.

Thanks a lot. I wish I had

talked to you earlier.

Never mind. Lets go to the

library. I also wish you had
asked for help earlier but it
is never too late!

10. Discussion Time

1 Do you have a diary? Why / Why not? What kind of people keep diaries?

2 Do you think peoples diaries are personal and nobody should read them? Why / Why not?

11. Read the diary entry and the reflection of Jennifer. Then, insert the

a. Therefore, I stayed away from that course.

b. All in all, I have never forgiven myself although I have never cheated again.
c. I felt so embarrassed that I couldnt stand up for a while.

Jennifers Reflection
Jennifers Diary

26 November, 2013 26 November, 2016

When I read my diary, I found this entry

Dear Diary, and felt ashamed again. What a big
Today, I made a big mistake. I cheated in the Math mistake! I wish I hadnt cheated in that
exam! Do you believe it? It was the first and the exam. I wish I hadnt made that wrong
last time I swear. Last week, I was very ill, so I decision. That event changed the course
couldnt study for the exam. Thats why, I made a of my educational life. I had loved Math a
wrong decision and I tried to cheat. It was a huge lot before that but unfortunately, I couldnt
mistake! Oh my God! How could I try to deceive talk to my teacher about that mistake.
my teacher? I cant believe it! My teacher came 2. ....................................... My grades were still
close and she quietly told me to stop writing and good but I could never look at my teachers
leave the classroom as she saw me cheating. 1. face again, so I chose another field to study
............................................................Then, I handed in at university. I wish somebody had warned
my exam paper and left the classroom in tears. me about the consequences. I wish I had
I hope nobody saw me. But how can I apologize had the worst grade from Math but hadnt
to my teacher for cheating? I have no idea, dear cheated in that exam! 3. .................................
diary. I am a fool! Thats all water under the bridge now, but
one thing is still the same: my feelings about
that shame!

Thats all water under the bridge:

OF THE WEEK a. a happy past experience
Choose the b. a past occurrence, especially something unfortunate, that cannot
correct meaning. be undone or rectified

12. Read the diary entry and the reflection of Jennifer again. Then, match
the underlined vocabulary items with their definitions.

Vocabulary Definition
(.....) 1. deceive a. results of something

(.....) 2. handed in b. feeling shame or guilt

(.....) 3. ashamed c. to cheat or trick someone with deceptive words

(.....) 4. consequences d. submitted or gave something by hand

13. Answer the following questions about Jennifer.

1. Why did Jane decide to cheat?

2. Do you think it was a reasonable decision? Why? / Why not?

3. When do you think she realized her mistake?

4. How did that event change her life?

5. Do you think her life could have been different if that event hadnt happened?

6. How would you have behaved if you had been in her shoes?

7. Write two more wishes for Jennifer:

Jennifer wishes she ........................................................................................................................

Jennifer wishes she ........................................................................................................................

I wish I hadnt cheated in that exam.
I wish somebody had warned me about the consequences.

14. Write a diary entry expressing one of your regrets.

E-Portfolio Do a class survey and complete the information gap. Then,
comment on these regrets on your blog.

Student A Student B Student C

One of your

When did it

Could you change

the result? How?

15. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. What do you wish had or hadnt
happened in them? Then, share your answers with your classmates.
a b

c d

25 16. Listen to the letters of three children about environmental problems
and put the issues they talk about in order.

(....) a. noise pollution (....) c. water pollution

(....) b. deforestation (....) d. light pollution

26 17. Listen again and underline the correct alternative in the following
e.g. Ramsey is 8 / 9 years old.

1. Ramsey wishes older generations had cared about the nature more / less.

2. Ramsey wants more cinemas / playgrounds for children in cities.

3. Eileen can / cant concentrate on her homework because of light / noise pollution.

4. Eileen wishes people hadnt bought a lot of apartments / cars.

5. Jamie likes watching the stars / lights in the city.

6. Jamie wishes his parents had / hadnt settled in a small town / big city years ago.

18. Imagine you have a time capsule. In groups of four, write at least three
things you wish you had or hadnt done for future generations and put it
in a capsule for future generations to find.

19. Discussion Time

1 Do you have a pen friend?

2 Why do you think having a pen friend was

popular in the 90s?

20. Read the letters and write T for true and F for false for the following

Dear Aye,
Im writing this letter from Birmingham, England. Im Ann from
England. I live with my parents in downtown in the city center. My
father is a dentist and my mother is an accountant in a huge company.
She has worked for that company for a long time. I go to high school
and have a lot of good friends here in Birmingham.
My days are generally the same. I usually get up early and go to
school. In the afternoons, my friends and I go to the Bullsring where
there are many shops and cafs. After that, I go back home, help my
mom for dinner and we have quiet evenings. I study all night because
some subjects such as Physics and Math at school this year, 11th
grade are more difficult.
By the way, I have been abroad several times. In fact, last year, I
visited Turkey and I fell in love with your country. Everybody was
friendly and welcoming. We went to Ephesus, Olympos and Fethiye.
We had a great holiday. History and beautiful nature are blended
in your country. You are very lucky! I wish Id stayed in Turkey for
another week.
Hope to hear from you soon!

Dear Ann,
Its great to hear from you. I live in Rize, one of the
big cities in the Blacksea region of Turkey. We live in
an apartment in winters but we move to our house
which is in my fathers village in summers.
My days are similar, too. I get up early and go to
school. As you said, 11th grade is difficult, so we have
to study harder this year. After school, we go to the
school library to study with friends. Then, I go back
home and help my mom for dinner. We always have
noisy evenings as we have a lot of relatives living in
our neighbourhood and they visit our house almost
every evening. We are a big family with lots of cousins
and grandparents.
I have never been abroad. I wish I had been able to
visit foreign cities, but I visited many cities in Turkey.
I saw Ephesus and Olympos, too. You should visit
Blacksea region! You will love the adorable nature.
This summer, you may visit Rize and I will show you
Hope to see you in Turkey again.

1. Ann attends 11th grade like Aye.

2. When the school finishes, Ann goes back home and helps her mom.

3. Aye lives in a village in winters.

4. Ayes evenings are different from Anns.

21. Read the letters again and complete the information chart.

Ann Aye


e.g. helps her mom 3 3

lives in the city center

changes house in different seasons

goes out with friends

studies in the library

has a lot of visitors in the evenings

has been abroad

has visited Ephesus

invites the other to her city

22. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the benefits of having a pen friend from another country?
2. What are the good qualities of a pen friend?
3. Would you like to have a pen friend? Why / Why not?
4. If you had a pen friend, which nationality would you prefer? Why?

She has worked for that company for a long time.
I have been abroad several times.
I have never been abroad.

23. Work in pairs. Write a similar letter to each other expressing your regrets
and hopes.


Video-Blog Choose an important cultural figure from history and do a
research about his / her life. Then, make a video and talk about
that persons wishes about his / her own past.

Can Do Club



1. 1. What kind of activities do you like / dislike doing? Do you need to have
some special skills to do your favorite hobby or activity? Why?

2. Look at the pictures below. Match the hobbies with the names. Then,
answer: Which hobbies would you enjoy / dislike doing? Why? Share your
answers with your classmates.

a juggling b knitting c parkour

d ice-skating e model making f pottery

Picture 1 ................. Picture 2 .................

Picture 3 ................. Picture 4 .................

Picture 5 ................. Picture 6 .................

3. Write about each celebritys hobbies and interests as in the example.

Hobbies and interests: Playing the piano and Philanthrophy

She has two hobbies. First, she likes helping other

people. And, she is very good at playing the piano.

Alicia Keys

Hobbies and interests: Movies and playing tennis


Roger Federer

Hobbies and interests: Acting and environmentalism


Cate Blanchett

4. Surf the Internet about your favorite celebrity. Find his / her hobbies.
Share your findings with your friends.

Hobbies and interests: ..........................................................

Picture of the celebrity


5. Walk around the class. Find someone who . . .

1. likes reading books. ..................................................................................

2. enjoys swimming. ..................................................................................
3. is gifted in playing the guitar. ..................................................................................
4. is good at doing sports. ..................................................................................
5. wants to learn surfing. ..................................................................................
6. loves watching movies. ..................................................................................
7. is very into drawing pictures. ..................................................................................
8. d rather stay home than go out. ..................................................................................
9. prefers to spend his / her time alone at home. ..................................................................................

27 6. Listen to the following dialogue between two students who have just
met and tick the hobbies you hear.

(.....) mountain-climbing (.....) photography (.....) trekking

(.....) playing chess (.....) collecting stamps

(.....) playing football (.....) writing computer programs (.....) dancing

28 7. Listen again and circle the incorrect alternative.

1. Emre is .......................... .
a. a high school student b. from Turkey c. unhappy about his new school

2. Melanie .......................... .
a. is from San Francisco b. is British c. is half-Italian

3. Emre wants to .......................... .

a. learn how to dance b. take better pictures c. do some activities

4. .......................... can play chess.

a. Emre b. Melanie c. Emres mother

29 8. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What does Melanie enjoy doing?
2. Who is a chess master?
3. Who is gifted in photography?

Video-Blog One of you is a new student and the other is an old one. You
have just met. Write a dialogue as in exercise 6. Then, role-play
and make a video of the dialogue.

9. Discussion Time

1 Do you think everyone should have a hobby? Why / Why not?

2 Which hobbies do you think are best for high school students? Why / Why not?

When a habit begins to cost money, its called a hobby:

OF THE WEEK a. When you pay some money for a regular activity, it becomes a
Choose the
correct meaning. b. If you take up a hobby, you shouldnt pay money for it.

I am good at using computers and writing some computer programs.
Im very into photography.
I want to learn how to take better pictures and how to use professional cameras.
My best friend is very good at taking great pictures.
She is really gifted in photography.
How about you? Do you also like taking photographs?
I enjoy washing the dishes.
Id rather clean the whole house than do the dishes.
I enjoy dancing and this year I want to learn how to play chess.
She prefers to spend her time alone at home.

10. Prepare a poster and write about your hobbies / likes / dislikes /
preferences using the prompts. Then, present your poster in the class.


e.g. I enjoy making puzzles. People say that I am gifted in drawing.

I am good at playing chess. I dislike watching cartoons.

11. Discussion Time

1 What are the new trends among 11th grade students?

2 What kind of activities do teenagers like to do at your age?

3 Do you think traveling is the best hobby a person can ever have? Why / Why not?

12. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary items from the

takes up satisfaction interacting

varied encourage leisure time

1st: For some people, traveling is a part

of education and experience. And for some,
visiting churches, monasteries, castles and
fortifications, libraries, etc. is a complete waste
of time. Majority of these people may further say
that one can read the account of these or see
the films of the important places in the world.
However, they certainly forget that touch of
actuality gives a different type of sensation and
1. ...................... to mankind.

2nd: Traveling may sound like an expensive hobby to most people, but it compensates
the financial loss as it is worth every penny you spend. If a traveler has interest in life and
its manifestations, that person can find much to keep oneself absorbed and happy. Most
people claim that anyone can definitely find something of his own interest and studies if he
2. ...................... traveling as a hobby. Some others also add that a traveler can definitely find
everything that satisfies his intellectual desires while traveling.

3rd: As a hobby, traveling keeps us busy during 3. ......................; it is the best method to
make use of time. One cannot find satisfaction until he breaks from dull routine, physically and
mentally. Traveling helps us to achieve this break. At a new place, one is curious to know and
eager to gather all the unknown information about the place which he has neither read nor heard
before. Therefore, he gets thrills and surprises which keep the interest and enthusiasm alive and
4. ...................... him to keep the journey on.

4th: Whats more, while traveling, one comes across a number of people from 5. ......................
backgrounds and places. By 6. ...................... with them, he comes to know about their heritages
also. As a result, he increases his experience and power to understand others. Understanding
human nature is, perhaps, the best part of education. Traveling satisfies all demands of a good
hobby it combines education and refreshment to the mind, body and soul.

13. Read the text again and match the paragraphs with the following main

a. There are opposing ideas about traveling.

b. One of the benefits of traveling is meeting new people from different cultures.
c. Sometimes, it is necessary to break out of the routine.
d. There are more benefits of traveling compared to what you pay for it.

14. Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. Why do some people think traveling to cultural or historical places is a waste of

time? Do you agree with them? Why / Why not?

2. How do you think traveling satisfies a person intellectually?

3. For a traveler, what is the significance of gathering all the unknown information
about the place which he has neither read nor heard before?

4. What is the relationship between traveling and understanding other cultures?

5. Do you think people can feel more empathy to other people if they travel more?

6. What is the writers attitude towards traveling?

Traveling may sound like an expensive hobby to most people.
Majority of these people may further say that one can read the account of these or see the
films of the important places of the world.
Most people claim that anyone can definitely find something of his own interest and studies.

15. Work in groups of four. First, match the pictures with the names of
unusual hobbies. Then, each member will talk about these hobbies using
the prompts.
Who does this Why people take up this hobby
Where they can perform it How enjoyable you think it can be

1. (........) 2. (........) 3. (........) 4. (........)

toy voyaging soap carving beetle fighting egg carving

a. b. c. d.

16. Do you think successful people have hobbies? Why / Why not?

30 17. Listen to a fashion blogger do street interviews with people and put
the pictures in order.

