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When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth

seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic - Donald James [1931-2008] does not agree with everything that is found written by other authors in the archives
on this site. Rather, the archives at the Saxon Messenger are meant to be a collection of conspiratorial
history writings, early British Israel documents, Christian Israel Identity writings and similar literature
which have been written over the past 150 or so years, and which have helped us on our path to what
we now consider to be the truth. As a man (or woman) progresses through life and learns, he must
continually be able to change his opinions based upon newly-discovered or recently-learned facts. That
is how we grow, both as individuals and as a people.

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William Finck can be contacted by mail at:

William Finck

653 W 23rd Street

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Panama City FL 32405

Please do not address mail or other items to, as Christogenea is not a business or alias
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Why support Christogenea?

Christogenea is the home of the research, writing, translations, and other
works of William Finck, here at the main website and also at the Mein Kampf
Project, Saxon Messenger and Christreich sites. Additionally, it is four
streaming radio servers, a 24/7 chat server and a forum. It is also the home
of the works of Clifton Emahiser, and it is one of the most comprehensive
sites housing the works of Bertrand Comparet andWesley Swift. It also freely
hosts projects, websites or blogs for several other Christian Identity writers.
Additionally, William Finck develops, hosts, and does technical work
forCarolyn Yeager's website, the Fellowship of God's Covenant People, Mark
Downey'sKinsman Redeemer website and Christine Miller's website. Finck
also produces and maintains,, and also now
controls and and We also
host,, We sometimes provide
technical support for and Mike Delaney's other related
While we take no advertising, and never beg for money in any of our
podcasts, Christogenea is supported exclusively by books sales and
community donations. Christogenea is a huge endeavor requiring much
attention to meet our technical requirements and at the same time
produce some of the most scholarly content in Christian Identity. Please
help keep Christogenea going!

A Line in the Sand

It is the clear and Scriptural responsibility of Christians not to suffer

evil, to reject blasphemers, slanderers and anti-Christs, and every
patently false doctrine. Surely we can disagree about the little things,
but there are some things which I for my part simply cannot tolerate. Yet
a lot of people in the Christian Israel Identity movement have treated
the Paul-bashers who claim to be Christian Identity adherents with kid
gloves, and even as peers. They do so even while these Paul-bashers
slander every Christian Israel Identity pastor or writer who defends Paul,
and they slander them with impunity.
Christians have a clear scriptural obligation to substantiate the things which they profess. The apostle
Paul admonishes us to Prove all things; hold fast that which is good, while the apostle John further
warns us to believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false
prophets are gone out into the world (1 Thessalonians 5:21 , 1 John 4:1). Therefore the proper
acquisition of that proof requires an examination of both the message and the messenger.

The Valid Christian Ministry

Certain Christian Identity adherents have now and again come to the conclusion that they are tired of
hearing about the issue of race, and that they want to concentrate on so-called spiritual things,
imagining what life may be in the Kingdom of Heaven, and what our future is with our God. This attitude
is not a good strategy. While we certainly should all be engaged in prayer and have our sights set upon
the hope to come, we are still in the battle stage of our existence here in this life on earth, and this is
where Yahweh our God wants us to be, otherwise we would not be here at all. In fact, Yahweh God did
not preserve the Canaanites that the children of Israel may fantasize about how wonderful life may be
without them. Rather, Yahweh preserved them Only that the generations of the children of Israel might
know, to teach them war (Judges 3:2). Yet in spite of this, throughout scripture salvation is promised to
the children of Israel.

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