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Psychomotricity emerged in order to fight the maladaptation of the psychomotor action, based
on motor, cognitive, affective and social development, yet it shows means of rearranging the learning and
teaching process.
The objective of this paper is to understand the role of psychomotricity in childhood
education, to highlight the importance of psychomotricity at initial grades (elementary school), to
establish the relationship between psychomotricity and School Physical Education and to analyze the
teachers role in School Physical Education in the development of psychomotricity.
In the study performed it is possible to observe that in initial grades, children in development
can absorb knowledge through playful games such as Tag and Escravos de J (a well-known children
circle game in Brazil) and therefore will be stimulating the child's cognitive, perceptual and motor
Psychomotrity is a global process which involves the whole body, having as goal the
enhancement of functional development, and its absence might harm the development on reading and
writing in early childhood education.

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