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Chelsea Sosa

Selena Wolf-Berkley

English 101-013

15 November 2017

Anti-Gun Control Debunk

Dear Editor,

Gun control is one of the most controversial issues in America. Following the many mass

shootings over the course of the 21st century, there have been waves of opposing views about

guns. Id never cared much about the right to bear arms (the 2nd Amendment). After Sandy Hook

and the many other shootings following it, I have not been able to grasp the idea on why people

still argue to keep guns? So many innocent lives have been taken because of how easy it is to

obtain a gun in this country.

You start off by mentioning how anti-gun politicians wasted no time in pushing their

agenda following the Las Vegas shooting before the facts were in. Instead of thoughtfully

considering solutions that might actually make a difference, they blamed the men and women of

the National Rifle Association. Failed crime prevention policy? Ignore it and blame the NRA. A

broken mental health system? Ignore it and blame the NRA. A violent Hollywood culture?

Ignore it and blame the NRA. Its preposterous. The NRA spends millions teaching safe and

responsible use of firearms. Yet the moment a criminal breaks the law, anti-gun activists blame

law-abiding gun owners. Thats nonsense. Im not saying its okay to completely blame the

NRA, but they are the biggest advocates, along with conservative politicians, for anti-gun control

laws and the protection of our 2nd amendment. Any time theres a shooting they are quick to

blame everyone else but guns. Isnt that what youre doing in your editorial? Pro-gun control
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advocates, like myself, are not delusional to ignore the attacker in all shootings. They are

monsters and deserve every blame for taking innocent lives. But who puts the gun in their hands

to do it? Who allows for him/her to obtain a gun in the first place? You bring up other issues to

blame like the mental health system, a violent Hollywood culture, and a failed crime prevention

policy. Yet the title of your article is focus on solutions, not ant-gun agenda. If youre going to

tell us to focus on solutions, while bringing up other issues that diverts from the problem of gun-

control, then shouldnt you also focus on solutions and not just a pro-gun agenda? If the issues

you brought up are relevant to the idea on why shootings keep occurring, shouldnt you be the

main one trying to find solutions to those problems to stop people from blaming the NRA? It

doesnt make sense for you to bring up other issues that you feel anti-gun advocates should

research solutions for, when it benefits you more as a pro-gun advocate. We dont really have

to do that work for you. If thats where you think the real issue stems from, then prove it. And

then give us a logical solution.

You also mention how the NRA spends millions teaching safe and responsible use of fire

arms. Thats great and all but dont we all have to learn how to drive and then take tests to obtain

the right to drive? And only to break the rules by speeding (admit it weve all done it) or any

other kind of reckless driving. We learn how to be safe and responsible but its up to us to

enforce that upon ourselves. And I understand unfortunately not everyone abides by the rules.

This can cost innocent lives. But having a gun is not a necessity. Its a right. A privilege. And

one that I dont necessarily care for because I myself dont believe in owning a gun.

You mention As usual, solutions by anti-gun politicians fail to address the underlying

issues of this horrific tragedy. Once again, we hear a call for universal background checks on

firearm purchases. Yet the murderer in Las Vegas passed background checks repeatedly. First
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of all, you didnt cite any source to confirm this. Second of all, these background checks have

been proven to be very minimal and frankly not extensive enough. According to CNN, its easier

to get a gun than a divorce, a passport, a drivers license, or even a pet. Background checks and

waiting periods are not extensive by any means when purchasing from a gun store. Private sellers

are even worse because in select states that are barely any hoops to jump through at all.

Following the purchase of a gun theres no probationary period even when youre a first-time

buyer. Obtaining a passport takes about six weeks after youve proven your status and submitted

the required paper work. At a gun store, all they have to do is run your name, pay for the gun,

and its yours. Pretty quick and easy. Private sellers in most states dont even require background

checks. Children are allowed legally allowed to possess long guns in 30 states because they do

not require a minimum age. If you want to purchase a pet usually you have to be at least 21, have

an ID, provide personal references, and in some cases home checks to ensure the home is a

suitable environment for the pet (CNN). There are clearly more laws and regulations that need to

be put in in the legal obtainment and possession of a firearm. It shocked me as I was doing my

research as to just how simple it is to get a gun. If they do house checks for a dog why cant there

be house checks for gun owners. Itd sure give me some piece of mind to know that some drunk

isnt freely owning a gun.

A gun is a weapon made to kill. People nowadays also use them for recreational

activities. But we cannot forget the reason why they exist in the first place, and how we have to

prevent them from getting into the wrong hands. Ive heard over and over again guns arent the

problem, people are but there hasnt been anything implemented that will protect innocent

citizens. Its time for a reform. Do not let those that have died because of gun violence die in

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Works Cited

Buchanan, Larry, et al. What Is a Bump Stock and How Does It Work? The New York Times, The

New York Times, 4 Oct. 2017,


Cox, Chris W. Focus on Solutions, Not Anti-Gun. USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information

Network, 31 Oct. 2017,


Criss, Doug. It's Easier to Get a Gun than to Get a Puppy. CNN, Cable News Network, 16 June 2016,

Ferdman, Roberto A., and Christopher Ingraham. In 30 States, a Child Can Still Legally Own a Rifle

or Shotgun. The Washington Post, WP Company, 27 Aug. 2014,


Welna, David. Some Gun Control Opponents Cite Fear Of Government Tyranny. NPR, NPR, 8 Apr.



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