(...) a. (...) b.

(...) c. (...) d.

31 18. Listen again and write T for true and F for false for the following

(....) 1. Selma is on a busy street in London.

(....) 2. First speaker cannot afford designer clothes.

(....) 3. Second speaker has a favorite designer.

(....) 4. Third speaker cares about fashion very much.

(....) 5. Fourth speaker believes fashion industry supports animal rights.

32 19. Listen to the following questions from exercise 17 and repeat.

a. You dont have money? c. Are you talking to me?

b. Is that clear? d. Do you see me?

33 20. Below are the questions with different stress patterns. Listen and
circle the ones you hear.

a. Is your cat sick?

b. Is your cat sick?
1 c. Is your cat sick?

a. Did she write that book?

b. Did she write that book?
2 c. Did she write that book?

a. Have they passed the exam?

b. Have they passed the exam?
3 c. Have they passed the exam?

34 21. Listen to the different pronunciation of s in plural words and verbs

with third person singular and repeat.

/s/ /z/ / z /
books burns watches
walks girls houses
drinks reads teaches

35 22. Now, listen to the pronunciation of words from exercise 17 and put
them under the correct sound.

/s/ /z/ / z /

23. Discussion Time

1 Do you think professional sports is a hobby? Why / Why not?

2 Do you think people who work at the jobs which are their hobbies are luckier than the
others? Why / Why not?

24. Look at the pictures in exercise 25 on page 65. Who are they? Which
sports are they doing?

25. Read the texts and insert the sentences.

a. Her sister, Serena, and she worked hard to become professionals.

b. He is very good at scoring goals as an attacking midfielder.
c. He loves doing sports and he is gifted in this branch, running.
d. She still wants to develop her skills although people think she is already the best.
e. He has always dreamed of playing in Bara.
f. He has won several gold medals with world records in olympics.

Arda Turan is a famous football player. He is very lucky because his profession is his
hobby. When he was a child, he spent all his time playing football with his friends
from the neighborhood. Since his childhood, his leisure time activity has always been
playing PES with his friends on playstation. 1. .................................................
Now, he is in Barcelona. He enjoys practising football every day. 2. ..................................
He will go on playing football until he cant do sports!

Venus Williams is a famous tennis player. She started playing tennis at the age of four.
3. ............................................................. They didnt play with dolls or toys as they had one
aim: Becoming the best in tennis!
Venus is gifted in playing tennis. 4. ........................................................................... Being one
of the top players in the world is not just a matter of luck for her, it is her blood, sweat
and tears which has got her here!

Usain Bolt is a famous Jamaican sprinter. He has been the fastest man in the entire
human history. 5. ....................................................... He has been running since childhood
and he says this is how he survives. He cant stop running.
6. ............................................................ In his teenage years, he played football and cricket
but his dream has always been becoming a sprinter and he managed to do it!

blood, sweat and tears:

OF THE WEEK a. something that necessitates a lot of physical activity
Choose the b. something that requires a lot of effort and hard work
correct meaning.

26. Read the texts again and write T for true and F for false for the
following statements.
1. Arda Turans best pastime activity is practising football.
2. Arda Turan has always played in Barcelona.
3. Venus Williams has another tennis player sister, Serena.
4. Venus Williams has worked really hard to be at the top.
5. Usain Bolt is the fastest running sprinter in the world.
6. Usain Bolt has always wanted to become a football player.

27. Imagine you are one of the people in exercise 25. Write a short paragraph
and explain your hobby and skills you need to do it.


E-Portfolio Do a research about unusual hobbies and choose the one you
like most. Prepare a PPT and explain the details and post it on
your blog.
Can Do Club



1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer: Have you complained about anything
lately? What was it about? How did you solve it?

2. Match the following pictures with the complaints. Compare your answers
with your classmates.

Picture 1 (.....) Picture 2 (.....)

Picture 3 (.....) Picture 4 (.....)

a. Those children are bullying the new kid at school.

b. I failed from my English final exam!
c. I am so sick today! I cant even speak!
d. You have 5 minutes to school and you still havent finished your assignment.

3. Match the appropriate response with each complaint in the pictures.

a. I should have worn my coat outside. c. You should have done your homework.
b. I could have studied more for the exam. d. They couldve been nicer to the new student.

Picture 1: .....................................................................................................................................................

Picture 2: .....................................................................................................................................................

Picture 3: .....................................................................................................................................................

Picture 4: .....................................................................................................................................................

4. Work in pairs. Read the complaints again in exercise 3. What is your piece
of advice for them? Write one piece of advice for each complaint. Then,
share your answers with your classmates.


5. Read the situations under each picture and write sentences as in the
What must have happened?
What cant have happened?
What might have happened?

e.g. When Jack got home, he found his wife Fiona and his kid Liam
like this in the kitchen.
Liam must have driven his mom mad. Im pretty sure about it.
Fiona cant have had a peaceful afternoon. Its so obvious!
Liam might have thrown the pot at his mother. It seems possible.

1. James boss was yelling at him this morning and she looked very

2. Then, all the residents left the city. There was no one left behind.

3. When I got home, I found my daughter, ule in the kitchen like this.

36 6. Listen to the following dialogue between a student and his advisor
teacher and underline the correct word or phrases.

1. Mikes grades have risen / fallen dramatically this term.

2. Mike has entered / will enter the university exam this year.

3. Mikes best friend lives in Budapest / Ankara.

4. Mikes Physics / English teacher had an ear operation.

37 7. Listen again and answer the following questions.

1. Write two things that Mike should or shouldnt have done to get high grades?


2. Why did Mike and Jim decide to write letters to each other?


3. What must have Jim done according to the teacher?


4. Why did Mr. Johnson not answer Mikes questions?


8. Work in pairs. Criticize Mikes behavior as in the example. Write at least

three criticisms.
e.g. He shouldnt have focused too much on his friend.

1. .....................................................................................................................................................................

2. .....................................................................................................................................................................

3. .....................................................................................................................................................................

give someone credit for something:

OF THE WEEK a. believe that someone is good at something or has a special
Choose the quality
correct meaning. b. think that someone is trustworthy to take a loan from a bank

38 9. Listen to the following sentences from exercise 6 and repeat.

But, you shouldve tried harder, Akif.

I think I couldve been more motivated to study.
I think we couldve written e-mails.
I shouldve been open-minded.

39 10. Listen to the statements and circle the one you hear.

a. She mightve gone to downtown.

1 b. She might have gone to downtown.

a. They couldve talked to me about that problem.

2 b. They could have talked to me about that problem.

a. We should have taken the first left to arrive at the house.

3 b. We shouldve taken the first left to arrive at the house.


I could have studied more for the exam.

You should have done your homework.
They couldve been nicer to the new student.
But, you shouldve tried harder.
I shouldnt have lost my motivation.
Im sure he mustve written back to you, but he mustve sent the letter to the wrong address
or something.
Im sure he cant have heard your questions.
He couldve stayed at home, but he chose to go to work.
She might have gone to downtown.
I might have overreacted.

11. Read the lines of a dialogue between a call center agent and a customer
and put them in the correct order.
(....) Customer : Good morning, I have a complaint
about my mobile phone. I bought
it a month ago and now, its camera
is gone.
(....) Customer : No, thanks. Ill take it to the service
today. Have a nice day.
(....) Customer : Yes. I have spilled some coffee on
(....) Customer : I have tried that twice, but unfortunately, it is the same.
(....) Call center agent : Hello, madam. Something wrong must have happened. Could you please
check the settings of your mobile?
(....) Call center agent : Oh, I see. You shouldnt have spilled any liquid on it. And if you had done so,
you should have brought the phone to the mobile phone technical support
service immediately. Or, you could have tried to dry it before you used it again.
Now, it may be late, but still you can take it to the nearest service. Anything
else I could help with?
(....) Call center agent : Has the phone fallen or have you spilled any liquid on it?

12. Work in groups of four. Imagine that there is a call center, 118, for
complaints about any subject. Two of you are the agents in the call center
who will give advice and the others call the center for a complaint. Then,
change the roles and role-play.


Video-Blog Choose one of the dialogues you wrote in exercise 12 and make
a video.

13. Discussion Time

1 Have you ever read an advice column? What was written in it?

2 Why do you think people write to advice columns and ask for help?

14. Read the letter written to an Advice Column and fill in the blanks with
the vocabulary items.

Dear Advice Guru,

Something really bad happened. We moved to another city
because my mother changed her job! I still feel terrible about
unbearable In my hometown, I had a lot of good friends. We used to study
and spend time together all the time. My best friends were
there, too. Whenever I was in trouble, I had best friends to talk
sort out
about it and they were always able to 1. . that
problem. My mother never told me about her plans, so I was
lacks shocked! We moved here three months ago and I havent had a
new friend, yet.
My life here seems 2. . I cant stand living
in this city. This city is smaller and it 3. . social
activities. There are only three big shopping malls! Although
it is by the sea and there are a lot of cafs to go, I have no
friends, so they are useless. My mother keeps telling me that I
will get used to living here, but I dont think so. People here are
really 4. . and talk too much. They try to interact
with me all the time, asking many questions. I dont like to be
5. .! I dont answer their questions most of the time
and my parents get mad at me!
What should I do? Please help me.
Desperately Lonely.

15. Now, read the reply of Advice Guru and insert the sentences.

a. You can continue your relationship with your previous friends via telephone or the
b. They could have mistreated you because of your attitude, but fortunately, they didnt.
c. If you had been open to changes, you could have met new people there.

Dear Desperately Lonely,

I can see your point. It must have been really difficult to leave your friends and life there, in your hometown. Im sure you have
been missing every moment of your previous life. However, you need to move further!
Let me first explain your mistakes a bit. You should have made new friends. 1. . Considering your
sincere statements in your letter, you must have been very rude to these kind people there. People must have been very polite
and friendly there because they tried to interact with you although you didnt answer their questions. You must have hurt
their feelings doing so. 2. . Please, consider my objective statements to get used to your new
Now, when it comes to the next steps to be followed, all I can say is to be yourself! As you mentioned in your
letter, you used to have many friends in your hometown. This means you are a friendly and easy going person.
3. . You can occasionally visit each other, too. Please, look around and find new friends
who will change your mind about the new city. People around make a place bearable. You may even love this city more soon!
So, keep calm and stay positive!
Advice Guru

16. Answer the following questions.

1. Why did they have to move to another city?

2. Do you think parents should consider their childrens lives before making important decisions?
3. What makes life unbearable in the new city?
4. What kind of people live in the new city? Do you like these kind of people? Why / Why not?
5. According to Advice Guru, what are the mistakes of Desperately Lonely?
6. What does Advice Guru suggest? How can Desperately Lonely overcome his / her problems?
7. What do you suggest him / her to do?

E-Portfolio Work in pairs. First, write a short letter of complaint to an

Advice Column. Then, exchange the letters and write a reply
with suggestions for the complaint expressing what they
should / shouldnt / could have done.

17. Discussion Time

1 What kind of qualities do you think police detectives should have?

2 Would you like to be a detective? Why / Why not?

18. Work in pairs. Look at the picture. What do you think must / might / cant
have happened here? Why? Write at least three guesses.

e.g. Im sure someone must have had the key to the apartment because the door is open.
Someone might have looked for something in this room because there is a lot of mess.
I think Mr. Cohen cant have seen the suspect because he was out.


40 19. Listen to a detective record his examination of a crime scene in his
tape recorder and correct the wrong word or words in each statement
e.g. Police detective Gary Frank is in a building in lower Manhattan.

1. The resident of the apartment is a professor at a university.


2. Mr. Cohen went to bed when he came back from dinner with his boss.


3. The suspect stole things from Mr. Cohens living room.


4. Mr. Cohen is a well-respected academician.


41 20. Listen again and fill in the blanks with the objects in the picture in
exercise 18.
a. The suspect must have known the password of the ............................ .
b. The suspect might have brought a bag for the ............................ on the wall.
c. He must have entered the apartment from the ............................ in Mr. Cohens study.
d. He might have hit the ............................................ because it was dark in the room.

21. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and predict what might / could / must
have happened in the pictures.

Picture 1 ............. Picture 2 .............

Picture 3 ............. Picture 4 .............

22. Discussion Time

1 Have you ever read moral stories? What kind of stories are they?

2 Do you think these stories teach morals and cultural values to young people? How?

23. Read the short moral stories and match the morals with the correct
a. Haste makes waste.
b. Evil thoughts have evil ends.
c. Truthfulness brings its own reward.

(.......) One day, a wolf was walking in the countryside. He found a sheep-skin which was spread on the
ground. He thought, If I wear this skin and get mixed up in the flock, the shepherd will not suspect
me. At night, I will kill a sheep and then, take him away with me.
Therefore, the wolf covered himself with the sheep-skin and got mixed up with a flock of sheep.
As he had expected, the shepherd took him as a sheep and shut him also in the pen. The wolf was
waiting for the night.
Unexpectedly, the shepherd had a feast that night. He sent a servant to fetch a fat sheep. The
servant saw the sheep-skin covered wolf by chance. That night, the guests had the wolf for supper.
He ended up as the victim while expecting to be the slayer.

