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Chapter 1.


1.1 Introduction
Welcome to QUEST (Queuing Event Simulation Tool). The QUEST discrete event simulation package is a very powerful
simulation tool that will allow you to model and analyze complex systems. In this initial chapter we will discuss the best
ways to begin using QUEST. Topics covered include starting QUEST and the options available at startup, the file system
and user interface, and the various controls and navigation tools provided in the product. Some of the issues covered will
be detailed further in later chapters.
QUEST runs on both Unix (SGI, SUN, IBM and HP) and Windows based systems. The user interface is similar between
platforms, with minor differences taking advantage of the specific strengths of each platform.
At this point, you should have QUEST installed on your computer. If you have not done this then you should go to the
Installation Guide (supplied with the software) and install the software as directed there. If you have trouble in getting the
software to start after completing the installation process, you should refer to the Installation Guide or contact DELMIA.

1.2 Objective
The objective of this chapter is to show you how to start QUEST, load a model, and navigate through the various menus
and controls.

1.3 Starting QUEST

The installation process will create a menu item under Programs in your Start menu in the Windows version. It will also
place a shortcut on your desktop. On the Unix version, you will either have to create a start entry in your menu file or start
the product from a shell. This is discussed in more detail in the relevant Installation Guide.

1.4 Startup Options

QUEST is launched with a batch file (Windows) or script (Unix). The batch file sets the various environment variables
and then invokes the executable file that starts QUEST. The batch file is called quest.bat (Windows) or quest (Unix) and
is found in the DELMIA/quest directory. Shown below is the standard quest.bat file for the Windows platform.
@echo off



if %TMP% == set TMP=C:\tmp

if %TMPDIR% == set TMPDIR=C:\tmp

set LM_LICENSE_FILE= %DELMIA_PATH%\license\license.dat

set VIEWER_PROG=C:\PROGRA~1\Netscape\NAVIGA~1\Program\Netscape.exe


echo initializing and running % DELMIA_PRODUCT%

start /max %DELMIA_PRODUCT%.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

There are a number of setup options that you can configure in order to customize the way QUEST starts. Customizing
your startup can significantly reduce the time it takes to get started each day. It is also useful in creating a predefined
format for organizing libraries and loading models.
If you wish to locate QUEST or any of its components under a different directory structure then you will need to make
these changes when the product is installed. It is not advisable to move the QUEST system or data files after the product
has been installed.
Modifying the quest.bat file shown above generally creates a customized startup. The last line that launches the
%DELMIA_PRODUCT%.exe takes in up to nine arguments. These are indicated by the %1 through %9 shown above.
These options may be invoked by supplying the arguments to the quest.bat file in the command prompt or by deleting the
%1 through %9 in the batch file and keying in the desired argument. For example, to launch QUEST with a specific
license file the last line of the quest.bat file is modified as shown below:
start /max %DELMIA_PRODUCT%.exe L 530
This instructs QUEST to use license number 530.
The various options that you can invoke when launching QUEST are shown below:
-AA <mode> Launches QUEST on an SGI RealityEngine workstation using anti-aliasing. The optional
<mode> value is 4, 8, or 16 and is the number of pixel samples that the hardware uses when rendering. The
higher the number, the better the quality of the anti-aliasing but performance will be lower. Default value
for <mode> is 4.
-f Starts QUEST in full screen mode.
-i <string> QUEST loads with the specified string as the window and icon title. When used on the
command line, <string> cannot contain any blank characters. If this option is specified inside of the startup
script, a multiword string can be specified using single quotes, i.e., -i 'Version 2.4'.
-r <filename> Automatically loads the specified model upon startup. The .qpthfig should include all
necessary configuration files.
-v <xmin> <xmax> <ymin> <ymax> (Viewport) Launches QUEST with the screen viewport set based
on the four parameters entered. The first two parameters represent the X dimension of the screen. The
second two parameters represent the Y dimension. The zero-zero point for the window is located at the
bottom, left-hand corner of the screen. The parameter values are ratios. For the X parameters, they are the
ratio of the desired window height to the screen resolution. For the Y parameters, they are the ratio of the
desired window width to that of the screen. This is useful when you want to work in a window of a specific
size. For example, when you wish to create a NTSC video from a 1280*1024 resolution monitor, the
command line would be %DELMIA_PRODUCT%.exe -v 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.46875, resulting in a window of
640*480 resolution. On a Windows platform this option is the same as the -w option below. On a Unix
platform the -v option will not create a window, hence it cannot be minimized or moved.
-b To start QUEST in the batch mode and immediately invoke a BCL file. See Chapter 21: BCL.
-s To launch QUEST in the socket mode to allow communication with other processes on the computer
or network. See Chapter 16: BCL.
-w <xmin> <xmax> <ymin> <ymax> (Window) To run QUEST in a user-sized window in a specified
location on the screen. This option includes full borders, which allows the window to be sized, moved, and
iconized. It is specified by the four parameters following the -w option, which are floating point numbers in
the range [0.0 ... 1.0].
-L <license number> Launches QUEST with the specified license number.
CONFIGS/Configname Adding the library configuration file name of a particular project will
immediately append the relevant project upon launching QUEST. Although this is a valid startup option, it
is advisable to append all required library configuration files through the .qpthfig file.
Path to .qpthfig file This forces QUEST to use this particular .qpthfig instead of looking for one in the
user's home directory.

