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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Allie King Date: Dec. 1,2017

Grade and Topic: 2st Grade- Properties of Operations Length of Lesson: 30 Minutes- 2 Days

Mentor Teacher: Brian Johnson School: University of Memphis IDT



This lesson plan is part of a unit plan on properties of operations. 1.OA.B.3

Given the properties of operations the student will have the chance to look up examples of the 3
operations and make a quiz for the three properties.
Given that they have completed making the quiz, the students will take the other students quizzes.

State/ District, Common Core Standards

L Math: 1. OA.B.3 Apply properties of operations (additive identity, commutative, and associative)
as strategies to add and subtract. (Students need not use formal terms for these properties.)

ISTE Standard

2. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of
media and formats

Computers (15)
Printer Paper
Notebook Paper
Pencils (15)
Headphones (15)
Internet Access-
Communitive Property-
Associative Property-
Additive Property-

Using internet in order to create a better/easier learning environment for the class. This can also teach the class
internet skills that can be good for their future.


The idea behind this lesson is for the students to learn the three properties of operations, as well as learn
how to use and create things online.
Terms in lesson- communitive property, additive property, and associative property
This builds on the previous lesson by having the same concept, but with different end goals.
I want to build on this lesson to create a better understand of the previous lesson, as well as teach the
class on how the internet can be used to father their knowledge.
I will need to plan differentiated activities because each child learns different.


Introduction: What will you do to help the students become focused or motivated to learn in this
teaching segment? At the time of the lesson I will tell the class that we are going to go back over and
cover operations again.
I will then tell them that this time we are going to create something similar but different.
Procedures: Provide a sequential (step by step) description of the procedures and activities for the
1st Day

Teacher Procedure: 10 minutes

1. After the introduction, I will follow with asking the students what they remember from the lesson
last time we covered it. Asking questions like: What are the three operations? What are the
differences of the three operations? I will give them a handout with a check list to follow for the
day and next day.
2. After asking the questions, I will tell them that we will be using the computer today to look up
examples of each one just like the last time we went over this. I will tell them that this time we will
use computers to create a quiz/test for the class. Each student will be assigned to a partner and they
will create a quiz/test with three (3) questions on it. They will then trade with their partner and take
one anothers quiz. The printing of the quiz and taking the quiz will take part on the second day.
Student Procedure: 15-20 Minutes
1. The students will answer the questions, followed by asking any questions they have.
2. Students will grab their computer from the cart that corresponds with their number. Theyll go back to their
seat and wait for instructions. Will watch video with ear plugs, if they need to be reminded of what the lesson
3. Will use paper and pencil to write down examples of the three properties that they will use for the quiz that
they will create on the next day.

2nd Day

Teacher Procedure: 10 Minutes

1. Will direct students to grab their computer and remind them that they will be making their quizzes today for
their partner.

Student Procedure: 20 Minutes

1. Will grab computers and open them and begin to work.
2. Students will use in order to create a quiz that will be printed out. The three questions must be
multiple choice.
Step by step-
1. Get computer
2. Log in with student information
3. Open Google and search for Quizlet
4. Log in to quizlet with student information
5. Create three questions
6. Come to me when done to make sure correct
7. Print off quiz
8. Give quiz to partner to take
9. Grade quiz based on 5/5

Closure: To close the lesson I will ask questions on if anyone had trouble, if anyone has any questions,
and if anyone learned anything new. By the end of the lesson the class will have a greater understanding
of the lesson we have covered in the past.

The goal of this is to make sure the class can use YouTube as well as Quizlet to create a quiz for their
classmates. The objective is to make sure that the information from the last lesson is still fresh on their

Property 0 2.5 5

Communitive Had nothing to Had problems but Had problems and

grade low had complete
understanding for understanding
Associative Had nothing to Had problems but Had problems and
grade low had complete
understanding for understanding
Additive Had nothing to Had problems but Had problems and
grade low had complete
understanding for understanding

For those who did not master the objective, I will work with them one-on-one in order to help them gain a
mastery of the lesson.

For those who have a great understanding I will have them make a quiz and give it to me for me to take. This will
show me how well they can create problems and see if they can create advanced problems.

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