(.......) One day, a wood cutters axe accidentally fell into a river. The poor wood cutter looked for it
everywhere in the water but his efforts were in vain. Finally, he burst into tears. Hearing his sobs,
an Angel appeared before him. She asked what happened and he told the story that he couldnt
get by without it and how he couldnt find his axe.
The Angel dived into the river and came up carrying a golden axe. The wood cutter did not
accept it. He stated that his axe was made of iron. The Angel was surprised but disappeared again
and soon returned with a silver axe. The wood cutter again denied that it was his axe. The Angel
once again plunged into the river. She soon reappeared carrying the axe of the wood cutter. The
poor man greeted the angel with words of profuse thanks and great joy.
The Angel was impressed by the mans honesty. In the end, she happily presented him with the
golden and silver axes in recognition of his truthful nature.

(.......) A woman had a pet mongoose. It was very faithful. One day, she went to the market, leaving
her baby in the care of the mongoose. At that time, a big cobra entered the house. The mongoose
killed it after a long and fierce fight.
When the woman came back she saw the mongoose lying at the entrance. She noticed its blood-
covered mouth. In her haste, the woman thought that the mongoose had killed her baby. In a
moment of sudden fury, the woman threw the water pot on the mongoose and killed it.
Alas! When she entered the house she was filled with remorse. Her baby was playing cheerfully.
Nearby, a big cobra lay dead. The woman shed tears of grief patting the corpse of the mongoose.
She made a huge mistake!

24. Match the underlined vocabulary items with their definitions.
(.....) 1. fetch a. wild or turbulent in force, action or intensity
(.....) 2. slayer b. to come or go after to take or bring back
(.....) 3. get by c. deep regret
(.....) 4. profuse d. hunter or killer
(.....) 5. fierce e. giving or given abundantly or extravagant
(.....) 6. remorse f. to succeed in managing or survive

25. Read the stories again and write T for true and F for false for the
following statements.
1. Nobody realized that the wolf sneaked into the sheep pen.

2. The shepherd killed the wolf himself for the feast.

3. The axe was vital for the wood cutter as he couldnt earn money without it.

4. The Angel tried to deceive the wood cutter by giving wrong tools.

5. The mongoose hurt the baby accidentally.

6. The woman misunderstood what she saw and regretted it later.

in vain:
OF THE WEEK a. without doubt
Choose the b. without success
correct meaning.

Haste makes waste:

a. Hurrying will cause you to make mistakes.
b. Hurrying will result in happiness.

E-Portfolio Do a research and find another moral story. Then, share it on

your blog.

26. Choose one of your mistakes you have made at school and write a short
reflection on it using the prompts.

What the mistake was

When it happened
Why you made that mistake
What consequences you experienced

Can Do Club



1. Do you think you know Turkey? Take the quiz.

1. When was the Republic of Turkey founded?

a. 1920 b. 1923 c. 1919

2. Which of these countries doesnt share a border with Turkey?

a. Greece b. Russia c. Iran

3. Choose the correct order (earliest-to-most recent).

a. Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Ottoman Empire, Republic of Turkey
b. Republic of Turkey, Ottoman Empire, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire
c. Ottoman Empire, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Republic of Turkey

4. Which of the following wonders of the World is located in Turkey?

a. The Hanging Gardens
b. The Colossus
c. The Temple of Artemis

5. Where is the oldest shipwreck in Turkey?

a. Arhavi, Artvin b. eme, zmir c. Ka, Antalya

6. Which archeological site in Turkey was chosen as a UNESCO World Heritage

a. Alacahyk b. atalhyk c. Hashyk

7. Of all the places on Earth, Turkey is most prone to what?

a. Tornados b. Volcanic eruptions c. Earthquakes

If you have more than 4 correct answers, you know Turkey well.


1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. c, 5. c, 6. b, 7. c


2. Work in pairs. Write your favorite three things about Turkey. Then, share
your answers with your classmates.

3. Discussion Time

1 What is the most important monument in Turkey? Why / Why not?

2 If you had the chance, what kind of a monument would you build? Who or what would it
be for?

4. Match the pictures of monuments from Turkey with their names.

Monument A Monument B

Monument C Monument D

(....) 1. Selimiye Mosque (....) 3. Antkabir

(....) 2. anakkale Martyrs Memorial (....) 4. Haydarpaa Railway Terminal

5. Look at the monuments again. Which one(s) have you visited or would like
to visit? Why? Share your answer with your classmates.

42 6. Listen to a lecture from an architecture class and put the topics in
chronological order.

(.....) a. Three parts of Antkabir (.....) c. Project competition

(.....) b. Materials used in the construction (.....) d. Decision process for the location of Antkabir

43 7. Listen again and write T for true and F for false.

(.....) 1. A commission was formed by the government to choose the location of Antkabir.

(.....) 2. Professor Jansen designed the plan of Antkabir when he was in Turkey.

(.....) 3. The Youth Park was one of the locations considered by the commission.

(.....) 4. Rasattepe was the new name given by Mithat Aydn to Anttepe.

(.....) 5. One of the winners of the project was Professor Emin Onat.

(.....) 6. Different types of marble and travertine were used in the construction.

(.....) 7. There are four parts in Antkabir.

8. Work in groups of three. Choose your favorite monument and do a

research on it. Then, prepare a poster and present it in class.

9. Discussion Time

1 Have you ever visited the Aegean region of Turkey?

2 What are the most famous tourist attractions in the region?

3 Do you think historic sites are always worth visiting to learn cultural heritage?

10. Read the travel guide and match the pictures with the underlined places.

a. ................................................... b. ...................................................

c. ................................................... d. ...................................................

If you are interested in visiting historic sites, or seeing one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World or World Heritage sites, you
are in the correct place: The Aegean Coast of beautiful Turkey! There are a couple of alternatives of course, but this brochure will inform
you about the history of Ephesus and Pamukkale. Dont miss the boat, come and see Turkey this summer!
Ephesus was an ancient Greek city on the coast of Ionia, Pamukkale, which was also called Hierapolis, is a natural
which was three kilometers southwest of present-day Seluk, in site in Denizli, a province in southwestern Turkey. The city
zmir province, Turkey. Ephesus was built in the 10th century BC. contains (3) hot springs and travertines, which are terraces
During the Classical Greek era, it was one of the twelve cities of the of carbonate minerals left by the flowing water. It is located in
Ionian League. The city flourished after it came under the control Turkeys Inner Aegean region, in the River Menderes valley, which
of the Roman Republic in 129 BC. According to the archeologists, has a temperate climate for most of the year.
it was the third largest city of the Roman Empire after Sardis and The ancient Greco-Roman and Byzantine city of Hierapolis was
Alexandria Troas. built on top of the white castle which is in total about 2,700 meters
The city was famous for (1) the Temple of Artemis, one of long, 600 meters wide and 160 meters high. It can be seen from
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In 268 AD, the Temple the hills on the opposite side of the valley in the town of Denizli.
was destroyed or damaged in a raid. It may have been rebuilt or Pamukkale hot springs and (4) travertines are one of the most
repaired but this is uncertain as later history is not clear. Emperor popular destinations for tourists in Turkey. Tourism has been a
Constantine the Great rebuilt much of the city and erected new major industry. People have bathed in the pools for thousands of
public baths. However, what remained of the temple was destroyed years. During the mid-20th century, hotels were built over the ruins
in 401 AD by a mob. Then, the town was partially destroyed by an of Hierapolis, an approach road was built from the valley over the
earthquake in 614 AD. terraces, and motor bikes were allowed to go up and down the
Ephesus was one of the seven churches of Asia that are cited slopes. However, fortunately, when the area was recognized as a
in the Book of Revelation. The city was the site of several 5th World Heritage Site in 1988, the hotels were demolished, the road
century Christian Councils. It is also the site of a large (2) antique was removed and replaced with artificial pools and wearing shoes
theatre. The ruins of Ephesus are a favorite international and local in the water was also prohibited to keep the travertines natural.
tourist attraction. Finally, in 2015, the city was chosen as a World
Heritage Site by UNESCO.

11. Read the travel guide again and complete the chart.
Which place ? Ephesus Pamukkale

was built in the 10th century BC 4

remained under the Roman Empire control

has a temperate climate

was the 3rd largest city

was built on top of a castle

experienced an earthquake

has pools for people to bathe in

had one of the Seven Wonders of the World

is one of the World Heritage Sites

12. Answer the following questions.

What is the significance of the Temple of Artemis?

1 .............................................................................................................................................................................

Why dont we have an idea whether it was rebuilt or not after the first destruction?
2 .............................................................................................................................................................................

What makes Ephesus valuable for Christians?

3 .............................................................................................................................................................................

How do travertines occur?

4 .............................................................................................................................................................................

Describe the white castle in Hierapolis.

5 .............................................................................................................................................................................

What changed after Pamukkale was regarded as World Heritage Site?

6 .............................................................................................................................................................................

How do you think we should protect our historic sites?

7 .............................................................................................................................................................................

IDIOM / PROVERB miss the boat:
a. fail to take the advantage of an opportunity because of slow
Choose the actions
correct meaning.
b. not being able to catch your boat

Ephesus was built in the 10th century BC.
During the mid-20th century, hotels were built over the ruins of Hierapolis.
When the area was recognized as a World Heritage Site in 1988, the hotels were
demolished, the road was removed and replaced with artificial pools.
Pamukkale hot springs and travertines are one of the most popular destinations for tourists
in Turkey.

13. Work in pairs. Choose another touristic attraction from Turkey. Write a
paragraph and introduce that place.


E-Portfolio Prepare a travel guide brochure for Turkey and share it on
your blog.

14. If a foreigner asked you about which historic sites to see in Turkey, which
three sites would you recommend? Why?

44 15. Listen to a tourist talk to an agent at a tourist information desk in

stanbul and tick 4 the names of the places you hear.

Ankara Castle Topkap Palace Cappadoccia

Van Lake Antkabir Pamukkale travertines and hot springs

45 16. Listen again and circle the correct alternative for the following
1. You cant visit Topkap Palace on ........................ .
a. Saturdays b. Tuesdays c. Wednesdays
2. Museum tickets are ........................ .
a. 40 liras b. for free c. available at the tourist info desk
3. Topkap Palace ........................ .
a. is the best tourist attraction in stanbul
b. was very important for the Ottoman Empire
c. doesnt attract this tourist much
4. After stanbul, the tourist is going to visit ........................ .
a. Pamukkale b. Van c. Ankara

17. Would you like to work at a tourist desk? Why / Why not? Share your
answer with your classmates.
46 18. Listen to the following pairs of words and repeat.

earn urn flea flee loan lone lesson lessen

19. Read the following pairs of sentences and tick 4 the correct meaning
for the underlined words.
1. a. It was such a fine day that everyone was out.
(.....) good, nice (.....) punishment
b. The police gave me a fine for crossing five street in red light.
(.....) good, nice (.....) punishment

2. a. She has blue eyes and fair hair.

(.....) just (.....) blonde
b. Its important to be fair towards students.
(.....) just (.....) blonde

3. a. I bought this suit last year.

(.....) an item of clothing (.....) match
b. These shoes suit well with your coat.
(.....) an item of clothing (.....) match

20. Add your own word pairs in the correct box. Share your answers with
your classmates.
Homophone Homonym

21. Imagine you are a tourist agent. You must prepare a tourist guide to
describe Italy. Write a paragraph using the information in the box.

Capital Rome

Places to visit Rome, Florence, Venice

Things to do visiting museums, taking canal tours, shopping

Dishes to try fettucine, pizza


22. Write a letter to a pen friend living in a foreign country and suggest
places to visit, things to do and Turkish dishes to try from your hometown.


23. Discussion Time

1 What are the most famous mosques that you know or visited?

2 What makes these mosques unique and beautiful?

24. Read the text and insert the sentences.

a. He ordered this main church of Orthodox Christianity converted into a mosque.

b. It attracts almost 3.3 million visitors annually.
c. It was then opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.
d. The Byzantine architecture of the Hagia Sophia served as inspiration for many other
Ottoman mosques such as the Blue Mosque and the Suleymaniye Mosque.

Hagia Sophia was a Greek Orthodox Christian

patriarchal church which was later converted
into an Ottoman mosque and now, it serves as
a museum in stanbul, Turkey. From the date
of its construction in 537 AD, and until 1453, it
served as an Orthodox cathedral and seat of
the Patriarch of Constantinople. The building
was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931.
1. ............................................................
It is famous for its massive dome and considered
the epitome of Byzantine architecture and is said
to have changed the history of architecture. It
remained the worlds largest cathedral for nearly
a thousand years, until Seville Cathedral was
completed in 1520.
In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by
the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II.
2. ............................................................ The bells, altar,
iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels and other relics were removed and the mosaics depicting
Jesus, his Mother Mary, Christian saints and angels were also removed or plastered over.
Islamic features such as the mihrab, minbar and four minarets were added.
From its initial conversion until the construction of nearby Sultan Ahmed Mosque in 1616, it
was the principal mosque of Istanbul. 3. ............................................................ These unique mosques are
also considered to be as magnificent as Hagia Sophia all around the world.
Now, serving as a museum of the Republic of Turkey, Hagia Sophia is one of the most visited
museums in Turkey. 4. ......................................................... According to the data released by the Turkish
Culture and Tourism Ministry, Hagia Sophia was Turkeys most visited tourist attraction in 2015.