1.5 Configuration Files

The configuration file (config file) mechanism controls the information that QUEST uses when it loads up and it controls
how QUEST uses data for reading and writing. It provides a flexible way to organize data and re-use data in different
models. It also provides an easy mechanism for moving models from one computer to another.
QUEST stores all of its model-related data in a set of directories known as the Configuration Library. For example,
geometries used in the model are stored in the PARTS directory, kinematics are stored in the KINEMATICS directory and
so on. This method of storing data in different directories permits re-usability of data in different models. The location of
the configuration library (and all its sub-directories) is stored in a file called the Library Configuration File or configs file.
A configs file is thus an ASCII text file that contains a series of configs file directory specifications. The syntax of a
configs file directory specification is:

<path type>$LIB = <path name | file path name>



When a configuration file is read by QUEST, the configs file directory specifications are made available to QUEST. This
is how QUEST knows where to look for each type of data that it needs, e.g., model files, logic files, default geometries,
etc. It is advisable not to store any of your models in the default QUESTlib or quest directories. These should be write-
protected and read-only since any modification to these folders will change the default behavior of QUEST.
NOTE: When you start a new simulation project with QUEST it is always a good idea to create a
separate library for that project and save the entire project related information there. Chapter 5 of
the QUEST Tutorials online documentation demonstrates the method to create a new library.
Apart from the library configuration files mentioned above, there are three special types of configs files that may be
created and used with QUEST. They are:
.qpthfig This is the QUEST Path Configuration file and is accessed through File | Edit Config File. This
is where you define a CONFIG$LIB that points to a specific directory on your computer where all your
QUEST library configuration files are stored. You may also include specific configs files in the .qpthfig so
that these libraries are automatically appended when QUEST is launched. Example .qpthfig file:
CONFIG$LIB = c:/Projects/MyQuestConfigs/
Include quest
Include ProjectA.cfg
Include AgvProject.cfg
NOTE: When you include specific config files (as done above) it is assumed to be in the SAME
directory as specified in the CONFIG$LIB In the above example, the library configuration files
named ProjectA.cfg and AgvProject.cfg are assumed to lie in the directory

.qenvfig This is the QUEST environment configuration file and is accessed through File | Edit Config
File. This is where all your QUEST environment specific preferences are stored. The QUEST environment
includes settings such as cursor style, floor color, background color, grid size, font size, etc. This file is
created when File | Save Config File is selected. All the current preferences will be stored and used every
time QUEST is launched subsequently.
.qbutfig This is the QUEST button configuration file and is created when you select User | Save. This is
where the user button information is saved.
None of the three configuration files described are shipped with QUEST and the user must create them. They should be
located in the home directory. The simplest method of determining the home directory is to allow QUEST to figure it out
by editing/creating these files inside QUEST (use the File | Edit Config File option and select the "Write" button to save
the file when done).
NOTE: For more details on configuration files, refer to the Configuration Files Guide in the QUEST
Online Documentation.

1.6 The User Interface

The user interface is designed to allow you to navigate within the product with the minimum number of keystrokes, while
providing an easy-to-use and consistent approach. Shown below is the screen you are presented with when you first start
QUEST (on Windows). You should read Chapter 2 of the QUEST Tutorials in online documentation for further details on
the user interface. This chapter is also provided as Appendix A, The QUEST User Interface.
The user interface is split into five general areas on the screen as shown above. Models themselves are shown in the
middle part of the screen. The menus (or contexts on Unix) at the top of the screen connect you to the broad areas of
functionality in QUEST. These are defined in detail in the chapters ahead, but they are summarized here as an
The pages on the right of your screen are displayed according to the menu item you choose. These pages in turn contain a
group of action buttons that provide specific functions in the product. Note that in the following discussions the terms
menu and context, menu items and pages are used interchangeably, but refer to the same function.
The world controls give you the functionality to manipulate and move around the world (Model, CAD or Draw) that you
are currently working with.

