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EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Observation Task 4

Choose, justify and reflect on the selection of appropriate routines and explain practical aspects of
their implementation.

Reflect on how routines can impact classroom environment (pacing, preventive CRM,
student engagement)
Choose and justify the selection of appropriate routines (entering/leaving the class,
transitions, submitting work, resource distribution) in a range of contexts (ages, gender,
class size, school context, class dynamics, parental support)
Explain practical aspects of implementation (clear instructions consistency)

The task is made up of two activities:
Activity 1: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures
Activity 2: Planning for/Developing Routines and Procedures
You are to complete BOTH Activity 1 AND Activity 2.

Activity One: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures

Though there are many routines and procedures all over the school such as returning from assembly
or walking in the hallways, this task focuses on what happens inside of your classroom only.
During the first week of your teaching practice observe your MST and her/his classroom. Make a note
of five (5) routines that you see her/him use every day inside of the classroom. Fill in the table below
to describe EACH routine; when and where it is used; and what is the aim of the routine or the
student behavior that it hopes to achieve.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Name/Description Give the When and where Aim of the How did/do the students Document
of the routine instructions the routine is routine learn about this routine?
(If possible, take a photo
that the used? How is the routine
routine uses (what student reinforced? of the routine as it is
(e.g. at the end of behavior it
the school day etc.; hopes to (e.g. mentoring; classroom
happening, or of any
or to guide achieve) signs; reminders by the teacher; display related to the
presentations after use of peer interaction by the
group work) teacher to promote such routine)
behavior etc.)
1 Dont forget Reminders by the teacher
Attendance in the In the morning, in Take the
morning to the class responsibility Every morning the teacher
take one egg to do the reminds the students to do the
and put it in attendance attendance
your pictures

2 Know lets To memorize Mentoring and reminders by

Morning prayer read together In the morning, in it, and to keep the teacher
(e.g. Surah the circle time say it in every Every morning the teacher
Al Ekhlas) morning or in says lets start to say together
every day the morning prayer
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

3 In the circle Remained them

Rules time: cross to follow the Reminders by the teacher
your arms and In the morning, in rules, and to be
legs, zip your the circle time, a good student Every time when the students
mouth, and - before the lesson in the school. are sitting in the circle time
when they are To show them the teacher reminds them the
making noisy- that these rules, and the reward system
1, 2, 3, stop behavior that
(sometimes the school and
she uses the the teachers
bell) expect from

4 Now line up, Line up for the

Line up everybody transition, line up To learn how Mentoring and reminders by
stands and for washing their to be the teacher
line up hands (after the organized,
second period), respect the The teacher every time
line up before rules and the reminds them to line up, and
they take their line up they start to understand that
lunch boxes, line now we are standing in line
up to go to play in e.g. for transition
the playground,
line to come back
from the Line up for washing the hands
playground to the before the eating
class, and line up
for the bus
students to go (at
the end of the
day, after the fifth
Line up for transition
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

5 Line up, wash

Break time your hands, In the morning, To teach them Mentoring and reminders by
and line up after the second that is a time the teacher
again, now period for eating, it
take you isnt allowed to Sometimes the teacher uses
lunch boxes eat in any time the break time to punish the
and eat students with the bad
behavior, but after few
minutes she let them to go
and eat
6 (after the To teach them Mentoring
Playground break time), In the morning, that is a time The students now they know
line up to go after the break for playing, that when they finished their
to play time and dont play food they should stand in a
at any time line to go to the playground
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

After the Task - Reflection

Reflect on the routine of the classroom and how it is was effective with the students? Explain how this routine will affect student learning in
a KG class.

The routine is a sequence of actions regularly/orderly followed. The students will affect positively because they know what become after
this or after these action, and they feel safe and comfortable about what will become next. They will learn from the routine to build a solid
organizational structure, remember and think about what will happen after this action or after this position, and do what they should do.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice

Activity Two: Planning for/Developing Routines and Procedures

Plan the routines for one of your classes. The activity expects that you will teach the class. It
may be a class that you teach for an observation by your MST/MCT or just a practice class that
you teach with the permission of your MST. The lesson can be incorporated as one of your
formal observations if your MST/MCT decides. In order to complete the activity you are
required (whether the lesson is one of your formal observations or not) to fill in and submit the
planning sheet below.
Before you begin to complete the table talk a little bit about the class/lesson in which this plan
for routines is to be used. Include:

Lesson objectives
Main activities in the lesson
Grouping of students during each main activity
Behaviour expected during each activity (e.g. sharing resources; changing stations;
Where are the transitions in the lesson? What are they: (e.g. moving from plenary to
group work between main activity one and main activity two)

Class/Year Routine Routine Routine

Learning Objective of the Respect the To be Routine: do the attendance, say
routine/procedure rules and the organize the morning prayer, lines up for
(what it hopes to achieve) routine transitions between the activities
centers also from the class to
break time and after they finish
their eating to the playground
Anecdotal Evidence
(e.g. pictures of your class
during the routine; posters
of rules etc.)

Place in todays class Explain the Do the Play in the playground after the
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice

(when will you perform the lesson and activities in break time
routine) the activities the activities
in the circle centers
Importance to the smooth To know
functioning of todays class what should
they do after
this moment
How well did this routine These routines do it every day,
work in todays class so the students will learn the
organize and to feel comfortable
that they know what should they
If you had to teach this I will adjust this routine by
class over, how would you remained them every day
adjust this routine and why
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice

After the Task - Reflection

Choose 3 best practices you observed during your time in school. Reflect on these and consider
why you could implement these in a UAE KG classroom in the future. Explain how these
practices will affect student learning in a KG class.

The 3 best practices that I observed in the school are that when its time for lunch duty the teacher told the
students to wash their hands before they take their lunch boxes and eat. Moreover, when its time to go
home, the teacher shows the students who go to home by car videos about the lesson that they took in the
same day for example, if the English lesson about the letter P the teacher plays videos about this letter
again at the end of the day until all the students go to their homes. The third one is in the PE period the
teacher teach them about e.g. up and down by playing a game, counting the blocks, etc..

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