25. Read the text again and complete the summary with ONE word from the

Hagia Sophia was initially a ................................, then, it was converted into a mosque. After
thousands of years, it was reopened as a ................................ in 1935. In addition to be the
epitome of Byzantine architecture, its ................................ made
it very famous and people say that it altered the history of
................................ . For a long time, it was the largest cathedral.
In ................................, Constantinople was conquered. Sultan
Mehmed II ordered this church ................................ into a mosque.
Christian elements were all ................................ and Islamic features
were integrated. Before Sultan Ahmed Mosque, it was the
................................ mosque of Istanbul. Now, it is a museum. In
2015, it was the most visited touristic attraction of Turkey.

26. Work in groups of three. Look at the pictures of some historic sites from
Turkey and identify their names. Share what you know about these places
using the prompts.
Where it is Its history / legend
What makes it significant Whether you have been there or not

Video-Blog Imagine you are a tour guide. Choose one of the places in
exercise 26 and introduce the place to foreigners. Make a video
and share it in class. Can Do Club


WHAT IF . . .

1. Look at the cover picture. What does the writing mean? Explain and
discuss in groups of four.

47 2. Listen to people talk about their past experiences on a radio show

and tick the topics you hear.
(....) a house which was bought

(....) a quarrel with a friend

(....) being lazy at high school

(....) wrong choice of university department

(....) moving to another city

48 3. Listen again and complete the chart.


yelled at his / her best friend

wanted to be an engineer

didnt study much at high school

is an English teacher

cant get a better job

might have lost a friend

49 4. Listen again and match the regretful statements with the appropriate
(....) 1. I could have studied at a better university.

(....) 2. I might have lost my best friend forever.

(....) 3. If I had studied engineering at the university, I would be an engineer now instead of teaching English.

a b c
I hope you two work this
Do you still feel that way? Im sorry to hear that.
out soon.

He who hesitates, regrets:
OF THE WEEK a. When people have regrets in life, they feel unsure while making
Choose the decisions.
correct meaning. b. Delaying things in life can make people feel regretful about their

If I had been more hard working during my high school years, I could have studied at a
better university.
If I had studied engineering at the university, I would be an engineer now.
I should have known better.
I could have done better.

5. Think about your worst mistake in life. What if you hadnt made that? How
would your life be different now?

Video-Blog Work in groups. Prepare an interview. Ask people about

their regrets and what would have happened if they acted
differently? Role-play the dialogue and make a video.

50 6. Listen to the following questions from the listening in exercise 2 and

put this if the intonation rises OR this if the intonation falls.

(.....) 1. How would my life be different?

(.....) 2. What is your story?

(.....) 3. Did he move to another city?

(.....) 4. Do you still feel that way?

51 7. Now, listen again and repeat the sentences with the correct intonation.

8. Match the pictures with the situations. Then, share your answers with
your classmates.

(.....) Picture 1 (.....) Picture 2

(.....) Picture 3 (.....) Picture 4

1 Ive overcooked the dinner. I could have done better!

2 I didnt study hard at high school. Now, I hate my job.

3 I was very rude to my boss in the meeting and now, Im fired.

4 I thought I didnt need the address of my hotel. Now, Im lost.

9. Now, write what could have been different about the situations if the
people in the pictures had acted differently. Share your answers with
your classmates.
e.g. Picture 1: If he hadnt been rude to his boss, he would still have his job now.
If he had been polite, his boss wouldnt have fired him.
If his boss hadnt fired him, he wouldnt be upset now.

a. Picture 2: ...............................................................................................................................

b. Picture 3: ...............................................................................................................................

c. Picture 4: ...............................................................................................................................

10. Work in groups of three. Read the following dialogue. Then, prepare a
similar dialogue and role-play.

Student A : I failed from my Math exam.

Student B : Thats terrible. Why do you think you failed?
Student A : Well, I didnt study much. If I had revised the
topics regularly, I would have passed.
Student C : How unfortunate. From now on, you should
study. I also feel really bad today. I couldnt
make it to the basketball team.
Student B : Youve got to be kidding me! You are one of
the best players in our school!
Student C : I know. But, I missed so many practices and
the coach cut me out. I should have known
Student A : Why dont you go and apologize to your
coach? I hope things get better soon.


11. Discussion Time

1 What do you think are the biggest regrets

ever in history? Why?

2 If you had a chance to change history for

once, which event would you like to change?

12. Read the texts about the regrets of the inventors and match the main
ideas with the texts.

a. Some individual good intentions may lead the wealthy get wealthier.
b. If people had known that their invention would threaten others lives, they would have stopped working on it.
c. Some inventors cant stand being famous and its consequences and what it brings.

(....) 1. J. Robert Oppenheimer, who was the director of the Los Alamos
Laboratory during World War II, is credited with the creation of the atomic
bomb. But, everybody knows that Albert Einsteins work made it possible.
Oppenheimer welcomed the opportunity to play a part in the war. Later,
however, he had mixed feelings about the bomb. I have no remorse about the
making of the bomb. As for how we used it, I understand why it happened. But
I do not have the feeling that it was done right. Our government should have
acted with more foresight and clarity in telling the world and Japan what the bomb meant, he said.
Einstein had different thoughts and was less equivocal, so he let the cat out of the bag and told the
truth. Years later, he regretted having signed a letter to President Roosevelt. In the letter, he urged him to
support the research of physicists into nuclear chain reactions and their use as a weapon, because he believed
that Germans were already working on it. If I had known that the Germans would not succeed in producing
an atomic bomb, he said, I would have never lifted a finger.

(....) 2. Flappy Bird was a sensation a year ago. The game looked like a simple
game but it proved to be hugely addictive because there is a balance between its
infuriatingly difficulty and being just playable enough to make you think that next
time youll do better. Therefore, downloads and controversy increased. However, after
50 million downloads and advertising revenue that was hitting around $45,000 a day,
Nguyen, who was the inventor of the game, had had enough and announced that he
was going to withdraw it from app stores. I cannot take this anymore, he tweeted.
Apparently, the publicity generated by the game had attracted the attention of the worlds press and Nguyen
was bombarded with calls, tweets, and emails.
Surprisingly, the removal of the game from app stores did little to suppress the publicity. Nguyen
received death threats while phones with the game already installed were being sold online for small fortunes,
and app stores were flooded with copycat titles.

(....) 3. While working as a consultant for Herman Miller in the 1960s, Bob
Propst introduced the US to the open plan office and with it, the office cubicle.
He claimed to design these cubicles to give office workers a more flexible
environment than the rat-maze boxes of offices.
Soon, companies saw his invention as a way to save money, doing away
with individual offices and replacing them with open plans and cubicles. Propst
later confessed that he himself hated his invention. Putting people in cubicles in
modern corporations is massive insanity, he said.

13. Match the underlined vocabulary items in the text with their definitions.

Vocabulary Definition
(.....) 1. foresight a. maddeningly, making furious
(.....) 2. equivocal b. to put an end forcibly
(.....) 3. infuriatingly c. eliminating
(.....) 4. suppress d. extreme foolishness or irrationality
(.....) 5. doing away with e. the ability to anticipate what might happen in the future
(.....) 6. insanity f. deliberately misleading

14. Answer the following questions.

1. Did Oppenheimer know that his invention would be used against Japan?


2. How did he feel about the bomb in the end?


3. What made Einstein support the research?


4. Why did Flappy Bird game become so popular and addictive?


5. How did people make money out of the game after its withdrawal?


6. Why do you think companies liked Propsts idea and implemented it?


7. Do you think these inventors wouldnt have completed their inventions if they had foreseen
the consequences?


IDIOM / PROVERB let the cat out of the bag:

a. to share the knowledge that was previously concealed
Choose the b. to help animals in need
correct meaning.

15. Work in groups of four. Discuss the following question using the given

What would have happened if the Ottoman Empire hadnt collapsed?

Superpowers around the world
Countries around the world
Life and wealth in the Ottoman Empire

E-Portfolio Think about your past experiences. What would have been
different if you had made another decision? Write a short story
about the possible consequences and put it on your blog.

16. Look at this picture. Do you think this grandfather has had a happy life?
Do you think he has had some regrets? Why / Why not?

52 17. Listen to the grandfather in the picture in exercise 16 talk about his
life and write T for true and F for false for the following statements.

(....) 1. He moved to the US with his parents when he was young.

(....) 2. He had to work hard in the US to be successful.
(....) 3. His parents never argued with him about another topic.
(....) 4. He had three children with his wife.
(....) 5. He is spending time with his grandchild nowadays.

53 18. Listen again and write the grandfathers two regrets.


19. Answer the questions.

1. Did your answer to exercise 16 change after the listening? Why / Why not?

2. Read the grandfathers last remark below. Answer the question for him in groups of three.
Then, share your answers with your classmates. So, what if I never came to America?
What kind of a life would I have now?

3. If you were in his shoes, what would you do differently?

20. Discussion Time

1 How did the natural disasters change

the course of history?

2 Do you think dinosaurs and mankind

could have survived together if
dinosaurs hadnt become extinct?

3 Do you think humankind will become

extinct in the future?

21. Read the text and insert the sentences.

a. Scientists, researchers and archeologists have come to a conclusion about this.

b. However, they couldnt have been as smart as human beings of the modern day.

c. That created what is known as the 110-mile-wide, 6-mile-deep Chicxulub crater.

What If a Giant Asteroid Had Not Wiped Out the Dinosaurs?

There have been many explanations for

the extinction of the dinosaurs. However,
one is more accurate than the others: a
giant asteroid. Although there were other
factors which were involved in dinosaurs
extinction, the unquestionable death
came with the impact of a 6-mile-
wide asteroid in present-day Mexicos
Yucatan Peninsula 65 million years ago.
1. .......................................................... The
event unleashed mega-tsunamis, planet
wide wildfires and kicked up enough dust and debris to block the sun and cause a period
of global cooling, which killed off many plants.

For many scientists, there is one significant question after this extinction: What if
dinosaurs hadnt been wiped out? 2.
Dinosaurs had a good long run of dominance on land for 160 million years prior, and if
that had continued, primates like us would not have been around. Mammals did co-evolve
alongside dinosaurs, but they occupied fringe ecological niches and grew no larger than
rodents in most cases. Thus, human beings as they are today would have never evolved.

Researchers have also speculated

that intelligent dinosauroids might
have evolved in humanitys place, based
on the relatively large brain size of late-
emerging trodontid species, which were
bird-like predators. Of course, some of
those dinosaurs would have become quite
smart. 3.

22. Read the text and complete the summary with ONE word from the text.

Dinosaurs became extinct 1. . million years ago when a giant asteroid hit
the world. The disaster happened in Mexicos Yucatan 2. . . After the massive
hit, tsunamis occurred, the dust 3. . the sun and caused global cooling. That
4. .. off living things.
If dinosaurs had continued living, 5. . like human beings wouldnt have
survived till modern day. In the end, there would have been 6. .. dinosauroids instead
of humans. These dinos would have turned into bird-like 7. .. but, they couldnt
have become as smart as humans.

23. Match the underlined vocabulary items in the text with their definitions.

Vocabulary Definition
(.....) 1. unquestionable a. set free from restraints
(.....) 2. unleashed b. destroyed completely
(.....) 3. wiped out c. considered or thought curiously about something
(.....) 4. fringe d. beyond doubt
(.....) 5. speculated e. an outer edge

24. Work in pairs. Read the poem below and answer the following questions.

Heres the unquestionable truth...
About me and my life.
I allowed fear to take over me:
What if I fail in life?
1. What is the speaker talking about?
And with this fear unleashed,
2. How does the speaker feel about his /
All my dreams got wiped out.
her life now?
Now, all I do is speculate: 3. How could he / she have made his / her
What if this? What if that? life better?

25. Write a reflection paragraph and comment on the question below:

What kind of a world would we have had if human beings

had never had a war?


Video-Blog Make a video and talk about the question below for two

How would your life have been different if you had been born in another country?

Can Do Club



1. Read the quote below. What does it mean? Do you agree or disagree with

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
Helen Keller

2. Who is your best friend? What does he / she look like? What are his /
her qualities? Describe him / her.

54 3. Listen to Nicole talk about her best friend and put the things she
says about her best friend in order.

What she likes doing in her free time

What she looks like

What her character is like

What she wants to do in the future

55 4. Listen again and fill in the chart with the information from Nicoles

Physical appearance

Personality traits



5. Now, write a paragraph and describe Janet using the information in the
chart. Then, share your paragraph with the rest of the class.

a shoulder to cry on:

OF THE WEEK a. someone who listens to your problems
Choose the b. someone who criticizes you when you cry
correct meaning.

6. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions.

1 Would you like to be friends with Janet? Why / Why not?

2 Do you think youre an ideal friend? Why / Why not?

56 7. Listen to these words isolated and in a group and repeat.

a. b. c. d.
nd I ship d back by
and Janet a friend friend looked looke stand stand

57 8. Read the following group of words. Then, listen and repeat.