1.7 Pull-down Menu Items (Context Buttons)

There are ten menus (contexts) in QUEST. Selecting one will activate a pull-down menu, showing a series of items (on
Unix, buttons are shown on the right hand side) and are invoked by clicking on the relevant item. For example, selecting
the Model menu will show a number of items such as Build, MHS, Layout, etc. On Unix systems, this user interface is
known as the three-tier interface.
The menus cover the following areas:

The file menu has file-handling functions including loading and saving models (with the same name or different name),
creating and appending libraries, and generally manipulating files.

This is the main model development menu that permits element and class creation, connections, 2D modelling, and
process creation.

This menu includes auxiliary model building menu that permits creation and manipulation of groups, popups, kinematics,
and display settings.

Run provides a number of controls to run and debug the simulation, and analyze the performance of the system by
gathering various statistics and reports.

CAD is used to import, create or modify the geometrical representations of the logical elements in the model. QUEST
provides a set of data translators so that layouts and components may be imported from other 2D or 3D CAD software

Draw is used for the creation or modification of 2D geometries.

The Tools menu provides a series of functions including dimensioning, measuring, and lighting. The items on the Tools
page are dependent on context that was invoked before the Tools context was invoked. The Windows functionality is
located under the Tools menu.

The User menu provides a series of user pages that you can customize. The user pages provide two distinct options for
customization. User buttons permit the duplication of any other button in the interface. This is very useful when you have
a limited number of functions that you use very often, but they are spread over a number of different pages. These buttons
may be collected and placed together on a user page for quicker access. User buttons can also invoke SCL or BCL

Pref allows you to setup preferences such as color, button style, grid size, and level of detail. This menu thus provides
options to change the look and feel of QUEST.

The help menu allows you to access the QUEST online help documentation and the button help. It also lets you determine
the current QUEST version, license number, options installed, and current user information.

1.8 World Display Buttons

The World Control Buttons shown below provide a combination of dialog boxes and functionality to manipulate the way
in which the current world (Model, CAD, or Draw) is displayed. This functionality is summarized below, more detail
may be found in Appendix A, The QUEST User Interface, or Chapter 2 of the QUEST Tutorials in the online
documentation supplied with the QUEST software.

QUEST provides a number of lights that can be positioned and turned on to provide enhanced reality and shadowing
effects. The Lights page allows the manipulation of the position of these light sources. After clicking on the Lights button
you can then move the mouse with either the left or middle mouse buttons held down to change the angle and elevation of
the light source relative to the current center of interest. This button works only when Pref | Shadow button is toggled on.

Clicking on the Camera button invokes the Camera Options dialog box and resulting dialog boxes as shown below.

Camera Specs This selection allows you to set the projection type (orthographic or perspective), the
image plane size, focal length and the field of view. It controls the perception of distance while looking at
the model.
Tracking This selection allows you to set the center of view onto a part or frame. As you run the
simulation the part or frame will be maintained at the center of view. This is particularly useful when you
want to follow a particular part as it moves through a model. The Cruise or Rotate world display buttons
may not be used when tracking is switched on.
Mounting This selection allows you to mount the camera on a part, frame (coorsys), or surface. Once
selected, the camera is snapped to the relevant place and moves with the entity to which it is now attached.
The "Grab by Part" selection causes the camera to be mounted in its current position relative to the selected
part, and as that part moves the camera will move to maintain the same position relative to the part.
Pan/Tilt This selection gives you the ability to pan/tilt the camera using the right mouse button (RMB)
and to change the field of view using the middle mouse button (MMB). Clicking on a specific point in the
model with the RMB immediately selects that point as the center of interest (COI).
Locate This selection allows you to translate the camera within the field of view.

Invoking the Fly world display button creates a small box at the center of view. Dragging the mouse with the left mouse
button (LMB) held down will cause acceleration towards the center of view. The same action with the RMB will move
you away from the center of view. Use the MMB to aim the view point in any direction.

