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Jennifers Journal Reflections

Jennifer, a middle school earth science teacher, wrote down a vivid dream the Lord gave her the week
after school started. After she recorded the dream in her journal, each week she wrote down the scriptures
and messages she believed the Lord wanted her to receive from this dream, in the form of devotional letters
from Him. This is the sixth and final set of scriptures and letter she received.
.And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5)

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world [schools]. (John 1:9)

My Beautiful Pearl,
If you shine a light on a pearl, in what direction will the light be reflected? When a light shines on a sphere, such as a pearl
which is a three dimensional object, the light is reflected in multiple directions. Our Father created you to be a 3D educator. I want you
to reflect my light and presence, not just down to the students and staff below you in authority whom you serve, but also to those above
you in authority and to fellow staff members at your same level of authority.
Close the door to your classroom or office and privately pray for all of these people who have needs that can be met only
when you acknowledge me and work in unity with me. Nothing is impossible when you let me lead and follow my directions. I have
never seen a circumstance I cant change. We must regularly communicate with one another. As you privately pray and you pray in
agreement with other pearls, my Holy Spirit will come and give you directions on what to do to shine my light into their lives. My Spirit
may give you a word, touch, smile, lesson, activity or gift you are to give them. My Spirit may tell you to stop doing something that is
getting in the way of His work.
My pearl, I AM I AM and I AM this very moment holding you in my hand and lifting you up to the light. Dont reflect this light
just back to me and into the church, reflect it everywhere you go: home, profession, and community. Remember that you are 3D. You
are not just a picture or an idea of a pearl, you are the REAL THING and I highly treasure and value you. Be still and feel my hand. See
my radiance. Receive it and reflect it. Receive it and reflect it. Receive it and reflect it. You are a dazzling educator when you
acknowledge me and let me lead, when you let me bring you out of the dark box to hold and wear you. You are so beautiful. You are
so beautiful to me. Shine! Shine! Shine!
Your Light and Love,

Prayer: Lord, help us be 3D educators, to reflect more of your light in this profession. Hold us and shine on us in your schools.
Reflections: Am I a 2D or 3D educator? Am I privately and corporately praying for the needs of those below me in authority, above me
in authority, and those at my same level of authority? Why or why not?
Getting Real: Privately and corporately pray for those at all levels of authority in education.
CLASSROOM LIGHTHOUSE SERIES: Fields of Faith in Education (For info or prayer contact WEEK 8

FIELDS OF FAITH PRAYER: Lord, build and establish these schools with Your wisdom. Through love and knowledge, fill the students
and staff members with rare and beautiful treasures. Help the educators in these schools reflect your light to all in their profession. Use
the educators in these schools to feed your lambs and sheep, to transform wolves into sheep, and to lead youth to their hope and future
in You.

Baylor College of Medicine and University of Texas Houston Medical and Dental Schools (Houston Area Post-Secondary Schools)
Jackson Elementary and Long Elementary in Lamar CISD
All Public, Private, and Home Schools in the Crosby Independent School District Area
All Public, Private and Home Schools in the States of Hawaii and Idaho
All Public, Private, and Home Schools in the Countries of Burundi, Cameroon, Cambodia, and Canada.

Pat King and Project Friendship (CEAI Supported Ministry to Youth in China)

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