1st group 2nd group

good boy dont know

right place next to
that girl sandwich

9. Walk around the classroom. Find a student who does the following
activities. Then, summarize each statement using adjectives. First letters
of the adjectives are given.

Find someone who . . .

e.g. makes friends easily. Ramazan is an EASYGOING person.

1. can play the musical instruments well. .... is a T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person.

2. studies a lot. .... is a H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person.

3. is good at doing sports. .... is an A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person.

4. never uses bad words. .... is a P _ _ _ _ _ person.

5. always tells the truth. .... is an H _ _ _ _ _ person.

6. likes to talk too much. .... is a T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person.

7. can solve very difficult Math questions. .... is a C _ _ _ _ _ person.

8. likes to give a hand to everyone. .... is a H _ _ _ _ _ _ person.

9. doesnt get angry under any circumstances. .... is a C _ _ _ person.

10. always does what he or she wants. .... is a S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person.

10. Discussion Time

1 Do you think getting news online is better?

Why / Why not?

2 What is the difference between online and

print newspapers?

11. Read the news and insert the sentences.

a. It will run from September 1-8 at the Shibuya Culture Center Owada.
b. He had left many valuable works written and researches conducted on these fields.
c. He also developed a naturalistic style focusing on panoramas.

Japan to host Ottoman miniaturist
Next week, in Tokyo, an exhibition of the work of renowned
Ottoman miniaturist Matrakci Nasuh will be open.
Nasuh (1480-1564) was an accomplished miniaturist, an
artist of the Ottoman period. He portrayed events realistically
while adhering to the traditional rules of Islamic Art.
. His most
famous works are a cityscape of stanbul and volumes
representing the 1535-36 campaign in Iraq and Iran of Sultan
Suleiman the Magnificent. On the other hand, he was also
a talented mathematician, historian, linguist and soldier.
The show, which was titled 16th Century Genius Matrakci Nasuh, is supported by the Presidency and
designed by the stanbul Intercultural Art Dialogues Association. ...........................................
The exhibition was previously shown in Sarajevo, Belgrade, Antalya, stanbul and Vienna. While
exhibiting the virtues of Nasuh, one of the hidden geniuses of our history, the viewer will explore the
16th century of the Ottoman Empire in the artistic, chronological and political sense, the Presidency
said in a statement.

12. Answer the following questions.

1. Where and when does the event take place?

2. Who is Matrakci Nasuh?
3. What are his masterpieces?
4. Why do you think the exhibition calls Nasuh a genius?
5. Explain the significance of the exhibition in your own words.
a. ......................................................................................................................................................................
b. ......................................................................................................................................................................

13. Would you like to see this exhibition, works of Matrakci Nasuh? Why /
Why not?

Mr. Richardson, our physics teacher, is a very serious man.
Our teacher asked us to find the student who is the most easygoing.
Nasuh (1480-1564) was an accomplished miniaturist, an artist of the Ottoman period.
The show, which was titled 16th Century Genius Matrakci Nasuh, is supported by the
While exhibiting the virtues of Nasuh, one of the hidden geniuses of our history, the viewer will
be explore the 16th century of the Ottoman Empire.

E-Portfolio Do a research and find some news that you find strange.
Describe the events, places and people in them on your blog.
x +

14. Work in groups of four. Write some news about the school and prepare
your own class newspaper. Then, share it with the class.


15. Work in pairs. Who is your favorite celebrity? Why? Share your answers
with your classmates.

16. Work in pairs. Describe the celebrities in the pictures using the information
given. Who is your most favorite? Who is your least favorite? Why?

Name : Ronaldo
Date of Birth : 1985
Place of Birth : Madeira, Portugal
Residence : Spain
Occupation : Football player
Hobbies : designing clothes, collecting cars

Name : Atiye
Date of Birth : 1988
Place of Birth : Bremen, Germany
Residence : Turkey
Occupation : Singer
Hobbies : hanging out with her friends, painting

Name : Angelina Jolie

Date of Birth : 1975
Place of Birth : Los Angeles, USA
Residence : USA
Occupation : Actor
Hobbies : helping children, spending time with family

Name : nder Balolu

Date of Birth : 1988
Place of Birth : Adana, Turkey
Residence : Germany
Occupation : Violinist
Hobbies : traveling, learning about history of music

58 17. Listen to a TV host reporting at a red carpet event and tick 4 the
celebrities he talks to.

Brad Pitt Oprah Winfrey

George Clooney Serena Williams

Rihanna Leonardo DiCaprio

59 18. Listen again and underline the correct word in the following statements.

1 1st celebrity is / isnt a nominee at tonights ceremony.

2 1st celebrity designed his shoes /tuxedo.

3 2nd celebrity is working hard / relaxing nowadays.

4 2nd celebrity spends time rearranging furniture / playing tennis.

5 3rd celebrity is working on a single / movie.

6 3rd celebrity loved none / all of the nominations.

19. Read the dialogue and insert the sentences.
a. Can you explain that, please?
b. May I ask you who youre wearing tonight?
c. And you must be recovering from all the past tournaments, right?
d. Could you explain that further, please?
e. I mean do you have a favorite actor or a movie?

TV Host : Good evening everyone. This is the 85th Academy Awards and Im on the red carpet to talk
to celebrities. Here is our first celebrity walking on the red carpet: George Clooney. Hello, sir!
How are you tonight?
Clooney : Im great, thank you.
TV Host : You look great. 1. .......................................................................
Clooney : Actually, I designed my own tuxedo. I like designing clothes.
TV Host : Wow, thats interesting. So, tonight must be very exciting for you, right?
Clooney : 2. .......................................................................
TV Host : What I mean is that you must be excited about your nomination.
Clooney : Oh, yes, yes very much. I loved working on that movie very much and I hope it gets the
attention it deserves.
TV Host : I do, too. So, good luck! Here comes our second celebrity from the tennis world! Serena
Williams! Hello, Ms. Williams. How are you tonight?
Williams : Hello! Im doing really fine. Im lucky to be at this ceremony tonight because Im only a
guest. Ill just enjoy the show.
TV Host : 3. .......................................................................
Williams : Exactly. Ive been spending time at home lately, rearranging my furniture and stuff, you
know. Its been an exhausting year of a lot of hard work. Now, its time to relax a little.
TV Host : Absolutely.
TV Host : Do you have a favorite for tonight?
Williams : What do you mean?
TV Host : 4. .......................................................................
Williams : Of course, I do. But, Im going to keep it a secret. Ill tell you after the awards ceremony.
TV Host : OK. Thank you, Ms. Williams. And here is Rihanna. How are you, tonight?
Rihanna : Great, thank you. This is going to be a great ceremony and Im lucky to be here.
TV Host : So, what have you been up to lately?
Rihanna : Well, Im working on a new single nowadays. Its going to be out next week.
TV Host : Thats wonderful news! So, do you have any favorite movies or actor for tonight?
Rihanna : Actually, no.
TV Host : 5. .......................................................................
Rihanna : Ive seen all of the nominations and theyre all great! I cant pick one!
TV Host : Oh, I see. Ok, now, we have a commercial break and after the break, Ill be talking to many
more celebrities. Stay tuned!

Video-Blog Work in groups. Prepare an interview with a celebrity from an

Oscars ceremony. Role-play the dialogue and make a video.

20. Discussion Time

1 Have you heard that the tomb of Suleiman the Magnificent is in a foreign country? Why
do you think it is there?

2 Do you think it should be returned to Turkey? Why / Why not?

21. Read the news and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary items in boxes.

descendants extinguished excavations afford impoverished defenders

Historical Ties Between Turkey And Hungary

T he recent discovery of the tomb

of Suleiman the Magnificent, who is
considered the greatest Ottoman ruler, has
raised hopes of a tourism boom in one of
Hungarys most 1. . areas.
Traces of the countrys 150-year-long
stretch in the Ottoman Empire from hamam
baths and minarets to battle site memorials and ruins of mosques are not hard to
find in Hungary. But, some Hungarians see them as relics of a dark period because
they think the countrys flourishing renaissance era was 2. ..
during that time. As a result, few of the Ottoman monuments have been promoted
by Hungarian authorities so far. Suleimans case could change that, however.
In July, experts confirmed that excavations in the struggling town of Szigetvar,
had revealed the tomb of the 16th-century ruler. Suleiman died at the age of 71
during an epic battle with the mainly Croatian 3. . of Szigetvar
Castle that weakened his forces.
This town is dying, young people are leaving or have already left for
Germany or London, but Suleiman can bring in jobs, income and tourists and get
us from rags to riches. said Norbert Pap, head of the team of researchers whose
4. . uncovered the tomb.
Sleepy Szigetvar, which has a population of 10,000, has few hotels. But,
Pap believes that the town has a long-term potential for tourism. Suleiman is
a national cultural icon in Turkey, and as Szigetvar is easier to get to from both
western Europe and Turkey, there is a very good chance that Turkish tourists will
come and visit the tomb, said Pap.
The municipality has already announced the plans to build better hotels
close to the castle where you can see the history. Paps team continues to dig for
Suleimans heart which was buried in a golden urn according to the legend. Five
Turkish 5. . of Ottoman princesses will give DNA samples next
week in Szigetvar for comparison with samples from the tomb area.
Hungary and Turkey have much in common, a shared cultural heritage,
Turkish ambassador in Budapest akir Fakili said. Many Turks are wealthy and
can 6. . to travel, so why not to Szigetvar?

22. Read the news again and write T for true and F for false for the following

(....) 1. Sultan Suleiman died in Hungary in a fierce battle and was buried there.

(....) 2. There are a lot of modern Turkish architecture masterpieces in Szigetvar.

(....) 3. Szigetvar is one of the most well-known and wealthy cities of Hungary.

(....) 4. A team of Turkish archeologists found the tomb of Sultan Suleiman.

(....) 5. This excavation is expected to develop Szigetvar economically.

23. Read the news again and circle the correct alternative for the following

1. After the discovery of the tomb, what will happen in Szigetvar?

a. There wont be any change.
b. The city will recover.
c. People will move to Germany or London.

2. Why did Hungarian authorities disregard Ottoman monuments up to now?

a. Most Hungarians blame Ottoman reign to stop their development during Renaissance.
b. They had many battles and in the end, Ottomans captured most of their country.
c. The tomb of Suleiman the Magnificent has been the first Ottoman monument in Hungary.

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the expectations of Pap that the tomb will bring?
a. Employment b. Economic benefits c. Pollution

4. According to Pap, why are the Turkish tourists expected to visit the tomb?
a. Suleiman the Magnificent is a significant figure in Turkish culture.
b. Turkish people are used to visiting Hungary and Kosovo.
c. There will be a lot of luxurious hotels constructed near the tomb.

5. Why will the Ottoman Princesses give DNA samples?

a. To see whether Hungarians are the descendants of the Ottomans
b. To find the heart of Suleiman the Magnificent
c. To prove that the tomb belongs to Suleiman the Magnificent

rags to riches:
OF THE WEEK a. losing all your money when you are very rich
Choose the b. becoming very rich while starting very poor
correct meaning.

The recent discovery of the tomb of Suleiman the Magnificent, who is considered the greatest
Ottoman ruler, has raised hopes of a tourism boom.
Sleepy Szigetvar, which has a population of 10,000, has few hotels.
The municipality has already held a site in reserve for the construction of better hotels close
to the castle where you can see the history.

24. Prepare a presentation about an online / offline newspaper using the

prompts below and present it in class.

The layout The content

The target audience The reliability

Can Do Club




1. Was life better or worse when you were a child? Explain.

2. Look at the pictures below. Match the statements with the pictures. There
is one extra.
Then Now

Then Now

Then Now

1. In the past, I couldnt drink tea, but now, I am used to drinking a lot of tea every day.
2. We used to have a lot of fun together when we were at university.
3. When I first started working, I didnt work much, but now, I got used to working hard.
4. In my hometown, there was no traffic, but now, I am used to heavy traffic.

3. Look at the picture below and write sentences like the ones in exercise
2 using the clues in the picture.



e.g. In the past, people used to communicate through snail mail, but now, they are used to
electronic mail.

60 4. Listen to a sociology professors lecture and circle the activities she

talks about in the picture.

Women (Past vs Present)

Washing Drying Washing Sweeping Taking Care

Clothes Clothes Dishes Floor of a Baby

61 5. Listen again and answer the following questions.

1 How did womens role in society change in time?

2 Why did women use to do most of the chores by hand?

3 Who helped women take care of their children?

4 What is the significance of the use of technology for women?

62 6. Listen to the statements taken from the listening extract in exercise

4 and repeat.
Group 1

So, now, more people are used to seeing working women.

But when the use of washing machines became common, it meant one less problem for the
Mostly, well look at how the use of technology has become a key factor in liberating women.

Group 2

But now, they use all kinds of technologies, which makes life easier.
In fact, using technology helps women to improve and develop themselves.

7. Read the following sentences and listen to your teacher say them and
repeat. Then, put them under the correct sound.

The use of pronouns is a difficult topic in English.

She uses a credit card when she is shopping.

I used to run ten kilometers every day.

The use of smartphones is becoming inevitable.

/s/ /z/

Old habits die hard:
OF THE WEEK a. Its difficult for people to change their behaviors and habits.
Choose the b. When people get old, their habits become more important.
correct meaning.