Invoking the Rotate world display button and moving the mouse with one of the left/middle/right buttons pressed, will
rotate the view around the center of the model. You can also type rotations directly using the Rel and Abs buttons or snap
the rotation by 90 degrees in each direction with the Snp button.

The cruise feature is the most commonly used tool for moving around the world. If you move the mouse with the LMB
held down, QUEST will rotate the camera about the current center of interest (COI). Using the MMB will translate the
camera directly towards or away from the COI, this allows you to zoom in on a particular feature of interest very quickly.
The RMB provides two functions: If you hold down the RMB and move the mouse, QUEST will trace a circle around the
area of interest, as you release the RMB the camera will zoom towards the selected area. If you click on a specific point
with the RMB, QUEST will select that point as the COI.

The View button provides a series of dialog boxes shown below, to create and retrieve a set of standard camera positions
for a model. The standard views list box provides set views of the model based on the current center of interest. These are
useful, especially when you are operating with the camera in orthographic mode, for positioning elements in a model.
Standard Views This selection allows you to quickly set the view to one of six system-provided standard
User Views / User View Utilities This selection allows you to create your own views of the model. The
User View Utilities allows you to save the current view and invoking User Views will show all the user
views that you have saved so far. This combination is used when you wish to create a choreographed walk
through of a model either for presentations or for digital output such as videos or AVIs.
Display States / Display States Utilities Allows you to capture the general display conditions of a model
at a particular time. Selecting Display States presents a list of the display states that have been set up.
Find Element Allows you to locate a lost element in the world; which would usually happen when the
model happens to be a big one. This functionality prompts the user to first select an element. The selected
element is then centered and magnified. The hither plane will also be adjusted. The element will remain
highlighted while the camera moves in on the element. The number of steps is controlled by selecting the
Environment | Input button and changing the "Max Magnify Steps". All other elements are made
transparent at the end of the camera move. You may still be required to do some cruising to fully see the
selected element. However, the element will be made the center of interest, so further zooming should bring
the element into view. If you select an element with no geometry, like a path system, then a message will be

The Display button, in the Model world, invokes the World Display Mode dialog box as shown below.
Render This sets the render properties for all elements and parts in a model. This will override the
individual settings on parts or elements. The options are default, flat, smooth, wire, and transparent. Setting
the render to smooth will result in a higher quality view, but requires more system resources. Wire converts
everything to wireframe mode, while transparent turns all elements to transparent (that is, it will create a
see-through effect for all geometries).
The remaining selections turn the associated function on or off. Further discussion of the World Display
Mode dialog box is provided in Appendix A, The QUEST User Interface.

The Modes world display button brings up the Model Modes dialog box shown below and provides a series of options.

Multi Views Allows you to split the screen into a number of views of the same model. This is a powerful
function in both the CAD and modelling worlds. In CAD it can be very useful when you are working from
2D drawings, for example DXF. In this case you can split the views into plan and elevation views to build
up the 3D view. In the modelling world, split views are useful when you need to look at a number of parts
of your model at the same time. You can cruise in each of the views independently.
Stacking Mode This determines whether one or all of the parts in a buffer will be visible.
Entity List Order This defines the order in which the names of Via Points appear in any entity selection
dialog box for all Via Point selection options.
Indicate Point This defines the type of point picking when indicating points.
1.9 Using the Mouse
A three-button mouse is required for using QUEST. By now you should be able to start QUEST and move through the
general functions of the product. The three mouse buttons are a vital part of the user interface and contribute significantly
to the ease of use of the product. See Appendix A, The QUEST User Interface for more information on entity selection,
zip mode, and point indication with using the mouse.

Translating or Rotating Elements

The left, middle, and right mouse buttons (LMB, MMB, and RMB) are often linked to the x, y, or z-axis respectively.
This works when you are manipulating an element or CAD part, either using the Trn (translate) or Rot (rotate) buttons. In
either case once the button is selected, moving the mouse with the respective mouse button held down will move or rotate
the chosen element in one direction. If you select the Trn or Rot buttons with the RMB then the world will move to
wireframe for the duration of the function. This allows items to be manipulated more quickly.

ZIP Mode
Zip mode is the process of selecting a function with the RMB. Many functions have intermediate steps. Using zip mode
will skip intermediate functions where appropriate, generally assuming that the intermediate steps are a repeat of a
previous invocation. For example: If the Run button is selected with the RMB, then the run begins immediately using
previously entered values for the Run Time dialog box.
Zip mode reduces the number of keystrokes. It is advisable not to use the zip mode until you become familiar with

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