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10. Total reflux in a distillation operation requires minimum
a.) reboiler load
b.) condenser load
c.) number of plates
d.) all of the above
11. Overall efficiency of the distillation column
a.) ratio of number of ideal plates to actual plates
b.) ratio of number of actual plates to ideal plates
c.) same as the Murphree efficiency
d.) always more than the point efficiency
12. At a temperature of 366.4K, the vapor pressure of n-hexane and octane are 1480 and278
mmHg, respectively. Assume the hexane-octane system obeys Raoults Law and the total
pressure is 1 atm. Calculate the equilibrium liquid composition in mole fraction of the more
volatile component.
a.) 0.24
b.) 0.40
c.) 0.65
d.) 0.78

SOLUTION: since 1480 mmHg>278 mmHg; n-hexane is the more volatile component and is
denoted as A following B to be octane.
PT = PA + PB
PA= PA xA (Raoults Law)
PB= PB(1-xA) (Raoults Law)
Given PT =1atm=760 mmHg, PA=1480 mmHg, and PB=278 mmHg
760= (1480 mmHg)(xA) + (278 mmHg)(1-xA)

13. Based from the preceding problem, calculate the equilibrium vapor composition in mole fraction
of the more volatile component.
a.) 0.25
b.) 0.54
c.) 0.78
d.) 0.94

SOLUTION: Given the same parameters, n-hexane is denoted A and is the more volatile
Fr. Preceding problem: xA=0.4
( 760 ) (101.325)(0.4)
= =
YA= 0.7789
14. What is the relative volatility of benzene to pentane at 100F and 465 psia?
a.) 15.2
b.) 0.75
c.) 3.2
d.) 0.30

Using the Handbook, from Table 8-8
15. 15.1 The charge to a simple batch still consists of an equimolar mixture of hexane and heptanes.
If the relative volatility of hexane and heptane is 2 and 50% hexane has vaporized, what is the
mole fraction of heptanes in the total distillate?
a.) 0.37
b.) 0.46
c.) 0.52
d.) 0.73

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