I am used to heavy traffic.

I got used to working hard.
I am used to drinking a lot of tea every day.
I used to run ten kilometers every day.
The use of smart phones is becoming inevitable.

Video-Blog Work in pairs. Do a research on the lives of teenagers in the

60s. Then, prepare a dialogue and make a video of it.

Student A Student B

You are the interviewer. Ask Student B for You are a seventy-year old man / woman.
detailed information about clothing, food, Respond to the interviewers questions by
hobbies, routines, and music of the period. giving detailed information about yourself.

8. Work in groups of four. Compare and contrast the habits of people now
and twenty years ago.

e.g. In the past, people used to wash their clothes by hand, but now, they use washing machines
to do that.

9. Discussion Time

1 How do you think young people in other countries spend their time?

2 Do you think culture affects the lives of people? How? Why?

10. Read the short texts about the lives of two men from different cultures
and insert the sentences.

a. His further athletic success came in 2013 in Lyon, France when he took the gold
medal in the F46 javelin throw.
b. And after that, he also worked as a builder after quitting the band.
c. He received a long term medical attention.
d. He was used to going to world tours with his brothers.

Devendra Jhajharia was born in 1981 in Rajasthan.

At the age of eight, while he was climbing a tree, he
touched a live electric cable and that altered his life
entirely. 1. However, the doctors
were forced to amputate his left hand. He was used to
doing everything with both hands, but after that time,
he had to get used to using one hand for all the chores.
Luckily, in 1997, R.D. Singh, who was a coach saw him
while Devendra was competing at a school sports day,
and from that point everything changed. In 2002, he
won the gold medal in the 8th FESPIC Games in Korea. Then, he was qualified for his first
Summer Paralympics Games where he represented India at Athens. At the games, he set a
new world record with a distance of 62.15m. 2. In 2016, he won a gold
medal at the 2016 IPC Athletics Asia-Oceania Championship in Dubai.
Nowadays, he spends his life practicing hard in India. He is used to waking up early and
spending time with his family before he leaves for the training area. He still works with R.D.
Singh as his personal trainer. R.D. Singh says they are used to each other and he knows the
best for his sportsman. Devendra got used to looking for the bright side because he confesses
that he couldnt have succeeded that much if that bad accident hadnt happened.
Paul Kevin Jonas was born in 1987 in New Jersey. He is the
oldest of three younger brothers. Most people know Kevin from
the band titled The Jonas Brothers, which also includes two of
his three younger brothers. He was famous for his performances
at the bands live concerts and he used to have a lot of fans.
3. All the time, they were surrounded by
a lot of people and unfortunately, they couldnt spend peaceful
time together.
In 2014, Kevin decided to quit his singing career. He
launched a food searching app. 4. His life
has changed a lot since then. His famous app is a location-based
search app for food, which gives the location and phone number
of the highest rated restaurant closest to you. Nowadays,
Kevin is used to having a silent and peaceful life far from the
eyes. At the beginning it was a bit difficult for him to get used
to this kind of life, but now, he is very pleased with it.

11. Match the underlined vocabulary items with their definitions.

Vocabulary Definition
(......) 1. amputate a. admits or accepts the truth
(......) 2. qualified b. encircled
(......) 3. confesses c. having the best level or quality
(......) 4. surrounded d. to cut off a body part by surgery
(......) 5. launched e. had the necessary abilities to perform a task
(......) 6. highest rated f. initiated or started

12. Read the texts again and complete the summary with ONE word from
the text.

Devendra Jhajharia is a famous athlete from India. He had an unfortunate

accident when he was a child. He 1. ................................. an electric cable and in
the end, he lost his 2. ................................. hand although doctors tried to save his
limb. After that, he got used to using one hand all his life. However, his life changed
3. ................................. .
One day, he met a 4. ................................., R.D. Singh, who encouraged
him to become an athlete. Devendra worked so hard and he managed to win
5. ................................. medals in several competitions. He even set a world
6. ................................. in Athens.
At present, Devendra 7. ................................. hard everyday. His trainer and he still
work together and they trust each other.
Kevin Jonas was a famous performer in a family band of brothers. He is the
8. ................................ among the brothers. he used to have a lot of 9. ................................
while he was performing at the 10. ................................. concerts of the band.
One day, he made his mind and 11. ................................. his singing career.
Then, he 12. ................................. an app, which shows the phone number and the
13. ................................. of the most popular restaurants around. At present, he
leads a quiet and 14. ................................. life without a lot of fans around. He is very
15. ................................. with his life after he gets used to it.

IDIOM / PROVERB look on the bright side:

a. view an unpleasant situation in a positive light
Choose the
correct meaning. b. focus on both positive and negative sides

13. Write a paragraph and describe your old and new habits.


14. Prepare your family album. Make a video and talk about the photos and
how you felt at those times.

15. Look at the past and present pictures of a touristic town. Which pictures
are better? Why / Why not?

Past Present




63 16. Listen to a development report about the touristic town in exercise

15 and circle the topics the report discusses.

a. urbanization
b. cultural diversity
c. new facilities
d. threats the town faces
e. population increase
f. employment opportunities

64 17. Listen again and complete the chart.

Willow Tree Results

1st development: ..................................

2nd development: ..................................

3rd development: ..................................

One risk: .............................................

18. Do you agree or disagree with the speakers point of view? Explain. Share
your answers with your classmates.

E-Portfolio Work in groups. Prepare a development report for a city /

town / country you want. Then, share it on your blog.

19. Discussion Time

1 Do you know any countries which have interesting traditions?

2 Do you think old customs should still be important for the young people in the modern

20. Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

a. How Japanese go to work

b. Mixture of old traditions and new deeds
c. Traditional lifestyle
d. What modern lifestyle has brought

(......) Japanese people have had a long traditional

history. Most Japanese people used to live in agricultural
villages or small fishing settlements along the coast.
They used to wear only traditional clothes and lead a
simple life. Almost all Japanese people were used to
having tea ceremony every day. They were always very
respectful and hardworking. For a long time, they were
away from the western lifestyle, so they werent used
to consuming much, buying more than necessary and
eating unhealthily. In time, things started to change
and western lifestyle has affected their lifestyles a bit,
though not totally.
(......) Now, most of the population lives in metropolitan areas. Everyday life for many
Japanese people involves work in an office, store, factory, or other segments of the metropolitan
economy. Daily commutes by bus, train, or subway are generally long, particularly in Tokyo.
In addition, the commute is extraordinarily crowded.
(......) Due to the countrys high
population and costly land, most houses
and apartments are small in comparison
to those in other developed countries.
However, most Japanese have an access
to comforts such as the latest fashions in
clothing, new appliances and electronics,
and new models of automobiles. Sundays
are the busiest shopping days in Japan.
During the afternoon hours, department
stores and shopping malls are full of crowds.
Japanese people also enjoy traveling and
often go abroad or to popular domestic
resorts during holidays.
(......) Japanese lifestyle brings traditions from the past and new activities, borrowed from
other cultures, together. The Japanese diet, for example, includes rice, seafood, and other
items that have been in the society for centuries, but also contains international cuisine such
as Italian dishes and American-style fast-food hamburgers. Similarly, Japanese sports fans
are interested in both sumo, Japans traditional style of wrestling, and baseball, imported
from the United States. Japanese people have never given up their traditions entirely, but
they have developed their lifestyles keeping up with the modern world.

21 Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. Explain the traditional Japanese lifestyle.

2. What changed traditional Japanese lifestyle? Why do you think so?

3. How do modern Japanese people go to work?

4. Why do Japanese people prefer smaller houses?

5. What kind of luxuries do Japanese people enjoy?

6. How do Japanese people blend traditional and modern lifestyle?

7. Do you like modern Japanese lifestyle? Why / Why not?

22 Do a research about a country you are interested in and learn cultural

differences. Write a short report and describe these differences.

23 Work in groups of four. Debate on the given statement. Ask for and give
more detailed information when necessary.

People used to have a happier life in the past.

e.g. Group A: We agree with the idea in terms of relationships.

Group B: We see your point, but could you please provide further explanation? Why do
you think so?
Group A: In fact, we claim that people used to have more sincere relationships and also

Can Do Club



I can
understand words about ordering past events.

list phrases about the sequence of past events.

pronounce ed endings of words.

talk about my past experiences.

read biographies about famous people.

understand words and phrases in short texts.

write my opinion about past events in order.


I can
put the events in the correct order by listening to a recording.

understand vocabulary about the sequence of events.

pronounce words with the correct intonation.

talk about ordering past events.

read biographies on famous people.

understand words and phrases in short texts.

write my opinion about past events in order.


I can
understand words and expressions about careers and workday activities.

understand facts about jobs.

pronounce reduced form of will / am / is / are / going to.

talk about future and make predictions.

talk on the phone about my future workday activities.

analyze different CVs and letters of intention for various job applications.

understand words and expressions about jobs.

scan a text about jobs.

write about careers and workday activities.


I can
understand and respond to words about events that happened in the past or
events expected to happen in the past.

pronounce reduced forms of I had and I would.

talk about my expectations about past events.

understand words about realized and unrealized past events.

understand texts about descriptions of events and feelings and wishes in

personal letters.

write about my regrets and hopes about unrealized past events.


I can
understand and respond to gerunds and infinitive phrases in different sentences.

listen to and understand conversation in noisy environments.

pronounce -s in plural words and s in third person singular verbs.

put contrastive stress on different words in questions.

talk about hobbies and skills using gerund and infinitive phrases.

understand words and expressions about hobbies and skills in reading texts.

write about hobbies and skills using gerund and infinitive phrases.


I can
make predictions and criticisms in listening texts using modals.

pronounce the reduced forms of past modals.

make conclusions and offer explanations.

describe hypothetical events.

give advice for predicaments.

understand a text about a predicament.

write a letter using past modals for predictions and criticisms in a specific


I can
understand and respond to the description of a monument and a historic site.

identify the difference between words that are written the same way, but have
different meanings and pronunciation and words that have the same spelling
and pronunciation, but have different meanings.

make a presentation on a monument or a historic site.

scan and analyze a text about a historic site.

write a descriptive paragraph about a tourist attraction.

write a letter to a friend suggesting places to visit in Turkey.


I can
understand past realized or unrealized events and their hypothetical results in a
listening text.

pronounce words with the appropriate intonation in questions.

talk about real life regrets.

respond to other peoples regrets.

scan and analyze a reading text involving realized or not realized past events and
their hypothetical results.

write a short story on a real life experience involving regret.


I can
listen to and organize specific information in a narrative about a person or an

pronounce words that are assimilated or elided.

talk about lives of celebrities giving personal details.

analyze online and printed newspaper articles.

design my own class newspaper.

summarize personal information I collected from my classmates.


I can
understand and identify past and present habits and routines in a listening text.

pronounce different uses of use accurately.

talk about peoples habits now and 20 years ago making comparisons.

analyze a text about people from different cultures.

talk about the changes in my life in a written form.



1. Complete the sentences in your own words.

1. After I had had dinner yesterday, .......................................................................................
2. When my best friend called me, ...........................................................................................
3. After my mother had woken me up, ......................................................................................
4. I had completed my homework when ..................................................................................
5. My friend passed the English test after ................................................................................
6. I met with friends when .........................................................................................................
7. Having studied hard for the exams, .....................................................................................

2. Read the text about Ahmet and complete the text with the correct form
of the verbs.

Last week, Merve 1. . (go) to the cinema with his friends. After they
2. . (learn) that their favorite movie series, Star Wars, was released, they
3. .. (book) their seats. They waited for that movie for a while.
They liked the movie a lot. Before they 4. .. (watch) it, they
5. .. (think) that the movie might lack the spirit of the previous ones. However,
they 6. .. (love) it. Merve 7. .. (be) very pleased to watch it
with his friends. When the movie 8. .. (finish), they all 9. ..
(have) dinner outside. It was a lovely evening!

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the prompts in parentheses.
e.g. Sally learned the results. She called her parents. (After)
After Sally had learned the results, she called her parents.

1. Derin completed the project. She submitted it to her teacher. (Before)

2. Canan made new friends. Her family and she moved to a new city. (After)
3. The children played football outside. It stopped raining. (When)
4. Sahra got dressed and went out. She cleaned the kitchen. (Before)
5. Cihan prepared dinner for his fiance. He got home after work. (After)

4. Look at the pictures and write sentences using the prompts.

(after / study / fall asleep / all night)

(before / clean / messy / kitchen / be)

(after / fall down / break)


1. Ask and answer the following questions with your partner.

Verb to play Past Continuous

affirmative negative question

I I was playing. I was not playing. Was I playing?
he / she / it He was playing. He was not playing. Was he playing?
you / were / they You were playing. You were not playing. Were you playing?

I started I finished
I was
Timeline doing doing

Past Now

1. What were you doing last night while your mother was cooking dinner?
2. Were you listening to music while you were coming to school in the morning?
3. What was your best friend doing when you entered the classroom?
4. Who helped you yesterday while you were doing your homework?
5. Who did you meet while you were coming to school?

2. Write questions for the following answers.

No, I didnt use to watch documentaries.
2. Where .
We used to spend our holidays in Data when I was a kid.
3. Who
Halime introduced me to Ayen when I first came here.
4. How .
Women used to make bread with flour and water in home ovens.

3. Choose the best alternative that explains the situation in the following

1. Sibel used to play volleyball at high school.

Sibel doesnt play volleyball anymore.
Playing volleyball is Sibels routine.
2. Ozan didnt use to eat fast food and he was healthier.
In the past, Kamil liked fast food.
b. Ozan prefers fast food nowadays.
3. When Reyhan and Musa were small kids, they used to visit their grandparents every
It was Reyhans and Musas habit to visit their grandparents, but they dont do it
When they were children, Reyhan and Musa liked visiting their grandparents.
4. In the past, people used to drive smaller cars.
a. The cars in the past werent as big as todays cars.
Most people preferred driving only small cars in the past.

4. Answer the following questions and write a short crime story.

Where was the robbery? Was anybody injured?

When did it take place? What did the robbers take?
How many robbers were there? How did they get away?
Were they armed?

Crime Story











1. Read Cihans planner for this week and write sentences.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

11:00 present the


12:30 meet friends

for lunch

16:30 visit uncle see the


20:00 have dinner write a report

with family

go to the
21:30 cinema with

e.g. He is going to have dinner with his family on Monday.

1. ............
2. ............
3. ............
4. ............
5. ............
6. ............

2. Complete the sentences with going to or will.

1. A: Your room is very tidy and clean.
B: My friend .................... visit me tomorrow so I cleaned everywhere in the morning.
2. A: Oh, look at that! There is a cat on the tree.
Oh, wait here. I ........................... bring the ladder to help it.
3. A: What are your plans for this weekend?
I ........... study for the Biology exam and also I ......................... help my sister
for her term project.
4. A: I cant solve this Math problem. Ill go crazy!
Please, dont worry. I ..................... teach you how to do it.

3. Complete the dialogue with the following statements / questions.

What about seven oclock? Yes, sure.

Does that suit you? Im afraid I will be at my English course that time.

A: Can we meet this weekend?

B: .....................
A: Ok, great. Is five oclock on Saturday a good time for you?
B: .....................
A: I see. ...................
B: Oh, I am free after eight. We can go to the 21:30 movie. .....
A: Yes, thats ok with me. I will call you around eight and take you from your house.
B: See you tomorrow, then.

4. Complete the planner for yourself for next week and write 5 sentences.

Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday






1. ............
2. ............
3. ............
4. ............
5. ............


1. Match the situations with the wish statements.

() 1. I lost my wallet so I couldnt buy that book.

() 2. I didnt study hard, so I failed.
() 3. I yelled at my sister and I felt very sorry.
() 4. I didnt drive carefully and had an accident.
() 5. I bought a second-hand car and it was broken.

a. I wish I had been more careful while driving.

b. I wish I had had my wallet at the bookstore.
c. I wish I hadnt bought that car.
d. I wish I had revised more before the exams.
e. I wish I had been calmer.

2 Rewrite the following sentences using wish.

1. Esra didnt eat healthy food and do enough exercise,

so she gained a lot of weight.

2. Harun didnt practice much, so he couldnt make it

to the school team.

3. Gkhan and Hale broke their mothers vase and

their mother got mad at them.

3. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever worn a suit for a formal occasion? When did
that happen?
2. Have you ever told a lie? Why did you do that? What
happened in the end?
3. Have you ever tried Mexican food? If so, did you like it?
4. Have you ever planted a tree? If so, who did you do it with?

4. Read the following sentences and underline the correct alternative.

1. Sema has broken / broke her leg, so she cant walk without a crutch, now.
2. Haluk has completed / completed the project two hours ago.
3. Ceyda has never been / was never abroad in her life, so she is planning a Europe tour
this summer.
4. Hatice and Suat have visited / visited Antalya several times.
5. The children have played / played football for hours yesterday.

5. Prepare a wish list for yourself and write sentences.


1. ............
2. ............
3. ............
4. ............
5. ............

1. Complete the sentences for yourself.

1. I am good at ....................................... .

2. I enjoy ..................................... at home.

3. I want to .............................. on holiday.

4. People think that I am gifted in ............................. .

5. I must confess that I am bad at ............................ .

6. I dont want to ............... because it is tiring and boring.

7. My family and I enjoy ............................ in the evenings.

8. My best friend and I want to ..................... this summer.

2. Answer the following questions.

1. Would you rather watch a horror movie than a comedy movie?

2. What would you rather do in your free time?

3. What kind of music do most teenagers listen to?

4. Which school subjects are popular among the majority of the 11th grade students?

5. Which languages do most people around the world want to learn?

6. What kind of people would rather go out with friends than stay at home on Sundays?

3. Write questions for the following responses.





1. Q: What
A: Fatma is gifted in learning new languages.
2. Q: What
A: Shed buy a sports car rather than a sedan.
3. Q: .
A: Yes, Cansu is good at doing all types of sports.
4. Q: What
A: Most Turkish men enjoy watching football matches at weekends.
5. Q:
A: No, Derin doesnt want to attend the meeting tomorrow.

4. Write sentences to make generalizations using the prompts.

e.g. (most / like / football)
Most men like playing football.

1. (majority / study / hard)

2. (many / watch / documentaries)

3. (most / love / shopping)

4. (almost all / give / homework / regularly)

5. (everybody / like / ice-cream)

1. Rewrite the following sentences using the prompts in parentheses.

e.g. I lied to my mother about my grades. Now I feel terrible. (should)

I should have been honest to my mother.

1. People stopped caring about the world and ruined the environment. (should)

2. It wasnt a good idea to stay out late at night. I got a very bad cold. (could)

3. I think Mary was very rude to the new teacher. This is absolutely unacceptable. (shouldnt)

4. I had to spend many hours on the bus from the airport, so I arrived home very late. (could)

5. Our neighbor was extremely loud last night and he didnt even apologize for that! (should)

2. Read the situations and match them with the conclusions.

Situations Conclusions

(..) 1. After the game last night, Jack

a. They might have had a fight.
seemed quite frustrated.
(..) 2. I dont know, but I think Hale
decided to move to a bigger b. The other team must have won.
(..) 3. Cemil looks really happy. He is c. She might have gone swimming.
holding an envelope in his hand.
(..) 4. Kareem was yelling at his friend
d. He must have gotten his exam results.
on the phone this afternoon.
(..) 5. I couldnt reach Sheila. Maybe,
she is at the pool. e. She might have found a job there.

3. Read the following sentences and underline the correct alternatives.
1. It is certain that Rza must / might have left the back door open.
2. I am not sure, but I cant / might have forgotten my purse at the store.
3. I saw Emily go in the doctors office; she must / cant have been sick.
4. Waheed was with us last night, so he cant / might have been at home.
5. I am sure that Jack cant / must have forgotten my birthday; I sent him an invitation.

4. Look at the pictures and guess what might / must / cant have happened
in them using the prompts in parentheses.

(not finish the project)

(pass all her classes successfully)

(misbehave at school)

1. Complete the dialogue with the questions in the box.
a. How can I get there
b. Any other suggestions
c. Can you give a little bit more information on that
d. What do you think about it
e. What are the must see attractions

A: Hello, I have just arrived in London. 1. here?

B: Welcome to our city. You can start with Westminster Abbey.
A: Yes, thats on my list. Many novelists and poets are buried there, so I want to see their
resting places. 2. ?
B: Sure. There are also the resting places of many important royal people there. Also, the
architecture is very important.
A: Great. Ill definitely visit there. 3. ..?
B: It would be nice to take a ride on the London Eye, you know, the iconic wheel. You will
love it, especially in this season.
A: Perfect. And 4. ........?
B: Just take any bus from the city center. They all stop there.
A: OK. Ill do that. I am also planning to visit the Buckingham Palace. 5. ?
B: I think you should see it, too. After all, thats where the queen lives.

2. Write questions for the following responses.

1. Q:


A: British Museum was built in 1753.

2. Q:


A: Hamlet and Othello were written by


3. Q:


A: That monument is visited by millions of

tourists each year.

3. Answer the following questions.

1. When was Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) built? (1609-1616)

. .
2. Who was it built by? (Sedefkar Mehmet Aa)
. .
3. How many minarets were placed in Sultan Ahmet Mosque? (6)
. .

4. Read the following paragraph and rewrite it using passive forms where
necessary. The first one is done for you.

Last week I painted my room. It took about two days. First, I washed the wall
using warm water and a mild detergent. After I cleaned the wall, I repaired some
holes. Then, I painted one wall green because my parents and friends love that
color! I chose a creamy white for the other walls. I left the roof as it is. After I finished
the job, the room looked so beautiful that I couldnt believe it! When my friends
saw it, they also felt the same. Even my dad liked the room and told me that I did
a good job.

Last week, my room was painted (by me). ..........................................................


1. Read the following complaints written to an advice columnist and match
them with the suggestions.

1. My boss behaves badly towards a. Why dont you try going to a
me. I dont know what to do. gym?

2. Damla is too shy to b. He should learn about some
speak in public. memory techniques.

3. I cant go to bed early; c. You need to stop consuming
I cant sleep! caffeine after 8 oclock.

4. I am always on a diet, d. How about practicing with
but I cant lose weight. friends and family?

5. Mehmet has difficulty in e. I think you should talk to him
remembering terms in his lessons. about his behaviors.

2. Read the following sentences and underline the correct alternatives.

1. If she had read / read the novel, she would get / would have gotten a high grade in the
exam, but she failed.

2. I would have been / would be a writer now if I took / had taken risks in my life.

3. If Cenk had been / was honest with his friends, he wouldnt be / wouldnt have been
alone now.

4. zge would work / would have worked at that new office now if she was / had been
successful at the job interview.

5. If we agreed / had agreed on a reasonable price with the tourist guide, we would have
listened / would be listening to her now.

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the example below.

e.g. I didnt understand the requirements for that job ad. Thats why, Im still at the same job.
If I had understood the requirements for that job ad, I would have a new job now.

1. Gloria didnt see the pavement and tripped. Her knee hurts very much right now.
2. Because Hasan left the windows open last night, it is very cold in the house.
3. Francis couldnt remember her password and now she cannot reach her e-mail.
4. Because the twins had a fight yesterday, they wont perform at the show today.

4. Look at the pictures and write sentences using the prompts given as in
the example below.

(not be late / nhot be ashamed)

e.g. If Ali hadnt been late to class, he wouldnt

feel ashamed now.

1. (crash into each others car / pay for insurance)

2. (take care of his teeth / not be at the dentist)

3. (buy an air conditioner / feel cool)


1. Complete the sentence using who, which, that, where, .

1. I would like to visit London, .......................................... so many people with different

backgrounds live in peace.
2. She is the doctor .............................................. helped me get my prescribed medication.
3. New York is the city .................................................... I want to live for the rest of my life.
4. This is the house .......................................... my ancestors built. Thats why, I want to live
5. My best friend ............................... I grew up with has been accepted to Harvard University.

2. Read the following sentences and underline the correct alternative.

1. The furniture, who / I bought from an expensive store got broken.
2. This is Lily, who / that has been my best friend since we were 5 years old.
3. My computer / where I bought five years ago still works very well.
4. The building which / where few residents live will be demolished by the city soon.
5. Is that the law clinic which / I can get some legal advice from?

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the prompts given in parentheses.

e.g. Mr. Wilson is a wonderful teacher. He helps all his students whenever they need support.
Mr. Wilson, who helps all his students whenever they need support, is a wonderful
1. I think social media platforms might be dangerous for teenagers. These platforms reveal a
lot of personal information. (which)
2. Have you seen my wallet? I took it out of my purse at your home. (which)
3. Shannon loves doing extreme sports in the mountains. She can practice mountain-
climbing and paragliding there. (where)
4. Did you go to the conference hall? There was a seminar about meditation there. (where)
5. Millennials get distracted very easily. They grew up using many technological tools. (who)

4. Complete the following sentences with your own words. Then, share your
answers with your partner.

1. A good person is person who ......

2. Rules which are very important for students.

3. A country where ...... is a good country to live in.

4. A good teacher is a person who ..............

5. A playground where ...... is the best kind.

5. Ask and answer the following questions in the questionnaire with your

You Your partner

The city where you want to live is .

The name of the person who you love

the most in the world is .

The animal which is the cutest is .

One object that you cant live without is

One flower which you like is ....

The name of the book which you read more

than once is ...

1. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.

1. When I first started university abroad, it was difficult for me, but in time, I .........................
...................... living in a foreign country. Im fine now.

a. got used to b. used to c. am used to

2. I was surprised to see my best friend cooking. She ............................................... cook

when we first met.

a. didnt get used to b. didnt use to c. wasnt used to

3. Cemal ................................................... staying up late to study; its not a problem for him.
Hes been doing that for years.

a. got used to b. used to c. is used to

4. After three years of teaching, Huriye ........................................ solving most of the problems
in the classroom.

a. got used to b. used to c. is used to

5. She ..................................... be this aggressive when we were at university. Actually, she

was the calmest person back then. This is really surprising.

a. wasnt used to b. didnt use to c. didnt get used to

6. Fatih is a doctor, so he ..................................... working for long hours at the hospital, but
he never complains about it.

a. gets used to b. used to c. is used to

7. When I was at boarding school, I ..................................... sharing everything with my

mates. But at first, it was really difficult.

a. got used to b. was used to c. used to

8. My eating habits have changed a lot over time. I ..................................... eat snacks at
night, so I gained a lot of weight, but now I prefer healthy food.

a. was used to b. used to c. got used to

2. Choose the best alternative that explains the situation in the following
1. Halit used to be a very calm person with a mild temperament.
a. Now, Halit is not as calm as he was in the past.
b. Halit got used to being calm and peaceful all the time.

2. I couldnt make friends easily, but now, I am used to meeting new people.
a. I will get used to meeting new people in the future.
b. I didnt use to make friends easily.

3. ermin and Reyhan got used to working for eight hours after their first year at the firm.
a. They didnt work for long hours before they started working at a firm.
b. They were used to working for long hours before they started work.

4. Even though I am over 40, I cant get used to staying by myself at home.
a. I cant be alone at home.
b. I will get used to staying by myself at home.

5. Jackson used to be the fastest track runner on our team.

a. He still runs quite fast.
b. He is not as fast as he was in the past.

3. Write questions for the following answers.

............................. ?
Yes, I used to be very shy before I took classes on
public speaking skills.

............................. ?
I got used to doing exercise and eating healthy;
thats how I lost weight.

............................. ?
I am not used to swimming in deep waters because
the ocean scares me.


epitome evolve

put off

regret hire get by


allow: /la/ (v) let someone do something

attend (an event / dinner): /tnd/ (v) be present at somewhere
collapse: /klaps/ (v) suddenly fall down or lose power
conquer: /kk/ (v) take control of a place by force
conqueror: /kk()r/ (n) a person who takes control of a place
conquest: /kkwst/ (n) the control of a place or people by military force
empire: /mp/ (n) a large group of countries ruled over by a single monarch
enroll (in): /nrl/ (v) officially register as a member of an institution
experience: /ksprns/ (v) undergo an event
fascinating: /fasnet/ (adj) very interesting
fleet: /flit/ (n) a group of military ships that one leader controls
genius: /dins/ (n) an exceptionally intelligent person
get by: /t b/ (phr. v) manage to live with difficulty
inform: /nfm/ (v) give information
innovative: /nvtv/ (adj) having new and creative ideas
invention: /nvn()n/ (n) the act of creating a new device or a process
inventor: /nvnt/ (n) a person who invents things
miscommunication: /mskmjunken/ (n) failure to communicate properly
novel: /nv()l/ (n) a fiction, prose or book in literature
novelist: /nv()lst/ (n) a writer of novels
promise: /prms/ (v) assure someone that one will do something
strategy: /stratdi/ (n) a plan designed to achieve something in the long run
take over: /tek v/ (phr. v) assume the control of something
take place: /tek ples/ (v) occur
think outside the box: (idiom) think in an original and creative way


appliance: /plns/ (n) a device designed to perform a specific task

awfully: /fli/ (adv) very badly
check in: /tk n/ (phr. v) arrive and register at a hotel or airport
childhood: /tldhd/ (n) the state of being a child

connect: /knkt/ (v) bring together
declare (war): /dkl/ (v) formally announce the beginning of an event
eat, sleep, and breathe something: (proverb) being so enthusiastic about something that you think
about it all the time
era: /r/ (n) a long period of history
evidence: /vd()ns/ (n) signs or indications of something that is valid; proof
footstep: /ftstp/ (n) a step taken by a walking person
go sightseeing: / stsi/ (v) visit places of interest in a particular location
guilty: /lti/ (adj) responsible for a particular fault
legend: /ld()nd/ (n) a traditional story that is regarded as historical
memory: /mm()ri/ (n) something remembered from the past
myth: /m/ (n) a traditional story explaining a phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings
or events.
presentation: /prz()nte()n/ (n) a planned talk or speech on a specific subject
put off: /pt f/ (phr. v) postpone something
thank your lucky star: (idiom) be grateful for your good luck
trustworthy: /trs(t)wi/ (adj) able to be relied on
unfortunately: /nft()ntli/ (adv) unluckily
vacation: /vke()n/ (n) a holiday
wander (around): /wnd/ (v) walk or travel aimlessly
witness: /wtns/ (v) see an event (a crime or accident) happen


administrator: /dmnstret/ (n) a person responsible for the management

admission: /dm()n/ (n) the process of being allowed to enter an organization
apply (for a job): /pl/ (v) make a formal request or application for a job
available: /velb()l/ (adj) able to be used or obtained
candidate: /kanddet/ (n) a person who applies for a job
counselor: /kans()l/ (n) a person who gives advice on a specific subject
CV: /sivi/ (n) an account of a persons background sent with a job application
employee: /mpli/ (n) a person who works for a company
employer: /mpl/ (n) a person or an organization that provides jobs
employment: /mplm()nt/ (n) the state of having a paid job

feedback: /fidbak/ (n) information about reactions to a performance or a product
hire: /h/ (v) employ someone for a job
income: /nkm/ (n) money received for work
inspire: /nsp/ (v) create a positive feeling in a person
interactive: /ntraktv/ (adj) two sides influencing each other
letter of intent: /ltrvntnt/ (n) a declaration of the intentions of the writer
long-term: /ltm/ (adj) occuring over a long period of time
opportunity: /ptjunti/ (n) a chance for something
organizational skills: /()nze()n()l sklz/ (n) abilities related to the action of organizing
productivity: /prdktvti/ (n) the effectiveness of productive effort
qualification: /kwlfke()n/ (n) the fact of being qualified of a profession
salary: /salri/ (n) a fixed regular payment
short-term: /ttm/ (adj) occurring over a short period of time
with flying colors: (idiom) with success


ashamed: /emd/ (adj) embarrassed

audience: /dns/ (n) the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event
audition: /d()n/ (n) an interview for a particular role
cheat: /tit/ (v) act dishonestly to gain advantage
concerned: /knsrnd/ (adj) worried
consequence: /knsikwns/ (n) result of something
deceive: /dsiv/ (v) cause someone to believe something that is not true
destroy: /dstr/ (v) put an end to the existence of something
hand in: /hand n/ (v) submit or give
issue: /u/ (n) an important topic
it wasnt all roses: (proverb) there are unpleasant things to deal with
pollution: /plu()n/ (n) the presence of a harmful substance in the environment
regret: /rrt/ (n) a feeling of sadness or disappointment over something
scholarship: /sklrp/ (n) a grant or payment made to support a students education
wish: /w/ (n) a desire or hope for something to happen
work out: /wkat/ (phr. v) turn out all right in the end


blood, sweat, and tears: (idiom) something that requires effort and hard work
craving: /krev/ (n) a powerful desire for something
encourage: /nkrd/ (v) give support
leisure time: /ltam/ (n) free time
participate: /prtspet/ (v) take part
satisfaction: /sdsfk()n/ (n) fulfillment of a persons wishes or expectations
satisfy: /sdsfa/ (v) meet the expectations
take up: /tek p/ (phr. v) start
varied: /vrid/ (adj) different types or elements


allegation: /le()n/ (n) a claim that someone has done something illegal
communicative: /kmjunktv/ (adj) ready to exchange information
complaint: /kmplent/ (n) the expression of dissatisfaction
dramatically: /drmdkli/ (adv) greatly
fetch: /ft/ (v) go for and bring back
fierce: /frs/ (adj) showing aggressiveness
give someone credit for something: (idiom) believe that one is good at something
inquire: /nkwar/ (v) ask for information
lack: /lk/ (v) be without something
look into: /lk ntu/ (phr. v) investigate
mistreat: /mstrit/ (v) treat badly
open-minded: /opnmandd/ (adj) willing to consider new ideas
otherwise: /rwaz/ (adv) apart from that
profuse: /prfjus/ (adj) abundant
remorse: /rmrs/ (n) deep regret
resident: /rz()dnt/ (n) a person who lives somewhere on a long-term basis
slayer: /sler/ (n) someone who kills a living thing violently
sort out: /stat/ (v) arrange or organize things
suspect: /sspkt/ (n) a person considered guilty
unbearable: /nbrb()l/ (adj) not able to be tolerated
unexpectedly: /nkspktdli/ (adv) surprisingly


alter: /lt/ (v) change

attraction: /trak()n/ (n) a place which draws visitors or tourists
construction: /knstrk()n/ (n) the action of building something
consult: /knslt/ (v) ask for advice
demolish: /dml/ (v) pull down
epitome: /ptmi/ (n) the thing that is a perfect example of a particular type
initially: /n()li/ (adv) at first
miss the boat: (proverb) fail to take the advantage of an opportunity
monument: /mnjm()nt/ (n) a building, structure, or site that is of historical importance
must-see: /mst-si/ (adj) worth seeing
prohibit: /pr()hbt/ (v) formally forbid by law, rule or authority
replace: /rples/ (v) take the place of
ruin: /run/ (n) the remains of a building, typically an old one
temperate: /tmp()rt/ (adj) moderate or mild
urbanization: /b()nze()n/ (n) the process of making an area more urban


accurate: /akjrt/ (adj) correct in all details

do away with: /du:wew/ (phr. v) eliminate
equivocal: /kwvk()l/ (adj) undecided or irrational
evolve: /vlv/ (v) develop gradually
extinction: /kst(k)()n/ (n) the state of being wiped out
foresight: /fst/ (n) the ability to predict what will happen
hesitate: /hztet/ (v) pause in indecision before doing something
infuriatingly: /nfjretli/ (adv) maddeningly
insanity: /nsanti/ (n) extreme foolishness or irrationality
rebellious: /rbljs/ (adj) showing a desire to resist authority
retirement: /rtm()nt/ (n) the action of leaving ones job
speculate: /spkjlet/ (v) form a theory about a subject
suppress: /sprs/ (v) put an end forcibly
wealthy: /wli/ (adj) rich
yell: /jl/ (v) shout out loudly


accomplished: /kmpl/ (v) achieve or succeed

afford: /fd/ (v) have enough money to pay for something
celebrity: /slbrti/ (n) a famous person
conduct: /kndkt/ (v) manage or lead
defender: /dfnd/ (n) a person who protects someone or something
descendant: /dsnd()nt/ (n) a person that originated from a particular ancestor
excavation: /kskve()n/ (n) the digging in a site for archeological purposes
extinguish: /kstw/ (v) put an end
hard-working: /hdwk/ (adj) tending to work with commitment
impoverish: /mpv()r/ (v) make a person or area poor
investment: /nvs(t)m()nt/ (n) the process of investing money for profit
nomination: /nmne()n/ (n) proposing a candidate for election
nominee: /nmni/ (n) a person who is nominated for election
reveal: /rvil/ (v) make known
talented: /talntd/ (adj) having a natural ability to do something


amputate: /ampjtet/ (v) cut off a limb by surgical operation

commute: /kmjut/ (n) the regular travel between ones home and place of work
confess: /knfs/ (v) admit that one has done something wrong
diversity: /dvsti/ (n) a range of different things
highest rated: /hastretd/ (adj) having the best quality
keep up with: /kippw/ (phr. v) continue to be in contact with someone
launch: /ln(t)/ (v) start
look on the bright side: (idiom) view an unpleasant situation in a positive light
metropolitan: /mtrplt()n/ (adj) relating to a big city
settlement: /st()lm()nt/ (n) a place where people establish a community
surround: /srand/ (v) encircle



Base Form Past Tense Past Participle
be was / were been

begin began begun

break broke broken

bring brought brought

buy bought bought

build built built

choose chose chosen

come came come

cost cost cost

cut cut cut

do did done

draw drew drawn

drive drove driven

eat ate eaten

feel felt felt

find found found

get got got

give gave given

go went gone

have had had

hear heard heard

hold held held

keep kept kept

know knew known

leave left left

lead led led

let let let

lie lay lain

lose lost lost

make made made

mean meant meant

meet met met

pay paid paid

put put put

run ran run

say said said

see saw seen

sell sold sold

send sent sent

set set set

sit sat sat

speak spoke spoken

spend spent spent

stand stood stood

take took taken

teach taught taught

tell told told

think thought thought

understand understood understood

wear wore worn

win won won

write wrote written


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment,

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001.
DEMREL, ., ELT Methodology, Usem Puplications, Ankara, 1992.
Diller in Avrupa Ortak Bavuru Metni, renme-retme-Deerlendirme, T.C. Mill Eitim
Bakanl, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Bakanl Yaynlar, Ankara, 2009.
Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Pearson Education, Essex, 2007.
HORNBY, A. S, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005.
LENZ, P. ve SCHNEIDER, G., A Bank of Descriptors for Self Assessment in European Language
Portfolios, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 2004.
MCKAY, Penny, Assessing Young Learners, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.
MERDINGER, P. ve BARTON, L., Focus on Listening and Speaking, Pearson Education, New York,
Ortaretim ngilizce Dersi (9, 10, 11 ve 12. Snflar) retim Program, T.C. Mill Eitim Bakanl,
Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Bakanl Yaynlar, Ankara, 2014.
THORNBURY, S., How To Teach Vocabulary, Pearson Education Limited, Essex, 2011.
WALLACE, C., Reading, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.
WILSON, J. J., How To Teach Listening, Pearson Education Limited, Essex, 2011.


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